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Number of ratings189 Number of reviews65 Listens toTeens & Over 18 LanguagesEnglish Listener sinceAug 4, 2015 Last activein last month GenderNon-Binary PathStep 856 People helped316 Chats1,730 Group support chats4,325 Listener group chats6,526 Forum posts7,257 Forum upvotes13,696
--Hello Im Rumple--

Hello, I am happy to see you reading my biosmiley So a bit about me. I have a good sense of humor and love laughing with others. I enjoy spending time with my kids, all my pets, and plants. I am also very crafty and creative in concerns to arts-n-crafts. In my free time I have Netflix going on and typically into my plants or doing 1-2 more things.

I have had a very abusive past myself. I suffer at times with social anxieties as well as some self esteem issues. And of course the daily life stressor's we all have.

I like to share my spare time here and listen to adults/teens on a variety of topics. I can show you empathy, understanding and validation.
I however do not feel it's right to give advice to anyone. I feel that it robs you of choice and the freedom to figure out what's best for you.heart

I do not take any sexual chats on any topic-nor do I take any relationship chats


MusicalMagic - such a giving heart and so devoted to helping others here
HeatherBug-She is a blessing in disguise
PassionatePeyton - wonderful person, is a great encourager and mod buddy
fluffyUnicorns84 - my wonderful mentor buddy
Arwa - is a wonderful and active listener and my Teen Twinnie
CaringBrit- She is wonderful to work with and funny
LucyHas great insite and funny, good to chat with
KrinkTheMellowUnicorn- Great motivator as well as teaching me code


Adult/Teen Listener
*** Teen Mentor
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*** Internship Mentor
*** Leader of the QandA Team
*** CML for Mindfulness Team
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*** Forum Mentor

Always Remember These Things.............

Always Believe In Yourself   
Accept everyone no matter what...Bad days do pass
Always give yourself plenty of love, respect, care, and passion
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RumpleSteeleSkin profile picture
March Brings Beauty
Mindfulness Center / by RumpleSteeleSkin
Last post
March 16th, 2023
...See more Do you have a special flower that you love to see bloom in March? Tag List: @24x7Awesome @303315 @AddictedTealover98 @adocker @adrjust1 @adventurousfan @Ady23 @aifos1976 @AjanMalic @alfalfasproutdeux @amarifey @ambitiouschestnut9158 @ambitiouscity3124 @amiablePeace77 @amicableBlackberry1972 @AMusicalSilence @AnActiveListener @ArborealGiggle13 @artisaweapon @asilentobserver @Asimov @astray @babybenfin @badoinkitydoop @basty @behindhazeleyes @beloved316 @benevolentOrange31 @BetterTogether101 @BillyWilson @bk20102kb @blindfaith @BlueberryFriend @blueDiamond @BlueMossWeaver27 @blueocean @blueocean45 @bluewolf1229 @borderinline @bottomofthelist @bouncySeal96 @brainybrainy @brendenjensen @BridgetAileen @brightChestnut4066 @brilliantTurtle89 @brilliomturtle89 @Brooklynn @BuddhistDracula @busyemptymind @callforhelp @callmecaliflower @calmHero86 @caramelbunny @Catlover1993 @Char1otte @chayton @Chocolateandcakes @Claito @cloudySummer @compassionatelistener108 @cookeybear @courageousCake401 @courtmarievibes @CrismsonLime6525 @CrissiArabela @Cutelittlepie1 @Cyanapricot8399 @cyanWater7627 @Daisy7cups @DanaMH @deepblueCoconut000 @Deeperblue @delightfulUnicorn38 @diplomaticconfucious @diplomaticShade2167 @discreetOwl14 @discreetSquare2053 @DoctorWho11 @echovoice @elmira73 @emilyLanes @EmOnTheGo @empathicForest15 @EmunahHere @enigmaforte @EnigmaForte @epitium @equanimousCosmos @ErRoach @essdee @Evaparker02 @evie @ExpectoPatronumm @exuberantOcean6739 @Fairhouse @fearlessWriter78 @fighter23 @FreeSoul1417 @frozenmermaid @gentlePeace76 @ghofrane @GhostInTheShellx @girlygamerkilz @goldentown96 @gongoozlersoup19 @Gozzil @gracefuldeadlyswan @GusteeMoon123 @happydandan @happylove2611 @Harleemoon @HeckhoundBreaker5 @helpfulBranch221 @helpfulHuman4993 @helpfullBranch221 @Hereyzzil @honestplane3797 @hopefulnatural @hopeless104 @houserabbitsrule @humorouscamp915 @IcyLight @indigoCup1959 @interactivec @inventiveOrange1 @InvisibleAngel92 @Itsybitsyspider91 @JasmineWhite @JayTheBird14 @Jenna0903 @JenSee @Joe2017 @Jonsi @joyoussun45 @joyoussun47 @Julian2703 @justconfuses87 @JustLikeMellie @JustMarije @JZack45 @Kanzi @KatMae @keion @kevan @kirtokun0731 @klemen @knowledge57 @Kodachrome73 @KokoroHereForYou @Kumiko @kvo8 @ladibugca @lavenderpeach1107 @Learntolive @leothelittlelioncub1 @letspreadhappiness @LetsSpreadHappiness @LexIris @LG22 @lia345 @Lifeislove123 @lightforlife @lightofhope89 @LilaGrace @LilyLila @lilynoelle @Lionellinu13 @longing4peace @Lovejoy @maibock @marsmoon @Mellietronx @melliontm @MISSMEGHAN @MistyMagic @mistypanorama @mitch11 @motivationalhomegirl @Musicismyfriend @NancySV1 @nans17 @natg @navyFarm1407 @NevaehRose @niceLion789 @niceTangerine6642 @NoDramaBabyLlama @NoneTheWiser @NotQuiteBlue @nourrirvotreame @obie2 @Ohemdieldi @onerandomguy @onwardforevenmore @oxfordshiregatsby @P4ND0R4 @pamharley003 @passionateCircle3866 @peacefulwarrior10 @peachStrawberries1909 @penguinpower31 @peppermintlove @peterman @philispohicalShip9444 @PiecesofYou @Pininin @PinkDaisy83 @PinkMallow @pinkpurpleblue15 @Pinnae @piscesmoon @pizzalover1341 @politeAvocado7234 @politecare2971 @politelychaotic @politeskies6536 @princessd @princessofcurcus @probius @psalm139 @PurpleNina @PurpleSnowflake2310 @rachelq @Raindrops00 @raspberry985 @Raspberrybeach @raspberryLemon7321 @rationaltiger8083 @Ravenclaw7 @Rcusick12 @redLunch4107 @reliableWater8763 @Reokiome0928 @resourcefulbear6750 @rezasophiea @RoninSelecta @rosesway @royalmilkbee @rumplesteeleskin @RynnTheBedouin @Sageypie @Saif1for1Resilience @sail46 @SaimaK @Samar27 @Santysan @saranova @SarilinaN @SavoyTruffle20 @scarletMaple3081 @ScarletPear1945 @scarletPear1945 @ScotchTape @seacastle @sealie @Seeker1898 @sendingyoulove @SensitiveApple @sensitiveShade5337 @SentientCozyTeacup @ShiningSalamander99 @Shriya546 @Shweta555 @shy @silverIceCream21 @silverWillow1625 @sincereCucumber8254 @singblue @Sk1ttles @skittygirl @SkolSuper1976 @sleeplessinmanhattan @Softforesthsp77 @softPoetry23 @soulrestorer102 @soulsings @SparklingSnowflake15 @Spearstar @starhawkemystery @stillLavender24 @stillplanet @SugarSpiceEverythingNice @sujaypai @summertimesamness @SunFern @SunFlower @supportingearthangel @sweetmango91 @sweetMelody95 @sweetrosa1987 @ThePersonYouCanNeverKnow @TheRoseHeartz @TheSciKid @Tiggergirl @tisjme @TrinnitysLight81 @tygo @Umbrella89 @Understandinggirl1990 @unkindloving @Vargasb @VickyP @victoriia @Wawas @westvirginia @wildcat85 @XxOgSpunBbygrl @yzzil @zeraphim
