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[Members]Farewell/Taking a Break/Returning Thread: Send Your Regards

MonBon March 1st, 2016

We often time come to 7 cups in search of something:

-Someone who understands

-Someone to talk to

-Someone who will listen

-Someone to keep us company

Many of us find that - which is awesome!

However, there may come a time when as a member, you are ready to leave. And that is okay. It doesn't have to be forever or even an awfully long time. Maybe you are leaving to go out to eat with friends for the first time in weeks or months. Let us know so we can send you off with warm regards!

February 8th, 2022

@emotionalTalker2260 yes you left more than a wonderful mark<3 you are a big success at cups, it is a matter of time that the same success will show up in other areas of your life too!

emotionalTalker2260 February 8th, 2022


๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’– thank you fristo. I hope to see you around cups every now and then (when i come on) (if i do)

February 8th, 2022

@emotionalTalker2260 I know it feels hard presently, but uncertainty about future kind of keeps things mysterious! Whatever it comes to be, I know there will be some good in it for us to see and cherish. Maybe we will celebrate that moment together, but who knows!

emotionalTalker2260 February 8th, 2022


;-; i just love your wisdom and what you have to say fristo. it is something incredibly remarkable and it has always made my day just to see you around <3

February 8th, 2022

@emotionalTalker2260 Let me be bit more honest here. More than emo, I'll miss tiepo fezt, I will miss ':D' at beginning of messages, I'll miss creative head emo. I'll miss kind heart emo. Wait, what I counted was basically emo, so yes I'll miss and remember you. I haven't met another emo on cups and I don't think I'll meet. You have been unique and precious for us. But but, I don't like you for your addiction to 7cups -simply because it is not healthy for you and it concerns me:/ Other than that, I adore emo the way they are! Wait, one more thing- please also be sharing your true self to those whom you can trust for sharing your true emotions. Be you, the vulnerable you, whenever you can afford it (remember the no-emoji challenge? :P)

emotionalTalker2260 February 8th, 2022


smh fristo, are you trying to make me cry *smiley face emoji* i will never forget tiepo fezt when i am a typo fairy myself nor our emoji challenges. *cries more*OGC.3b2c209ac5d5a375419b2bc4b4576012?pid=1.7&

lueurspace February 8th, 2022


I wish there was something more I could do, talker... *hugs* I really hope things get better on your end


In the end, I want my heart to be covered in stretch marks. - Andrea Gibson

emotionalTalker2260 February 8th, 2022



all i am asking is for you to be you <3 *hugs* (this goes for everyone. please just be yourself, not everyone else.)

lueurspace February 8th, 2022


we love you so much, talker โค๏ธ

*hugs* you be you too, we will get through this together and you will always and forever be welcome in the community. you are family :3

In the end, I want my heart to be covered in stretch marks. - Andrea Gibson

emotionalTalker2260 February 8th, 2022


OGC.5b594efd7a2546595028adaa15ce23e4?pid=1.7& :D totally not a mood of mine XD

:0 aww *hugs lu lu*

VaryingCloud February 8th, 2022


Oh Emo! I really didnโ€™t want to read this post so soon! We hardly started talking and I am already so full of praises for you! Your tags and comments always made me smile. You are such a delightful soul around here! There is absolutely no doubt that you will be missed by me and many or should I say all of us here (since youโ€™re famous/omnipresent?) : p

But, I can see that this cute little Emo has courageously taken a step forward and has decided to do something about self which is applaudable! Weโ€™re all super proud of you for doing this and are gonna hold your hand to help you move forward with your decision! Sending your way a million *hugs*, smiles and best wishes! We know Emo is not really going anywhere but is just gonna spread out their wings, fly higher and be their best version! Cups is gonna remain your home :p and you can visit us here anytime you feel like. : )โค๏ธ Weโ€™ll be ready to welcome you with open arms! We all love you too!โค๏ธ๐Ÿค—

emotionalTalker2260 February 8th, 2022


;-; very famous ahaha. and sadly it isn't my choice rn. it isn't confirmed if i am staying or leaving. but my parents are trying to force me to leave.. *hugs*OGC.5d8b063cab4d39dd570c2b180d9258fe?pid=1.7&

VaryingCloud February 9th, 2022



I do wish and hope to see you again!

