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Personify Your Depression: If my depression were a person... [fill in the blank]

wontwakewontsleep September 27th, 2017

Personify Your Depression: I learned about this coping technique today. Imagine that your depression is a person separate from you. The idea is that personifying our depression helps remind us that depression doesn't define who we are ourselves, and that invasive self-critical thoughts we experience often come from our depression and not our healthy minds. Some things to think about are: what kind of person would it be, what kind of hobbies would it have, what would it look like, what would its name be?

So, if your depression were a person, what kind of person would it be?

dworth257 January 3rd, 2020

@TartRipeApples yup, apparently

dworth257 January 3rd, 2020

@TartRipeApples Danielle

aquaCranberry7456 January 5th, 2020

I dont know youre situation, but Ive feel betrayed by the lies of someone I care about. For years I blamed myself, Im not smart enough, cute enough, blah, blah, blah. Those feelings still creep in, but mostly I think this other person I hurt and a mess and the actions have little to do with me, @TartRipeApples

dworth257 August 15th, 2020

@TartRipeApples this is so clear now. thanks for illuminating this for me.

dworth257 January 3rd, 2020

i want to be wrong so bad why is this happening the less privacy i have the worse the anger

aquaCranberry7456 January 5th, 2020

I don

inadequateLight January 5th, 2020

My depression is the warped faces of the people I once loved dearly slowly fading from my sight.

infinitefinity January 5th, 2020

If my depression was a person, it would be the friend I never had. A comfort, a melancholic happiness. The toxic friendship would never mean so much to me. It would always be there at the end of my day and at the beginning, nveloping me, always, in its breadth. Sure, many of the times it can be quite retentive and possessive, but even if spending entire weeks and months with, it never seems to get old. After all, it's like the friend I never had: the worst, most toxic friend that I never need.

homoinsapiens January 5th, 2020

I'd call her Cancer.

How are you, Ms. Cancer, today?

Aww, fine, just about to have an awesome lunch!

Bon appetit, I'd reply, wanting she choked.

wontwakewontsleep OP January 10th, 2020

@homoinsapiens - I love this. Every time you have a depressive thought, it's okay to think something like, "Be quiet, Cancer!" and go on with your day. Thanks for sharing this!

Livefree111 January 5th, 2020

My depression is the other side of my, the side that know one sees.

lonelykitten24 January 5th, 2020

if my depression was a person thy would be a dark shadow that follows me everywhere they wold shapeshift into friends or family and quote things they said to me that hurt my feelings and they would make me believe them. Everytime I would look in the mirror I would just see a worthless being with a shadow telling me how useless I am.

dworth257 January 5th, 2020

@lonelykitten24 me too

NiniTheTomato January 7th, 2020

If my depression were a person, it would be the only person that I know would never leave me. As horrible as that sounds, nothing in my life lasted very long. Nothing good at least. But my depression was always there, ever since I remember. It's terrible, but it's all I have.

Vithlanirv January 10th, 2020

It is like a devil that stays with you.

driftingship January 11th, 2020

That would be easy, then I could kick its ass...

CelestialPheonix January 12th, 2020

If my depression were a person, they would be chained to me and every time I try to raise myself up they just punch me back down and place doubts in my mind again.

RationalWest January 12th, 2020

If my depression was a person it would look like my 5 year old self. That's when it all started or the first time I remember.

redSailboat4326 January 13th, 2020

If my depression were a person, I'd call it society.

dworth257 January 13th, 2020

it feels like a giant shroud around me at all times trying to leak into the crevices of my brain. the shroud contains the critical eyes and ears of the whole world

95969 January 14th, 2020

They would be a serial killer. They would hunt down and kill anyone I love , anything I love and get away with it to kill again.

dworth257 January 14th, 2020

somebody following me around at all times to ridicule me

lavenderBranch1489 January 14th, 2020

A girl on my shoulder reminding that nothing I do will be good enough and I will never be as perfect as those around me.

cliffhangers January 14th, 2020

My friend...

Sumar2 January 14th, 2020

If depression were a person it would be someone who incessantly talked very loudly non stop. Their words would be swirling around in my head never letting me have a thought of my own, causing me not only to feel depressed but anxious as well.

geM3409 January 14th, 2020

if my depression was a person, it would be an obsessive, paranoid killer that showed no emotion. killing every good thing i love whether it be a hobby, relationship, or anything related.

Cursor January 14th, 2020

They would be lazy as hell

sensitiveSailboat January 14th, 2020

Who destroys everything including myself

perpetualfear January 14th, 2020

He'd be a combination of Hearth, Despair and Sorrow. Possibly Evil but he tends to be too lazy to count. He'd be constantly afraid, cold and unfeeling and spend a lot of time crying.

Mariarpk January 15th, 2020

It would be a person that is always slowing me down, holding my hand and endlessly whispers the same things into my ear, until I fall apart.

StormEpos January 18th, 2020

Depression is a person piggybacking as I go about my daily tasks. Hes not too tall, not too large, but still a little heavy if Im honest. I dont like to complain. Hes charismatic, if not particularly striking, but its difficult to pinpoint his charm. He keeps me company though; whispers as we walk and comments on my day:

Oh wow, they look so happy!

Oh yeah, its nice that he has friends.

Im so glad they had fun. They wouldnt have enjoyed it as much if youd been there.

Youre looking so healthy! Pity I cant see your hipbones though...

By the end of the day Im really battling to walk. Hes not any heavier, Ive just been carrying him a long way. He seldom climbs off, and I never ask him to. Ive grown pretty used to him in a way. Hes almost like a friend.

GoodTrouble19 January 18th, 2020

The worst kind

218am January 18th, 2020

An obsessed stalker who threatens me and makes my life worse

ZimbaSh January 18th, 2020

I imagine it as some kind of a red dragon sitting on my shoulders, not letting me breath properly

calmLion5664 January 19th, 2020

A rollarcoaster of emotions

Aprilrenee January 20th, 2020

My depressipn as a person would be me. Constantly in my ear telling me my faults. My insecurities. My greatest regrets. The times I felt inadequate. Telling myself to just give up. Constant insults and attempts to put me down when I feel even the closest thing to happiness. That's probably what my depression would be as a person

Innocentkitten January 22nd, 2020

@Aprilrenee Very well written. I can relate.

Aprilrenee January 22nd, 2020

@Innocentkitten its nice to not feel alone in this

Innocentkitten January 22nd, 2020

@Aprilrenee Agreed. ❤

Goldcherry2113 January 22nd, 2020

It would be a killer