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Personify Your Depression: If my depression were a person... [fill in the blank]

wontwakewontsleep September 27th, 2017

Personify Your Depression: I learned about this coping technique today. Imagine that your depression is a person separate from you. The idea is that personifying our depression helps remind us that depression doesn't define who we are ourselves, and that invasive self-critical thoughts we experience often come from our depression and not our healthy minds. Some things to think about are: what kind of person would it be, what kind of hobbies would it have, what would it look like, what would its name be?

So, if your depression were a person, what kind of person would it be?

LilLlama July 13th, 2019

If my depression was a person, she would be very unhygienic and messy. She would be a scary creature. She would roll on the floor and put her feet on everything because she would knock everything off on purpose.

Rossafur July 13th, 2019

If my deoressiin where a persin they would aopear as normal as can be but surrounding them would be a feild of static blurring everything they touch, they be loud only shouting the worst things and taking little pains and gouging them untile they appear bigger.

They would be the ghost in the static messing everything they touch and distoriting it untile you can only vuagely understand what it is meant to be

J9SA July 22nd, 2019

My depression is a controlling bitch! She sucks me into her house and locks me in. I'll look through the window trying to reach out but I'm unable. The anxiety of leaving her house is too big. Every time I step in one of her traps her trigger alarm goes of and she takes me in. Then I don't know how to get out again. I hate myself for being so weak, I hate myself for falling for her traps, I feel so pathetic! The only one that gets me out of her grip is when I worship God. He takes me into His world and restores me.

plumHuman558 July 22nd, 2019

If my depression were a person, he would be my closest longest lasting friend. We met on my 18th birthday. He gave me one simple gift: isolation. I met real life friends since my birthday, but most of them have been lost because, with isolation, I transmitted confusion and hopelessness to them. After some time, he became more eloquent. He wanted to fit in, agreeing with my self-doubts so I'd go out with people more often and agreeing with them whenever there was a minor commotion between us. In this period, he sometimes sent me texts telling me that I'm unable to do certain stuff, but I was able to prove him wrong and push forward. My depression and I have drifted apart since I started to hang out with new friends. Him and I still contact each other, but not as often. Recently, he has been sitting with me every night even if we don't speak to each other as much as we first met. He's asking me questions like "are you alone?" or "are your friends 'friends'?". I try to ignore him, to no avail. So, I I'm trying to get rid of my depression, my closest longest lasting friend.

BrightblueSkies July 22nd, 2019

If my depression was a person shed be a shadow hidden in the corner. Sometimes shed whisper in my ear and sometimes she would stay silent and just let me feel the pain. But shed always be there, wherever I went. Shed fade into the background when I was with friends, for the most part, because shed know that theyd disapprove. She wouldnt hide because of that though, shed leave because her goal wouldnt be to kill me. It would be to hurt me as much as possible. And it would be infinitely more painful to have her whisper in your ear about your worthlessness when facing friends than alone. She would always be hurting. Hidden or not. Shed whisper in my ear about how my friends dont like me. Shed whisper about my failures, multiplying them. Shed whisper about anything and everything and just like whispers, theyd sneak and hide in my mind. Just small thoughts, all the time. But she knew that eventually the snowflakes would become an avalanche, and would destroy me then. But for the present, she was content to hide and whisper, hide and whisper. Because sometimes its also the small things that bring you down, and like always, she knew that. It would be like a bad relationship. Shed hurt and hurt and hurt and Id never leave. I mean I deserve it, right? And Id beg her not to leave, because with her gone, what would I have left? Myself? Come on, we know that isnt enough. If my depression were a person shed be a warped version of me.

krm2 July 22nd, 2019

She's elusive.

She coils around my ear, and whispers that I'm ok. I don't need help. This is normal.

She refuses to show her face until I'm alone, and then stands over me, recounting how much happier I'd be if I was 90lbs again.

She forgets that the last time I was 90lbs I was sick. And I was 13. And that I couldn't walk across a soccer field without almost passing out.

She remembers the flat stomach though.