Weโ€™ll miss you for sure!โค๏ธ

May you find happiness in everything that you do!โค๏ธ

Moonlemon48 February 8th, 2022

@emotionalTalker2260 oh noooooo! :'( this makes me really sad but I can understand where your parents concerns are coming for and why you need to step away. If you leave, grab some cookies for the way. And if you ever decide to come back we will still be here with open arms to welcome you home:') I am wishing you the very best in life. Take care my friend and remember that I am always here for you and constantly rooting for you! See you very soon โ™ก

emotionalTalker2260 February 8th, 2022


OGC.9eaaf9c6af844ef94e240579b85970c2?pid=1.7& thank you ducky <3

FighterArpi February 8th, 2022


I really don't know what to say :/ ...*comfy hugs*

Lots of love and best wishes to you emo the legendary talkerโค๏ธ

emotionalTalker2260 February 8th, 2022


:o *hugs* not much needs to be said.OGC.96e2f4856b294d2464d50c3499c38038?pid=1.7&

February 8th, 2022


Definitely one of the hardest post to read through. *sighs*

In our journeys we come across different people. We talk with them, eat with them, walk with them, get emotional with them and then part ways.

But some people touch you and you're enchanted. You are one of those peeps, Emo *hugs*
Whether your/mine/our cups journey ends, this enchantment will remain.

See you (while I still can) ๐Ÿงก

emotionalTalker2260 February 8th, 2022



this emotional emo will never stop flicking water at Don *hugs LonDon* ๐Ÿฅบ๐Ÿ’– *goes to cry for the 5th hour straight*

BirdKing449 February 8th, 2022


*hugs emu* Talker you have been one of my best friends since the moment you joined. SOmetimes it feels as if we are twins (like with yesterday) I know how hard this is bothfor you and us, but I do wish you all the best. You are so brave and strong and just one of the nicest people on here. You make everyone smile when they don't even feel like it. Your chaotic energy and personality that we all love rubs off on me. Its been so amazing seeing you on here. I hope that you are able to pop in at points, no matter where this road takes us. Worse case senario you wait until you are an adult and we'll meet again one day. Ily Emu /p Take care lovely <3

emotionalTalker2260 February 8th, 2022


*finds the weirdest gif for dragu* ๐Ÿคก


ILY2 dragu *huugles tightly* (*cannot think due to the headache from crying for nearly 5 hours straight*) you have basically been my bestie since i met you. and wtf is up with us trying not to regress at the same time and other things too :D you weird. /hj *hugs*

EmmaE February 8th, 2022


aww, thank you so much for letting us know emo! youโ€™re always such an amazing light wherever you go and always bring so much joy to the chatrooms. iโ€™ll be so sad to see you go if you do, but i hope weโ€™ll still be able to see you around even if itโ€™s just for a little! iโ€™m so proud of how far youโ€™ve come. youโ€™re amazing and i know youโ€™ll do great things and continue bringing happiness wherever you go! wishing you all the very best โค๏ธ

emotionalTalker2260 February 8th, 2022


0541e16ab73823c6254cb0831e2cbf88c0981e28.gif- not me crying for the 5th hour in a row..

*hugs Emma*

EmmaE February 8th, 2022


*hugs hugs hugs*

February 8th, 2022


Omggg, Emo Emo ๐Ÿฅบ Iโ€™ll miss you so much, my amazing sibling! I really do hope you donโ€™t leave permanently - you have been such an amazing friend, and We have been inseparable from the beginning ๐Ÿ’œ Itโ€™s so hard to see that you may not be on much, but I will be thinking about you - Iโ€™ll never forget youuuu ๐Ÿ’• Take good care, Emo Emo! Weโ€™ll be here when you get the chance to come on - my pmโ€™s will always be open! ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ



emotionalTalker2260 February 8th, 2022


๐Ÿฅบ๐Ÿฅบ๐Ÿฅบ๐Ÿฅบ๐Ÿฅบ sibling nerd ๐Ÿฅบ *hugs tightly* youโ€™ll always be in my heart ๐Ÿ’•

February 8th, 2022


๐Ÿฅบ *huggles super tight* You will too, my sibling ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•

emotionalTalker2260 February 8th, 2022



February 8th, 2022



YourDigitalFriend February 8th, 2022

Sending my love and best wishes to you, my dear Emo.

