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[Members]Farewell/Taking a Break/Returning Thread: Send Your Regards

MonBon March 1st, 2016

We often time come to 7 cups in search of something:

-Someone who understands

-Someone to talk to

-Someone who will listen

-Someone to keep us company

Many of us find that - which is awesome!

However, there may come a time when as a member, you are ready to leave. And that is okay. It doesn't have to be forever or even an awfully long time. Maybe you are leaving to go out to eat with friends for the first time in weeks or months. Let us know so we can send you off with warm regards!

ToastyMuffinKing January 31st, 2022


You too broski /p

KyleBorg January 31st, 2022


You slightly misspelled my name, good thing I have post notifications on

Take care toasty, I hope all goes well and look forward to seeing you again when you return ❤️

ToastyMuffinKing January 31st, 2022



KyleBorg January 31st, 2022


Hope everything goes well ☺️

ToastyMuffinKing January 31st, 2022



QuietMagic January 31st, 2022


Hi, I hope the inpatient center is helpful. 💜 And that sounds like a good attitude to have about the whole situation (i.e. I've been struggling for months and able to hide it but recently it's become too much and this will allow me to get the help I need).

ToastyMuffinKing January 31st, 2022


Indeedily do

emotionalTalker2260 January 31st, 2022


*hugs* I am glad you are getting the help you are need, and i will definitely miss you too 💕 do take good care and remember you are very loved 😊 in fact, you’re weird *~* you have also made me laugh on my darkest days so don’t forget that 💕

(ps- I love the comment you said about me ahahahaha 😂)

do take your time and take care Muffu 💕

ToastyMuffinKing January 31st, 2022


I do my time in prison

emotionalTalker2260 January 31st, 2022


😀 is visitors allowed /j

🤗 cups will be quiet without your humour but i can promise you that when you come back, you’ll definitely be greeted happily and with love 😀 (love is gross/j, why did i even say that/also joke *~*)

ToastyMuffinKing January 31st, 2022
@JennyINFP You bad at roblos lol
JemmyX0X0 February 1st, 2022

@ToastyMuffinKing lmao okay 😂

Really do take care though! I'm glad you're getting the help you need to progress with your life! (unlike me who's still working like h*** on it...alone...sorta)

Can't wait to talk to you again!! 🙏🏼💖

ToastyMuffinKing February 1st, 2022


Yes you can

ToastyMuffinKing February 1st, 2022
@Zoup Orange peel color
KaikaiKitan February 1st, 2022


Too late ;-;

ToastyMuffinKing February 1st, 2022



ToastyMuffinKing February 1st, 2022
@blueberrywaffles Sorry I forgot to tag-
February 1st, 2022

@ToastyMuffinKing hey brownie glad you finally went through with things know you have needed this for a bit and happy you are getting help also you are a big dummy too don’t worry the feeling is Mutual🙂🙂

ToastyMuffinKing February 1st, 2022


Hahah thanks!

BiaKiaSia February 1st, 2022


I will always be your internet Dad. I hope you feel better and you grow into the great person I know you will be. I know the roads of life get dark, dreary, and depressing but all you got to do is keep walking. Keep Walking, not run, skip or hop. You are an individual and you have your own path to follow in life and I hope your path takes you somewhere beautiful. Stay strong and walk on.

ToastyMuffinKing February 3rd, 2022


What if I don't wanna walk and I just wanna moonwalk everywhere?

ahhhhelpimalive February 2nd, 2022

heyo! surprise of all surprises, ill be on break for a while! i kinda already have been, but right now being on cups just feels like a chore. i wish everybody all the best, i'll be back at some point! to those who do know about my forum thread, feel free to message there n talk, ill read and reply when i get back! take care all, stay safe, love you!

not sure who wants to be tagged, so tag those who may want to know?