RumpleSteeleSkin profile picture
March welcomes all new comers
Mindfulness Center / by RumpleSteeleSkin
Last post
March 13th, 2023
...See more Good day to everyone! We are here again to welcome a big group of wonderful people who are joining our Mindfulness community. I get excited to meet new members as I can not wait to see how each of them add in skills or stories dealing with Mindfulness. Please community do welcome each of them. When you see them in the forums or rooms please do help them feel welcomed❤️ 🌸 @Dallady 🌺 @listenwithempathy 🌸 @penguin5115 🌺 @gleeful 🌸 @gentleWater3143 🌺 @hopefulwingswillwin 🌸 @JackieMan 🌺 @RadiantPrism 🌸 @niceSugar8318 🌺 @practicalHuman6903 🌸 @NothingAwakened 🌺 @tiamishere 🌸 @Dimitri89 🌺 @considerateAvocado3567 🌸 @shootingstar234 🌺 @DWAboutIt04 🌸 @indigoSeas5718 🌺 @LoveforeverINDLKR 🌸 @racoonwandering 🌺 @lovelyWings564 Tag List: @24x7Awesome @303315 @AddictedTealover98 @adocker @adrjust1 @adventurousfan @Ady23 @aifos1976 @AjanMalic @alfalfasproutdeux @amarifey @ambitiouschestnut9158 @ambitiouscity3124 @amiablePeace77 @amicableBlackberry1972 @AMusicalSilence @AnActiveListener @ArborealGiggle13 @artisaweapon @asilentobserver @Asimov @astray @babybenfin @badoinkitydoop @basty @behindhazeleyes @beloved316 @benevolentOrange31 @BetterTogether101 @BillyWilson @bk20102kb @blindfaith @BlueberryFriend @blueDiamond @BlueMossWeaver27 @blueocean @blueocean45 @bluewolf1229 @borderinline @bottomofthelist @bouncySeal96 @brainybrainy @brendenjensen @BridgetAileen @brightChestnut4066 @brilliantTurtle89 @brilliomturtle89 @Brooklynn @BuddhistDracula @busyemptymind @callforhelp @callmecaliflower @calmHero86 @caramelbunny @Catlover1993 @Char1otte @chayton @Chocolateandcakes @Claito @cloudySummer @compassionatelistener108 @cookeybear @courageousCake401 @courtmarievibes @CrismsonLime6525 @CrissiArabela @Cutelittlepie1 @Cyanapricot8399 @cyanWater7627 @Daisy7cups @DanaMH @deepblueCoconut000 @Deeperblue @delightfulUnicorn38 @diplomaticconfucious @diplomaticShade2167 @discreetOwl14 @discreetSquare2053 @DoctorWho11 @echovoice @elmira73 @emilyLanes @EmOnTheGo @empathicForest15 @EmunahHere @enigmaforte @EnigmaForte @epitium @equanimousCosmos @ErRoach @essdee @Evaparker02 @evie @ExpectoPatronumm @exuberantOcean6739 @Fairhouse @fearlessWriter78 @fighter23 @FreeSoul1417 @frozenmermaid @gentlePeace76 @ghofrane @GhostInTheShellx @girlygamerkilz @goldentown96 @gongoozlersoup19 @Gozzil @gracefuldeadlyswan @GusteeMoon123 @happydandan @happylove2611 @Harleemoon @HeckhoundBreaker5 @helpfulBranch221 @helpfulHuman4993 @helpfullBranch221 @Hereyzzil @honestplane3797 @hopefulnatural @hopeless104 @houserabbitsrule @humorouscamp915 @IcyLight @indigoCup1959 @interactivec @inventiveOrange1 @InvisibleAngel92 @Itsybitsyspider91 @JasmineWhite @JayTheBird14 @Jenna0903 @JenSee @Joe2017 @Jonsi @joyoussun45 @joyoussun47 @Julian2703 @justconfuses87 @JustLikeMellie @JustMarije @JZack45 @Kanzi @KatMae @keion @kevan @kirtokun0731 @klemen @knowledge57 @Kodachrome73 @KokoroHereForYou @Kumiko @kvo8 @ladibugca @lavenderpeach1107 @Learntolive @le@LexIris @LG22 @lia345 @Lifeislove123 @lightforlife @lightofhope89 @LilaGrace @LilyLila @lilynoelle @Lionellinu13 @longing4peace @Lovejoy @maibock @marsmoon @Mellietronx @melliontm @MISSMEGHAN @MistyMagic @mistypanorama @mitch11 @motivationalhomegirl @Musicismyfriend @NancySV1 @nans17 @natg @navyFarm1407 @NevaehRose @niceLion789 @niceTangerine6642 @NoDramaBabyLlama @NoneTheWiser @NotQuiteBlue @nourrirvotreame @obie2 @Ohemdieldi @onerandomguy @onwardforevenmore @oxfordshiregatsby @P4ND0R4 @pamharley003 @passionateCircle3866 @peacefulwarrior10 @peachStrawberries1909 @penguinpower31 @peppermintlove @peterman @philispohicalShip9444 @PiecesofYou @Pininin @PinkDaisy83 @PinkMallow @pinkpurpleblue15 @Pinnae @piscesmoon @pizzalover1341 @politeAvocado7234 @politecare2971 @politelychaotic @politeskies6536 @princessd @princessofcurcus @probius @psalm139 @PurpleNina @PurpleSnowflake2310 @rachelq @Raindrops00 @raspberry985 @Raspberrybeach @raspberryLemon7321 @rationaltiger8083 @Ravenclaw7 @Rcusick12 @redLunch4107 @reliableWater8763 @Reokiome0928 @resourcefulbear6750 @rezasophiea @RoninSelecta @rosesway @royalmilkbee @rumplesteeleskin @RynnTheBedouin @Sageypie @Saif1for1Resilience @sail46 @SaimaK @Samar27 @Santysan @saranova @SarilinaN @SavoyTruffle20 @scarletMaple3081 @ScarletPear1945 @scarletPear1945 @ScotchTape @seacastle @sealie @Seeker1898 @sendingyoulove @SensitiveApple @sensitiveShade5337 @SentientCozyTeacup @ShiningSalamander99 @Shriya546 @Shweta555 @shy @silverIceCream21 @silverWillow1625 @sincereCucumber8254 @singblue @Sk1ttles @skittygirl @SkolSuper1976 @sleeplessinmanhattan @Softforesthsp77 @softPoetry23 @soulrestorer102 @soulsings @SparklingSnowflake15 @Spearstar @starhawkemystery @stillLavender24 @stillplanet @SugarSpiceEverythingNice @sujaypai @summertimesamness @SunFern @SunFlower @supportingearthangel @sweetmango91 @sweetMelody95 @sweetrosa1987 @ThePersonYouCanNeverKnow @TheRoseHeartz @TheSciKid @Tiggergirl @tisjme @TrinnitysLight81 @tygo @Umbrella89 @Understandinggirl1990 @unkindloving @Vargasb @VickyP @victoriia @Wawas @westvirginia @wildcat85 @XxOgSpunBbygrl @yzzil @zeraphim othelittlelioncub1 @letspreadhappiness @LetsSpreadHappiness
RumpleSteeleSkin profile picture
Are you really paying attention?
