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Personify Your Depression: If my depression were a person... [fill in the blank]

wontwakewontsleep September 27th, 2017

Personify Your Depression: I learned about this coping technique today. Imagine that your depression is a person separate from you. The idea is that personifying our depression helps remind us that depression doesn't define who we are ourselves, and that invasive self-critical thoughts we experience often come from our depression and not our healthy minds. Some things to think about are: what kind of person would it be, what kind of hobbies would it have, what would it look like, what would its name be?

So, if your depression were a person, what kind of person would it be?

Sarinite October 29th, 2019


I so get the Desthclaw comparison it's relentless, almost impossible to battle and never gives up.

calmHand123 October 20th, 2019

If my depression were a person we both would sit and do nothing,nothing at all,would want nothing need nothing,talk nothing. Basically we would just sit and be miserable,neither him nor I would have that strength to tell that it's going to be alright be strong ,live life a little GET UP. Stop typing on your mobile and really get up! Dude!...

reservedexcitment October 26th, 2019

Depression is a stalker. One that knows where you are at all times, knows what makes you tick and gives you tinted sunglasses to wear.

blueTalker142 October 28th, 2019

If my depression were a person it would be an asshole. It would be the typical high school bully who only kicks you when youre down, and only strike when you least expect it.

adventurousAcres6708 October 29th, 2019

If my depression were a person, she would be my best friend. She is always in my corner and the most loyal person I know. Everytime I want to go out, she is always there to tell me I maybe should change or I should just stay in the house. She makes sure that I am always well rested and sleep more than I should. She doesnt want me to gain weight so she tells me what I should and shouldnt eat. We are together 24/7 and she really has become a part of me. My other friends dont really like her, even though they havent really met her. She tells me that they arent really my friends and I should leave them alone. I cant help but to love her because Unlike my other friends, nothing in the world (not even medicine) will make her stop loving me.

anabellamia1189 November 4th, 2019

if my depression was a person they would just follow me everywhere and tap on my shoulder to get me to pay attention, and theyd sneak into my thoughts and convince me that im alone

lycan9826 November 6th, 2019

If it were a creature:

A deathclaw or a sentry bot from Fallout

A Thunderjaw from Horizon Zero Dawn

A Bouncer Big Daddy from Bioshock

A Dwarven Centurian from Skyrim

If it were a person:

My best friend(if she was a vampire or an evil, violent, heartless, version of herself)

My other best friend (if she was super heartless and cold) she is a marine so given my mistakes she could be this way towards me.

A bounty hunter relentlessly hunting me.

A judge sentencing me to a life of suffering, broken dreams.

OGpotatochip November 7th, 2019

If my depression were a person, it'd be my ex-boyfriend. He'd wrap his arms around me and pull me to the bed, holding me in place so we'd just lie there lazy and content. If I'd want to get up and run around, go climb a tree or bake souffles, he'd just groan and pull me in closer.

"Five more minutes," he'd whisper lazily into my ear, and there we'd lie there like that for an hour.

And when I'd grow restless, feel like a bird caged in within, I'd insist that we get up and do something more. He'd just pout and say that he's tired and really can't now, that we'll do something more on some other day. And although I feel restless and hopeless within, I'd tell him that its ok, too dishearted to put up a fight, too cozy to climb out of his arms, and I let him win.

RawiyaIshana November 7th, 2019

If my depression was a person...

it would probably look a lot like a younger version of myself, except wrong in all the important ways (e.g. the feature I'm proudest of, my eye color, being different, or my hair, which is nice and long since it calms me to braid it and helps me think clearly and objectively, being cut short). It would presumably act a lot like my cousin, which is to say hurtful in a way that is impossible to determine whether it is intentional or just uncaring.

It wouldn't sound like amonster either. That would insuniate it to be something aliien, intrusive in such a way it didn't start in my brain. It would have a soft and warm voice, the kind of voice a mother gets when reading a bedtime story. However, it would also sound a lot like my own voice. Nothing is more hurtful than your own negative thoughts, and with your own voice the effect would be so much more devastating.

It would be cool to touch though. Not uncomfortably so, but enough to be notable. It is a thing of death and despair, and it seems to suck all warmth from me, so I can't imagine it to have any even remotely healthy temperature.

The colours would also be muted. And it would not, at any point, emote.

