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My daily ramblings

Iamwhoiamwhoami December 1st, 2022

I am finally going to follow the lead and try and avoid posting in multiple different places. I am going to try and do most of my rambling in this thread.

My cognitive issues are making it harder and harder for me to focus on multiple things. That combined with my laundry list of other issues, makes functioning at all near impossible.

Having to go through medication experimentation again is going to make it even harder.

Whenever I have to refocus because I literally can’t remember blocks of time or where I am and why I’m here kinds of things , I’m usually able to come here and figure out through my posts and profile etc.

That has proven to not work very well at times. I wondered if I centralized my thoughts here that maybe that might work better.

That also keeps me from being a distraction from those who are more deserving than I.

mytwistedsoul August 23rd, 2023

@Helgafy I'm sorry that happened. It sounds like you had a really nice connection with this person for quite a while. Maybe you could ask this person about the other things you talked with them about? Maybe it would help ease your mind to know if the other things were true or not?

mytwistedsoul August 24th, 2023

@Helgafy It hurts when this happens. You're always so nice - I'm sorry this happened. ❤️ It's mostly an anonymous site. And it's not as if she had to share her name and address or anything really personal. I'm half afraid of what she could be telling other members tbh

Helgafy August 24th, 2023


I agree with you soul. I manage very well, afterall I got a nice trip to Kiribati on the map and with google-photoes! But I was thinking the same as you (what about the others she listen to); to be a listener is a serious work - I didn't rapport her. You have a wonderful day - you're loved.

Helgafy August 26th, 2023




I reported the person who talked about her living at Kiribati today because I saw her at a post and she has not changed the flag.

WorkingitThrough2 August 19th, 2023


Hello my friend, how are things going for you? Are you still posting? I can't find youphone-ringing.gif

Iamwhoiamwhoami OP August 20th, 2023


I guess I haven’t written anything for awhile. I will try and remember to update in the next day or so.

Thank you for inquiring.

Hopefully things are going well for you.

WorkingitThrough2 August 20th, 2023


Things are ok, I guess. Having trouble with a pinched nerve in my neck that has been causing bad headaches. Yet all is well. Take care of your self😊❤️

Helgafy August 20th, 2023


Through - that's so funny - the telephone!

WorkingitThrough2 August 22nd, 2023


I really meant that I am feeling much much better. Prayer does change things😄

The telephone idea wascute😄

Helgafy August 23rd, 2023


I'm very happy because of that working.

Helgafy August 24th, 2023

Friends @mytwistedsoul and @WorkingitThrough2

I would like to tell you about another listener I had about a year ago. I saw he was from Greenland and I thought that was so interesting. I like very much to watch at TV the life of indigenous people. I had also seen a doc. from there - a person building the last igloo the program was named - he went away with all his Greenland dogs. So we talked a bit and I asked him how was the visit from our Crown Prince - he went to Greenland windsurfing maybe it is called. You do both windsurfing and skiing at the same time. Well - then he told he was not from Greenland; he was from Russia and because of the war with Ukraine he would not tell. Not so easy for him - I don't know what side he was on - I didn't want to ask because war is so hard. But I had difficulty talking to him after that and I could ask no questions about Greenland.
WorkingitThrough2 August 24th, 2023


That kind of seemed one-sided and put you in an awkward, do you still talk to him? 🤔

Helgafy August 25th, 2023


No friend - as I already told the conversation became a bit odd so we separated.

WorkingitThrough2 August 25th, 2023


I think that was a wise decision❤️

mytwistedsoul August 25th, 2023

@Helgafy That would definitely make things awkward for you. I can kind of understand why he couldn't say where he was from but at the same time it's pretty anonymous here. And just because he's from Russia that doesn't mean he supports the whole war thing going on. People do as their governments tell them to do for the most part

It just really makes it hard when things happen like that - it's a pretty big blow to any trust you might have built up with them

Helgafy August 26th, 2023


Friend thank you for your fine answer. All war is terrible. Here is an old song for you; Whitney Houston You were loved. (Just pick the words that is good for you - I don't hope I make you sad by the lyrics - In all case - If you didn't have enough love by human people - God/Jesus Christ loves you each moment of your time).

mytwistedsoul August 27th, 2023

@Helgafy I'm glad you reported that listener. It's misleading. I always thought that the flags were automatic for the location - I'm not sure why I thought that lol

Thank you for the song ❤️ I've never heard that one before either. You're broadening my music experiences 🎵

Helgafy August 27th, 2023


Friends @WorkingitThrough2, Iam and @mytwistedsoul.
Some of you may have seen this before, I told it on the site where AI was discussed.