Mindfulness Center / by RumpleSteeleSkin
Last post
March 7th, 2023
...See more Hello community! I hope you are all doing well❤️ How well are we paying attention when we are driving? Or getting a ride, taking the bus, riding our bikes? Today I know I was not. I was done working at the warehouse and headed home. Easy way I say. My mind was in all places other then driving. I felt I was lost-got worried. Finally able to just pay attention to driving and nothing else. Wheeeew How many of you have similar stories? Please do share. Taglist: @24x7Awesome @303315 @AddictedTealover98 @adocker @adrjust1 @adventurousfan @Ady23 @aifos1976 @AjanMalic @alfalfasproutdeux @amarifey @ambitiouschestnut9158 @ambitiouscity3124 @amiablePeace77 @amicableBlackberry1972 @AMusicalSilence @AnActiveListener @ArborealGiggle13 @artisaweapon @asilentobserver @Asimov @astray @babybenfin @badoinkitydoop @basty @behindhazeleyes @beloved316 @benevolentOrange31 @BetterTogether101 @BillyWilson @bk20102kb @blindfaith @BlueberryFriend @blueDiamond @BlueMossWeaver27 @blueocean @blueocean45 @bluewolf1229 @borderinline @bottomofthelist @bouncySeal96 @brainybrainy @brendenjensen @BridgetAileen @brightChestnut4066 @brilliantTurtle89 @brilliomturtle89 @Brooklynn @BuddhistDracula @busyemptymind @callforhelp @callmecaliflower @calmHero86 @caramelbunny @Catlover1993 @Char1otte @chayton @Chocolateandcakes @Claito @cloudySummer @compassionatelistener108 @cookeybear @courageousCake401 @courtmarievibes @CrismsonLime6525 @CrissiArabela @Cutelittlepie1 @Cyanapricot8399 @cyanWater7627 @Daisy7cups @DanaMH @deepblueCoconut000 @Deeperblue @delightfulUnicorn38 @diplomaticconfucious @diplomaticShade2167 @discreetOwl14 @discreetSquare2053 @DoctorWho11 @echovoice @elmira73 @emilyLanes @EmOnTheGo @empathicForest15 @EmunahHere @enigmaforte @EnigmaForte @epitium @equanimousCosmos @ErRoach @essdee @Evaparker02 @evie @ExpectoPatronumm @exuberantOcean6739 @Fairhouse @fearlessWriter78 @fighter23 @FreeSoul1417 @frozenmermaid @gentlePeace76 @ghofrane @GhostInTheShellx @girlygamerkilz @goldentown96 @gongoozlersoup19 @Gozzil @gracefuldeadlyswan @GusteeMoon123 @happydandan @happylove2611 @Harleemoon @HeckhoundBreaker5 @helpfulBranch221 @helpfulHuman4993 @helpfullBranch221 @Hereyzzil @honestplane3797 @hopefulnatural @hopeless104 @houserabbitsrule @humorouscamp915 @IcyLight @indigoCup1959 @interactivec @inventiveOrange1 @InvisibleAngel92 @Itsybitsyspider91 @JasmineWhite @JayTheBird14 @Jenna0903 @JenSee @Joe2017 @Jonsi @joyoussun45 @joyoussun47 @Julian2703 @justconfuses87 @JustLikeMellie @JustMarije @JZack45 @Kanzi @KatMae @keion @kevan @kirtokun0731 @klemen @knowledge57 @Kodachrome73 @KokoroHereForYou @Kumiko @kvo8 @ladibugca @lavenderpeach1107 @Learntolive @leothelittlelioncub1 @letspreadhappiness @LetsSpreadHappiness @LexIris @LG22 @lia345 @Lifeislove123 @lightforlife @lightofhope89 @LilaGrace @LilyLila @lilynoelle @Lionellinu13 @longing4peace @Lovejoy @maibock @marsmoon @Mellietronx @melliontm @MISSMEGHAN @MistyMagic @mistypanorama @mitch11 @motivationalhomegirl @Musicismyfriend @NancySV1 @nans17 @natg @navyFarm1407 @NevaehRose @niceLion789 @niceTangerine6642 @NoDramaBabyLlama @NoneTheWiser @NotQuiteBlue @nourrirvotreame @obie2 @Ohemdieldi @onerandomguy @onwardforevenmore @oxfordshiregatsby @P4ND0R4 @pamharley003 @passionateCircle3866 @peacefulwarrior10 @peachStrawberries1909 @penguinpower31 @peppermintlove @peterman @philispohicalShip9444 @PiecesofYou @Pininin @PinkDaisy83 @PinkMallow @pinkpurpleblue15 @Pinnae @piscesmoon @pizzalover1341 @politeAvocado7234 @politecare2971 @politelychaotic @politeskies6536 @princessd @princessofcurcus @probius @psalm139 @PurpleNina @PurpleSnowflake2310 @rachelq @Raindrops00 @raspberry985 @Raspberrybeach @raspberryLemon7321 @rationaltiger8083 @Ravenclaw7 @Rcusick12 @redLunch4107 @reliableWater8763 @Reokiome0928 @resourcefulbear6750 @rezasophiea @RoninSelecta @rosesway @royalmilkbee @rumplesteeleskin @RynnTheBedouin @Sageypie @Saif1for1Resilience @sail46 @SaimaK @Samar27 @Santysan @saranova @SarilinaN @SavoyTruffle20 @scarletMaple3081 @ScarletPear1945 @scarletPear1945 @ScotchTape @seacastle @sealie @Seeker1898 @sendingyoulove @SensitiveApple @sensitiveShade5337 @SentientCozyTeacup @ShiningSalamander99 @Shriya546 @Shweta555 @shy @silverIceCream21 @silverWillow1625 @sincereCucumber8254 @singblue @Sk1ttles @skittygirl @SkolSuper1976 @sleeplessinmanhattan @Softforesthsp77 @softPoetry23 @soulrestorer102 @soulsings @SparklingSnowflake15 @Spearstar @starhawkemystery @stillLavender24 @stillplanet @SugarSpiceEverythingNice @sujaypai @summertimesamness @SunFern @SunFlower @supportingearthangel @sweetmango91 @sweetMelody95 @sweetrosa1987 @ThePersonYouCanNeverKnow @TheRoseHeartz @TheSciKid @Tiggergirl @tisjme @TrinnitysLight81 @tygo @Umbrella89 @Understandinggirl1990 @unkindloving @Vargasb @VickyP @victoriia @Wawas @westvirginia @wildcat85 @XxOgSpunBbygrl @yzzil @zeraphim
RumpleSteeleSkin profile picture
What To Do With An Apple?
