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Personify Your Depression: If my depression were a person... [fill in the blank]

wontwakewontsleep September 27th, 2017

Personify Your Depression: I learned about this coping technique today. Imagine that your depression is a person separate from you. The idea is that personifying our depression helps remind us that depression doesn't define who we are ourselves, and that invasive self-critical thoughts we experience often come from our depression and not our healthy minds. Some things to think about are: what kind of person would it be, what kind of hobbies would it have, what would it look like, what would its name be?

So, if your depression were a person, what kind of person would it be?

wontwakewontsleep OP May 16th, 2018

@SpyderPig - Yes ): Depression doesn't stop, even when it his working and tearing us down, it still keeps pushing us down further and even seems to enjoy itself in the process. <3

BeeTiger April 25th, 2018

I'd imagine my depression more as an indescribable animal. Some days its big, other days small and skittish. Sometimes it has a calm expression, or it has sharp menacing teeth. There are days it runs rampant and tires me. And there are times it's actually still. My depression is something I try to care for, but it's still a learning progress.

wontwakewontsleep OP May 16th, 2018

@BeeTiger - I like this: a creature whose form changes shape based on its severity. ): It is a process to learn how to take care of it, how to take care of ourselves, and it's ok to take a break from that process now and then too because it can be exhausting; we also deserve to be proud of ourselves for wanting to learn how to take care of it and doing what we can. <3 Thanks for this insight

Coltonisvalid April 25th, 2018

If my depression were a person they would be physically holding me down 24/7 making it impossible to be breathe.

wontwakewontsleep OP May 16th, 2018

@Coltonisvalid - Yes ): Like some kind of living nightmare, it sometimes literally keeps us from getting up, makes it hard to breathe or think about anything but it's sheer weight. <3 Hopefully one day it will feel lighter or let up altogether.

Jillias April 25th, 2018

If my depression were a person, they would be choking me and pushing down when I need things to be calm. They would whisper in my ear things that make me feel like i'm not human. They would stand behind me when I look in the mirror, and point out the fact that i'm not perfect. But I would deal with it, as my depression comes by many names. Many faces. It goes by the name Dad- the one I didn't get the perfect childhood with. It goes by the name Mom- Who trys her best for an uncaring family. The arsenal of names that personify the fear of staying alive gets updated after every single interaction.

wontwakewontsleep OP May 16th, 2018

@Jillias - Poignant, thank you. Depression is represented in so many things, from the way it physically feels, to the negative parasitic thoughts it accosts us with, to the people we should rightly feel compassion from, to friends and family and pets and strangers and even, or especially, our own reflections in the mirror. I appreciate you posting this, thanks. <3

mombrad April 25th, 2018

If my depression were person, they'd be the annoying acquaintance that thinks they're my friend. They show up at inopportune times & want to chat, and I don't want to be rude, but I keep looking for a way to break from the conversation. Meanwhile, time just floats on by while I'm trying to muster the nerve to get on with things, but I'm stuck, mired in a conversation I didn't initiate & can't seem to terminate.

wontwakewontsleep OP May 22nd, 2018

@mombrad - Yes, much like some conversatons can feel like prisons, so can depression, making social intraction an awkward, sluggish struggle with seemingly no acceptable way out ): Great analogy, thank you

hollowman84 April 25th, 2018

Mr. Depression wouldn't have a chance to say anything before I bludgeon him over the head and choke the life out of him. If I were arrested and put on trial for murder, I would claim truthfully that this was self-defense against a deadly predator who was attempting to destroy me bit by bit with merciless sadism and extreme malice.

NissaRevane April 25th, 2018

If my depression were person they would be Kurt Cobain

wontwakewontsleep OP February 14th, 2021

@NissaRevane - Relatable symbol, thank you

kadiewitac April 25th, 2018

depression would probably do everything to get out of this world. because the media tells he

wontwakewontsleep OP February 14th, 2021

@kadiewitac - I like this perspective, the idea of Depression vs Physical being their own people and the stigma each faces. Depression as a person would probably feel lesser in comparison :( Thank you for sharing

NaomiBlue414 April 25th, 2018

If my depression were a person, they'd be the friend always pushing you down to bring themselves up.

I feel joyful, maybe even motivated. Suddenly, Depression comes in and says it's not worth it.

They say what I do is worthless, that everything I do is as awful as the person doing them.

They'd laugh in my face when I'd fall, then proceed to stomp on my back.

I try to stay away, but they find their way back.

