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Personify Your Depression: If my depression were a person... [fill in the blank]

wontwakewontsleep September 27th, 2017

Personify Your Depression: I learned about this coping technique today. Imagine that your depression is a person separate from you. The idea is that personifying our depression helps remind us that depression doesn't define who we are ourselves, and that invasive self-critical thoughts we experience often come from our depression and not our healthy minds. Some things to think about are: what kind of person would it be, what kind of hobbies would it have, what would it look like, what would its name be?

So, if your depression were a person, what kind of person would it be?

Reverieee January 20th, 2019

My depression is a cage around me, made of fine metals and gold, intricate and seemingly elegant on the outside yet still keeps me captive and trapped like a prisoner. It makes me feel like there is no hope of getting out of this cage, that it will always be like this forever.

Sometimes there are chains in this prison. Chains that keep me from moving comfortably, it always tugs at my wrists and neck, reminding me that I am forever chained to this cage.

Other days there is an angry prison guard, belittling me and abusing me with vile words. Telling me that the reason I am imprisoned is because I am a damaged and hurtful criminal. That I don't deserve to live with others because I will hurt them.

On horrible days the cage is full of mirrors. Reminding me that I am an ugly caricature of what I used to be. It tells me that no one will ever love me. The image in the mirrors point at me and laugh at me, telling me I am nothing but pathetic.

Other days, though, light shines through in this prison-like cage. Reminding me that there are beautiful things outside this hell. The light caresses my cheeks, inviting me to step out of the cage. Some days I manage to do so, other days I fail to.

My depression is a cage, and there is a door on it. A door that can be opened; and someday it will.

Dflymusic January 20th, 2019


plumField9085 January 20th, 2019

If my depression was a person, it would be friendly. Maybe someone my age, with a cool book to read. They would pretend to be nice and pull me in again and again until I learn that life is better without them following me around.

plumField9085 January 20th, 2019

If my depression was a person, it would be friendly. Maybe someone my age, with a cool book to read. They would pretend to be nice and pull me in again and again until I learn that life is better without them following me around.

Dflymusic January 20th, 2019

If my depression were a person, she would be a cynical, half glass empty person who has developed low expectations from everyone around her. She feels taken advantage of because she works so hard in her job, personal relationships, and work relationships. She feels constant dissapointment, anger, and sadness. She feels jealous that she works so hard, but still doesn't have what she wants romantically or strong bonds with family and friends. She looks at other people's relationships and gets jealous of what they have that she feels she does not have. She has blocked off people who have consistently dissapointed her beause she gives and gives but feels she gets little back. She resents the motto of being generous to others and everything will just work itself out because her whole life she has been a team leader, conflict confronter, fixer, sun to someone's darkness. She is heartbroken from a lost love. She often thinks about suicide as a way out feeling so sad.

Kontara January 20th, 2019

If my depression were a do i know it's not... No not one but many!

kindheartedSummer97 January 20th, 2019

Would look the same as me. Sometimes sad sometimes angry and judging . Sometimes powerful sometimes weaker. Always look like but she is always negatively. Always scared always anxious always thinking always painful. I am sorry for her. I tried to keep her away from me but she is always coming back she is always complaining always trying to make me as her. Now I dont push her away I am sorry for her I try to be here for her if she needs compassion or just to not be alone. I cant agree with her thoughts but I understand her feelings her fears . I try to encourage her to change her feelings to accept that she is capable. Everyone of us is capable

WolfOwl January 25th, 2019

Okay this sounds pretty interesting and oddly enough I was just thinking about this yesterday.

She's definitely angry and aggressive, despite the strong font she tries to put on, in reality the littlest of things can affect her and break her down. She's also spiteful towards almost everything and everyone. She's prideful, aggresive, and throws out insults as if it's the same as throwing out compliments.

Maddie0302 January 25th, 2019

I haven't been diagnosed but I have made a drawing of what might be depression. It's this big, sketched, shadowy creature that's just always there. It has quite big eyes so it looks friendly and a bit scary at the same time. And it's always a few meters apart from me.

Yellowflowerpot January 31st, 2019

If my depression were a person, it would be a quiet wallflower. She would be insecure, and toxic, projecting her insecurities onto me. She would be a bully. But she's a wallflower, so nobody would notice her. But she notices me, and every now and then when I seem happy, she would decide to join in. I would hate her, but since I've known her for so long, I would just deal with her.

Rakhoon January 31st, 2019

With black robes and two faces, each covered with a drama/tragedy mask, the tragedy mask tells me all my past mistakes, and the drama masks tells me lies that are to come. He walks around, unknown what is under those robes, all I know is.