Mindfulness Center / by RumpleSteeleSkin
Last post
May 6th, 2023
...See more Hello everyone😊 Just was wondering what to do with many apples? Add name to/Delete name from tag list : [] @24x7Awesome @303315 @AddictedTealover98 @adocker @adrjust1 @adventurousfan @Ady23 @aifos1976 @AjanMalic @alfalfasproutdeux @amarifey @ambitiouschestnut9158 @ambitiouscity3124 @amiablePeace77 @amicableBlackberry1972 @AMusicalSilence @AnActiveListener @ArborealGiggle13 @artisaweapon @asilentobserver @Asimov @astray @babybenfin @badoinkitydoop @basty @behindhazeleyes @beloved316 @benevolentOrange31 @BetterTogether101 @BillyWilson @bk20102kb @blindfaith @BlueberryFriend @blueDiamond @BlueMossWeaver27 @blueocean @blueocean45 @bluewolf1229 @borderinline @bottomofthelist @bouncySeal96 @brainybrainy @brendenjensen @BridgetAileen @brightChestnut4066 @brilliantTurtle89 @brilliomturtle89 @Brooklynn @BuddhistDracula @busyemptymind @callforhelp @callmecaliflower @calmHero86 @caramelbunny @Catlover1993 @Char1otte @chayton @Chocolateandcakes @Claito @cloudySummer @compassionatelistener108 @cookeybear @courageousCake401 @courtmarievibes @CrismsonLime6525 @CrissiArabela @Cutelittlepie1 @Cyanapricot8399 @cyanWater7627 @Daisy7cups @DanaMH @deepblueCoconut000 @Deeperblue @delightfulUnicorn38 @diplomaticconfucious @diplomaticShade2167 @discreetOwl14 @discreetSquare2053 @DoctorWho11 @echovoice @elmira73 @emilyLanes @EmOnTheGo @empathicForest15 @EmunahHere @enigmaforte @EnigmaForte @epitium @equanimousCosmos @ErRoach @essdee @Evaparker02 @evie @ExpectoPatronumm @exuberantOcean6739 @Fairhouse @fearlessWriter78 @fighter23 @FreeSoul1417 @frozenmermaid @gentlePeace76 @ghofrane @GhostInTheShellx @girlygamerkilz @goldentown96 @gongoozlersoup19 @Gozzil @gracefuldeadlyswan @GusteeMoon123 @happydandan @happylove2611 @Harleemoon @HeckhoundBreaker5 @helpfulBranch221 @helpfulHuman4993 @helpfullBranch221 @Hereyzzil @honestplane3797 @hopefulnatural @hopeless104 @houserabbitsrule @humorouscamp915 @IcyLight @indigoCup1959 @interactivec @inventiveOrange1 @InvisibleAngel92 @Itsybitsyspider91 @JasmineWhite @JayTheBird14 @Jenna0903 @JenSee @Joe2017 @Jonsi @joyoussun45 @joyoussun47 @Julian2703 @justconfuses87 @JustLikeMellie @JustMarije @JZack45 @Kanzi @KatMae @keion @kevan @kirtokun0731 @klemen @knowledge57 @Kodachrome73 @KokoroHereForYou @Kumiko @kvo8 @ladibugca @lavenderpeach1107 @Learntolive @leothelittlelioncub1 @letspreadhappiness @LetsSpreadHappiness @LexIris @LG22 @lia345 @Lifeislove123 @lightforlife @lightofhope89 @LilaGrace @LilyLila @lilynoelle @Lionellinu13 @longing4peace @Lovejoy @maibock @marsmoon @Mellietronx @melliontm @MISSMEGHAN @MistyMagic @mistypanorama @mitch11 @motivationalhomegirl @Musicismyfriend @NancySV1 @nans17 @natg @navyFarm1407 @NevaehRose @niceLion789 @niceTangerine6642 @NoDramaBabyLlama @NoneTheWiser @NotQuiteBlue @nourrirvotreame @obie2 @Ohemdieldi @onerandomguy @onwardforevenmore @oxfordshiregatsby @P4ND0R4 @pamharley003 @passionateCircle3866 @peacefulwarrior10 @peachStrawberries1909 @penguinpower31 @peppermintlove @peterman @philispohicalShip9444 @PiecesofYou @Pininin @PinkDaisy83 @PinkMallow @pinkpurpleblue15 @Pinnae @piscesmoon @pizzalover1341 @politeAvocado7234 @politecare2971 @politelychaotic @politeskies6536 @princessd @princessofcurcus @probius @psalm139 @PurpleNina @PurpleSnowflake2310 @rachelq @Raindrops00 @raspberry985 @Raspberrybeach @raspberryLemon7321 @rationaltiger8083 @Ravenclaw7 @Rcusick12 @redLunch4107 @reliableWater8763 @Reokiome0928 @resourcefulbear6750 @rezasophiea @RoninSelecta @rosesway @royalmilkbee @rumplesteeleskin @RynnTheBedouin @Sageypie @Saif1for1Resilience @sail46 @SaimaK @Samar27 @Santysan @saranova @SarilinaN @SavoyTruffle20 @scarletMaple3081 @ScarletPear1945 @scarletPear1945 @ScotchTape @seacastle @sealie @Seeker1898 @sendingyoulove @SensitiveApple @sensitiveShade5337 @SentientCozyTeacup @ShiningSalamander99 @Shriya546 @Shweta555 @shy @silverIceCream21 @silverWillow1625 @sincereCucumber8254 @singblue @Sk1ttles @skittygirl @SkolSuper1976 @sleeplessinmanhattan @Softforesthsp77 @softPoetry23 @soulrestorer102 @soulsings @SparklingSnowflake15 @Spearstar @starhawkemystery @stillLavender24 @stillplanet @SugarSpiceEverythingNice @sujaypai @summertimesamness @SunFern @SunFlower @supportingearthangel @sweetmango91 @sweetMelody95 @sweetrosa1987 @ThePersonYouCanNeverKnow @TheRoseHeartz @TheSciKid @Tiggergirl @tisjme @TrinnitysLight81 @tygo @Umbrella89 @Understandinggirl1990 @unkindloving @Vargasb @VickyP @victoriia @Wawas @westvirginia @wildcat85 @XxOgSpunBbygrl @yzzil @zeraphim @@sparklyfly @lovelycocoa
RumpleSteeleSkin profile picture
How do you handle unexpected situations?
Mindfulness Center / by RumpleSteeleSkin
Last post
February 7th, 2023
...See more Good morning community! I do hope that you all are doing good. How do we deal with unexpected situations that come our way? What mindfulness skills do you do that help you? Add name to/Delete name from tag list : [] @24x7Awesome @303315 @AddictedTealover98 @adocker @adrjust1 @adventurousfan @Ady23 @aifos1976 @AjanMalic @alfalfasproutdeux @amarifey @ambitiouschestnut9158 @ambitiouscity3124 @amiablePeace77 @amicableBlackberry1972 @AMusicalSilence @AnActiveListener @ArborealGiggle13 @artisaweapon @asilentobserver @Asimov @astray @babybenfin @badoinkitydoop @basty @behindhazeleyes @beloved316 @benevolentOrange31 @BetterTogether101 @BillyWilson @bk20102kb @blindfaith @BlueberryFriend @blueDiamond @BlueMossWeaver27 @blueocean @blueocean45 @bluewolf1229 @borderinline @bottomofthelist @bouncySeal96 @brainybrainy @brendenjensen @BridgetAileen @brightChestnut4066 @brilliantTurtle89 @brilliomturtle89 @Brooklynn @BuddhistDracula @busyemptymind @callforhelp @callmecaliflower @calmHero86 @caramelbunny @Catlover1993 @Char1otte @chayton @Chocolateandcakes @Claito @cloudySummer @compassionatelistener108 @cookeybear @courageousCake401 @courtmarievibes @CrismsonLime6525 @CrissiArabela @Cutelittlepie1 @Cyanapricot8399 @cyanWater7627 @Daisy7cups @DanaMH @deepblueCoconut000 @Deeperblue @delightfulUnicorn38 @diplomaticconfucious @diplomaticShade2167 @discreetOwl14 @discreetSquare2053 @DoctorWho11 @echovoice @elmira73 @emilyLanes @EmOnTheGo @empathicForest15 @EmunahHere @enigmaforte @EnigmaForte @epitium @equanimousCosmos @ErRoach @essdee @Evaparker02 @evie @ExpectoPatronumm @exuberantOcean6739 @Fairhouse @fearlessWriter78 @fighter23 @FreeSoul1417 @frozenmermaid @gentlePeace76 @ghofrane @GhostInTheShellx @girlygamerkilz @goldentown96 @gongoozlersoup19 @Gozzil @gracefuldeadlyswan @GusteeMoon123 @happydandan @happylove2611 @Harleemoon @HeckhoundBreaker5 @helpfulBranch221 @helpfulHuman4993 @helpfullBranch221 @Hereyzzil @honestplane3797 @hopefulnatural @hopeless104 @houserabbitsrule @humorouscamp915 @IcyLight @indigoCup1959 @interactivec @inventiveOrange1 @InvisibleAngel92 @Itsybitsyspider91 @JasmineWhite @JayTheBird14 @Jenna0903 @JenSee @Joe2017 @Jonsi @joyoussun45 @joyoussun47 @Julian2703 @justconfuses87 @JustLikeMellie @JustMarije @JZack45 @Kanzi @KatMae @keion @kevan @kirtokun0731 @klemen @knowledge57 @Kodachrome73 @KokoroHereForYou @Kumiko @kvo8 @ladibugca @lavenderpeach1107 @Learntolive @leothelittlelioncub1 @letspreadhappiness @LetsSpreadHappiness @LexIris @LG22 @lia345 @Lifeislove123 @lightforlife @lightofhope89 @LilaGrace @LilyLila @lilynoelle @Lionellinu13 @longing4peace @Lovejoy @maibock @marsmoon @Mellietronx @melliontm @MISSMEGHAN @MistyMagic @mistypanorama @mitch11 @motivationalhomegirl @Musicismyfriend @NancySV1 @nans17 @natg @navyFarm1407 @NevaehRose @niceLion789 @niceTangerine6642 @NoDramaBabyLlama @NoneTheWiser @NotQuiteBlue @nourrirvotreame @obie2 @Ohemdieldi @onerandomguy @onwardforevenmore @oxfordshiregatsby @P4ND0R4 @pamharley003 @passionateCircle3866 @peacefulwarrior10 @peachStrawberries1909 @penguinpower31 @peppermintlove @peterman @philispohicalShip9444 @PiecesofYou @Pininin @PinkDaisy83 @PinkMallow @pinkpurpleblue15 @Pinnae @piscesmoon @pizzalover1341 @politeAvocado7234 @politecare2971 @politelychaotic @politeskies6536 @princessd @princessofcurcus @probius @psalm139 @PurpleNina @PurpleSnowflake2310 @rachelq @Raindrops00 @raspberry985 @Raspberrybeach @raspberryLemon7321 @rationaltiger8083 @Ravenclaw7 @Rcusick12 @redLunch4107 @reliableWater8763 @Reokiome0928 @resourcefulbear6750 @rezasophiea @RoninSelecta @rosesway @royalmilkbee @rumplesteeleskin @RynnTheBedouin @Sageypie @Saif1for1Resilience @sail46 @SaimaK @Samar27 @Santysan @saranova @SarilinaN @SavoyTruffle20 @scarletMaple3081 @ScarletPear1945 @scarletPear1945 @ScotchTape @seacastle @sealie @Seeker1898 @sendingyoulove @SensitiveApple @sensitiveShade5337 @SentientCozyTeacup @ShiningSalamander99 @Shriya546 @Shweta555 @shy @silverIceCream21 @silverWillow1625 @sincereCucumber8254 @singblue @Sk1ttles @skittygirl @SkolSuper1976 @sleeplessinmanhattan @Softforesthsp77 @softPoetry23 @soulrestorer102 @soulsings @SparklingSnowflake15 @Spearstar @starhawkemystery @stillLavender24 @stillplanet @SugarSpiceEverythingNice @sujaypai @summertimesamness @SunFern @SunFlower @supportingearthangel @sweetmango91 @sweetMelody95 @sweetrosa1987 @ThePersonYouCanNeverKnow @TheRoseHeartz @TheSciKid @Tiggergirl @tisjme @TrinnitysLight81 @tygo @Umbrella89 @Understandinggirl1990 @unkindloving @Vargasb @VickyP @victoriia @Wawas @westvirginia @wildcat85 @XxOgSpunBbygrl @yzzil @zeraphim @@sparklyfly @lovelycocoa
RumpleSteeleSkin profile picture
February welcomes all newcomers
Mindfulness Center / by RumpleSteeleSkin
Last post
February 2nd, 2023
...See more Welcome and hello to everyone reading this. It is so exciting to see how many new people join our Mindfulness Community. Today I have another batch of wonderful people joining. Please when you see them in our community say hello❤️ ** Question: What do you like about February?** ❤️ @Akay06 ❤️ @Grignardreagent ❤️ @TextingLeon ❤️ @Tealpy ❤️ @TigerB33 ❤️ @Lavender2023 ❤️ @DecisiveOrange5470 ❤️ @Stallion3 ❤️ @Waldohreule ❤️ @GlitteryHearts ❤️ @Sweetlatte ❤️ @CherQS ❤️ @CaringLught923 ❤️ @selfdisciplinedField8714 ❤️ @PeaceOfMind321 ❤️ @ConvivialEast8384 ❤️ @Charmariet ❤️ @SilverMistakes ❤️ @Datnik ❤️ @ColorfulRainbows7412 Add name to/Remove name from tag list : [] @24x7Awesome @303315 @AddictedTealover98 @adocker @adrjust1 @adventurousfan @Ady23 @aifos1976 @AjanMalic @alfalfasproutdeux @amarifey @ambitiouschestnut9158 @ambitiouscity3124 @amiablePeace77 @amicableBlackberry1972 @AMusicalSilence @AnActiveListener @ArborealGiggle13 @artisaweapon @asilentobserver @Asimov @astray @babybenfin @badoinkitydoop @basty @behindhazeleyes @beloved316 @benevolentOrange31 @BetterTogether101 @BillyWilson @bk20102kb @blindfaith @BlueberryFriend @blueDiamond @BlueMossWeaver27 @blueocean @blueocean45 @bluewolf1229 @borderinline @bottomofthelist @bouncySeal96 @brainybrainy @brendenjensen @BridgetAileen @brightChestnut4066 @brilliantTurtle89 @brilliomturtle89 @Brooklynn @BuddhistDracula @busyemptymind @callforhelp @callmecaliflower @calmHero86 @caramelbunny @Catlover1993 @Char1otte @chayton @Chocolateandcakes @Claito @cloudySummer @compassionatelistener108 @cookeybear @courageousCake401 @courtmarievibes @CrismsonLime6525 @CrissiArabela @Cutelittlepie1 @Cyanapricot8399 @cyanWater7627 @Daisy7cups @DanaMH @deepblueCoconut000 @Deeperblue @delightfulUnicorn38 @diplomaticconfucious @diplomaticShade2167 @discreetOwl14 @discreetSquare2053 @DoctorWho11 @echovoice @elmira73 @emilyLanes @EmOnTheGo @empathicForest15 @EmunahHere @enigmaforte @EnigmaForte @epitium @equanimousCosmos @ErRoach @essdee @Evaparker02 @evie @ExpectoPatronumm @exuberantOcean6739 @Fairhouse @fearlessWriter78 @fighter23 @FreeSoul1417 @frozenmermaid @gentlePeace76 @ghofrane @GhostInTheShellx @girlygamerkilz @goldentown96 @gongoozlersoup19 @Gozzil @gracefuldeadlyswan @GusteeMoon123 @happydandan @happylove2611 @Harleemoon @HeckhoundBreaker5 @helpfulBranch221 @helpfulHuman4993 @helpfullBranch221 @Hereyzzil @honestplane3797 @hopefulnatural @hopeless104 @houserabbitsrule @humorouscamp915 @IcyLight @indigoCup1959 @interactivec @inventiveOrange1 @InvisibleAngel92 @Itsybitsyspider91 @JasmineWhite @JayTheBird14 @Jenna0903 @JenSee @Joe2017 @Jonsi @joyoussun45 @joyoussun47 @Julian2703 @justconfuses87 @JustLikeMellie @JustMarije @JZack45 @Kanzi @KatMae @keion @kevan @kirtokun0731 @klemen @knowledge57 @Kodachrome73 @KokoroHereForYou @Kumiko @kvo8 @ladibugca @lavenderpeach1107 @Learntolive @leothelittlelioncub1 @letspreadhappiness @LetsSpreadHappiness @LexIris @LG22 @lia345 @Lifeislove123 @lightforlife @lightofhope89 @LilaGrace @LilyLila @lilynoelle @Lionellinu13 @longing4peace @Lovejoy @maibock @marsmoon @Mellietronx @melliontm @MISSMEGHAN @MistyMagic @mistypanorama @mitch11 @motivationalhomegirl @Musicismyfriend @NancySV1 @nans17 @natg @navyFarm1407 @NevaehRose @niceLion789 @niceTangerine6642 @NoDramaBabyLlama @NoneTheWiser @NotQuiteBlue @nourrirvotreame @obie2 @Ohemdieldi @onerandomguy @onwardforevenmore @oxfordshiregatsby @P4ND0R4 @pamharley003 @passionateCircle3866 @peacefulwarrior10 @peachStrawberries1909 @penguinpower31 @peppermintlove @peterman @philispohicalShip9444 @PiecesofYou @Pininin @PinkDaisy83 @PinkMallow @pinkpurpleblue15 @Pinnae @piscesmoon @pizzalover1341 @politeAvocado7234 @politecare2971 @politelychaotic @politeskies6536 @princessd @princessofcurcus @probius @psalm139 @PurpleNina @PurpleSnowflake2310 @rachelq @Raindrops00 @raspberry985 @Raspberrybeach @raspberryLemon7321 @rationaltiger8083 @Ravenclaw7 @Rcusick12 @redLunch4107 @reliableWater8763 @Reokiome0928 @resourcefulbear6750 @rezasophiea @RoninSelecta @rosesway @royalmilkbee @rumplesteeleskin @RynnTheBedouin @Sageypie @Saif1for1Resilience @sail46 @SaimaK @Samar27 @Santysan @saranova @SarilinaN @SavoyTruffle20 @scarletMaple3081 @ScarletPear1945 @scarletPear1945 @ScotchTape @seacastle @sealie @Seeker1898 @sendingyoulove @SensitiveApple @sensitiveShade5337 @SentientCozyTeacup @ShiningSalamander99 @Shriya546 @Shweta555 @shy @silverIceCream21 @silverWillow1625 @sincereCucumber8254 @singblue @Sk1ttles @skittygirl @SkolSuper1976 @sleeplessinmanhattan @Softforesthsp77 @softPoetry23 @soulrestorer102 @soulsings @SparklingSnowflake15 @Spearstar @starhawkemystery @stillLavender24 @stillplanet @SugarSpiceEverythingNice @sujaypai @summertimesamness @SunFern @SunFlower @supportingearthangel @sweetmango91 @sweetMelody95 @sweetrosa1987 @ThePersonYouCanNeverKnow @TheRoseHeartz @TheSciKid @Tiggergirl @tisjme @TrinnitysLight81 @tygo @Umbrella89 @Understandinggirl1990 @unkindloving @Vargasb @VickyP @victoriia @Wawas @westvirginia @wildcat85 @XxOgSpunBbygrl @yzzil @zeraphim @@sparklyfly @lovelycocoa
RumpleSteeleSkin profile picture
All I want for Christmas is................
Mindfulness Center / by RumpleSteeleSkin
Last post
December 22nd, 2022
...See more What is the one special thing you like for Christmas? Add name to/Remove name from tag list: [] @24x7Awesome @303315 @adocker @adrjust1 @adventurousfan @Ady23 @aifos1976 @AjanMalic @alfalfasproutdeux @amarifey @ambitiouschestnut9158 @ambitiouscity3124 @amiablePeace77 @amicableBlackberry1972 @AMusicalSilence @AnActiveListener @ArborealGiggle13 @artisaweapon @asilentobserver @Asimov @astray @babybenfin @badoinkitydoop @basty @behindhazeleyes @beloved316 @benevolentOrange31 @BetterTogether101 @BillyWilson @bk20102kb @blindfaith @BlueberryFriend @blueDiamond @BlueMossWeaver27 @blueocean @blueocean45 @bluewolf1229 @borderinline @bottomofthelist @bouncySeal96 @brainybrainy @brendenjensen @BridgetAileen @brightChestnut4066 @brilliantTurtle89 @brilliomturtle89 @Brooklynn @BuddhistDracula @busyemptymind @callforhelp @callmecaliflower @calmHero86 @caramelbunny @Catlover1993 @Char1otte @chayton @Chocolateandcakes @Claito @cloudySummer @compassionatelistener108 @cookeybear @courageousCake401 @courtmarievibes @CrismsonLime6525 @CrissiArabela @Cutelittlepie1 @Cyanapricot8399 @cyanWater7627 @DanaMH @deepblueCoconut000 @Deeperblue @delightfulUnicorn38 @diplomaticconfucious @diplomaticShade2167 @discreetOwl14 @discreetSquare2053 @DoctorWho11 @echovoice @elmira73 @emilyLanes @EmOnTheGo @empathicForest15 @EmunahHere @enigmaforte @EnigmaForte @epitium @equanimousCosmos @ErRoach @essdee @Evaparker02 @evie @ExpectoPatronumm @exuberantOcean6739 @Fairhouse @fearlessWriter78 @fighter23 @FreeSoul1417 @fristo @frozenmermaid @gentlePeace76 @ghofrane @GhostInTheShellx @girlygamerkilz @goldentown96 @gongoozlersoup19 @Gozzil @gracefuldeadlyswan @GusteeMoon123 @happydandan @happylove2611 @Harleemoon @HeckhoundBreaker5 @helpfulBranch221 @helpfulHuman4993 @helpfullBranch221 @Hereyzzil @honestplane3797 @hopefulnatural @hopeless104 @houserabbitsrule @humorouscamp915 @IcyLight @indigoCup1959 @interactivec @inventiveOrange1 @InvisibleAngel92 @Itsybitsyspider91 @JasmineWhite @JayTheBird14 @Jenna0903 @JenSee @Joe2017 @Jonsi @joyoussun45 @joyoussun47 @Julian2703 @justconfuses87 @JustLikeMellie @JustMarije @JZack45 @Kanzi @KatMae @keion @kevan @kirtokun0731 @klemen @knowledge57 @Kodachrome73 @KokoroHereForYou @Kumiko @kvo8 @ladibugca @Learntolive @leothelittlelioncub1 @letspreadhappiness @LetsSpreadHappiness @LexIris @LG22 @lia345 @Lifeislove123 @lightforlife @lightofhope89 @LilaGrace @LilyLila @lilynoelle @Lionellinu13 @longing4peace @Lovejoy @maibock @marsmoon @Mellietronx @melliontm @MISSMEGHAN @MistyMagic @mistypanorama @mitch11 @motivationalhomegirl @Musicismyfriend @NancySV1 @nans17 @natg @navyFarm1407 @NevaehRose @niceLion789 @niceTangerine6642 @NoDramaBabyLlama @NoneTheWiser @NotQuiteBlue @nourrirvotreame @obie2 @Ohemdieldi @onerandomguy @onwardforevenmore @oxfordshiregatsby @P4ND0R4 @pamharley003 @passionateCircle3866 @peacefulwarrior10 @peachStrawberries1909 @penguinpower31 @peppermintlove @peterman @philispohicalShip9444 @PiecesofYou @Pininin @PinkDaisy83 @PinkMallow @pinkpurpleblue15 @Pinnae @piscesmoon @pizzalover1341 @politeAvocado7234 @politecare2971 @politelychaotic @politeskies6536 @princessd @princessofcurcus @probius @psalm139 @PurpleNina @PurpleSnowflake2310 @rachelq @Raindrops00 @raspberry985 @Raspberrybeach @raspberryLemon7321 @rationaltiger8083 @Ravenclaw7 @Rcusick12 @redLunch4107 @reliableWater8763 @Reokiome0928 @resourcefulbear6750 @rezasophiea @RoninSelecta @rosesway @royalmilkbee @rumplesteeleskin @RynnTheBedouin @Sageypie @Saif1for1Resilience @sail46 @SaimaK @Samar27 @Santysan @saranova @SarilinaN @scarletMaple3081 @ScarletPear1945 @scarletPear1945 @ScotchTape @seacastle @sealie @Seeker1898 @sendingyoulove @SensitiveApple @sensitiveShade5337 @SentientCozyTeacup @ShiningSalamander99 @Shriya546 @Shweta555 @shy @silverIceCream21 @silverWillow1625 @sincereCucumber8254 @singblue @Sk1ttles @skittygirl @SkolSuper1976 @sleeplessinmanhattan @Softforesthsp77 @softPoetry23 @soulrestorer102 @soulsings @SparklingSnowflake15 @Spearstar @starhawkemystery @stillLavender24 @stillplanet @SugarSpiceEverythingNice @sujaypai @summertimesamness @SunFern @SunFlower @supportingearthangel @sweetmango91 @sweetMelody95 @sweetrosa1987 @ThePersonYouCanNeverKnow @TheRoseHeartz @TheSciKid @Tiggergirl @tisjme @TrinnitysLight81 @tygo @Umbrella89 @Understandinggirl1990 @unkindloving @Vargasb @VickyP @victoriia @Wawas @westvirginia @wildcat85 @XxOgSpunBbygrl @yzzil @zeraphim
RumpleSteeleSkin profile picture
What is your favorite Christmas Song?
