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[Members]Farewell/Taking a Break/Returning Thread: Send Your Regards

MonBon March 1st, 2016

We often time come to 7 cups in search of something:

-Someone who understands

-Someone to talk to

-Someone who will listen

-Someone to keep us company

Many of us find that - which is awesome!

However, there may come a time when as a member, you are ready to leave. And that is okay. It doesn't have to be forever or even an awfully long time. Maybe you are leaving to go out to eat with friends for the first time in weeks or months. Let us know so we can send you off with warm regards!

softSummer2005 February 9th, 2022

@emotionalTalker2260 will miss you talker ๐Ÿค๐Ÿค๐Ÿค๐Ÿค—๐Ÿค—๐Ÿค—๐Ÿค—

emotionalTalker2260 February 9th, 2022


๐Ÿ˜ฎ its never farewell until i say goodbye ๐Ÿฆฅ


jovialSunshine5049 February 9th, 2022


thanks for telling me talker *hugs*

talker is totally an amazing friend who i appreciate so much!

wherever you are, you deserve the best! take care and trust yourself!

*passes popcorns*

hope seeing you again one day!!!

emotionalTalker2260 February 9th, 2022


*hugs* you will probably see me around every now and then (:

*noms popcorn and shares*

IceCream4IceCream February 9th, 2022


*insert long supportive message*. like you, not got the headspace to person but you already know how I feel. Lots of love & strength your way <3 Keep shining!

emotionalTalker2260 February 9th, 2022


thanjs jovi ๐Ÿฅบ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•

brilliantTurtle89 February 10th, 2022


Big B I G hugs

emotionalTalker2260 February 10th, 2022


*hugs turtle* ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ’•

Helpingxhearts February 10th, 2022

Oh no I will miss you!! I hope everything goes well and youโ€™re all okay๐Ÿค Iโ€™ll be waiting for you to come poke me again when youโ€™re on! Weโ€™re all here for you

emotionalTalker2260 February 10th, 2022


:o *hugs*

MistyMagic February 14th, 2022

@emotionalTalker2260 *hugs* wrapping you in magical misty wings!!โค๏ธ

Listening - One Step At A Time!

emotionalTalker2260 February 14th, 2022


*hugs a butterfly* ๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ’•

RumpleSteeleSkin February 14th, 2022


Well my Emo Ive always shared with you....YOU COME FIRST. Many of us will be here and if not know that you met some amazing folks. โค๏ธ

emotionalTalker2260 February 14th, 2022


๐Ÿ˜€ you always stole the cookies though *hugs*

MistyMagic February 15th, 2022

@emotionalTalker2260 I used to get sat on! So stealing cookies is nuffink!

Listening - One Step At A Time!

emotionalTalker2260 February 16th, 2022


:0 who would go sitting on butterflies :โ€™)

RumpleSteeleSkin February 16th, 2022


SMH- you know I'm an elephant and I always eat much. Teenies always have good snacks๐Ÿ˜Š

emotionalTalker2260 February 16th, 2022


O-O *hides my cookies*

ToastyMuffinKing February 15th, 2022


Nuuuuuuuu I'll miss you :(( I hope you get betterrrr and come back

emotionalTalker2260 February 15th, 2022


I'm not leaving now ๐Ÿ˜ˆ my parents will never make me leave cups.

Sunisshiningandsoareyou February 15th, 2022

@emotionalTalker2260 (*happy pikaSun dance*) *huggles* ๐Ÿจ๐Ÿค—

emotionalTalker2260 February 15th, 2022


yayyyyyy *huggles sun* ๐Ÿจ๐Ÿฆฅ๐Ÿค—

starmelon7 February 19th, 2022

@emotionalTalker2260 I'm so sorry I didn't see this earlier. I only just got the tag for some reason ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ

Awww I'll miss youu talkerr! I love seeing you pop up in chatrooms and having random (normally emoji-based) conversations in PM's. I'm wishing you all the best! Take care of yourself talkerr โค๏ธ

emotionalTalker2260 February 19th, 2022


smh ๐Ÿ˜€ exposing me for the emoji convos eh. Also, me not leaving now ๐Ÿ˜€

PikaZee March 20th, 2022

@emotionalTalker2260 whatever you choose i hope all the bright things in the world always forllow you around Talker

ferventflame February 16th, 2022

@ALeXaNdEr0712 Hi hi, I wonโ€™t be around for a couple of months because of my exams. Couldnโ€™t get a hold of you to let you know because of our deal. I will be back tho. Take care of yourself and have fun if you can.

