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My daily ramblings

Iamwhoiamwhoami December 1st, 2022

I am finally going to follow the lead and try and avoid posting in multiple different places. I am going to try and do most of my rambling in this thread.

My cognitive issues are making it harder and harder for me to focus on multiple things. That combined with my laundry list of other issues, makes functioning at all near impossible.

Having to go through medication experimentation again is going to make it even harder.

Whenever I have to refocus because I literally can’t remember blocks of time or where I am and why I’m here kinds of things , I’m usually able to come here and figure out through my posts and profile etc.

That has proven to not work very well at times. I wondered if I centralized my thoughts here that maybe that might work better.

That also keeps me from being a distraction from those who are more deserving than I.

seashell145 July 24th, 2023


Hey soul, that's a wonderful reply about affirmations, doctors etc. I will write soon, feeling really weak. Take care!

seashell145 July 25th, 2023


It's wonderful you are open to change your inner narrative, want to practice positive affirmations and want to be better at practicing gratitude. Many people just discards anything that would need years of work and growth. I really appreciate this about you.

I re-watched the video and realized she didn't say you use one positive affirmation each day and grow from there. I see it was just my belief and intuition that it might work. But what she said might be helpful too, she said she says the positive things to herself, "I am a decent writer", and noticed how she felt. She felt a shiver of uncomfortable feeling and she said it gave her an insight about her childhood, or the people she had in the past. Maybe it's possible the words they used that brought her confidence down wasn't true, that maybe they were flawed so they told her she was flawed. So she was using the affirmations to see what kind of emotions they brought up and they gave insights into her past. And this insight makes her believe that maybe all the compliments she receive aren't false, maybe her writing is good, and maybe people do enjoy her company. And maybe one day she will feel like she is enough. I just hope you find this helpful somehow, it might be different than my initial approach but it might help you, I don't know. It might help me too.

About finding female doctors, they were equally disrespectful and they don't really care about the patients. But I will overcome this someday, it may take time but I will overcome. Thank you for your compassion.

I'm really sorry you had bad luck with listeners.

Yes, I hope it'll be fun to try S'mores, thank you :)

Sending you lots of love and warmth <3

mytwistedsoul July 26th, 2023

@seashell145 Oh that definitely sounds interesting. Because most of the bad things we say to ourselves are repeats from past things we've heard - usually from family first. Those are the strongest because our foundation is built on those first lessons. It's hard to build a strong foundation when the words we heard were meant to tear us down instead of building us up. Or maybe it started out as a compliment and had a but thrown in. Compliments are easy to give but hard to accept. I'm definitely willing to try it. Thank you! I hope you'll give it a try too

It must be the profession regardless of gender. Which is a shame really because doctors can do so many good things and reach so many people if they would have a better attitude and bedside manner. They forget what it's like to be on the other side of the desk. I believe you will overcome this too. It's ok if it takes time to get there. You're strong and smart and determined - you'll definitely get there ❤️
*sending you strength and love* I hope you're feeling stronger today
Helgafy July 20th, 2023


So - we all had fun today - did we not. At last staying under the stars of heaven with our fire, nature was silent. All the animals went to bed.

But we have a problem now; It is too far for @seashell145 and me to go back to Bangladesh and Norway. (About @WorkingitThrough2 I don't know - this person has not told where he/she lives in the world). So Soul - could we stay over at your house? We brought our sleeping-bags.

seashell145 July 20th, 2023


That sounds wonderful Helga. Lying down under the stars, while there's fire kindling, so calming. I imagine crickets are screaming from time to time.

It would be nice to fall asleep at soul's house after such a wonderful time in the party with nature.

(Thank you for your prayer so I can go to doctor. No option to reply beneath the comment) <3

Helgafy August 4th, 2023



Hi friend seashell.
I hope your body is not so bad. I just prayed for you in the name of Jesu Christ that you should be better.

I think it was you who wrote about things happening simultaneously at Glens site (numbers I think you told of). I told that I have it the same way about 6 times a year. Last Sunday (the night before Monday) I dreamt of the moon. It was very yellow and I was staying there in a natural way. The day after they told at the local news that the moon that night was a supermoon (you can google "supermoon" if you want to) and very yellow. LOL
Does it tell me something? Yes - I think it tells me that the creator, God - Jesus Christ sees me when I'm asleep and watch over me.

mytwistedsoul July 20th, 2023

@Helgafy It was fun :) We topped off the evening with s'mores. The stars were so bright as we settled into our sleeping bags. The crickets and peeper frogs sang us lullabies until we fell asleep. We woke early in the morning to the birds singing and watched the fawns play in the field below ❤️ Thank you my friend for bringing us all together

seashell145 July 21st, 2023


S'mores sound wonderful. I never got to eat them though, someday I will have the chance.

