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Personify Your Depression: If my depression were a person... [fill in the blank]

wontwakewontsleep September 27th, 2017

Personify Your Depression: I learned about this coping technique today. Imagine that your depression is a person separate from you. The idea is that personifying our depression helps remind us that depression doesn't define who we are ourselves, and that invasive self-critical thoughts we experience often come from our depression and not our healthy minds. Some things to think about are: what kind of person would it be, what kind of hobbies would it have, what would it look like, what would its name be?

So, if your depression were a person, what kind of person would it be?

Mpate November 25th, 2018

It would be evil green monster lodged in my brain with fangs. It would tell me how worthless, ugly,and stupid I am. It would tell me how I

passionatehibou November 22nd, 2018

If my depression were a person, they'd be clining onto my back. Always smiling and always laughing, everytime I hold my breath, everytime I get to close to someone, everytime I think I can finally let go, it would be there clingining onto me. Beckoning me to do things I really shouldn't, becking me, whispering in my ear one moment, and shouting the next that I'm not really important.

generousBunny584 November 25th, 2018

@nofilterneeded she is def a HUGE biotch.

I separate her voice from mine because I know she is the the irrational one😉 she thinks she is smarter than me but, I use all my might to tell her she is not, and I am smarter!!!

Sometimes its really hard when she alters my appearance 👹 but its ok to tell that biotch to go to, you know where... like a dream its all in your head 🤷‍♀️

generousBunny584 November 25th, 2018

If my depression were a person it would: make my alarm never sound to wake me up in the morning, interrupt me constantly while I am carrying on a conversation, and yell at me with words of discouragement when I am trying to accomplish ANYTHING.

MechaHex November 25th, 2018

It would be someone who pops up at times where I both expect it the most and the least. Someone who easily makes me cry as they remind me of a mistake or how I should be hated.

TreaureSeekers3 November 28th, 2018

Who is there to see me put down, cry when I'm crying, hurt me when I don't deserve it or least expect it. Punish me or threaten me. Tell me there right and there better and .no good. A failure. Useless. Everything I hate :(

loveisstrongerthanfear03 December 2nd, 2018


DeepThoughtsCurt December 2nd, 2018

if my depression were a person, he would be totally alone in the universe and feel it was all his fault.

Magdale December 4th, 2018

If depression were a person, itd probably be in the shape of myself. Itd stand in my way, and push me down whenever I tried to talk to others, or my parents. Itd tell me I was worthless, and I dont deserve to try to get out of the hole I dug myself in. It would tell me my emotions are invalid to others and I dont matter.

Jaseur December 4th, 2018

My depression is not a person, it's an iron chain. Small but heavy. Each time I remove a link, another may appear.

I am not so naive as to think I can't put the chain down, but it grows when I am not there and no matter where I leave it, I always wake up wearing it.

The best I can do is keep it close and dismantle it as best I can. I may never be without it, and I fear the day I can no longer carry it.

Blueninjaghost December 5th, 2018

If my depression were a person, she would be chained to me and she would look like me. She would stay silent when I

emerijourney December 5th, 2018

If my depression were a person, it would constantly be disgusted with me and talking behind my back. I'd always wonder what it was saying about me that was so awful- I'd try to find a reason, but never figure it out because there might be many reasons or none at all. That's why it would bring me down constantly. : /

LuciRedShade December 8th, 2018

If my depression were a perdon, it would be aa sahdo that shows up when you least expect it. It would like a vampire, always trying to suck all of my energy and vitality.

RoseAtDusk December 8th, 2018

It would de a dark shadow, constantly lurking behind me. Reminding me of everything that Ive ever done wrong.

fearlessLand5716 December 9th, 2018

My depression would be my best friend the only one that knows me so well and uses all my insecurities against me and then lift me up just to tear me down again. She would be there when I am alone reminding me that she is honest and only cares, she would be laying next to me every night reminding me of my fears and every mistake I have made. She would be there when I am happy to remind me Im not worth this joy and bring me away from reality. She would never leave me alone no matter how hard I hide or how far I run she will always be stuck with me like a shadow.