@amusingCoconut - please stay safe and take care of yourself, your worth is not measured by those who you take care of. people care about you, you really do matter so much

@Bluelove13 - im sorry that life has been so rough on you, i hope that things improve for you *huggles* youre so very bluesome

@navyHouse3677 - navy, youre worth so very much, those around you care and cherish you, even if for right now it may only be online friends <3

fed, i know you dont like tags, but hey, i hope that youre doing alright, its been a while! <3

@jv13076 - a jv!!! <3<3<3 youre worth more than grades, and there are so very many people that care about you!! also the stuff you do with music is awesome-

@ferventflame - i wish you all the best in everything, you are not a bad person, deep down, you are important.

sorry if im forgetting anybody, hugs and hearts and lollipops <3

Bluelove13 February 3rd, 2022

Hugs.... 💙

navyHouse3677 February 3rd, 2022

i hope yo have a great break <3 <3

and pls take of yourself too

ferventflame February 3rd, 2022

@ahhhhelpimalive Tagging you here so you get a notification when you come back! (Also because i was confused what your username was)

Agreed good that you are doing this, proud of you.

Will miss you, all the best with break love have fun. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Sending so much love and best wishes



Tagging- @mytwistedsoul

emotionalTalker2260 February 8th, 2022

😕 this may be one of the hardest posts I'll ever make.. I am very sorry to tell you all that there is a chance i may leave cups due to personal reasons.. but, i may still be around.. i cannot guarantee anything rn.

i deeply apologize for tagging anyone who doesn't want to be tagged. but i am tagging those who i appreciate for being there for me. i do realize that some of you's are on break are have left cups. but i still wanted to let you's know that you are loved and If i leave, I will deeply miss you all.

as i said. I cannot guarantee if i am staying or not rn. but i have dropped all my roles as i may not be able to find the time for them, especially if my parents do not want me on cups anymore. if i have to leave, i am sure I wouldn't be putting my account on self care break and i will still sneak onto cups. It's not like i am gonna randomly poof one night and never return noting i legit have a cups addiction (we all already know i am addicted smh)..

but if i do poof. I say this with a my heart, and i really mean it. I love you all and i am thankful for you's being there for me at somepoint.

I have tagged friends from pmland, group chats and the forums.

thank you all for being there for and by me during my journery

@Sher217@ASilentObserver@Fristo@CheeryMango@M4GIC@PoliteOcean@HealingBrokenWIngs@QuietMagic@ekats@vroomvrooom@softSummer2005@Erato@Asher@BurnZeJuiceL@Helpingxhearts@29amy@Nerdtastic01@hopefulLight9640@Artalistens@MollyT@CommunityModEden@Rebekah@secrecykhasya@listeningArrow8342@Snowyaurora@DreamTouch@brilliantTurtle89@Bubblegumwings1234@cheerfulIceCream@RaffyEid@TrickyRicky@SparklingSeashells@compassionateTree4567@LovetoGod@HealingFox210@shiningSky3745@FighterArpi@Neverlings64@blackBreeze8485@SuryanshSingh@amusingCoconutL@PikaZee@JustOneMoreEpisode@eli225@shniya@AcatalepticShadow@xinyii11@Rainyshine@Daf8@whenitsdarklookforstars@Iamsidhere@SpaceOrchid@vivelespatates@CommunitymodChristin@comfortableTruth52@sweetnutella@lueurspace@starmelon7@CommunityModJennie@MarKiKaLex12@DonaldDraper@jovialSunshine5049@CommunityModAnne@Starlasky@CommunityModWillow@CommunityModAaron@Listeningsarinn@CallMeNaman200@n4styh4b1tz@LavenderHere@RideaRainbow@YourDigitalFriend@CommunityModCharlie@jersey123456@kindcherry2@HelaHeals@anotherfrenchtoastclub@KateDoskocilova@mamtasha22@HereForYou@Madelyn@RumpleSteeleSkin@CommunityModAlex@LuminaHere@amazingNutella24@theriverissinging@KyleBorg@Chevy81@Estrellitaa@positivePumpkin22@CommunityModEver@CommunityModLou@MistyMagic@CommunityModKay@CommunityModElliot@Prio@HelpfulGem04@jovialButterfly6752@EmmaE@rrretsuko@CommunityModEllie@Moonlemon48@RainbowdogsofParadise@CommunityModLynn@CommunityModLucy@Aikyaa01 @Varyingcloud@Sunisshiningandsoareyou@Victor04@Cambion@ShapeshiftSystem@mystrawberrykitty@fervantflame@DragonPrince449@KaikaiKitan@RavenSky@navyHouse3677@modestCircle4423@jv13076@Mango3@ToastyMuffinKing@StarryMilkyWaySystem@FallenStarss@blissedNblessed@blueberrywaffles@CalmCoral