Will be cheering for you in spirit .

See you soon.


March 27th, 2022

goodluck dunno when I'll be back some stuff happened be well yea thanks

February 20th, 2022

Hey lovely people I just want you guys to know that I am leaving 7 cupsโ€ฆforever. I am sorry its if it hurts but probably after a month you wonโ€™t remember me..thanks to guidelines. I donโ€™t know but probably I wonโ€™t see you guys again. I love you guys so much... To be honest I cried while writing this post but I think itโ€™s the best for me to leave 7 cups. Thank you for being with me.. love you a lotโค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธ

@Feelicity08 @hopezzy @guardianangel122 @LavenderFlower @Lovingsoul1234 @Erato @aticuest @Starlasky @Sunisshiningandsoareyou @kindFish9215 @KindnessMatters2020 @cheerfulIceCream @GoldenRuleJG @WhimsicalWhimsy @sweetPainting9097 @artsysoul22 @ListeningDoll @TorahT @TeddyFluffkins @TellusAflame @Amillionlittlemiracles414 @ASilentObserver

February 20th, 2022


leaving on monday

Feelicity08 February 20th, 2022



Hey my friend, my fammemlisteners ๐Ÿ˜ฅ๐Ÿฅบ this is too painful to read it. I wanted to cry ๐Ÿ˜ฅ could you please may we know the reason If your comfortable to share? ๐Ÿ˜ฅHey can't accept this but I don't have a choice, it's your decision afterall and I do respect you. Thanks for the little time that you shared with usโค๏ธ We appreciate you! You become our inspiration. Always remember you are always in our heartsโค๏ธWe are here for you โค๏ธ please take good care of yourself, be healthy, cheer up and fighting ๐Ÿ˜‡๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŽ–๏ธโค๏ธ

GoldenRuleJG February 20th, 2022

@neatTurtle9621 Hey turtle - wish you all the best โค๏ธ

Erato February 21st, 2022

@neatTurtle9621 oh no :c I know the struggle of coming up with a decision to finally leave 7cups, it's very hard. But please know you can always come back here anytime <3 sending lots of hugs!

February 26th, 2022

Hey all, this isnโ€™t an easy decisionโ€ฆ as you all know I have faced a lot of struggles in the past few months, and how badly thing had gotten, Iโ€™m very thankful to be here today, a lot of the time I never saw the point in keeping going, but I think there always has to be one reason to keep going, and you must learn to live for that! Cups has been a long journey of ups and downs, but I canโ€™t stay, believe me, I wish I could but I know it would make my mentality worse, so I have come to my final conclusion, I am deleting my account, and will keep you all in my heart, I wish you all the luck in the world in your journey through life, yesโ€ฆ it can be the worst gift, but it can also be a beautiful gift that takes a lot of nurturing, but I promise, you shall get there! I have no doubt, Iโ€™m very thankful to know you all, because you have changed me, thought me to be a better person, and to be there for others when they need me, I have no regrets and am only looking forward to a future! There certainly will be low lows but also I hope I will get through them, and it all makes me more resilient to the harsh world we are living in! I want the very best for you all, I really do, please look after yourselves, because when you learn to do that, life gets a bit easier, be kind to yourself, because you are you, whatever happened in the past is the past, no matter what happened, all you can do is work towards being the person you wished you would have been in that moment๐Ÿค

My favourite quotes:

โ€œFor every moment that you feel like you are failing, is the moment that you realize that you have survivedโ€ฆ.โ€

โ€œIf you feel like

you're losing everything

remember trees lose

their leaves every year,

and they stand tall

and wait for better

days to come.โ€

โ€œThere comes a point where

it all becomes too much.

When we get too tired to

fight anymore so we give up.

That's when the real work

begins. To find hope where

there seems to be absolutely

none at all.โ€

โ€œOn particularly rough

days when I'm sure I

can't possibly endure, I

like to remind myself

that my track record

for getting through bad

days so far, is 100%

and that's pretty good.โ€

โ€œYou have to

fight through

some bad days to

earn the best days

of your life.โ€

โ€œEverything in life is temporary.

So if things are going good, enjoy it

because it won't last forever.