Listener using AI to talk to member:
This L had this wonderful, long poem at his info about himself. I usually don't talk to L, but this one said he was a philosof, spiritual and poet - so I thought we could have wonderful discussions.
Well - for a week I wrote things, he braided my words into wonderful, long poems. Then came a totally different person forward asking me 3 times with not so fine words to meet at "Whatsapp". I told 7Cups about him and now for some days he's not here.
I understood the poems were AI, so different from himself when he was trying to force me out of 7cup.
And what would then happen? - I guess asking for money.

WorkingitThrough2 August 27th, 2023


Oh my goodness, really? This is getting to be a bit scary. Please be careful, and next time try to screenshot the screen for evidence and then you can report this to web fraud as well s 7cups>

mytwistedsoul August 27th, 2023

@Helgafy Could have been about money or well - some like to engage in s*x chats. Some just like to be abusive. Sometimes it starts out as just friendly chat and they almost groom the people to give a little more and then more. Maybe it leads to n*de photos and blackmail? I'm glad you reported that person too - there seems to be more and more of them here lately

WorkingitThrough2 August 28th, 2023


That is why I stopped being a listener

mytwistedsoul August 28th, 2023

@WorkingitThrough2 I don't understand why people have to cause trouble like that. Whether they're here as a member or a listener they should treat people with respect. I bet you were a good listener too. I'm sorry you had to deal with that and stopped because of it ❤️

mytwistedsoul September 6th, 2023


Thought I'd share a picture of the August moon :)

WorkingitThrough2 September 6th, 2023


Soul. that is so pretty😊

mytwistedsoul September 8th, 2023

@WorkingitThrough2 It did make a nice picture ❤️

WorkingitThrough2 September 8th, 2023


Thanks for sharing it

Helgafy September 15th, 2023



Maybe you also saw the message I wrote beneath about the Kirivati-L. You don't have to comment - walking already did.

mytwistedsoul September 16th, 2023

@Helgafy I just read it. It's amazing that this person can just keep changing their country like that in their profile. I wonder if anyone -a leader or admin even talked to them. I get alittle disappointed at how they handle things like that here. They don't seem to realize how it affects people when trust is broken ❤️

Helgafy September 17th, 2023


Well, well twist. She was away for a while. And not everybody is like that.
The small, blue bird was visiting me in my bedroom this morning! It was flying a bit in circles around my head, climbing a bit on my shoulder on my turqoise T-shirt and climbing a bit on my curtains at my window.

Helgafy September 12th, 2023





Just thought I would tell you a story about a L. I told you about before. (Maybe you're not interested at all, so then just stop reading). This is the one from "Kiribati". I told 7Cups about her and she was away from "us" (lol) for 1 week or so. I found her again now (I'm not going to have contact with her - I can't have contact with persons who are lying as much as she is). And guess what; (she told me she was from the USA) - now she has the flag for the Marshall Islands. And the language she speaks (all new to me!) is Esperanto, Russian, Spanish, Xiang - and of course English. She also do "American sign language" - I have no ideae why she tells that - noone can see her signs here.
Well - I don't know how and where she "learned" all those languages. To me she told she started working when she was 14 to save money - so at uni. she has not learned them it seems (lol - I'm a little bit bad now - but she must be one of those persons who has great delight in lying. I told her she could be an author because she likes to tell stories).

WorkingitThrough2 September 12th, 2023


ha, ha...OMG...... What is she getting out of pretending that makes her keep up this charade of deception? Some people are just habitual.. and can not help themselves.🤔

WorkingitThrough2 September 12th, 2023


Hey, it is me... Checking in on you? I wish I could talk to you again just to comfort myself knowing you are okay as best you canlaverne-and.gif❤️

Helgafy September 13th, 2023


That's such a nice hug working.

WorkingitThrough2 September 13th, 2023


You deserve it😊

Iamwhoiamwhoami OP September 13th, 2023


Thank you for checking in on me. I’m still here just not up to writing anything.

WorkingitThrough2 September 14th, 2023


Sending you strength and my hand to hold❤️. I am here if you need some TLC😊

Helgafy September 14th, 2023


That's so nice said of you working.

Helgafy September 13th, 2023


Hi soul.

I know you're so interested in nature, so here is something I wanted to tell you. I watch a show now called "Zu Tisch" which means "to the table" - German - but it is translated. (I talk some German). It's about food from different countries. So they showed from Morocco. (I have been to M., Agadir when I was in my 20'th). There is a tree living in the desert, argan tree. The roots can go 40meters down to find water.
(So I'm thinking a bit of myself - striving to find a good life with sickness and everything - maybe I must go deeper to find "water".)

mytwistedsoul September 14th, 2023

@Helgafy There's a couple of shows like that here. They're always interesting to watch because each episode shows foods/meals from a different country. I think it's so awesome that you've traveled so much to so many different places! I can help but admire the effort that a tree would go to to survive such harsh conditions. You're like that too and Working - maybe Iam too - even though you struggle with things you also work very hard for things to be better ❤️

Helgafy September 15th, 2023


Thank you so much soul.