And she lies to me. She runs her cold hand over the back of my neck and tells me how I don't deserve my girlfriend. How stupid it is to think I can actually love people.

She tells me I'm dumb. And cruel. And that it's my fault.

She spoons me as I try to sleep, and gives me nightmares.

And she shames me for keeping this to myself, or for asking for help.

With a smile, she makes me feel empty.

discreetVillage1991 July 23rd, 2019

They would be a person who always sees the dark side of things. They wouldn't want friends. They would lay in bed and stare at the ceiling all day. They would hate the light. They would wonder why they're so lonely, but at the same time they wouldn't want to make the effort to talk to people or make plans with people.

Shadysmama123 July 23rd, 2019

Depression for me feels like someone chasing me, no matter what I do or how hard I try to out run it, there comes a time when it grabs me.

Fixie July 23rd, 2019

If my depression were a person, I would punch it in the face and give it a hug. In that order.

loveisstrongerthanfear03 July 23rd, 2019

If my depression were a person I would sit it down and explain that it mattered.

skylarkfreedom July 24th, 2019

If my depression was a person I would give it energy drinks mixed with coffee so it would stop making me feel so tired and sucky.

skylarkfreedom July 24th, 2019

or maybe just leave it stranded and run like hell

integrityblues August 12th, 2019

My depression is just like one of those people that happens to call or text or knock on your door the very second you've gotten started on something you enjoy. They need your attention right there at that very second, and it sucks any good feeling you'd had before and only reminds you about being depressed or how the thing you were about to start wasn't actually that important after all.

blargy238 August 13th, 2019

If my depression were a person, I'd sit them down in a nice café, give them a cup of black coffee, and say "Stop hating yourself dammit"

reliableTiger8891 August 13th, 2019

@blargy238 if my depression were a person, id surround sit down with them on my bed and just stare at them in a comfortable silence. Because id know theyd breakdown and cry in the toilet, id lock my room door and just hug them forever. Id tell them its okay to feel this way and nothings wrong with them and theyd never be alone. Id also surround them around cute children as they dream of being a mother.

theolivetree4005 August 13th, 2019

@blargy238 if my depression were a person Id give them chocolate and a hug and tell them it was okay to cry because theyre still so strong and so loved and they always will be

KristaMelena August 13th, 2019

If my depression were a person I guess:

It's name would be GhanDool.

It's looks: It will be sticky and stenchy, with a pleasing fake evil smile on it's face, determined and relentless, the one that you can't get rid off...allways touching your mind and your body, always shoving itself under your skin as an imposed unwanted friend...

It's hobbyies are: feeding on energy, both mental amd physical. Putting people down every time they think of smth good depression comes with arguments to destroy that and thing about 5 things bad. Putting brakes on initiative. Every time somebody has an initiative and urge to do smth constructive it comes with arguments that it is not worth it, you are not able, everything will end up in failure, it will be gutile and in vain...also it likes to feed on dreams and peace of mind. It steals dreams and gives back nightmares, eats your peace of mind and it gives you insomnia, anxiety, fear, anguish and desolation and despair because it is generous with its gifts. It hasmany other hobbies's best one is to outlive you...

rera August 14th, 2019

If my depression was a person, it'd be that one friend that sits alone into a dark room listening to soft music, like Sad from InsideOut crawling on the floor, slowly dying.

SpursFan72 August 20th, 2019

If my depression was a person, I would alienate myself from it, the way I do everyone else in my life

AlexandriaChapple03 September 6th, 2019

@SpursFan72 I relate

kasperkat August 21st, 2019

if my depression were a person, it would have terrible fashion sense tbh

jazmine1986 August 21st, 2019

if my depression is a person , i'll tell him / her to GET LOST OF MY SIGHT as i don't like how i feel for a married man i know i shouldn't behaving or feeling for him but i'm so scared 😨 that one day i might lose him as a friend ... 😭💔😭💔 Urgh..Very AWFUL FEELING

shainat August 22nd, 2019

si mi depresion fuera una persona, me sentaria y le diria que no esta sola y que yo siempre la acompañaria.