Chickiee December 18th, 2018

This is so spot on! @fearlessLand5716

aicilevevo December 10th, 2018

If my depression were a person it'd kick me when I'm already down. It'd force me to face everything that I've already seen with astonishing clarity, and tell me that it was my fault. It'd let me know I'm always alone and that no one cares, even if I know they do. It'd be that little hideous voice with fangs biting at me every second of my day.

StrawberryLK December 12th, 2018

She would be a wallflower. Quiet and somewhere in the back. Whenever I'm Happy, she won't say anything, but I will feel her Eyes like knives in my back. In these moments I can almost forget her. Almost. And then I am alone with her, the happines, my Friends, my success, my Pride has already left the party.

And then she's not quiet. She screams at me all the words she swallowed before. "You forgot me, right?!", She screams while pushing me in the Pool and pushing my head under Water.

I need to fight against her Holding me down, but my strenghth is gone, I fought too long. I can only survive, swim, put my head above the water to breathe, but not enough to fight her and get Out of the water.

I am left being weak and worthless because that's what she made me be.

SomeGuyKC December 14th, 2018

If my depression were a person, nobody would know. He'd be successful and outgoing and gregarious with people in his professional sphere, but personally he's introverted and a loner. With his friends and family he'd try hard to help them with their issues while always dwelling on the fact that he's hiding his own. He'd look for companionship with others who he's not committed to while pushing away the person he promised to be committed to. From the outside looking in, life is perfect for the guy. But inside, he's running from challenges and commitment and routine. Think life of the party, blue collar millionaire on the outside, on the inside a kid who still doesn't know why anyone would truly love him. Lives in an 800 sq foot rental and everyone praises his frugality, but the only reason he stays there is out of fear.

He's only cried once in the past decade, when he had to put a dog down, but had a brother who was killed shortly after a falling out and nearly 10 failed relationships in the same amount of time and never cried. He's dying to, but he doesn't know how to make it happen.

powerfulDay8317 December 14th, 2018

If my depression were a person it would be a think black mist that climbs on my back agents in my head as soon as I awake everyday - it will put a block for every thingI I ant to do and trip me up when I try to make progress

raspberrywillow02 December 15th, 2018

If my depression were a person,it would be a fake friend. Always dragging me into bad situations and encouraging me to do things that will harm me,and then accuse ME of being the problem when I call it out. Always begging me to come back,saying that its best for me and that it made a mistake,and crying crocodile tears when i slam the door behind me.

versatileShip6434 December 18th, 2018

It would be a person dressed in black that doesnt have a face. It would hide in the corners or my room and whisper all the things I hate about myself. My friends dont like me. My parents dont love me. Im a burden. It would tell me how worthless I am and I would believe it. I used to listen to it everyday and believe it but now Im a lot better. Not because the voice is softer but or nicer but because Im a lot stronger. I want a full happy life and Im not going to let anything get in my way. Its my right of life.

Chickiee December 18th, 2018

If my depression were a person it would lock me in a cage and throw away the key just so it could be me. Im sure it would find the people I love the most and push them away by all the horrible things it would say. My depression is already a monster that tears me to shreds so if my depression were a person it would probably be me.

scarletPine11 January 5th, 2019

@Chickiee one of those people who who have time for you when they're bored

genericusername07 December 19th, 2018

It would be that one friend you have on Facebook who will leave some sort of half-insulting, half-sarcastic attempt at banter on whatever status or photo you share.

roshiou December 20th, 2018

mine would be inky and fluid, slipping into the shadows unexpectedly and capturing me. it would latch onto me like a parasite and slowly drain me, telling me horrible things and repeating the same phrases over and over again for hours.

blissedNblessed December 20th, 2018

A dimly lit sidewalk corner where people abandon things they do not want....corner littered with once loved things and unwanted objectes. This sickly yellow palid light shines from a street light above it all and yet just doesn't reach to where I am: the darkness. And a small child lay face down, crying , on the sidewalk. Grasping a dirty handful of pebbles from the littered sidwalk for dear life - the one thing left....then the depression comes by and kicks this child into the stomach so deep and raw that this child lets out a wail and unclasps the right fingers and all the pebbles fall like a dirty rain awash on the sidewalk. THAT empty hand. That kick. THAT dark night. THAT unwanted place of abandon. THAT feeling of alone. THAT dim palid light that just doesnt quiet reach. THAT darkness. THATwhich I feel writting this. THAT is what my depression feels like.

