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PathStep 8 Compassion hearts489 Forum posts311 Forum upvotes441 Current upvotes441 Age GroupAdult Last activeOctober, 2023 Member sinceJanuary 25, 2020
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Old and stupid
General Support / by sooty41
Last post
May 20th, 2023
...See more I have wanted to do my absolute best regarding the current answerathon. I have replied to several folk and now it seems like there is no one waiting on the needing reply section. But maybe that's just because i'm old, stupid and technologically challenged. I am here if any one needs a listening ear. xx
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Caring, the most complex of relationships
Family & Caregivers / by sooty41
Last post
May 9th, 2023
...See more I have been unwell today and therefore my reserves are low. I have spent the last 25 years or more caring for various family members. Some i cared for with all my heart and others out of a sense of duty and because we all deserve to feel loved when we are ill and approaching the end of our life. I still have one caring role to fulfill and i am ever so weary. I started caring at 13 and soon i will be 50. I will fulfill this last caring journey and after that i can do no more. I am empty, depleted and ever so weary. This will take every last reserve to fulfil to the best of my ability. I will do it out of love, although the love is not reciprocated. I will do the right thing, always. I am tired and wandering into the territory of self pity....which i detest. But in my weaker moments i ask the universe, the Divine, etc.....why am i not worthy of love ? But dwelling in self pity gets us nowhere. Tomorrow is a new day and a fresh start. And we only progress in this life by facing our challenges head on and battling through. So tomorrow i will channel my inner Boudica and fight the good fight. Strength and love to all xxx
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AA isn't for everyone
Alcohol & Drug Addiction Support / by sooty41
Last post
April 9th, 2023
...See more I have been struggling with alcohol since 3 members of my family died. Alcohol has numbed the pain but now become a problem in it's own right. Last week i attended my first ever AA meeting and i do not doubt the wonderful work that they do. But it wasn't for me. I do not believe that alcohol is an allergy or an illness. It's a maladaptive coping strategy to a highly addictive substance. And we can beat it. AA left me feeling powerless, but i'm not. I started drinking and i can stop. It is a cruel addiction that i will beat by finally addressing the pain i feel over my bereavements. I commend the AA as they help so many. Wherever anyone can find help, then i applaud them. But on my journey, it wasn't for me. We all must heal in our own way and in a way that resonates with our truth. I wish everyone peace and healing and i pray for that for myself.
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