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My daily ramblings

Iamwhoiamwhoami December 1st, 2022

I am finally going to follow the lead and try and avoid posting in multiple different places. I am going to try and do most of my rambling in this thread.

My cognitive issues are making it harder and harder for me to focus on multiple things. That combined with my laundry list of other issues, makes functioning at all near impossible.

Having to go through medication experimentation again is going to make it even harder.

Whenever I have to refocus because I literally can’t remember blocks of time or where I am and why I’m here kinds of things , I’m usually able to come here and figure out through my posts and profile etc.

That has proven to not work very well at times. I wondered if I centralized my thoughts here that maybe that might work better.

That also keeps me from being a distraction from those who are more deserving than I.

WorkingitThrough2 July 3rd, 2023


😄good to hear from you. Just getting back from out of state visit. I am ok too. Not a lot of changes going on here😊business as usual😂. Keep pushing forward as much as you can. Your friend❤️

Helgafy July 6th, 2023



I think you have found your way of living at the peaceful place at your farm together with your animals. Maybe this is good for you to read: Psalm 23

23 The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.

2 He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.

3 He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.

4 Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.

5 Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.

6 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever.

mytwistedsoul July 6th, 2023

@Helgafy Hello friend Helgafy ❤️ How are you? Oh my questions are the usual I suppose. Why we suffer (which is supposed to make me a better person). Why people can hurt others and often go unpunished (agency?) Anyway they're questions I've asked before. I just get frustrated some times probably because those aren't the answers I want. Maybe?

Jens Stoltenberg must be doing a fairly decent job if they've asked him to sit in for another year. That is something to boast about 🙂
Helgafy July 7th, 2023


Friend. "why people can hurt....". Maybe you can start developing a picture inside of you. If people hurt you - see yourself as a dog, got a lot of water on his fur and then shaking it off.
I hate to suffer. But this is a fine Bibleverse for me: "But he knows the way that I take;
when he has tested me, I will come forth as gold.
My feet have closely followed his steps;
I have kept to his way without turning aside."

mytwistedsoul July 8th, 2023

@Helgafy I wasn't sure how to reply to this tbh. I'm sorry you suffer too 😞 I hope that it isn't too bad for you right now - I hope that you have many good days coming

These are the fawns I was telling you about. The picture isn't the best - they wouldn't stand still lol!


Helgafy July 9th, 2023



* Thank you so much for the photo! The small one tries to stretch his leg - soon it is better - with a little bit of training.
* I wrote wrong to you earlier. Around here we have red deer. I called them deer when I wrote to you. They have antlers. On the TV they showed a red deer throwing away his antlers. A man was filming them for 2 days and nights. Then one animal came and just threw the antlers off his head.
* Yesterday I saw a Christian movie with Jeremy Camp (singer) - "I still believe". He lost his young wife in cancer.
* I ate some eggs. The yolk was yellow as lemon, I don't know why. The hens went friely around.
* I have this plant in my house, Showy medinilla. It comes with big pink flowers.
* I watch a programme from England; "Wild tales from the farm - 2020" - all seen from the animals perspective. The hen sleeps with one eye open to look for strangers, thus the brain is divided. Pigs dream.
* Some black young sheep saw that the grass was greener outside the fence and found a place under the fence to go there. But after a while they heard the farmer's car and ran back, knowing they were not allowed to go there.

Helgafy July 10th, 2023


Friend soul.