HappyIsa291125 August 22nd, 2019

If my depression were a person I would like for it let me be when I'm with friends,thank it for letting me enjoy myself during the day and thank it for staying with me during the night when I needed something/someone.

FarhinTwinkle September 5th, 2019

If my depression was a person, I would let her cry as long as she wants and then tell her to vent out all the emotions that she's been holding up. Because all we need is to let these silence come out loud.

GhostlyLilian September 5th, 2019

My most depressed part has indeed a face. She's a little scared ghost child that feels there's nothing good in the world for her and that's just how things are. She's so sad and doesn't even know that it is possible to feel better and that she's allowed to. She often cries, cuddles herself, rocks back and forth and doesn't even want to be alive sad

I would try to reach her and make her feel worthy, important, safe, show her the good in the world, and be for her the person others failed to be

AlexandriaChapple03 September 7th, 2019

If my depression were a person...

It'd be a she..

She would follow me around telling me how dangerous life is.Constantly complaining about everyone trying to get close to me just to hurt my already almost inexistent shattered heart.

She'd always talk about the beauty of choosing when and how to go...

Let's go together, she'd say excited.who'd miss us anyway? Your dad? Your sister? Don't make me laugh Alex, you know how it only takes a few years to get over that kind of thing.

If my depression were a person, she'd put a knife in my hand and then yell at me for taking it, she wouldn't really want me to go, she'd be scared and angry cause she'd know me better than anyone else, she'd cry all day thinking about everything I've been through, not letting me sleep at night...

My depression would just want to find me happiness.

Dianems4875 September 7th, 2019

If my depression were a person...

She'd be me...because my depression IS a person.

wittyHuman9787 September 19th, 2019

If my depression was a person I would cry with it

weightybrain October 4th, 2019

If my depression were a person... It would be a prison guard who hates me. Cold, harsh, critical, mean-spirited, moody, impossible to make consistantly happy. Every once in a while benevolent if do what I'm supposed to be doing and giving me problem free time. But always willing to rattle my bars at a moments notice to show me who's boss.

menigma October 4th, 2019

If my depression were a person, it'd basically be a helicopter parent, except, an abusive helicopter parent.

They'd want full control over me and my actions, always expecting me to conplete things, and when i do them, instead of praising me, they'd call me trash, and make me feel like shit.

They'd always want me to pursue the best paths, the roads less travelled, those that require a lot of grit, then shame me when i do take that path. "You bitch, you really think you can do that?"

They'd always compare me to my friends, my friends who are prettier, more talented, and smarter, and scold me for being worse than them, "why don't you do yourself a favour and just die"

But they just want me to succeed at life. They know how cruel the world is and is cruel to me so no one else is cruel by comparison. They want me to be happy even with the toxicity that is me. Yep.

YourLittleFriend October 6th, 2019


For me, if depression was a person, it would be someone who looks exactly like me, haunting me with our similarity. She follows me around and although no one can see her, she is the only thing I can see. Some days she is right next to me, smothering me with her negativity, whilst other days she sits in the corner of the room. No matter what, she is still here, never giving me a break. Her hobbies include hurting me and breaking me down, feeding me with all my insecurities and demolishing my self-esteem. She feeds me lies that although I know isn't logical, I can't help but believe. The worst part is, the more time we spend together, the more I am becoming her. Now, I am just a shell of the girl I used to be, someone who I can't even recognise anymore, an exact replica of her, inside and out. And that's what scares me the most.

Rebekahwriter13 October 6th, 2019

I had made my depression into a demon that I call excuse my language but mofo. Anyway. . . I had a dream the other day that he was sitting on one bed and I was sitting on the other and no one was around (I live with family, so when they are gone I really notice)

The demon has red eyes, sharp teeth, messed up hair. with a face like his . . . I would be cranky too.

The demon laughed as I could not get my phone to work. The only thing that worked was a dim light. I freaked out as I looking for a way out and yet the demon just kept laughing. . . the irony is what I felt like for two years, stuck and alone.