He does not make a soune when he walks.

UTFrisk January 31st, 2019

It would look like me, be secretive, hide her pain and sorrow under a concrete mask, always trying to make me believe Im a happy person, and I always believe her.

tiredofit19 February 5th, 2019

If my depression were a person, she would be tall. Really tall. And shed have really long hair that covers her face like the girl from the ring. Shes a cartoon in my mind. She has long gangly limbs and shes in black and white. She wears her headphones in and slouches her back a lot. Hands in her pockets with no emotion at all. She doesnt do much. She just sits there. You can feel her presence all the time and a couple of times a day she randomly gets up and becomes this completely different person. This other side of my depression has orange hair. And she runs around with her arms flailing about wildly. And she doesnt stop screaming. Ever. She wears a tiara because why not. And really shiny pants. This is the doppelgänger of my depression that ruins my life. The first version bugs me and puts a fog over my entire life. But this second version destroys everything that Ive built back up since the last time Ive seen her. And it takes me weeks to recover from her couple-day long visit.

Idek03 February 21st, 2019

This is exactly how I feel. @tiredofit19

Iwshiwsperseus February 6th, 2019

it would be a strange person that you know nothing about, constantly whispering in your ear your alone you have no emotions and no matter what you do it will not go away usually you can deal with it but some days you cry until you can barely breathe because you know the things it says are true. people tell you itll go away if you keep a journal, or go for a walk but you know this isnt true.

infinitas February 6th, 2019

It cant be a person. It must be a Monster. It is a Dark Shadow Monster to be specific. It follows you through out your life. Keeps you locked up in the darkness. This darkness crawls inside your Soul like a slow Poison and eats up each and every cell in your body, till you experience a Slow, Painful Death. It will Never allow you to see or experience the Light, because it knows Light kills the Darkness.

Nimeihaoruchu February 6th, 2019

If my depression were a person, they would be manipulative, they would be there all hours of the day, inviting themselves over, and appearing at the most inconvienient of times. They would have a friendly smile, a calmness, slowly pushing further and further into personal space everyday. Some days I'm able to hide from them, other times I am not.

MeanderingFool February 7th, 2019

She would be cold as ice and snow. How else could everything feel so numb?

WayTooCrazy February 10th, 2019

My depression is a shape shifter. Some days its a small bug that I can feel at the back of my head but other days its an elephant that crushes me.

DutchWoman1972 February 11th, 2019

My depression is like a giant elephant in a porcelein cupboard. It leaves only broken pieces.

Downside February 11th, 2019

If my depression were a person, I could probably deal with it better. I can walk away from people. This follows me everywhere, a shadow,a shade.

Beth921 February 11th, 2019

A dementor

Ging3r11 February 11th, 2019

My depression is like a thundercloud, blocking out hope, joy and the things and people that I love.

GGHufflepuffle February 12th, 2019

I'd punch it in the throat

MieraCurie February 12th, 2019

If my depression is a person, she'd be very sensitive to negative words and deaf towards kind ones. She'd be so secretive about her emotions. Nothing and no one is able to lift her up besides me. She'd be there staring into the floor, wall, mirror, anything. She'd be so quiet but I can hear her screaming endlessly in my head. If only she remember that I love her when she was in that state of mind, she'd be stronger than this.

It's been awhile since she acted this way. Haha. Come on now let's get over it already, princess. 🌹💛 From Princess Miera to Princess Sad Face. 🤭 Haha.

greenLunch7999 February 12th, 2019

Mine would be a person whos always by my side and every now and then she would tell me that i cant do that, that Im not good at anything and that Im a big disappointment

Dwarfancy February 13th, 2019

If my depression were a person...

it would be a butterfly. It began as simple anxiety that almost feels like it always been there. I never really bothered to know why I was so stressed and thought that everybody felt like that (which I still believe), but then it grew and grew until it shifted into a cocoon and then something in my life made it break and it became the butterfly that it is today : depression. Sometimes it just land and stop moving but other times it just wont stop fluttering its wings in my head.

blackwolfette February 13th, 2019

Is it weird that all I can think about is myself? Like, if I can personify it, it would just be me. Ive been battling with severe depression for over 12 years now. It hasnt gotten any better, probably worse if anything.

TheNadine February 19th, 2019

My depression would be a pothead guy. He would try to succeed to overtake me and fail becaue he loses motivation for the sake of wanting to rest.