Mindfulness Center / by RumpleSteeleSkin
Last post
December 28th, 2022
...See more 🎍What is your favorite Christmas Song? Please do if you can share a link to the song so we can all enjoy it together🎍 To add/Remove name from tag list: [] @24x7Awesome @303315 @adocker @adrjust1 @adventurousfan @Ady23 @aifos1976 @AjanMalic @alfalfasproutdeux @amarifey @ambitiouschestnut9158 @ambitiouscity3124 @amiablePeace77 @amicableBlackberry1972 @AMusicalSilence @AnActiveListener @ArborealGiggle13 @artisaweapon @asilentobserver @Asimov @astray @babybenfin @badoinkitydoop @basty @behindhazeleyes @beloved316 @benevolentOrange31 @BetterTogether101 @BillyWilson @bk20102kb @blindfaith @BlueberryFriend @blueDiamond @BlueMossWeaver27 @blueocean @blueocean45 @bluewolf1229 @borderinline @bottomofthelist @bouncySeal96 @brainybrainy @brendenjensen @BridgetAileen @brightChestnut4066 @brilliantTurtle89 @brilliomturtle89 @Brooklynn @BuddhistDracula @busyemptymind @callforhelp @callmecaliflower @calmHero86 @caramelbunny @Catlover1993 @Char1otte @chayton @Chocolateandcakes @Claito @cloudySummer @compassionatelistener108 @cookeybear @courageousCake401 @courtmarievibes @CrismsonLime6525 @CrissiArabela @Cutelittlepie1 @Cyanapricot8399 @cyanWater7627 @DanaMH @deepblueCoconut000 @Deeperblue @delightfulUnicorn38 @diplomaticconfucious @diplomaticShade2167 @discreetOwl14 @discreetSquare2053 @DoctorWho11 @echovoice @elmira73 @emilyLanes @EmOnTheGo @empathicForest15 @EmunahHere @enigmaforte @EnigmaForte @epitium @equanimousCosmos @ErRoach @essdee @Evaparker02 @evie @ExpectoPatronumm @exuberantOcean6739 @Fairhouse @fearlessWriter78 @fighter23 @FreeSoul1417 @fristo @frozenmermaid @gentlePeace76 @ghofrane @GhostInTheShellx @girlygamerkilz @goldentown96 @gongoozlersoup19 @Gozzil @gracefuldeadlyswan @GusteeMoon123 @happydandan @happylove2611 @Harleemoon @HeckhoundBreaker5 @helpfulBranch221 @helpfulHuman4993 @helpfullBranch221 @Hereyzzil @honestplane3797 @hopefulnatural @hopeless104 @houserabbitsrule @humorouscamp915 @IcyLight @indigoCup1959 @interactivec @inventiveOrange1 @InvisibleAngel92 @Itsybitsyspider91 @JasmineWhite @JayTheBird14 @Jenna0903 @JenSee @Joe2017 @Jonsi @joyoussun45 @joyoussun47 @Julian2703 @justconfuses87 @JustLikeMellie @JustMarije @JZack45 @Kanzi @KatMae @keion @kevan @kirtokun0731 @klemen @knowledge57 @Kodachrome73 @KokoroHereForYou @Kumiko @kvo8 @ladibugca @Learntolive @leothelittlelioncub1 @letspreadhappiness @LetsSpreadHappiness @LexIris @LG22 @lia345 @Lifeislove123 @lightforlife @lightofhope89 @LilaGrace @LilyLila @lilynoelle @Lionellinu13 @longing4peace @Lovejoy @maibock @marsmoon @Mellietronx @melliontm @MISSMEGHAN @MistyMagic @mistypanorama @mitch11 @motivationalhomegirl @Musicismyfriend @NancySV1 @nans17 @natg @navyFarm1407 @NevaehRose @niceLion789 @niceTangerine6642 @NoDramaBabyLlama @NoneTheWiser @NotQuiteBlue @nourrirvotreame @obie2 @Ohemdieldi @onerandomguy @onwardforevenmore @oxfordshiregatsby @P4ND0R4 @pamharley003 @passionateCircle3866 @peacefulwarrior10 @peachStrawberries1909 @penguinpower31 @peppermintlove @peterman @philispohicalShip9444 @PiecesofYou @Pininin @PinkDaisy83 @PinkMallow @pinkpurpleblue15 @Pinnae @piscesmoon @pizzalover1341 @politeAvocado7234 @politecare2971 @politelychaotic @politeskies6536 @princessd @princessofcurcus @probius @psalm139 @PurpleNina @PurpleSnowflake2310 @rachelq @Raindrops00 @raspberry985 @Raspberrybeach @raspberryLemon7321 @rationaltiger8083 @Ravenclaw7 @Rcusick12 @redLunch4107 @reliableWater8763 @Reokiome0928 @resourcefulbear6750 @rezasophiea @RoninSelecta @rosesway @royalmilkbee @rumplesteeleskin @RynnTheBedouin @Sageypie @Saif1for1Resilience @sail46 @SaimaK @Samar27 @Santysan @saranova @SarilinaN @scarletMaple3081 @ScarletPear1945 @scarletPear1945 @ScotchTape @seacastle @sealie @Seeker1898 @sendingyoulove @SensitiveApple @sensitiveShade5337 @SentientCozyTeacup @ShiningSalamander99 @Shriya546 @Shweta555 @shy @silverIceCream21 @silverWillow1625 @sincereCucumber8254 @singblue @Sk1ttles @skittygirl @SkolSuper1976 @sleeplessinmanhattan @Softforesthsp77 @softPoetry23 @soulrestorer102 @soulsings @SparklingSnowflake15 @Spearstar @starhawkemystery @stillLavender24 @stillplanet @SugarSpiceEverythingNice @sujaypai @summertimesamness @SunFern @SunFlower @supportingearthangel @sweetmango91 @sweetMelody95 @sweetrosa1987 @ThePersonYouCanNeverKnow @TheRoseHeartz @TheSciKid @Tiggergirl @tisjme @TrinnitysLight81 @tygo @Umbrella89 @Understandinggirl1990 @unkindloving @Vargasb @VickyP @victoriia @Wawas @westvirginia @wildcat85 @XxOgSpunBbygrl @yzzil @zeraphim
Feedback & Reviews
So, so helpful! Very kind and made sure to plan for followup. I felt very listened to
Very helpful, kind and wonderful.
Thanks for the kindness!
Rumple was very kind and dear hearted
Great! Best listeners! Really awesome thank you!❤️
My all-time favorite listener
Listened very well even though I may have talked too much.
she is an amazing listener 10 out of 10
When I needed support they were there for me.
Very supportive
Rumple is always helpful
Nice and understand. good listener too
Rumple is a wonderful listener. He is attentive and caring.
yes perfect
I love Rumple :-) He knows exactly what to say to calm me down. :-)
He really understood where I came from and how I felt.