7cupsclary December 22nd, 2018

If my depression were a monster, it would be a kid with dark mocha hair, always walking behind me tripping the back of my shoes, causing my foot to slip out, leading me to trip and land on my face. then continuing to say how did you trip on air? then tying an invisible cloth around my mouth, not allowing me to stand up and speak for myself

placidThinker9623 December 23rd, 2018

If my depression were a person, it would be like my an evil, despicable step sister. People don't try to help me.because they think it's my own problem. They leave me to be tortured every day.

itzbri January 3rd, 2019

If my depression were a person, they would have no friends and have the constant desire to bring others down because they are so lonely and alone in this world.

blissedNblessed January 4th, 2019

My constant , ever present, shadow.

GoodTrouble19 January 5th, 2019

it depends on my mood but right now quietly omnipresent

daylight54 January 5th, 2019

It would be a very sneaky person that lives in the shadows and steals my life force and is constantly trying to pull me into the deep abyss.

Ylisse January 5th, 2019


he is beautiful. With silky, flowing black hair contrasting against pale white skin dotted with light golden freckles. His perfect face and perfect blue eyes are alluring me so much I give in. Hes got the perfect slim figure I wish I had and beautiful white, feathery wings. Except, Im so caught up in his soothing voice telling me this is it. Its so simple now. Arent you glad? That I dont realize his arms are covered in bleeding wounds. i dont hear the fact that every word he says is through unrelenting tears. When hes not with me blaming others and myself for my problems, hes hiding in the corner of the shower, a knife in his shaking hand. He promises itll be over soon now that I know what I am. He promises the pain i induce will take it all away. He promises pushing them away and keeping secrets keeps me safe.and I believed him for a time. Even the fallen angles are beautiful, I guess.

lilypad23453 January 8th, 2019

My depression isn't a person, its a thing. Almost like a creature. It's so ugly that it drives others away from me and I can't stand it, as I fear being alone, but thats what it thrives on. Everytime I feel fear or lonliness it grows bigger. When someone sees through it's ugliness it shapeshifts into a bubble, a wall, a shield, anything to keep others away. Because I hate being alone. And it loves when I'm afraid.

Helppls99 January 8th, 2019

My depression is more like a ghost, it haunts me when Im lonely and make my cry

reservedexcitment February 27th, 2019


Mine too!

Birdy99 January 13th, 2019

If my depression were a person, they would be a weak, clingy girl that cries over the smallest of things and gets overwhelmed all too easily. They are scared of being by themselves, and needs constant validation because they find it difficult to truly love themselves. They cling onto people, gripping them tightly, afraid to let them go, even if her hands are digging into sharp thorns that pierce through their hands- they just cant be left alone, lest they turn into something worse, lest they throw a massive tantrum and drown others in her tears.

If my depression were a person, they would probably be a sadistic guardian. They could guide you, speak to you and pay only their attention on you. They would belittle you, praise you and seethe in angry at others for you. They would snarl, cry, destroy and tear down those that stand in your way but- they cant really do anything. They are only a guardian, their only tie to the physical world is you and they are angry, so very angry about it. They tell you how you arent worth anything, tearing you down while at it but nobody can see it because the guardian only exists to you.

Dflymusic January 20th, 2019

@Birdy99 heart

NuggetBro January 14th, 2019

If my depression were a personified, it would be a ball and chain, just dragging me down and making me feel lazy and unmotivated all the time when I have important stuff to do.