UnderTheWillow16 March 3rd, 2019

My depression would be an abusive friend, always kicking me down and telling me Im worthless.

Great question btw


UnderTheWillow16 March 3rd, 2019

Oops I replied to that one@BiScarlet16

Gagentri February 19th, 2019

If my depression were a person it would be a clingy girlfriend you can't seem to get rid of. Every time I feel slightly bettter, the dark cloud of melancholy takes me over again, nagging me, distracting me from anything it can.

IAmAnathema February 19th, 2019

If my depression were a person it would be a physcopath. It would have no feelings and it wouldn't care if it brought other's down. It would think that life would just be it's game and i'm just a object for their experiment. It would carve out my ability to be happy and crush it in front of me and then laugh about it and torment me some more with constant thoughts about how I would be better off dead and then it would force me to smile in front of others and pretend everythings fine. I would name it Anathema because nobody want's it around because all it does is ruin. It takes from people and gets joy in return.

So Anathema if you wouldn't mind you could find a new home. Like in a grave? yes

iGalaxyCookiez February 20th, 2019

If my depression were a person, they would be a toxic friend. It isnt a stranger to you, if youve been with them for years now. Youll eventually know how annoying they can get. They would trick you into thinking that they were a good person, but they would throw you under the bus with no second thought, and you would feel horrible right after. Theyll make you do things you regret, and you cant escape their grasp until you tell someone about it. I can imagine depression as someone very bitchy, she/he/they wont stop talking about whats wrong with you, and wont help in anyway whatsoever in helping you fix those problems. Theyre with you everywhere, at home, in the car, with a date, on a trip, etc. sometimes, theyll go away in front of your friends or your family but when youre alone, he/she/it comes back to make you feel like crap. Its a real bother to be around depression and being so close to them all the time can make you slowly turn into them, eventually turning into an empty husk that spouts nothing but isults towards yourself.

I hope you thought that my thoughts were similar to yours.

Peace! smiley

reservedexcitment February 27th, 2019


My thoughts exactly. We sure are talking about the same kind of evil

Idek03 February 21st, 2019

Shes the person who you know is there but you never acknowledge her. Shed be a little sibling because they annoy everyone and never leave you alone no matter how hard you try.

reservedexcitment February 21st, 2019

My depression is a killer, he will hunt you dowm. Wears a hoodie and smokes often

LetheanAphrodite February 26th, 2019

if my depression was a person she

J9SA March 2nd, 2019

I would hug her a lot and make sure that she gets treated especially when she's down. To make her believe that life is worth living and so that she will never think of death again. To make her feel so safe that she doesn't need to wear a mask when she's down. That is it is OK to show sad and get hugs without asking without needing explanation. I would send her on an adventure of a life time. Send her children to a resort and her husband to be teleported when its necessary.

Yes my life has good times and I don't need to explain why I feel down sometimes. A

FaithfulPrune9638 March 2nd, 2019

If depression was a person, it would...

Okay, before I go into this detail, I need to make a confession. Ever since I was little, probably 4 or 5 years old, I had an imaginary friend. I would always talk to her and I would actually physically change my voice to make it sound like I'm actually talking to someone but I was really talking to myself. I would do this every single chance I had and I always needed to be alone to talk to the imaginary friend, costing me the the chance to make real human friends. I caused alot of trouble but they saw only me and not the imaginary friend so I got the blame for it. So here is the description of my imaginary friend:

She's been in my life for most of it, she looks like any other human being. She has curly brown hair, brown eyes, she stands about my height, maybe about 130 lbs., she has a full-time job working as a Senior manager, at 40, working 16 hour days 5 days a week, no kids of her own, married and have stepkids that live with their mom. She appears to be very friendly and helpful, but I know in my mind and heart, she's not. She watches every little thing I do and knows everything I say. She has a monitor in her bedroom and has a portable one so she can watch me when she's not at home. I've asked her to turn it off and she told me she couldn't turn it off and that she has it set up to turn off automatically the moment I die. She'll know I died if she sees it turned off and can't get it turned back on. I'm a Leo and she's a Scorpio and everyone know how opposite those two elements are. Fire and water? Water puts out the fire. If you're wondering, her birthday is 11/4/78 and mine is 7/25/78. She's very jealous and has an outrageous temper. She's even threatened me once when I mentioned this to my family, who knew about her all along. I've wrote a letter to her, releasing her, but she stayed. She's made me very dependent on her like all I am is a body with no soul. So, there she is, Becky exposed. That's her first name. And no, I don't hate all women named Becky because of this. This is just one "imaginary person".