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Personify Your Depression: If my depression were a person... [fill in the blank]

wontwakewontsleep September 27th, 2017

Personify Your Depression: I learned about this coping technique today. Imagine that your depression is a person separate from you. The idea is that personifying our depression helps remind us that depression doesn't define who we are ourselves, and that invasive self-critical thoughts we experience often come from our depression and not our healthy minds. Some things to think about are: what kind of person would it be, what kind of hobbies would it have, what would it look like, what would its name be?

So, if your depression were a person, what kind of person would it be?

Sylwind February 10th, 2020

Depression would be just another face in the crowd, an aquaintance that always runs into you by happenstance and always ends up saying just the right things to make the world a bit more desaturated and makes things feel pointless. It wouldn't be a particular person, just another human.

bluebird0303 February 11th, 2020

my depression would be a little monster who looks small and cute and fluffy, but when you aren't paying attention he grows to be huge and unmanageable and scary.

246810abby February 13th, 2020

If my depression were a person, they'd be one of my closest friends. Some may say the friendship is toxic, since it hurts me. But I like to know everything about the things around me, so it took a lot of pain to get into this "eye of the hurricane" kind of moment with this friend of mine. We'd be the two people who'd lay down outside at midnight in the middle of a grassy field to share our philosophies and point out constellations.

7cMitch February 16th, 2020

My depression is kind of a like journalist.

They follow me around with an enormous camera and film all my worst moments. Doesn't matter if I did something amazing that day, they'll overexagerate the story and make me out to be the bad guy by the end of the day.

I live my life in constant fear. I don't do any of the things I enjoy anymore, because I know they're watching me, waiting for me to screw up. I don't want my friends and family to end up hating me when another fake article is published.

Wildflower257 February 17th, 2020


Well said. I can relate. However, I don't think all journalists are bad.

Priya716 March 1st, 2020

@7cMitch feel same...hopefully will overcome this fear

Gujon3073 February 16th, 2020

Kurt cobain. Saying nothing else.

Bleezer February 16th, 2020

If my depression were a person, it'd be "Rick Sanchez". A smart, nihilistic, self-destructive mess that I can't help but love.

Don't get me wrong, I don't like being depressed, but I also don't want to not be depressed. The worse I feel, the better I percieve the universe. At least, in my eyes. The more I feel like curling up under a desk and crying, the more I think about how small we humans are, about how nothing matters.

It's brutal, yet something I don't want to live without.

OminousFawn February 17th, 2020


OminousFawn February 17th, 2020

@OminousFawn Okay first message was a mistake.

My depression is not really like a person. It's more like a figure. It's black, dark, slimey and wraps itself around me till I'm suffocating. It likes whispering to me that I need to try harder to become perfect, but at the same time it tells me that I will never be good enough. Every time I make a mistake, it tells me "I told you so, you can't do anything." It makes me feel numb and it tells me to never show my negative emotions to others. Some days Deppression takes a little break and everything feels better, like it was never there. But then something small happens and it all comes crashing down. It likes to play tricks as well, like some days I'm not sure if something really happened or if I just dreamed it or imagined it..

Priya716 March 1st, 2020

@OminousFawn true

Wildflower257 February 17th, 2020

If my depression were a person, it would be a Dementor.

That sucks all the happiness and positivity from my surroundings when he is around, and reminds me of all the worst moments of my life, my past, my flaws and all things sad, making me slowly sink into pits of darkness and despair and lose myself.

P. S. : The idea of Dementors in Harry Potter was inspired by J.K Rowling's own depression.

SolangeloLife February 22nd, 2020


This is a really great metaphor and I really relate to it. It's good to know that others also feel like this

Wildflower257 February 22nd, 2020


Thanks and yes, it's J.K Rowling's metaphor, and I think it comes as close as is possible, to what depression really is and does to people.

nobodyspecial77 February 20th, 2020

if my depression was a person it would be a little girl with claws. Only saying what she sees, forcing me to carry her heavy weight, and a little evil.

lonelykitten24 February 22nd, 2020

if my depresion were a person it would be an old friend who welcomes me with open arms that is toxic but for some reason always seems to make me smile.

dworth257 February 22nd, 2020

my depression is the part of me following me, telling me that i need to protect myself at all costs because i won't be able to survive this again.

dworth257 February 22nd, 2020

she is a heavy, weighted blanket that I have to carry around at all times, lifting up and trying to smile as she whispers in my hear how worthless I am to everyone

SolangeloLife February 22nd, 2020

If my depression was a person, they would be an overbearing, constantly criticizing, person that steals away happiness. I can't fully describe how I feel, but sometimes I feel like someone is just sucking out and stealing my happiness when I should be happy and enjoying life.
I have a happy life, and I am, at the risk of sounding egotistical, a good looking person. However, I can't help but feel whenever I look at myself that I'm not enough, or that I could never live up to peoples expectations. I also have an overbearing need to do almost anything to make myself presentable or likable. I will change how I look, act, or feel, even around my closest friends so they like me better, or so my life seems great and happy.
i don't know if this even is a depression, and I know this isn't everything I feel, but I wanted to try to put it into words. Thank you.

dworth257 February 22nd, 2020

@SolangeloLife hey I understand this. It's definitely real. <3

DistortionHeart February 22nd, 2020

someone who constantly says the truth even if it's the ugly truth no one needs to hear and driving all of people away

DeviinAnderson99 March 9th, 2020


if my depression was a person it would be a self-hating

jealous fake two-faced body shaming put downer.

DistortionHeart March 10th, 2020


i hate that it does this to us.. depression isn't a nice person at all.

sooty41 February 25th, 2020

My depression would be Jack the Ripper. A fearful, predatory enigma inspiring terror at every opportunity. With almost spectre like qualities that haunt every waking moment and evade sleep with terrifying nightmares.