Since we're talking about the deer. This is a verse I have on my wall in my bedroom (among many others). I need God to be my strength.
Habakkuk 3:19 New International Version
" The Sovereign Lord is my strength;
he makes my feet like the feet of a deer,
he enables me to tread on the heights."

mytwistedsoul July 10th, 2023

@Helgafy Your red deer are larger than the white tail deer we have here. They're beautiful animals. Majestic and regal

Cancer is a brutal and painful disease. It's hard to watch someone have to go through it. But not as hard as they have being the ones that have it. My father was diagnosed in April. Stage 4
The chicken's feed might be different. With costs being what they are farmers might be buying more cost effective feeds
I had to Google your plant. It's beautiful!
I'll have to see if I can find that to watch. Apparently it's a mini series? It sounds interesting 🙂
It's funny about the sheep and shows just how smart animals are. They're a lot smarter than what people think. The deer here know the sound of my truck and will run to the top to greet me in hopes of corn snacks lol
mytwistedsoul July 8th, 2023

@Iamwhoiamwhoami Hey you :) You've been in my thoughts for quite a while now. There was a place mentioned in something I was looking at and I mean it's probably kind of stupid but it will drive me nuts if I don't at least give you a link to check it out. It's in my state and idk where you live but maybe they have an affiliate or something close to you? I guess I hope too that you don't mind me sending it too

*Sending you good vibes* ❤️

Iamwhoiamwhoami OP July 8th, 2023


Thank you for the information and for being in your thoughts. I am nowhere near them but maybe if I get the ambition built up I could email them and try and get some information or something.

mytwistedsoul July 8th, 2023

@Iamwhoiamwhoami You're welcome :) I'm sorry they're so far from you. That sucks. Figured it couldn't hurt to pass along on the off chance they were closer ❤️ Take care ok?

Iamwhoiamwhoami OP July 8th, 2023


Any ideas are always welcome and appreciated.

WorkingitThrough2 July 10th, 2023


Got you on my mind❤️🙏🏽You are worthy, You are Loveable, You are a Friend, Stay Strong.

No reply Needed

Helgafy July 13th, 2023


Hi friend.

We met at GlenM's site "The problem is the path" and I wanted to write some more to you, so I try to connect with you at "Iam"'s site here since Glen's site is gone.

For the 18 last years of my life I have been very much hurted and suffered by life. And I never met a person who describes their suffering like you do and it could be me (as I already told you earlier). So we are soul-twins in suffering! LOL. Well. In the last sentence at your site you write: "Please be kind to me". So I was thinking of this song from 1986 by Feargal Sharkey "A good heart" for you. Some of its lyrics sound like: "A good heart these days is hard to find, so please be gentle with this heart of mine."
From Helga.

seashell145 July 14th, 2023


Helga, you're so nice. I'm really sorry you have been hurting for the past 18 years, I feel guilty hearing that. I have mostly been hurting for the past 6 years. But I understand or can imagine how it's like to be in pain. And I'm really sorry you're suffering so much.

You are so kind, you sent that beautiful song to me. I'm going to hear it. You're so nice Helga. Sending you lots of love and warmth. I will try to make a blog post where we can talk, but right now I'm a bit tired. I've also seen the post you made in Glen's blog and written the same response there. So much love for you Helga <3 <3

Helgafy July 14th, 2023


Hi friend.

Thank you so much for responding. This site belongs to "Iam". "Mytwistedsoul" and I wrote a bit comments to "Iam" and started to write here. "Iam" has said he doesn't mind. So I guess he will not mind if you and I write a bit in between also. Hah. You got tired, I got tired too and ate strawberry ice cream and drank coffee. I hope calories are good for me.

All the best from Helga.

seashell145 July 14th, 2023


Helga, I'm glad you ate ice cream and took coffee. Hope you get some rest. Of course I can write to you here if you're interested. Sending you lots of love <3

Helgafy July 17th, 2023


Hello friend.
Not often I write to you - ha.ha.
Well - I thought I would invite the owner of this site, @Iamwhoiamwhoami, @mytwistedsoul, with whom I have written a bit here as you can see and yourself to a summer party at "souls" farm. If you scroll a few pages back you can see how green the grass is where we place the table.
Iam is in his 50th, a man, and live in the North of the US, soul is 27, a man, and lives close to New York and I'm 70, a woman, and I live in Norway. If you want to you can tell if you're a man or a woman, your age and where you live.
Well - soul brings his carrot cake for eating. I can make coffee and then we can have a nice time. The deer will be watching us - you can scroll a bit an look at them.

seashell145 July 17th, 2023


Thanks for the invitation to the summer party in soul's farm! The arrangement sounds lovely and the food items sound really delicious! Did you guys talk and organize this arrangement or you just imagined it based on previous conversations with them, like maybe they mentioned they enjoy carrot cake and summer parties? Either way, it's wonderful to be a part of it.