Maybe you will come back in the future but you should definitely focus now on living in the moment and finding the good in that as well. You're an incredible person and have made a lot of people happier and connected closer within this community. I am sure you'll find yourself on a life path where some things will go your way and you may unfortunately feel like there are things that don't. Always put confidence in yourself and your actions because they are meaningful- you'll always be meaningful to another person and you can't say that isn't true because a stranger or maybe someone who feels vulnerable would see you as a person of more impact. That may be a little of a sad way to put it but my point being: I hope you can find a reason to enjoy your everyday with realizing how much happiness and love you've brought into other people's lives and that you're more than capable of doing this for yourself, especially with your wonderful supportive stuffies. Please find a reason to enjoy what life throws at you. It may feel random and at times terrifying but once you better understand what it means to have a lot of control over yourself, you'll feel more than capable to push-through what we know as life. Much luck, love and wishes to you. ๐Ÿ’œ @emotionalTalker2260

emotionalTalker2260 February 8th, 2022


๐Ÿฅบ๐Ÿ’• thank you so much name twinnie *hugs*

YourDigitalFriend February 8th, 2022

You deserve it and more๐Ÿ’œ

emotionalTalker2260 February 8th, 2022


๐Ÿฅบ๐Ÿฅบ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’• awwww

February 8th, 2022

@emotionalTalker2260 awhh emooo. ๐Ÿฅบโค

I have always admired *you*, when you first replied to the post in my diary, I smiled :) cause I already knew the famous emo, the loving and cutest one and seeing you in my corner was a delight for me. I loved all our forum interactions so far, tbh whenever I check notifications I expect to see your post c: me has subscribed to both of your corners, me ish slow in forums but I always looked forward to interacting with you and you have been in my thoughts lately, your kindness is what resonates with me so much. Your supportive and encouraging messages to my post have meant so much to me :3 ๐Ÿ’œ

Now now, I appreciate this tag so much c: I am glad to be among those beautiful people who made this place memorable for you.

I know this place and so many people(including me) are gonna miss you so much, but yes we do understand the circumstances.

whether you decide to stay or leave you're going to be in my thoughts, me ish rooting for you okiee. ๐Ÿค—โค *special Aikyaa hugs for emoo*

and wish you all the very best! Anytime you decide to come back or sneak in, we will be here to welcome you with warm hugs. โค

I am sorry things aren't so well right now, I hope it gets better. Do take good care of yourself, okiee. โคโค

emotionalTalker2260 February 8th, 2022


*hugs* ๐Ÿฅบ awww Iโ€™m really that famous *dramatically cries* i think about you too ๐Ÿ’•

itโ€™s not farewell until i say goodbye.

i will still be around, or try to be. ๐Ÿ‘€ itโ€™s totally nit 20 mins till midnight when this was typed. But yeah, the only time i can cups is late at night or early in the morning :/ *~* my parents arenโ€™t stopping me from being here. I have magic and i must use it *sprinkles glitter all over the place* *~*

February 8th, 2022

@emotionalTalker2260 , aww

Yus emo's magic is powerful *-*

emotionalTalker2260 February 8th, 2022


_1644328042.E6D8398E-EDB1-4589-B5FA-90DF4F78E7F6.jpeg Beep boop me emobot ๐Ÿ˜ฎ /j

but, if i am famous ๐Ÿค” who is my manager lol (anyone?) ๐Ÿคก

February 8th, 2022

@emotionalTalker2260 hmm, *thinks*๐Ÿค”

February 8th, 2022


๐Ÿคก I thought I was? /j *sends sparkly glitter* ๐Ÿ˜›โœจ

emotionalTalker2260 February 8th, 2022


๐Ÿ˜ฎ i found my manager ๐Ÿคก