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My daily ramblings

Iamwhoiamwhoami December 1st, 2022

I am finally going to follow the lead and try and avoid posting in multiple different places. I am going to try and do most of my rambling in this thread.

My cognitive issues are making it harder and harder for me to focus on multiple things. That combined with my laundry list of other issues, makes functioning at all near impossible.

Having to go through medication experimentation again is going to make it even harder.

Whenever I have to refocus because I literally can’t remember blocks of time or where I am and why I’m here kinds of things , I’m usually able to come here and figure out through my posts and profile etc.

That has proven to not work very well at times. I wondered if I centralized my thoughts here that maybe that might work better.

That also keeps me from being a distraction from those who are more deserving than I.

mytwistedsoul February 22nd, 2023

@Helgafy Those are the best kind of eggs :) the chickens are happy and getting sunshine and eating bugs and grass

So being that many hours a head you must know what the lottery numbers are lol! Who couldn't use a few million dollars?
Do you get to see the northern lights? There's a woman that posts videos of where she lives in Svalbard she mentioned Norway and it made me think of you
The fencing is actually working pretty good so far. It didn't take long to do but I only did two flower beds. I have others I need to redo. Not just to keep the chickens out of but the deer too. They're really hard on plants
I've heard Walk of Life but not Brothers in Arms. It's hard to believe it's been a year since it started. All those poor people caught in a fight that none of them wanted. The news is so sad between war and the earthquakes in Turkey
*waves to @PenguinStuckInTropics* Hey :)
Helgafy February 23rd, 2023



mytwistedsoul February 23rd, 2023

@Helgafy Are you having trouble with errors again this morning?

Helgafy February 23rd, 2023


Yes - it say: API Error. I'll try to part the message and see if something comes through.

Helgafy February 23rd, 2023


Here comes 1/2 of my message:

"Good morning" to you! I put some space in between some words to see if they can come through.

Yes - I can tell you the lot tery numbers. If you want to you can tell how you want to spend the money you'll w in! There is this old Jewish play "Fiddler on the roof" with Tevje - a farmer - so much wanting to become rich. "If I were a rich man". You can look. I love his Jewish dance!

Helgafy February 23rd, 2023


The 2. part of the message:

After that song "Every br e ath you take" with Sting and Bruce Springsteen popped up. For me it is like G o d is saying what they're saying (for the last 18 years). For you it is the chicken I think.
Yes, I have seen a bit of the green northern lights dancing in the sky. In the north of Norway you can see it more often and bigger.
All for now. I'll write more another day.

Helgafy February 23rd, 2023


So I continue to answer your message. But first I will give you 6 tulips, 3 pink and 3 purple - I got it from my sister-in-law Tuesday when my brother visited me. The tulips I planted have come up 1 cm now.
I told my brother about your work at the green-house. He likes very much to do gardening himself. He has 5 children, 4 girls and 1 boy. They are all in their 20th. One girl is in heaven with Jesus Christ. The poor thing got cancer and died when she was 5. I visited her a lot at the hospital at the department for children.
When the children were younger he gave them some place in their garden to plant for themselves. Lots of eggshells there because he makes compost himself.
I'm glad you know of what is going on in the world from the news.
You can read about Svalbard. It has a bank for global seed, 4,5 million seed.
Maybe this will be able to post. I like to write at windows and copy it to 7Cups because I can go to and from to look up words, songs, etc.