Helgafy July 21st, 2023


Thank you so much soul for letting us invade your farm. Now we need breakfast after a good night's sleep. I guess @seashell wants rice - is not that what they're eating in Bangladesh? LOL. But maybe you soul wants to make us an omelette from the eggs of your hens.
Then we'll clean up all the mess from yesterday.
And now - how do seashell and I make it to the airport?

mytwistedsoul July 24th, 2023

@Helgafy You're welcome 🙂 I thought we could have some fresh berries with the eggs. There are raspberries and strawberries

The airport is the second star to the right 😉
WorkingitThrough2 July 20th, 2023


Hey, I live in South Carolina. I want to go to Souls house and look at the stars😊

mytwistedsoul July 26th, 2023

@WorkingitThrough2 There's always a space here for you beside the campfire ❤️

mytwistedsoul July 26th, 2023

@Iamwhoiamwhoami Hey you :) I was wondering how you made out with the testing the doctor had done. No pressure to answer of course. You do pop into my thoughts * sending you good vibes my friend ❤️

mytwistedsoul August 2nd, 2023

Sending all here good vibes. It's been quiet here in the land of nod :)

WorkingitThrough2 August 3rd, 2023


Thought I would check to see if my check-in had been posted yet. Still got this bad headache and my whole right side of my head and neck hurt pretty bad. I have taken some meds but it is not helping. I also rubbed my neck with icy hot but no relief. This is not good.

Soul, I am sorry I missed the group chat, time slipped away from me. You stay the good guy you are. You bring a lot of sunshine to people here especially me/🌞

mytwistedsoul August 3rd, 2023

@WorkingitThrough2 Hopefully your check in gets posted soon. Waiting gets frustrating and you'd probably like to make sure you've got things taken care of before you go on your trip

I'm sorry to hear you still have a headache. Do ice packs help? It's definitely not good. If it lasts too much longer maybe you could get it checked to make sure it's not serious? You've been under a lot of stress lately 😞

Aww that's ok - nothing to be sorry for. Time can be tricky. I know it gets away from me pretty easy most days. I wanted to go to Tuesday's chat and totally missed it - poof - there went the time *smh*

Thank you ❤️ It's so sweet of you to say that. I try but some days I'd like to give people a good shake and ask what's wrong with them 😅
WorkingitThrough2 August 3rd, 2023


Thanks, yes I wanted to know she approved of it before the last minute in case something had to be changed. I had not tried ice but I used heat and I have been laying down all morning but my head and neck are yet hurting. I may need to go to urgent care to have them check my before I go out of state and have no doctor. It is raining and gloomy out. I would hate to have to go but I will if I am not feeling better in the next few hours. Still got to get my husband's things packed and the dog's food and sleeping gear packed. But I am not able just yet. I hope I still feel up to going there are no refunds on this trip

mytwistedsoul August 4th, 2023

@WorkingitThrough2 Hopefully your head and neck are feeling better. It's good there's an urgent care you can visit if you need to. Regular doctors offices can take a while to get an appointment. But it's a really good idea before you go on a trip. It's hard to enjoy yourself if you're hurting. You're taking your dog with too? That's so sweet! I hope everything is alright with you and you have a great trip!

Could you give us an update on how you are before your trip? No pressure of course but we'll worry otherwise.
*sending strength*
WorkingitThrough2 August 4th, 2023


Thanks for your concern. My blood pressure was up pretty high and I have a pinched nerve in my next that is affecting my head. Also, he said my stress levels were high. He prescribed me blood pressure meds and anti-depressant meds. After about an hour or so I began to feel some relief. Not as bad as it was but still there.

Yes, I am taking my dog with me he is so spoiled. I don't trust him being in a kennel or at the doggy hotel where I use from time to time just so he can interact with other dogs and I can watch him no matter where I go on video camera. Max is my Companion Service Dog. He goes where I go😊. I can feel safe he is my bodyguard and security alarm. He thinks and acts like a 100-pound Doberman and he is only 10 pounds😂. I really think he thinks he is human but he really acts better than some people,😂

mytwistedsoul August 4th, 2023

@WorkingitThrough2 Omgosh! I'm so glad you went and got it checked out! High blood pressure isn't a good thing for sure but I also figure you're under a lot of stress with everything you're dealing with. I hope you're feeling closer to 100% by the time you leave for your trip. Thank you much for letting me know ❤️

Aww that's what they're for! To spoil and love. And he helps you feel safe and secure. He sounds like a pretty cool little guy! I totally understand not wanting to leave him at a kennel. I never used one for my girls either. Because no one can take care of our fur babies like we can ❤️ I have to agree with you - I think alot of dogs act better than people lol Give him a squeeze for me please 😊

If I don't get to talk to you before you leave - I hope you have a safe trip and a nice relaxing time. Take real good care of you❤️
Sudmantohelp August 3rd, 2023


Keep rambling. We are all here for you

mytwistedsoul August 4th, 2023

@Helgafy ❤️ You've been in my thoughts the past couple of days. How are you my friend?