Thank you so much for being there for me, I appreciate everything
He is trying to help
It is good to talk with an older person here. I felt connected to him in many ways. I had confusing thoughts of coming onto 7cups and how listeners are. But Rumple made sure to see how I was doing several times, reached out to me in a way I thought I was sitting with a counselor. Thank you Rumple you are a great person and very patient, thank you for your kind thoughts and suggestions for me to use daily. I feel very much alive in the inside and I'm very glad I came across this site. Now I have someone here I can look forward to talking with. Keep up being caring and patient as well as so kind with your words.
RumpleSteeleSkin made me feel important and heard. I was feeling hopeless and discouraged but RumpleSteeleSkin heard me and didn't judge me or try and fix me. Also I smiled at his humor and kind thoughts to me. He is a great listener here and I hope I get to speak to him more. I'm becoming a member now so he can be my listener. Thank you 7cups
She is a wonderful listener and a wonderful person.
Rumple is a great listener.. always has been and always will be.
Rumple is such a blessing on this site! Love her! :)
Rumple is a fantastic and empathetic listener. She is an expert in mindfulness which really helped me engage with my feelings on a more positive platform. Rumple creates a non judgemental and caring space to share and develop your understanding of yourself.
Rumple thank you so much for supporting me through some very difficult times. You are a wonderful listener.
Very Very good listener
Rumple is a kind soul to me. He was kind to me. I was going through a lot and he was patient with me. We sat and did a mindfulness exercise and it out me calm. Rumple I wish I can give you more for listening to me for a long time. But I say thank you. You are a kind person to give your time here to us in need. Thank you again
Super kind and gave me helpful resources too. Thank you Rumple :)
Very nice
Great to talk to,understands what your going through and responds quickly !
So kind and supportive. Recommend to everyone who is having a rough time as this listener is one of the best I've ever had ❤
Awesome listener who made me feel much better after something happened that made me upset. Always there to talk to you and help you feel comfortable.
She's amazing to talk too. Give you that warm feeling of hope.
Makes you feel completely safe
A positive and uplifting light!
Very nice to talk to Rumple, very empathic and was really good to let some weight of my chest to someone who is sincerly concerned and wants to help you. It felt really to talk to him and it really gave me a better feeling! Thank alot Rumple!
Very supportive, understanding and compasionate!
Lovely listener- Seriously this is the one for anybody. She is perfect. Helped me so much supportive, Thank you Rumple- couldnt of done it without you
Rumple is awesome!! They had me laughing when I came on here in pain and so much alone. They made my sharing important to them and even shared a bit of skills to help me out. Rumple listened to me felt forever,but I know Im important here. I will remain a member here now. Rumple keep up with your dedication to make us feel better.
RumpleSteeleSkin was really kind and understanding. It was really nice to feel like I could share my thoughts with someone who would be so validating and understanding of me and not judge me or try to "fix" me. RumpleSteeleSkin is one of the best listeners I have encountered on 7cups. Thank you so much for being there to simply listen!
I was alone......till Rumple started talking to me. Professional and showed me patience and awareness to my issues. And I enjoyed the links and jokes they shared with me so I could smile and laugh. Hug to you Rumple and thank you.
I was heard..not judged. RumpleSteeleSkin took the time to hear me and not refer me to another person. I feel so much better to just let it out to another person. They even offered tissue when I was crying. Thank you RumpleSteeleSkin for being my listener. You showed me things I have not experienced in a long time. You are right-I am worth something and loved. I will be talking to you more
rumple really care about me and i can share anything with them. they are available when i need someone, never judge and always encourage me in my goals.
So awesome. She makes me feel like I fit in
Rumple is the best. Rumple helps you. Rumple is professional. Rumple has empathy. Rumple doesn't keep you waiting. I love rumple!
So cool. Rumple let me talk about religion to them. They did not judge but heard how I was and my thoughts. You are my angel
Rumplesteeleskin is very patient with my venting. They listened to me. I felt like I was talking to a friend. And Rumplesteeleskin agreed to be my listener as long as I needed.
Thank you for listening to me and thank you for not judging me
Good listening skills
Excellent listener - really understanding and caring :)
This listener I will have till I don't need this site. I was having rough times, and they really took the time and that was 2 hours to listen to me. I am loving this site, and thank you to my listener friend
Good at making sure I feel good always
Amazing for my first ever listener. Deffo going to keep in touch and let her know my update
So sweet and a very warm person! We have spoken many times and each time they are incredibly helpful and genuine. Heart of gold and always helps me see things from a different perspective. Grade A listener!
Very cordial and sweet. Only wanted to hear me rant which when though I wanted to hear him speak his mind which was probably for the better it made me feel better
Very supportive and helps to the max of the ability and cares a lot.
Amazing person great at what she does made me feel like family I know if I ever need a someone to talk to I know I can tell her anything at all
Very responsive and good suggestions
A loving, warm and caring person, who put a smile on my face on really tough times!
The conversation was like a nice hot cup of chocolate, soothing and comforting
I was in desperate tears when we started chatting and now I feel much, much better. She is a lovely sweet listener and definitely made me feel better.
Made me feel better, somehow. Really lovely person.
Very nice.
kind and compassionate. Let me get my feelings out.
Badges & Awards
187 total badges
Honor Listening Ear Long Ears Magnet Milestone Warm Heart Kind Shoulder Heart Healer Encourager Sage Messenger PenPal Jester of Smiles Clerk of Bear Hugs Piper of Dedication Baron of Big-Hearts Ellen Jump Start Anxiety Depression Eating Disorders Managing Emotions Panic Attacks Surviving Breakups Traumatic Experiences Crisis Intervention Peter Pan Listener Oath Work Related Stress Self Harm Sexual Abuse Alcohol & Drug Abuse Family Support Grad Cultural Diversity Aristotle Verified Listener Bullying Chronic Pain Psychological First Aid Family Stress Sleeping Well Graduate Master Scholar Love Bug Forumpedia Ally Refresher Appreciation Buddy iListen Light Chat Tiny Chat Small Chat Chit Chat Big Chat Voice Talker Communicator Speaker Orator Ray of Hope Shining Light Florence Nightingale Help Angel Self-Care Trust Fall Lean-On-Me Relationships Break-A-Leg Self-Love College Guide Loneliness Guide Test Anxiety Exercise Motivation ACT Therapy Affirmative Reflection Chat & Text Listening Ace Active Listening Listen on the Go Depression Support Guest Host Conversationalist Oprah Community Builder Guiding Spirit Startup Support Feedback Perinatal Perinatal Support Schizophrenia People of Color Guide ADHD Social Anxiety OCD Boundaries Forgiveness Grief Managing Bipolar Managing Finances Surviving Domestic Assault Getting Unstuck Mindfulness Support Hello Again Above & Beyond Positivity Challenge Operations Mentor 7Cups Guide Rocket Listener Mock Chat Master 12 Steps Community 101 Hangout Key TS Key 7 Cups Intern Grad Flower Crown Twinning Pro 3rd Bday Hug-a-friend Strangers Unite Icebreaker Champion Sparkler Loyal Friend Tick Tock Fellow Friend NAMI Listener Mod Star Mod On Mod Major Mod Champion Doorkeeper Mediator Mod Mod Siren Mod Squad Steadfast Soul I Steadfast Soul II Steadfast Soul III Meet & Greet Proudly Proactive I Proudly Proactive II Reconnection Hero I Reconnection Hero II First Community First Chat First Post Five Steps High 5 Hang 10 Open Door Winter 2018 Special Events Weight Management Diabetes CBT Summer Events Thankful Heart Gratitude Abound Appreciated Fall 2018 Events Busy Bee Hope Training Accountability Santa's Helper Familiar Face Kindness Crusader All for One Peer Pro Peer Training 01 Peer Training 02 Peer Training 03 Peer Training 04 Peer Training 05 Peer Training 06 Peer Training 07 Peer Training 08 Peer Training 09 Peer Training 10 Peer Training 11 Peer Training 12 Editorial Assistant Writer New Mom Support Support Key Continuing Education Sharing Circle Pineapple AL1 Team 7th Birthday Party Fall Events 2020