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[Members]Farewell/Taking a Break/Returning Thread: Send Your Regards

MonBon March 1st, 2016

We often time come to 7 cups in search of something:

-Someone who understands

-Someone to talk to

-Someone who will listen

-Someone to keep us company

Many of us find that - which is awesome!

However, there may come a time when as a member, you are ready to leave. And that is okay. It doesn't have to be forever or even an awfully long time. Maybe you are leaving to go out to eat with friends for the first time in weeks or months. Let us know so we can send you off with warm regards!

amiablePeace77 June 25th


I wish you all the best and look forward to seeing you here again! 

soulsings November 1st, 2022

@NoneTheWiser you are doing the right thing to take self care time off. That is the best for you and the community that you take care of things coming up for you so when you return you feel the same joy and enthusiasm that you felt when you first joined.

MistyMagic November 1st, 2022

@NoneTheWiser It's ok, we understand. Please, there is no need to say sorry, we all need to take time off sometimes and everything will be alright. I do hope that things offline work themselves out smoothly. I look forward to having you back working with us if you can, until then we can still chat. Take care.

Listening - One Step At A Time!

Sunisshiningandsoareyou November 1st, 2022


Hope you have an amazing break, Jess. I'd like to remind again, that you're on a member account here, all that you do is not something that you really "have to" do in the first place, you do it purely out of your own generosity, and ofcourse it is a gratifying experience to support those in similar shoes as us, or ones we can relate more with, again, all out of the sheer goodness of your kind heart, you are super duper appreciated and loved for all that you do for the community, but to all of us, *you* are more important and so is your wellbeing always, that *is* the priority, okie(?), more than okay to take as much time off as you need, and do whatever that helps you feel comforted during this time. Absolutely nothing to not-understand or apologize here for. Please take good care of yourself. See you.

Sending lots of love and hugs. ❤

soulsings November 16th, 2022

@NoneTheWiser glad it helped. Hope to see you back as much as you are able.