It's nice to know about you all. Soul commented on my posts before and I thought he was a female, glad to know he's a man. I think he is a kind person. Haven't interacted with IamwhoIam before, as far as I can remember.

I'm 31, a female from Bangladesh. Seeing your age Helga, I guess when I'm your age I will have many years of pain stored in my collection, that being said I make it to 70 haha. I saw a movie made in Norway the other day, it's called "The Worst Person in the World". There were some beautiful scenery in Oslo, I felt really attracted to the place. It looked rather peaceful.

Do you ever feel like no one cares about you?

Helgafy July 18th, 2023


So nice to hear from you. And no - the party was all in my imagination. But the carrot cake was for real. Soul earlier told that he made a carrot cake and ate it.

So you're from Bangladesh. Do you know something about your situation why you're tired?

The movie you saw won many prizes. I lived in Oslo for 25 years, working. Then - when I could not work anymore (52) because of health-problems I moved across the country to Bergen to live nearer to my youngest brother and his family and my mother who was living in the town I was born and lived until a became 18 years old (Haugesund). But by moving I experienced what you also wrote about: I could not find friends here. Well - I was a big tree in Oslo with all my roots and leaves (friends, loving Oslo etc.) - so very many hard moments I have had since moving here. Because of health-issues it was impossible for me to move back.

Friend, you ask: "Do you ever feel like no one cares about you?" I am very fortunate. I know I have people who care for me. And I also focus very much on the fact that Jesus Christ loves me and was willing to die for me and me not being perfect so that I could be in contact with God, the Father in heaven.

seashell145 July 18th, 2023


First of all, I'm glad you have people who care about you. And the fact that you have faith in God is wonderful too.

It's nice to know you imagined the summer party, and including Soul's carrot cake was a nice touch. I will bring a blanket for all of us to lie down and relax, looking at clouds in the sky, while listening to a relaxing yet fun music. Your imagination is beautiful.

I actually don't know why I feel so tired. It could be iron deficiency, some vitamins deficiency, being overweight and sleep deprivation. So far this is all I know, I don't know if there's something lying underneath.

I'm glad the movie won many prizes. It's so wonderful to know you lived in Oslo. That place looks so lovely. I'm sorry when you went back to Bergen you lost friends and couldn't make any more. I too moved back home from another city and couldn't make friends. But I hope to move again and find friends. It's wonderful how our story matches, it makes me feel like I'm not alone.

I was kidding about having more pain in the store as I age. It might be, but it might also not be, maybe I would have better health in the future. I joked because at first when you said you are in pain for 18 years, I felt guilty, as I mentioned before. But after hearing your age, I was relieved a bit, and felt like, when I age like that, I too will have been gone through some years of pain, so I didn't feel like I had less pain than you and didn't feel guilty anymore haha. But we don't know the future so I don't know how much pain I will go through haha. Sending you lots of love and warmth.<3

(I'm sleepy, will reply to others tomorrow)

mytwistedsoul July 17th, 2023

Hey :) and welcome to the group @seashell145

Tbh I sort of think it just happened? We imagined it into being? @Helgafy and I wrote to @Iamwhoiamwhoami and then we all just sort of started talking to each other.

Tbh I often feel like I should apologize for not being female. I just see myself as the little bashful rat hiding - like in my pfp. I can give you my word though that I'm a safe person. I'm not a creeper or a pervert or sexist. I hope it doesn't change or affect how we interact. As I told someone else here - I'm still the same Soul. But I also understand if it makes you uncomfortable. I'm sorry

You asked at the end of your post - if you ever feel like no one cares about you - I know it was in reply to Helgafy but I hope you don't mind if I answer too. I feel that way all the time

seashell145 July 17th, 2023


Thank you for the answer Soul. I'm sorry you feel that way too, I guess we can wait to see what happens in the following days. Your bio gave me a feeling of catharsis. I too am full of self hatred and self doubt, I'm trying to manage the feelings. Thank you for writing them so clearly.