KyleBorg February 8th, 2022

All the best ❤️

SparklingSeashells February 8th, 2022


Aww emo. I'll miss you so much but will look forward to you sneaking on if you do poof. Not that I'm encouraging being rebellious of course 🤭

I wanted to say thank you. For always making the chat rooms a delight, always supporting everyone despite your own struggles. I'm so proud of you, as I'm sure everyone here is, of your strength and determination.

Take care, please, okay?

All the best.

Shells 🐚

emotionalTalker2260 February 8th, 2022


;-; i laughed and cried reading that *hugs shells* believe me. i will be rebellious and ignore what my parents are trying to force me to do (which is leave cups) it is just that i won't be on so often. and i may only be able to come onto cups late at night and early in the morning or when my parents are not around

whenitsdarklookforstars February 8th, 2022


Emoooooooooooooo! I have no words! 💓💓💓 Hearing that you might leave makes me soo *emotional* (pun intended XD) But all jokes aside, ever since we first met on SR and we had our hashtag sesh I've always loved seeing you around the support rooms! I'm so grateful to have met you and to consider you a good friend 💗 You always have the best jokes and song recs, and I cannot even put into words how much you will be missed! 7cups is definitely a better place because of you 💗 *sends a zillion appreciation hugs*


emotionalTalker2260 February 8th, 2022


;-; smh, i love the pun. i am so emotional that i am crying and slightly laughing at that. *hugs* i will miss you too

Erato February 8th, 2022

@emotionalTalker2260 aww talker, wishing you all the best! 7cups community will just be here and you can pop by whenever possible for you c: Though it's sad that I won't see you that active anymore, you can still leave me a message or visit the rooms!

emotionalTalker2260 February 8th, 2022


thank you Era 💖

theriverissinging February 8th, 2022

@emotionalTalker2260 :-: *hugs, makes sad noises, leaves more hugs and so much love* I'll remember you fondly and hope to still see you

emotionalTalker2260 February 8th, 2022



don't think I'll ever forget you 💖 *hugs jaggu and joins in with the crying and sad noises*

February 8th, 2022

@emotionalTalker2260 Emo, I know how you have smiled through your tough hours and days. It is really remarkable to see how someone can be as cheerful as emo given their struggles. To be honest, I've felt concerned for you when I see you active on 7cups literally every minute. It was scary for me to see you pop in a room I just opened :p But seriously, I do wish what is good for you. Whether you are on cups or off cups, I wish you nothing but health and progress, towards being the best!

emotionalTalker2260 February 8th, 2022


;-; once again, i am crying and laughing. thank you for being a friend fristo. i really appreciate it <3

lueurspace February 8th, 2022


This may be one of the hardest posts in these farewell threads for me. I can understand that things aren't ideal for you right now, talker. Parents may be concerned for different reasons but I am sad to know that we might see less of you around. You are such a cheerful person, super duper friendly and making everyone feel welcome and so cared for. I will miss seeing you around (although I know I haven't been too active myself). I am glad you won't be poofing completely and I only hope that things work out on your end, and you are able to do all that you really want to do. Thank you so much for being such a nice teenie friend of mine, I like having you around and I am here for you ❤️ thank you for tagging me to keeping me informed

In the end, I want my heart to be covered in stretch marks. - Andrea Gibson

emotionalTalker2260 February 8th, 2022



of course i would tag you. and no, life is not very easy for me rn and everything is getting messier.. *hugs*

at least i left a wonderful mark on the cups community, right?

emotionalTalker2260 February 8th, 2022


thank you vroomie <3