DivineExorcist November 13th, 2019

It would look like a wasp with spider legs honestly. No one wants me around when I'm down

lonelymoochi November 13th, 2019


bugabooashly November 13th, 2019

If my depression were a person it would be expressionless, dark, lonely. It would tell me I can't do it, I'm not worth it, and don't even try. It would tell me to keep my feelings to myself, to hold on to the secrets and lies inside my head. It would tell me other people don't care and don't want to be bothered by my problems. It would shame me for all the bad decisions I made and do it's best to prove to me I deserve to be sad and lonely. It would be clothed in guilt, shame, and sadness. If my depression were a real person I would just hug it until it felt better and remind it that we are not alone and that someone does care heart

rationalKiwi5780 November 14th, 2019

If my depression were a person it would be a giant, twice my size, punching me into numbness

PotatoNug November 14th, 2019

If my depression were a human it wouldnt go to school, it would stay hidden in my room because that's the only room I let it in. Nobody would ever seen them with me because I dont let them see us together. My depression would never smile. It would sit in the corner of my bed and whisper to me as I try to sleep, "they hate you. Your a burden" they would have dead black eyes and dark hair, but pale sickly skin. The would sit with their knees pulled up to their chin with messy clothes they havent changed in a while. And they would smell because what's the point in showering

dworth257 November 14th, 2019

My depression is me. She's afraid of hope and refuses to let me have any. She takes everything and throws them around my brain and holds them there. Sometimes the pain is unbearable but at other times it feels like safety and familiarity -- that's what she wants.

dworth257 November 14th, 2019

@dworth257 me but an alternate version*

IndigoParkbench November 14th, 2019

My depression is the fun guy you go on road trips with. He plays good music and invokes a deep line of conversation and then when you feel like youre going ok, he rips the handbrake on suddenly....just to see what happens. We survived another car wreck! We learned something didnt we? Well yes, but now we are hitchhiking you dingbat. Then he ties your shoelaces together and continues to blame you for having poor choices in friends and I should have known better not to bring him. Forgive me for having faith to inspire change, wrong! Have a face full of pocket sand! Then he dacks me on the side of the road so no one stops to pick me up.

lenare November 14th, 2019

my depression wouldn't be a person, but an ugly raven. in my good days it would just fly above me, in circles, always watching, and in my bad days it would grasp it's claws in my shoulders so hard it makes me bleed and talk to me about how ugly and worthless I am, telling me I'm just a burden and it would remind me of all my mistakes and things that ashame me. and it's heavy, so heavy it makes walking and living so hard, pushing me to the ground and only letting me lay in there, just breathing. and sometimes even that it's too hard.

TwistedFate1324 November 14th, 2019

I feel like everyday is just a struggle, I want to do something with my life I need someone in my life.

Aladesesperadayeso November 14th, 2019

If my ddepression were a person it'll be Nick Cave but with bad voice and bad taste on clothes laugh

LiaMaria666 November 21st, 2019

If my depression were a person it would be my ex partner from a toxic relationship who wants to control every aspect of my life. They wouldn't leave me alone or accept a no. Grant me to laugh and enjoy life. They would never let me break up with them. I try to run away from them, escape them, but they always outrun me. When I try to loosen their bonds they pull them even tighter - around my neck, so I can't scream for help, around my chest making me gasp for air, around my feet to keep me from running. I never win trying to fight back, it only makes me exhausted, want to quit. To just give up and surrender myself into their arms to hopefully once and for all end this pain I am constantly in. They would have what they always wanted, and I would have peace … But is this peace? Is this what I really want? Maybe … or maybe not.

I don't know if I will ever completely escape them, let them go. They are a part of me, but at the same time I am a part of them. Meaning if they were able to influence my life and at some point even control it, I am able to do the same. I can keep them within their bounds. At one point in the future live my life independently from them and we will no longer be enemies. I will no longer have feelings for them and we will go our ways separately, only meeting to say "Hi, how are you doing?" And I will answer "I am fine" and for the first time meaning it.

Archer87s November 21st, 2019

If my depression were a person, it would be a hermit because when it takes over, I disappear from the face of the planet and ostricize myself.

lycan9826 November 22nd, 2019

It would be like the SA-X from Metroid Fusion.

perennialdepression December 2nd, 2019

My depression is a vile, vulturous creature, feasting on everything wholesome and beloved in my life. Though it perches upon my shoulder, I feel its weight most heavily in my chest. Somehow it both vacuums the air from my lungs and crushes my very will to live. Its sharp talons rip my skin to shreds, but I am numb to the pain. Constantly, it hisses into my eardrums, "Failure, lazy, good for nothing, loser, worthless, broken." Every day, I am dragged further down. Unmotivated. Self-Hating. Wasting Away.

It seems it must surely have killed me and picked through my remains. Now I lie and wait for flies to buzz around my hollow, dispassionate corpse, rotting over time.