"Apologize for not being female"- do you mean you feel like a female inside? I don't mind about that. Or do you mean most people perceive you as a female?

You were nice to me in previous replies and you seem to have a good understanding with your emotional situation so I don't feel like you'll be a pervert or anything.

I'm glad we got to talk.

seashell145 July 17th, 2023


About the summer party, I mean like if you guys actually talked about it how Helga described it, with food items and the sceneries or did Helga write it from her imagination?

WorkingitThrough2 July 17th, 2023


Hi Seashell, I am WorkingitThrough2. It is nice to meet you. I may be out of pocket by intruding on you and my Twistedsoul conversation.

But Soul is such a compassionate person to all of us that I was just certain he was a female. I have never seen nor met a male who was so easy to talk to and supportive. When he told me he was a male, I was totally shocked. But he is my Bestest Friend😂 He is a very good friend and Supportive

mytwistedsoul July 18th, 2023

@WorkingitThrough2 Idk what to say. This is so sweet 🥺 thank you ❤️ I can't remember anyone ever standing up for me this way *hugs*

seashell145 July 19th, 2023


That's really nice to know you felt touched Soul. I'm glad Working stood up for you <3

Helgafy July 18th, 2023



I hope you can come to out summerparty too!

From Helga.

WorkingitThrough2 July 18th, 2023


I got the grill and meat. Then we can take a dip in the pool😂

🍔🍖we need music🎤🎼

mytwistedsoul July 26th, 2023

@WorkingitThrough2 Good weather for a pool! It's been hot! I'll let you all decide on the music because my taste runs more heavy metal than most lol

Helgafy July 19th, 2023


Hi friend. So nice you could join the party bringing both grill and meat. If you want to you can tell your age, if you're a man or a woman and in whitch country you live. (The others are presented above). You have a fine day with us here today - if you want to you can bring the rest of your family - your spouse and your daugter. We can do ball-games, but then I think Soul's dog, cat, 4 roosters and 13 hens will come to play with us. I think his horse will be standing still watching.

seashell145 July 19th, 2023


Hello WorkingitThrough, it's nice to meet you. I don't feel interrupted at all, rather I feel validated that I wasn't the only one who felt that way about Soul.

I always imagined males could be compassionate too, though I haven't noticed if I met one. I think I'm going to notice how the males I meet from now on. Can you believe it, we perceive people as male or female just based on how nice they have been to us? It fascinating how males generally have been throughout our lives, though not every male is harsh. But this is some valuable thing I learned right now based on our conversation.

I'm glad he is your best friend and you two have each other. I feel like you are a nice person too though we haven't talked before. Okay, nice to have you on the summer party, we'll talk again soon! Sending you a lot of love and warmth. <3

Helgafy July 19th, 2023


Hi. Thanks for the blanket. We can tickle each other a little bit so we laugh! And music. Guess what - when I googled and listened to that old song about the heart, another song came up afterwards: "Nothing compares to you" by Sinead O'Connor. So friend - remember that; nothing compares to you (in a good way).

Please sister on this earth, check all your values at the doctor. I take vitamin pills each day. I was low in iron for a period of time and took some pills also for that.

Ha.ha. - take a pill for everything in your life and everything will be fine!

I deeply agree with you in your sentence: "It's wonderful how our story matches, it makes me feel like I'm not alone." as I told you before.

seashell145 July 19th, 2023


I will go to the doctor one step at a time, it's really hard for me to do. I have been a victim of bad treatment from the doctors here, I have lost a part of myself, so I have to mentally prepare myself before going to one. It takes a lot of time and multiple attempts. The doctors aren't that much experts either especially with relative things like pain.