Helgafy August 4th, 2023


Hi soul.

We wrote almost simultaneously at this site. You can read what I wrote to sea above, the moon is your too - ha.ha.

mytwistedsoul August 18th, 2023

@Helgafy I like the moon. Especially when it's full and it lights up the night. The last full moon here


Helgafy August 18th, 2023


Soul - thank you! I love that photo. (I don't know why I like the moon so much these days).

mytwistedsoul August 19th, 2023

@Helgafy You're welcome! I'm glad you like it. I take a lot of pictures of the moon. Especially when it's full img-20230630-205007428_1692415739.jpg


Helgafy August 19th, 2023


Thank you so much soul. Beautiful! We can go out in the night and howl against the moon as it is told the wolf is doing. LOL.

Remember you're loved. Maybe you've heard the song "It's only love" by T.Turner and Bryan Adams. It's sad she is not among us anymore. She gave so much of herself. She was a true rocker as Bryan is.

We had a nice summerparty at your farm - did we not - gathering some of your friends.

Helgafy August 19th, 2023


Lol - there is a person here who calls herself "Moonflower" - so I had to google it. And yes, it is a simple, white and delicate flower - not to be eaten!

WorkingitThrough2 August 19th, 2023


Those are beautiful pictures, I do the same thing when the sky and moon is colorful or just the stars twinkling in the sky. I went to the doctor and he feels it might be stress or a migraine. A pinched nerve in my neck on the right side is causing me so much pain. He had me get Tumeric and take 2 daily for 2 weeks and Ibprohane. He wants to send me to get injections in my neck but I am not going to do that.

Helgafy August 21st, 2023


Soul - the news said that the Russian spaceship exploded on the moon. They tryed to find water. It was the same day you sent me the photo of the moon, but I cannot see the spaceship there! LOL.

mytwistedsoul August 22nd, 2023

@Helgafy Tbh there is a part of me that would like to howl at the moon with you 😊 I think we would have fun ❤️

I haven't heard that song before. They both have good songs though
We did have a nice time. It's a shame that summer is almost over. I always dread the winter time
I actually grew some moonflowers a couple years ago. They only bloom at night. And they're totally poisonous
Oh wow! I didn't know that a spaceship blew up
mytwistedsoul August 22nd, 2023

@WorkingitThrough2 Thank you 😊 There's something magical about the night sky isn't there? Fills you with awe and wonder. It's nice to imagine you and @Helgafy gazing up at the moon at the same time I am

I'm glad you went and got checked out by the doctor. Are the pills helping any? Migraines are horrible. A pinched nerve doesn't sound good at all. I'm sorry it's still causing you so much pain ❤️ Injections? Like cortisone? Ugh! Yeah that would be a hard no for me too
Helgafy August 22nd, 2023


OH. You had moonflower! And it blossom in the night....

Helgafy August 22nd, 2023



If you want to you can also read about beneath my listener from "Kiribati".

WorkingitThrough2 August 19th, 2023


What's up, my friend?😊

Helgafy August 20th, 2023


Well - I'll tell a bit today. This L and I discussed a bit in a group and she told we could do it 1:1 - and so we did. She was living at Kiribati and I thought that was so exciting. I like to google places and read a bit about the places where persons live. She and her husband were from the US and had saved money to live at K. inbetween. So we talked for 10 days and she told different things and I also did. I questioned more about K. - why they choosed that island. Then she said it was just in her imagination because she lived a dull life. So I have told now that I don't know who she is and need a break. (I don't know if the rest of what she said also was just in her imagination).

WorkingitThrough2 August 20th, 2023


Wow, That kind of sucked🤔. I myself am doing a lot better than I have over the past few weeks, The weather is to hot to get in the pool and it rains really bad in the evening so I have not been able to use the pool.

I did find out I have a pinched nerve in my neck that is causing these bad headaches.Along with stress from my husband's Dementia.

Helgafy August 21st, 2023



I'm sorry your husband has dementia. I hope there is a home where he can stay for a bit so you also can have your freetime without him.

So - you're not in the pool these days. I think often the American people have a privat pool. It's more seldom here. Remember you talked about we could go to the pool at Souls summerparty?

I have prayed for your neck/head today in the name of Jesus Christ. I hope you soon will be better - you have also seen a doctor I understand.

WorkingitThrough2 August 21st, 2023


@Heigafy........Thank you for the Prayers, They have reached me and I am feeling a lot better.❤️🙏🏽

Helgafy August 22nd, 2023


Working - can it really be that you feel better? Please - you don't have to say that to be nice to me. I have prayed for you today also that your blood shall flow freely in your bloodvessel to your brain so that the pain in your head goes away.