Helgafy February 23rd, 2023


Wow! I came through! So happy!

mytwistedsoul February 24th, 2023

@Helgafy I'm so glad it finally went through. I've had the same thing happen . It's frustrating. Tbh I write on a note app and then copy and paste too - mainly because I usually can't remember what all was talked about

Lol it would be really cool if you could pass the upcoming lottery numbers. I'd love to be able to have a a sanctuary for animals. Something open air where they can come and go as they please and not be confined to some dismal building hoping someone comes to rescue them to give them a forever home. This would be their forever home

Its nice your brother comes to visit and brought you some beautiful flowers to plant. And he enjoys gardening too and let his kids join in when they were younger. It so amazing to see these tiny seeds grow into plants that provide food and beautiful flowers

I'm so sorry that he lost a daughter and you a niece to cancer. I can only imagine how hard that must have been. It so unfair that she suffered with such a cruel disease

I've read about the seed bank - all those seeds! They have polar bears too. Not sure if I'd like having those around. I don't want to end up being someone's lunch lol

Helgafy February 26th, 2023


"Good morning" to you friend.

You once sent me a heart and that was nice. I thanked you for it earlier, but that was the day I could not send the message.

So - you and I are different. You care for your animals, I like to see the relationships between persons at "90 days engaged".

Well - a sanctuary for animals. How could you come up with that idea. Maybe nature as it is, is their sanctuary.

If you want to google an old church (from 1150) you can google "Fantoft stavkirke" (or "Fantoft stave church") - just 15 min. to drive from where I live.

Tom Cruise and his crew like the nature of Norway. The last 5 years 2 of his "Mission Impossible" had parts of the movies shot in Norway. You can google "Preikestolen" (Norwegian) or "Pulpit Rock" (English) and see where parts of "MI-Fallout " were made, with Cruise hanging and climbing on the rock.
Old Irish Blessing (there is also a tune to it).

May the road rise to meet you
May the wind be always at your back
May the sun shine warm upon your face
The rains fall soft upon your fields

And until we meet again,
until we meet again
May God hold you in the palm of his hand
And until we meet again,

May the stars illuminate your nights
May the flowers bloom along your path
Your house stand firm against the storm

All for now. Helga.

Helgafy February 26th, 2023


Hurrei! It all came through!

mytwistedsoul February 28th, 2023

@Helgafy Good morning :) How are you?

Fantoft church is beautiful. It's sad that it was burned by arsons - along with a number of other churches at the time. It was moved in pieces to another location. I can only imagine how hard that would have been to do in the late 18 hundreds! *Smh* people can be so disrespectful of things. Even though it was rebuilt - all the history of that antique wood destroyed
Tom Cruise and his crew are right about the nature you have there in your country. It's absolutely beautiful! The view from pulpit rock would be amazing.
I've heard that blessing! I've always liked that one ❤️
Freemindedpark7468 February 23rd, 2023

I can’t explain how much I relate to this…

Helgafy February 23rd, 2023


Good morning to you wonderful soul.

We here at this site wish you much love today.

Helgafy March 1st, 2023


Good morning to you beloved young man.

Thank you for the heart, it means a lot!
If you want to, you can tell what you did yesterday or what you're going to do today.
Well - about stave churches;
The news told last week:
In 1000 years a stave church has not been built in the old way, using horses and axes. A project will start now at Rysstad in Valle. They will copy the stave church in Borgund and build it at Rysstad in Valle. They think it will cost about 10 842 104 US dollars. Young persons will learn much, they think about 1000 workers will come (and go?). Probably also outside Norway some persons will be interested in the project.

So - I had my breakfast - and 2 hours after that an icecream with the taste of coffee and caramel.
Please, have fine meals for you today.

mytwistedsoul March 3rd, 2023

@Helgafy Good morning :) I'm glad you liked the heart ❤️ There's different colors too. I hope you're having a good day.

Yesterday it was dreary here in the morning. There wasn't much to do. It's still to chilly out to start planting anything. I did move some hay down to the horse barn. Today was a therapy day and since that's in town a trip to the grocery store was done. I baked a carrot cake afterwards lol

That project sounds amazing! They're going to build it like they did all those years ago? The Amish here have barn raisings. They just use man power and horses to do that. I've never actually seen one but from what I understand they can have a huge barn built in a day or two. Not quite the same as a church - not as many details but no power tools either. Kind of cool

Your ice cream sounds yummy lol. I had a grilled cheese with some tomato soup
Helgafy March 4th, 2023


Friend - still being there!