They always seem to.

wontwakewontsleep OP February 14th, 2021

@NaomiBlue414 Absolutely, that friend who pushes you down or always bursts your bubble. Thank you

CervTheRat April 25th, 2018

Well then Depression must be eating right, doing daily power yoga, and doing a hardcore, strenuous training regimen, because it's always getting stronger and there'd be no other way to explain those wicked gains. Needless to say it's complete overkill, if its only goal is to be able to overpower me.

wontwakewontsleep OP February 14th, 2021

@CervTheRat Yes, it's like it's always growing in the background! And it does feel like overkill, depression overpowers us without having to pump itself up when we're not looking. Great share thank you

booklover8665 April 25th, 2018

If depression was a person it would be those really clingy friends no one likes.

wontwakewontsleep OP February 14th, 2021

@booklover8665 Yes, always there and very toxic

Kay972 April 25th, 2018

Mine is an ocean, who's soothing waves comfort me and convince me that I should give up and let myself drown.

wontwakewontsleep OP February 14th, 2021

@Kay972 - Sometimes depression creates an almost soothing hypnotic lull. I love the ocean and relate to this. Thanks for sharing

frankSky1430 April 25th, 2018

If my depression were a person... it would be me, but all the worst parts of me. It would be insecure, lonely, self-conscious, unmotivated, afraid, pessimistic. It - or she - would be at my side all the time, getting in my way when I've been too happy for too long. My depression wants me to die.My depression wants me to be alone. My depresseion wants me to remain in misery with her.

TheRealDez April 25th, 2018

If my depression was a person, it would be a family member I have to live with who claims they have my best interests at heart, but only speaks to me in order to insult me and my decisions under the guise of "bringing things to my attention."

friendlyCranberry9530 April 25th, 2018

If my depression were person it would be: Strangely though I'm female my depression is male and would sit there and not talk to anyone, be on the edge of anger with no one knowing what small thing would set him off. He would be controlling, want attention all the time and would stalk me constantly.

esaisme April 25th, 2018

If depression were a person, I would punch it in the face. And demand to know how dare it try to ruin my life. (:

Jynngr April 25th, 2018

If my depression were a person, it'd be a stalker. It always follows me around, even when I'm doing something I enjoy. It scares me, and I don't know how to combat it. I cannot go to the police to get rid of this particular stalker.

TealZebra1994 April 25th, 2018

If my depression were a person, it would be what others consider an imaginary friend. Someone who you can clearly see, but others cannot. Someone who is hidden in the shadows of myself, and someone who only really comes out when I am alone, or trying to reason with them.

sillyseraph April 25th, 2018

if my depression were a person, I'm not sure what gender it would be, but I am certain it would be a jerk.

depressedANDsuiiicidal April 25th, 2018

If my depression was a person, I

straightforwardDrum1634 April 25th, 2018

It would be someone who chooses to be alone, and have a mask on at all times. Cause I feel alone when there are many people around, and I feel like I mask who I truly am

MyNameIsTriangle April 25th, 2018

I'd tell myself that I would stab him to death, but in reality i'd do what I always do and just follow along with what he says

Lolowise475 April 25th, 2018

If my depression were a person the landscape around them would be bleak, gray and frozen and their countenance would be stooped under the burden, eyes full of sorrow, and hands bound together in helplessness and despair.

TheRequiem April 25th, 2018

I would forgive him just like all my bullies

exuberant7959 April 25th, 2018

If my depression was a person she would be a confident & more beautiful version of me. She would be the person I used to be before I let it take over my life. It would follow me constantly teasing me showing off everything that she stole from me like my pride, my self-esteem, my confidence & all the love I had for myself. She would become better as I because worse.

AJMG April 25th, 2018

if my depression was a person they would be misunderstood and ignored by everyone else and only have me to rely on. they would be icapeable of eating or getting out of bed on some days on others they would follow me everywhere like a alarm clock

cocoafp191 April 25th, 2018

If my depression were a person, they would be an abusive friend, convincing me that they are the only thing that loves me. No matter how hard I try, I can't get away from them, and they always make it hard to leave.

AccidentalLime7139 April 25th, 2018

If my depression were a person they would a really clingy roommate that always wants to be around. My depression would an asshole.

Arttgirl14 April 25th, 2018

It would look completely normal to everyone but me and it would follow me as if a friends but hurt me as if an enemy

Longing4peace April 25th, 2018

I would put a bullet through its head so it would leave me the f alone