If things are going bad, don't worry,

it can't last forever either.โ€

โ€œGrief is a most peculiar thing;

we're so helpless in the face of

it. It's like a window that

will simply open of its own

accord. The room grows cold

and we can do nothing but

shiver. But it opens a little less

each time, and a little less;

and one day we wonder what

has become of it.โ€

โ€There is no pain so

great as the memory of

joy in present grief.โ€


Best Friend: @Fallenstarss - you are one of the nicest people I have ever met, your kindness and strength is awe-inspiring, thank you so much for being there for me always, you matter so much, you are a truly kind and genuine person, the amount of times you have been there for me no matter what, it means the world to me, Iโ€™ll always be a listening ear for you! You have the best taste in music starsie, the many hours we have spent recommending songs to each other always bring a smile to my face! I love co hosting with you, you create such a kind and caring environment, you have such a gift with being able to help people and bring a smile to their face! Thank you so much starsie, for being the kind, caring, amazing person you are! I canโ€™t put into words how much you mean to me, Iโ€™m so lucky to know you!

Coffee Buddy: @BrokenbutnotfixedbonesM - we both share a big obsession with coffee, it is most definitely the best drink ever known to man! You are so optimistic! I love how you care about everyone and have such a kind and considerate soul! Youโ€™re an amazing parent and work so hard for everything! I really wish you the very best in the future! Keep being the kind, optimistic and compassionate person you are! Iโ€™m so lucky to be able to call you my friend! You mean a lot to me!


Listener Buddy: @Moonlemon48 - You have given me a tremendous amount of help and encouragement, since I have joined 7 Cups. you are always there with suggestions and ways to help me out in my listener journey! Thank you so much for helping me to get the courage to try and apply for roles! you are someone I always have looked up to, and are always there when I need help! Thank you so much moonie! Youโ€™re amazing! You have really impacted my listening journey so much, in so many brilliant ways!



(please let me know if you would like to be added or removed!)

@jv13076 - you are such a kind person, you donโ€™t know how amazing and how much we all care about you! Youโ€™re the best lurking buddy! Thank you so much for keeping me company for so many hours! Your such a good person! We are all so thankful to know you jv! *huggles if okie* ~ bestttt frennnnn ~ (โ€แ—ขโ€)

@Cambion - your such an amazing friend, Iโ€™m so so lucky to know you, you have such a kind heart! I love talking to you any time of the day, you have helped me and kept me company so many times in the past, thank you! You are such a kind and humble person, you deserve the best in life cam cam!

@lilypaddy - your a really good person, I wish you a speedy recovery, keep fighting! weโ€™re always here for you! You are such a strong person and handle everything with such kindness! Keep being you lily!

@ahhhhelpimalive - you are such an amazing person, you donโ€™t know how much you help people get through so so much, you care for everyone and treat them with such kindness and respect, you have helped me and others so so much, thank you!

@CommunitymodChristine - chris, your an amazing mod and have always been there if I was struggling or had any questions, your so good at helping people stay calm and cheerful! you always have the right thing to say at the right moment, thank you so much for making 7 Cups such a safe and caring place for us all, we really appreciate your work!

@FerventFlame - Flamsie, you are such an amazing, kind and compassionate person, you help so many people every day and I canโ€™t help but smile when I see you supporting others, youโ€™re such a kind and caring person, I love our talks, I love how we can talk about any topic! Your such a kind person flamsie, we all care so much about you!

@emotionalTalker2260 - emo, you are as bright as the sun! I love your positive attitude and no matter what you face, you are always there to make other smile and laugh, 7 Cups wouldnโ€™t be the same without you, you make our days so much brighter! Thanks so much emo, your such an amazing person and deserve the best that life can give! Keep being the kind ray of sunshine you are!

@tidyFarm162 - sid! Your such an amazing and considerate person! You always show so much kindness and compassion! You are such a considerate and caring person, Iโ€™m so lucky to be able to call you my friend! I always look forward to our next conversation! Keep being the amazing and kind person that you are!

@SoftFaith2004 - thank you so much for answering all my questions, and taking time out of your day to help me! I really appreciate it!

@kindHuman1425 - youโ€™re such an amazing person, you have a lot of knowledge and have such a kind, open and caring heart! Iโ€™m very luck to be be able to call you my friend! I really wish you the very best!

@Bluelove13 - Youโ€™re so bluesome blueeeee blueeee! You are such an awesome person, you have such a kind and caring attitude towards all that you mean, I am so lucky to know you and have such a kind caring friend like you! We all care so much about you, and wish you the best!

@Nerdtastic - nerdy, you were the first person I met on 7 Cups and without your kindness and caring ways I would have left 7 Cups, Iโ€™m so grateful to know you and to be able to call you my friend, thank you so much, you are so important to us all! Keep being the awesome and kind person you are, you really make a difference!