You wrote: " I'm glad you liked the heart.There's different colors too." I have a friend at Lillehammer (where Winter-OL was some years ago - I met her in Rome). She gave me a ceramic bowl with many colours. It says in it: "Love comes in many colours" - almost what you wrote about the heart. (I think English says "colours" and American "colors").

You baked a cake and also ate grilled cheese and tomato soup. Very nice. I like it when you give tasty nourish to yourself.

I have watched the Amish from the USA on TV. It's like watching a play from the 18. century.

I'm glad you're at 7cups and hope you have good meetings with people here. And beside that I also hope Jesus Christ soon will fill your heart with joy and peace. John 1.2 says: "Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God. " Maybe it would be good for you to read a Psalm from the Bible each night.

You have a cat. Maybe you have seen the musical "Cats" by Andrew Lloyd Webber. "Memory" and "Jellicle Songs" are 2 of the nice songs.

I hope your meeting with the therapist went OK yesterday.

All for now - Helga.

mytwistedsoul March 6th, 2023

@Helgafy Love does come in many colors - ❤️ 💙 💜 💛 shapes and sizes too. It sounds like a very nice bowl. You've been to Rome?! Amazing! I've never been out of the US :)

The Amish have pretty strict beliefs about many things. But their lives seem simple and honest. And they have a very close relationship with god

I'm glad you're on cups too. I've seen you here and there on the site and I see you offering people comfort. That's always nice to see. I've met a lot of really nice people here and a few not so nice lol

I haven't seen Cats but I have heard the song memories and I'll look up jellicle :)

Helgafy March 4th, 2023


Hah friend. Now I'm so glad. I got the code 065 and could not send. Then I tried to delete the heart I had copied from your writing, and it went through!

mytwistedsoul March 6th, 2023

@Helgafy I was getting codes too and a few times couldn't get on site because of a bad gateway code *smh*

Iamwhoiamwhoami OP March 4th, 2023



even though I am not in any place near to being comfortable in exchanging conversations, I am thankful that you both have chosen to continue your communications here where I can in some strange, faint way feel a small part of . Thank you.

mytwistedsoul March 5th, 2023

@Iamwhoiamwhoami Hey :) I was hoping you didn't mind. I remember you had said before that we were welcome to talk here but I did worry that maybe we were taking over your thread - in a way I guess we did lol

I hope you'll join in sometimes when or if you feel up to it but there's no pressure either
It's nice to see you Iam
*Sending you good vibes*
Iamwhoiamwhoami OP March 5th, 2023


of course I don’t mind. Your conversation with @Helgafy has spun an unexpected twist in this thread. Permanently affixing some positivity and hope in a very dark place.

mytwistedsoul March 6th, 2023

@Iamwhoiamwhoami I'm glad it brought an unexpected twist :) We're shining light for you Iam ❤️

Helgafy March 7th, 2023



Good morning to you bluebirds! I call you both bluebirds. You're both climbing in my hair, at the right side of my head, comforting me. I hope you don't mind. Please tell me if you do.

Thank you so much "Iam" for giving both "twist" and me great honour through your message from "sun". It was very nice of you to do so.

I have a question for you both - do you want D. Trumph to be the next president of the US?

From Helga.

mytwistedsoul March 9th, 2023

@Helgafy Good evening :) I don't mind at all if it brings you comfort. Did you have a rough day? I hope tomorrow is a good day for you

I'm not sure if that's who I would vote for. Right now I would vote for a goldfish in if it meant getting rid of our current leaders. I have a very strong opinion of the things that are going on in my country. I mean no disrespect to anyone who disagrees with me but we'll have to agree to disagree ;)
Helgafy March 9th, 2023



About D. Trump. We mostly don't like him in Europe. I hope I'll not watch him at the news. He is a narcissist. I met a girl from the US in Switzerland when I was in my She is a teacher in Alaska. She didn't want to have more contact with me because i said "He (Trump) is lieing like the Devil."