My friend reassured me that he is not going anywhere after I told him about the dream.

TheSilentSpectator October 7th, 2019

If my depression were a person....

She would be the friend I searched for in everyone, the one who stays by my side all the time without asking and who keeps me awake at night. The one who barges into my personal space like she owns it and never leaves my side. The one who knows all my secrets and lies. The one friend who tells me at the end of the day 'I told you so' when my trust is broken by my loved ones. She would be the one who helps me see the harsh realities of life even though it hurts. A friend that I never asked for and can never get rid of.

If my depression were a person....

He would be my lover my Mom told me to stay away from because he's too dangerous for her little girl. The one with tattoos of ugly words inked on him. The one who is happy in my sorrow. The guy who keeps me as a prisoner and refuses to let me go. I'm the one for him but he is not the one for me. The world tries to save me from him but this heart keeps going back to him ; for the pain he gives is much better than the loneliness of this world.

If my depression were a person....

It would be me. Like the way I see myself in the mirror. Like the I way I feel everyday. Like the soul to my existence. She cannot be removed from me and I cannot be removed from her.


proxi223 October 10th, 2019

if my depression were a person it would be the shadow monster that sits on your chest making you feel like you're unable to breathe during sleep paralysis.

you can't move a muscle. you can't scream, why would you? no one knows how to help you. no one wants your baggage, the shadow would tell me.

you're stuck here. no way out. paralyzed, seemingly forever, no end in sight. until the moment it lifts for just a day or two, maybe a week or more.... and then you inevitably fall asleep again, and the process starts all over.

Raya501 October 11th, 2019

If my depression were a person, I would sit with it, befriend it and tell it I relate to what it feels

LightBlueStar October 11th, 2019

If my depression were a person they would say "You aren't going to make it anyway. Why try?" Then they would get angry when I stop trying. "Why are you stopping? You are better than this! No. Don't start again. You obviously can't do it. Someone else will do it."

My depression convinces me to delete my post it becasue it's dumb.

It distracts me while I'm trying to work. It puts a fog around me when I read technical documents. "Does the A wire connect to the B wire? Are you sure? You used to know this. You should know this. You've been doing this for 15 years. Why don't you remember? What do you mean you are confused?"

My depression cuts me off from my family and friends. "Don't tell your husband. He will try and 'fix it' instead of listening. He will see all the bad and think you are weak. He will feel sorry for you. He will have to try and fix you. You will stress him out. Your friends don't want to listen to you complain all the time. Don't bring the group down."

My depression would have me stay at home. My head stuffed in a book or video game. "Don't think about being sad or trying to get better. Have an adventure instead. Look, reading is smart. Video games are task accomplishment. That rush you feel is the same as being well. Who cares if you watched 30 youtube videos in a row. At least you know how laffy taffy is made."

My depression is that person that convinces me to be a mindless lump. Then gets angry at me for not doing anything all weekend. "The dishes are piling up, and so is the laundry. Your husband did the vacuuming and took those boxes of trash to the dump like you've discussed. And you can't even put the dishes in the dishwasher. Worthless."

My depression makes me fight to accomplish a real world task. I'm in combat every day. Fighting off what it tells me with what I yell back at it. The depression isn't getting louder. It is unrelenting. My voice is getting weaker.

My depression is a bad habit enabling, vindictive, sad, and angry person. My depression is me.

obsessivecompulsivegear December 4th, 2019

My depression is that one person that doesn't leave you alone.

Talks all day and texts all night.

Distracts you.

Keeps you from being... you.



Wants me to suffer.

feelitinyourbones October 11th, 2019

If my depression were a person it will be so much more easier for me because then I could kick and beat the c...out of it and send it reeling and crying for a change...yes I sure hope depression could materialise in some way so that...

lycan9826 October 20th, 2019

If my depression were a person, well more like creature, it would pretty much look and act like a deathclaw from the fallout video games.

If it were a person though, it would look like my best friend, but would be a twisted, evil, judgmental, violent version of such, pretty much the exact opposite of how my (ex) best friend is really like.