Helgafy July 20th, 2023


I'll send a prayer to our Father in Heaven (I'm a Christian) today that you can do it.

mytwistedsoul July 17th, 2023

@seashell145 I'm sorry you deal with the self hatred and self doubt too. The two are like a double edged sword in that they feed each other. I don't know how to manage either of them

I meant that most people seem to think I'm female. I know a lot of people here have had bad experiences with men and I don't want to make anyone uncomfortable by being around
With the summer party - I'll let Helgafy answer that because my memory has been worse than normal lately
seashell145 July 19th, 2023


Thank you for your compassion Soul. I'm sorry you have worse memory, I imagine it will be hard to manage.

"The two are like a double edged sword in that they feed each other" this is wonderful to learn, it's a nice way you put this into words. Now remembering this will help me self soothe, like using affirmations to remove self doubt.

I didn't think you had bad motives. I got surprised seeing you as a male, and I feel fascinated how I perceived you as a female despite not ever asking you directly. I didn't even ask to myself about your gender, just my mind thought this way. I'm sorry for all the females here who went through difficult experiences from other guys.

mytwistedsoul July 20th, 2023

@seashell145 You're very welcome. Do affirmations help? I struggle to believe them when I use them

I think that some people see this site as a dating app or well - some people seem to like to cause trouble here. Tbh I don't think gender really comes up much here unless people come right out and say. I just try to correct people because I don't want anyone to think I'm being deceiving. It makes me happy that you didn't think I had bad motives. Thank you!
I send my best wishes along with @Helgafy for your doctor's appointment. It can be so hard to go even when we know we should
seashell145 July 21st, 2023


I find affirmations very helpful for me, for some reason it reminds me of the good things that I have. I understand you finding it hard to believe. If I think of a way that would work- doing one or two that resonates you very well might be helpful. For example, say you know you are kind. Then use this affirmation- "I am kind". After practicing this, then you will grow in other areas of life and then using those affirmations will help too. I read a blog by someone with BPD who said affirmations don't work for them, rather getting insights help them. But a youtuber with BPD said, "Hating ourselves is easy, all day we say many negative things to ourselves, what would happen if we said positive things instead?" Something like this. I like her approach better because it gives me hope. I don't have BPD but I follow some of their coping mechanisms and apply them in my life to manage my emotions.

So I just want to say, in my experience, it's not possible to always think positive thoughts but we can try to think one positive thought each day. Over time it will grow, that's what I believe. Hope this was helpful for you.

Yes, I agree. Some people use this site as a dating app. But ever since I started to interact only in the forum sections and became very choosy about listeners, I haven't found these people for a while. I actually forgot about them.

You're welcome that my assurance helped you. Yes, it's hard going to the doctor, and the feeling that I have to go recently causes me a lot of stress. And you know, I have to visit doctors so many times it feels like it doesn't end. Especially the trauma turned my world upside down, and how the doctors here treat me, not many doctors are respectful here. I have doctor phobia.

mytwistedsoul July 24th, 2023

@seashell145 I'm glad they work for you. You're right - we could try to think of at least one positive thought a day. I'll admit I should try harder with them. That blog is right too - about saying bad things all day - what if we were to switch it up and say positive things instead? Even just changing one negative thought to a positive would help a little. I do need to work on my gratitude. I am seriously lacking in that area. An affirmation for that would be good too. Because there are good things in my life and I should appreciate them more. Thank you!

I actually don't let listeners initiate chats because I've had such bad luck with them. So I totally understand your being choosy about them
I'm sorry that not many of the doctors there are respectful. That would definitely make it even harder to go knowing what is waiting when you get there. No wonder you have a phobia of doctors. Is it all doctors or mostly the male doctors? Could you go to a female doctor? No pressure to answer those questions of course. I hope you can find someone nice and is respectful towards you

ps... I hope you get a chance to try s'mores one day. There's something magical about them - messy too lol but magical 🙂