Helgafy March 9th, 2023


I just want to write a little bit more of what you mean to me, you 2 small, blue birds.

As you know I live by myself. And I like to have you 2 around. My flat is 92m2 so you have enough space. Sometimes you just move so fast from place to place that you're almost like a rocket. Sometimes - when I'm in bed to rest - you walk on my chest. Sometimes you're having fun, marching on my chest. That's funny!
You can also become very big, filling up the whole space of my b edro om.
Well - this is a bit what my imagination is like.

Helgafy March 9th, 2023


So friends. Here comes the 3. message for today. I'll draw your attention to Joyce Meyer ministries. At my TV I have a channel called GodTV, sent from England I think. There her Christian shows are sent. For about 20 years I have followed her, also reading her books and listening to tapes I bought. They also have a mission called "Hand of hope" - reaching out to people with all kinds of needs. As the both of you she has experienced abuse in her childhood - but now she's doing fine. Maybe it is good for you to listen to her, she's funny also.

mytwistedsoul March 10th, 2023

@Helgafy I enjoy reading the things you write and I think your imagination is wonderful :) Every time I see the bluebirds here I think of you. Going fast from place to place does sound like me sometimes lol

I'm glad we've been talking here in Iam's space. It's been really nice getting to know you ❤️
I'll have to look up Joyce Meyer. I'm not sure if that channel is included what we have but there is probably something online
I included a video that I remembered when you were talking about Iam and me being your bluebirds 💙
Helgafy March 5th, 2023


Hi Iam.

You made me feel happy!

amiableBlackberry92 March 31st, 2023


Just wanted to pop in and say Hi to you. I was thinking I hadn't seen you around here lately and wanted to let you know I am thinking about you. I hope this little message gives you the lift its meant to give.

Best always


exuberantSailboat7135 March 9th, 2023


mytwistedsoul March 10th, 2023

@Iamwhoiamwhoami Hey :) You pop into my thoughts every time I visit here. I light a candle and send you good vibes and thoughts

Helgafy March 11th, 2023


What a nice video! And his nails tapping well in the rhythm of the song. And marching - just like the 2 of you - ha.ha!

Helgafy March 11th, 2023


How gentle and nice you are with Iam twist.

Helgafy March 12th, 2023



Hi bluebirds on a Sunday.

I have a small bird- swing at the opening of my door at my be droom. You 2 like to swing there. But today the both of you are just sitting there with the head under a wing. Maybe it is because you were out the whole night drinking tequila from the senorita-shoe. (Please listen to the song from the Norwegian singer Jørn Hoel - "Lost in The Tango". And really - I can hear you sing there too.)

mytwistedsoul March 14th, 2023

@Helgafy Good afternoon :) The senorita shoe makes much more sense after listening to the song! You really can hear birds in there every now and again :) It's a catchy little song

Today it's cold and windy with some snow flurries every now and again. Started a project painting the living room. It took two years to decide on a color lol! It's definitely brightened up the room
I hope you're doing ok today ❤️
Helgafy March 15th, 2023


Thank you twist for your writing. Now, at 4 p.m. the I can greet you from the first owl this year singing in a tree, just for you!
So - you're painting the living room! Great! (Many ! today..). If you want to you can tell the colour (ha.ha. - I continue to write colour the English way with an "u"). I have not painted the rooms in my flat myself. The 2 bed rooms are painted lime-colour. The rest a light yellow.

You have a bit of snow. We have snow too.

Take care.

mytwistedsoul March 16th, 2023

@Helgafy You heard an owl! That's so cool! I love to hear the owls

There was a beautiful sunrise this morning. The sky was shades of pink and peach with streaks of blue
I think that's what the color of the living room was - some light shade of green. The color it's going to be now is called a touch of sand. It's a light beige I guess?
It's hard to believe that it's almost spring. I'm really looking forward to warmer temperatures and getting the garden ready :)