@navyHouse3677 - navy you are such a kind and warm person, you care a lot for us all and are always so amazing and willing to help others, you are such a nice person to be around, you are so important! Keep being you!

@empatheticLavender2924 - you are so amazing, you help us all so much and you have helped me so much with my listening skills, your such an awesome person, I really appreciate you always being there to help me!

@XBlair - you are awesome, you are so strong and brave and have come through so much! Iโ€™m so proud of you! Your an amazing person and deserve the best that life can give, looking forward to talking more in the future! Keep being the amazing and strong person you are! Iโ€™ll always be there for you!

@DaisyFlower32 - youโ€™re a kind and such a sweet person, youโ€™re so friendly and really are so welcoming and kind, we are so lucky to have you here on 7 Cups! Keep being you daisy! *sending daisies*โ

@HealingBrokenWIngs - Youโ€™re such an amazing person, you have helped me through so much, you are always there with kind words and suggestions! You are such an amazing person and matter so much! Keep being you!

@sunshinegiraffe123 - Allie, your such an amazing and kind person and have been through so much, you are so kind to all, and I can tell you always do your best no matter what it is you are doing! Keep being you Allie!

@YourSupportiveTransDad - you are such a kind person Ryan, I can tell you love helping people, you are so open and accepting, you make this community such a bright place! Thank you, keep being the amazing guy you are!

@BookishBlue13 - you are such a good person, you are always there for anyone that needs support and you have such a considerate soul, I wish you all the best! Youโ€™re an amazing person!

@CommunityModWillow - willow, you are such a wonderful person! You are so often the life and soul of the tcr! Thanks so much for making this community such a safe and welcoming place!

@RavenSky - sky, you are such an amazing friend to me, I love talking to you, you always show so much kindness and understanding, you always manage to bring a smile to my face! Thank you for being the amazing person you are sky!

@KyleBorg - thank you so much Kyle, you have helped me to get involved with roles and have given me so much support and shared you experiences to help me come to my decisions! We all appreciate the work you do, you always show so much kindness and respect for others!

@fearfearfear - Eva your such a kind wonderful person! You always show that you care about us all, and always support others when you can! Thanks so much for being the kind person you are!

@leader00 - you are a really kind person leader! You are always so considerate and always welcome others into the rooms! I love your positive attitude towards everything! Keep being you!

@TayTayy- you are such a good person! I love how you say things like they are, you donโ€™t sugar coat things! You always help others and treat people with so much kindness and respect! You have helped me so much in the past, thank you tay tay! You deserve the best life can give! Keep being the kind person you are!

@elwinthisside124 - I can tell you are such an amazing and kind person! You always treat everyone with so much respect and consideration, you let others know they matter, and how much you appreciate them! It certainly doesnโ€™t go unnoticed and means so much to us all! Youโ€™re so kind, keep being the person you are!


Unfortunately dome of you I have mentioned are not here with us but I would still like to express how much you all mean to me๐Ÿค

Goodbye all, take good care of yourselves!

*huggles to all that want them*

KyleBorg February 26th, 2022


Take care and all the best <3

emotionalTalker2260 February 26th, 2022


๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ *hugs coco* i am really going to miss you, i wish you all the best in life

kindHuman1425 February 26th, 2022

Good bye love, take care. I wish we had more time but hey, you know how bad it gets sometimes. Love ya, see you<3333

Moonlemon48 February 26th, 2022

@amusingCoconut Dearest coco, I know it is so so hard, I know life isn't being easy, but I hope you know that we are all with you here and we are all going to get through it together. You're someone who always made me laugh and smile. I will definitely miss you but hey! good luck! You remember what I said last time right? The world is waiting for you to rock! My best wishes. Take gooood care, my dearest. Alot of love to youโ™ฅ๏ธ

HealingBrokenWIngs February 28th, 2022

*huggles tight* Thank you for the kind words. I will miss you so much. I hope life treats you very well in the future <3<3<3

ahhhhelpimalive June 10th, 2022

i am so, so late to this, but take care, coco, my dear friendo <3 i miss the time we had together, and will cherish it forever, thank you for being there ๐Ÿ’™ all the best!

emotionalTalker2260 March 9th, 2022

I am going on another self care break, who knows when exactly I will be back, it could be in 3 hours, it could be 1 and a bit days. Anyways, cya all later