Personify Your Depression: If my depression were a person... [fill in the blank]
Personify Your Depression: I learned about this coping technique today. Imagine that your depression is a person separate from you. The idea is that personifying our depression helps remind us that depression doesn't define who we are ourselves, and that invasive self-critical thoughts we experience often come from our depression and not our healthy minds. Some things to think about are: what kind of person would it be, what kind of hobbies would it have, what would it look like, what would its name be?
So, if your depression were a person, what kind of person would it be?
A person that enjoys seeing people hurt. Someone that feeds off others pain. Selfish. Demanding. Manipulative.
If my depression were a person shed be happy, confident, positive on the outside but gloomy, broken, and lonely on the inside. Shed want to make everyone as happy as they can be but wouldnt be able to make herself happy. Shed love endlessly but not be able to receive it in return /:
My depression person is a manipulator. She looks for even the smallest shread of negativity and continues to pester me about it until itsi all I think of, even on a good day. She continues to remind me of my faults and failures, until she convinced me that she's all iIcan rely on. She never says or does anything helpful, and just sponges off of me till I have nothing left to give-- then criticizes me for not having more. Everything she does is centered around keeping me under her control.
If my depression was a person, it woud be Dolores Jane UMBRIDGE!!!!!
I was waiting for a HP fan.
@kiwibear918 *cluches heart* me too. Always *wipes tears*
If my depression was a person, they'd be the biggest freeloader in history.
It would take different forms sometimes like a shadow, sometimes like a girl made of ice. I would find a way to trap it, hurt it, and kill it so it would never hurt me again
if my depression were to be a person. Her hair and eyes would change colors depending on her mood. Blue if she was sick and tired of herself and red if she hates herself entirely. She has a hard time speaking to people that are living there best life but has a easier time speaking to people that are in the same dilemma shes in. She wakes up feeling beautiful but after 10 seconds questions what she is doing alive still, what her purpose. Why her hair is thinning or why her feet are huge? after an hour of complaining about herself she goes back in her bed and sleep because thats when she feels beautiful.
This sounds a whole lot better in my head Oh my god criticize softly guys this is a hot mess wow.
@Saturation: no, never criticizing! "she goes back in her bed and sleep because thats when she feels beautiful." - that's beautiful in a sad, heart-rending way, and sadly, sometimes how I feel as well...
If my depression was a person, she would claw at my brain and my chest, shredding me apart, causing me so much pain until suddenly Im empty and the pain overwhelmed me so much, that I dont feel anything at all. Sometimes, she leaves me alone, but her shadow is always nearby. Sometimes she goes on holiday, and I dont see her for a while. Sometimes she smothers me with her dark coat and suffocated me. Sometimes she fills me up with tears and emotion. Sometimes she drains it all out of me.
@idontknowwhattohaveasmyusername I will ponder this myself. Nice post.
If my depression was a person... he would look like a cross between Dream and Destiny, with a huge, tattered cloak. And sometimes, he would enfold me within, but because he is not from Here, there would be no warmth, no body, just the dark and the bone-deep sorrow and the despair of ever finding hope or happiness again, until even the memory of those feelings is gone. But I hang on, because I have lived with him all my life, and when he lets go, reluctantly, I sometimes wonder whether he is seeking warmth and never finding it as well...
Mine would be a very large person that would depend on me to survive and would constantly be hanging on my back with their super heavy weight