How can I possibly hope to subdue this gnarled, twisted being so entangled with myself that I cannot tell where it ends and I begin?

Skill3t December 6th, 2019

if my depression were a person, it would constantly be looming over my shoulder. Some days i would feel like i'm free from it, but it'll still be there.

it would call me things that i wouldn't say the the worst person in the world. it would convince me i don't deserve any of the compliments i'm getting.

it would refrain me from getting help.

it would look like me.

ShadowDance December 6th, 2019


I could describe it in a similar way. Thanks for posting this it helped me relate to you as well.

agreeableBalloon9122 January 11th, 2020


If my depression were a person, they would be my friend who would look angelic, telling me to trust them. I would slowly begin to trust it, the toxicness getting inside of me without realizing. Depression would make me do things I didn't want to and if I didn't listen it would make me feel guilty. Depression would whisper words in my ears telling me I'm not good enough and make tears fall out of my eyes, depression would hold a blade for me and make thin lines of red on my hands. It would suffocate me and try drown me all alone.

Suhlkia January 14th, 2020


If it were a person, it would be like someone who keeps criticizing my every action and insist they're right as they're some authoritative figure.

lavenderBranch1489 January 14th, 2020

@Skill3t, this resonated with me. I'm sorry you feel this way, and I'm sorry that I can relate with this. But, if it helps, you're not alone.. mine looks like me too, and it's never been nice or comforting. Always mean.

Iwantadegree December 28th, 2019

My depression is already a person. My brother. But he would be dangling a degree over my head before throwing it in the fire. And then chaining me to my house and eating all my food. And stealing my money.

ABurningLight65 January 1st, 2020

if my depression was a person then he or she would be very toxic. like, they would tell me they are gonna let me live, but then again come suffocate me to nearly death.

If they were a person then they would keep knives and sharp things with them at all times. and use them on me likewise.

If they were a person, they would be my abuser, my enemy. I would do anything to just escape. escape to i don't know where. but i would definitely escape.

dworth257 January 1st, 2020

people i know with bizarre new and evil personalities

OmegaWolf80 January 3rd, 2020

If my depression were a person, it would be a toxic friend who gets jealous when I spend time with others. She would want me all to herself so she tries to keep me from talking to people. She also gets jealous of my happiness, so she tries to prevent me from feeling it. She attacks me hardest when I'm home alone without someone to distract me from her, and she whispers hurtful things about me into my ear.

inventiveHuman8109 January 3rd, 2020

It would hide its pain with a smile & cry in the dark. No one would get in for fear of being betrayed again.

foggymornings04 January 3rd, 2020

If my deppression were a person, they'd be a hermit in the woods with no friends. Terrified to leave the house, afraid that when they go out, they'll outstay their welcome. Cowardice, tired. Dust has settled around and on them because they haven't moved in so long. Their voice would be like cicadas in the summer heat, their eyes burning from not even having the energy to close. Their lips would be chapped from crooked smiles that spit out jokes about how horrifying everything is. Kind of like a Foster The People song. Sounds happy, but if you actually care to listen, you'll find its the exact opposite.

TartRipeApples January 3rd, 2020

If my depression were a person it would look like an army tank chasing me in a field of corn where when i make a move to get away, the corn i move gives away my location, and the chase is on again. This has gone on for so many years now that i dont move. Im stuck in a feild of corn with my fear and i cannot see the threat, but know its thete waiting for me to try again. I'm worn out, my legs cannot run anymore and the fear has corroded my life in so many way that i think about walking towards the sound of the tanks engine idling, but the low rumble is hard to pinpoint. I want to give up so i walk slowly with my white flag held up and i want this to end.

TartRipeApples January 3rd, 2020


TartRipeApples January 3rd, 2020

originalScenery4691 January 3rd, 2020

If my depression was a person....

they would be old, and tired,and carry a huge burden on their back.
They would be trying to surmount an insurmountable mountain.

They would be a mute wearing all black with withered skin and deep grooves on their cheeks from unending tears.broken heart

TartRipeApples January 3rd, 2020

If my depression were a person

This would look like the people i trusted, cared for, and loved all showing their true characteristic evilness, back-stabbing, self-serving selves, but without their masks that always tricked me in the past so they could appeal to my good nature and willingness to help. I want to see them for who they really are. Strip away the coniving charm, the fake smiles, and the masks so we can all see how ugly evil and destructive you really are. I suspect them to be monsters with beady eyes, mouth breathing rotton smelling foul pond scum dwellers that would lie lie lie lie lie, and steal dreams, betray trust, and gossip just to hear their own voices. Pain ammusses them.