TorinWB February 28th, 2020

If my depression was a person:

it would be an attention craving and manipulative friend that doesn't let you hang out with others even though you want to have fun they pull you back to it and Then they manipulate you into thinking you are weird because you have depression and trick you into doubting yourself because you are depressed and aren't thinking right

AbstractionsTigress March 2nd, 2020

@TorinWB I can really identify with this one. Thank you for taking the time to post.

inventiveLion9916 March 1st, 2020

Someone scared of happiness

ItsChubbyBunny March 1st, 2020

My depression, if it were a person it would just be a sad lil dark blob with two white eyes. It latches onto people not realisingthat it hurts them.

It hates dogs, as my anger is an animal. A wolf. They constantly fight and hate each other since my depression and anger don't mix well.

Flornhope March 3rd, 2020

My depression It was there since the beginning a entity I never knew that played me from the start. It has no heart. It kept mine from growing warm. It is a vaper that lives in the fibers of my being. Shifting moving vanishing and appearing at it's own will. It loves to tweak and change my mingle to its wim. It feeds off of me. I am just a temporary host. It can take the shape of my face it has made me hate it. It grows. It talks to me in first person. In my own voice It knows every thought or idea. It is a trickster. It has taken the good in my life and made me wast and destroy it and throw it all away smileing. It is the best bad firind I never wanted. At times I am just a puppet. Not knowing what I'm doing till it has long over. It is one of my few constants in my life. Its will is to spread and grow. It wasn't me to infect everyone. It is insashable. Ever demanding more

yellowlightsaber45 March 3rd, 2020

Unwelcome guest, that acts like a madman. Eats all the food, tears up the walls and furniture, alienated themselves and others.

Rebekahwriter13 March 3rd, 2020

Personify Your Depression: If my depression were a person. . . She looks good on the outside (and yes it's a she, because men will tell it hOW it is 9times out 10, women manipulate.) However on the inside she rotten and insecure and pushes on me making me feel horrible so she could feel better about herself.

My teeth are bad. I'm overweight. Everything is it problems. . . Writers block. Broken overheated computer. I have problem with left heel, gout in my right foot.

She claims I'm lazy. I'm ugly. I'm fat. I'm bitter. I'm useless because I can't drive or keep a 9 to 5 job. I deserve to bE lonly because I cannot handle people. I'm too honest.

Actually her real appearance is a demonic and monstrous.

LaRNauxous March 6th, 2020

If my depression were a person, it would have never been able to hurt anyone i love.i would have stood in its face, and fought like a champion to defend them and myself.

peachflwrs March 6th, 2020

my depression would likely be personfied as a small black raven. it looks cute, harmless from a distance. you hear rumors about it, saying its terrible. others say its not that serious.

then, suddenly, you start hearing whispers from the raven. at first its small and harmless in retrospect. perhaps a "you couldve done better", or a "that wasn't done as well as it could be." you shrug it off. but it keeps going.

soon, it whispers your deepest fears and thoughts. the raven is small and harmless to those around it, but its deadly to you, since you know it the best.

eventually, it gets into your mind so much, it weighs you down. your constant thinking is just all about that stupid raven. it whispers how stupid you are, how your friends dont love you, how you were a mistake, and soon, the raven isnt as small as it originally was.

but, i figure that the best way to stop the raven is by taming it, instead of trying to get rid of it.

ItachiNoSharingan March 9th, 2020

If my depression were a person it would be the invisible man, No one knows he's here.

Imgonnagetbetter2005 March 10th, 2020

I feel like mine is an insanely clingy friend. But not my friend. An insanely clingy bully. A bully that will follow you around everywhere. Sometimes friends will take your hand and help you run away from it, but as soon as you stop to take a breather, because the the distance is too much, the bully materializes right in front of you. They tell you how worthless you are, and the only way you could ever be better in someone's eyes is if you became merely a memory, gone in all other aspects. Eventually, you listen to them, until you do start to think that this bully is your friend, and you stop believing your loved ones because what do they know? It's not like they really love you. The bully becomes your friend, because you believe they are telling the truth.

please do not believe the bully! You are all beautiful people who deserve to be loved because your soul is worth so much more than the torment it goes through. I love you all and hope we can all get better together.😊

MayaorMay13 March 10th, 2020

If my depression were a person...

They would look exactly like me, but a child version. They would constantly hold my hand and keep me away from doing the things I enjoy. I would have to take care of them just like a child, and it would keep me from getting out of that dark state. They would be anorexic since when I am depressed I often lost weight due to appetite loss. They would look so exhausted because I do nothing but sleep. They would have a collar around their neck and chains around their wrist. Those chains would lead back to the worst people in my life, who are ultimately behind all of my depression in the first place.

SamuelVolpi March 10th, 2020

For the life of me i cant see it as a person, but if i had to give it a shape it would be chains. They tied me, chush me pull me away from things and people. They are heavy and noisy and do not let me sleep. They anger me, and that makes me lash out, but i only end up hurting myself out of anger (i dont mean cutting, i just punch a wall or something)

NumberEleven March 11th, 2020

If my depression were a person, it'd be a quiet shadow. It does more in actions than in words, but even when it says nothing I can still feel it there.

OmegaWolf80 March 15th, 2020

She would be Delores Umbridge. Always making me believe my own lies and trying to control me to the smallest detail

tay998 March 15th, 2020

If my depression were a person, it would be Mother Earth.

Used and abused. Burned and torn a part again and again and again. Unable to say please stop, please be careful with me, please don't hurt me.

But still caring for the lives which manifest it. Still working around the clock for a completely unsure future.

Yet somehow still wrecklessly hopeful. That it will get better.