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My daily ramblings

Iamwhoiamwhoami December 1st, 2022

I am finally going to follow the lead and try and avoid posting in multiple different places. I am going to try and do most of my rambling in this thread.

My cognitive issues are making it harder and harder for me to focus on multiple things. That combined with my laundry list of other issues, makes functioning at all near impossible.

Having to go through medication experimentation again is going to make it even harder.

Whenever I have to refocus because I literally can’t remember blocks of time or where I am and why I’m here kinds of things , I’m usually able to come here and figure out through my posts and profile etc.

That has proven to not work very well at times. I wondered if I centralized my thoughts here that maybe that might work better.

That also keeps me from being a distraction from those who are more deserving than I.

Helgafy May 17th, 2023


You know that God is a very big deal for me. When I wrote of him here I did it for yours and Iam's sake. (Iam earlier told that he liked it when I prayed for him or quoted Bibleverses). But you have bad experiences unfortunately with persons you have met that call themselves Christians. You also told that you have a bit of a difficult relationship with God (because of your bad experiences I think). My relationship with God is simple. So - because of that - I'm a little bit afraid of talking of God to you because the words I come with may feel that they hurt you.

mytwistedsoul May 17th, 2023

@Helgafy Please don't stop. Please don't be afraid to share that part of yourself 😞 You being the kind person that you are - I can't imagine a better person to show that God is good. My relationship with god IS difficult because of past experiences. You're helping me gain new experiences that are good and kind and come from a good heart ❤️

Helgafy May 18th, 2023



Yes - I have been baking cakes, bread, making dinners - all kinds of good stuff also. But 2 years ago I had to stop - not enough energy to do that.

I'm glad your therapist can help you. And of course I hope all your scars will become your stars. (Easy for me to say).

Wow - you've matured not to drink to solve your things! And not SH for months. Congrats!!! (I guess that is hurting yourself). When I grew up we never heard of SH.

I lift you up to our Father in Heaven's knees and ask him to take good care of you.

mytwistedsoul May 18th, 2023

@Helgafy It must have been frustrating to have to give things up with your illness. I'm sorry it affects you so badly. I wish there was something I could do to help

Drinking was making things worse. It helped me forget things or maybe just made it easier to ignore them. Thank you! SH is an outlet for pain sometimes. Mental and emotional replaced with physical. Sometimes it's to feel something if you've been numb. Or punishment. It's a bad coping mechanism and can get out of hand
Much love to you for for your kind words ❤️
There's a saying - from your lips to God's ear - yeah? Thank you for your words to God - I do appreciate them alot
Iamwhoiamwhoami OP June 18th, 2023


please continue to be you. Talking about God with the sincerity and purity that you do is what religion should be about. Speaking of God and all the wonderful things you do is a big part of what this thread has become. You, Twist and all the others that periodically chime in.

Both of you have built a friendship that transcends everything. You both are amazing people. So please continue to be you, you are wonderful.

Helgafy June 18th, 2023


Thank you so much Iam. That was such a wonderful message from you.

Helgafy May 19th, 2023


Thank you so much for your writing. I'll comment another time.
Today I'll write a bit about songs and more.
In Norway we have protestant people-church. Until 3 years ago it was called state-church, but then the church and state divided. But still the state pays the priests and looks after the churches. We also have privat churches and other believers of course (muslims etc.).
So each Sunday the statechannel at TV sends a Christian service and I have been watching a bit. So - here comes what I wanted to say today: Many of the songs we sing I know also from the English language;
- Blessed assurance Jesus is mine.
- What a friend we have in Jesus.
- Nearer my God to Thee.
- The old rugged Cross.
mytwistedsoul May 19th, 2023

@Helgafy My grandmother used to sing some of those songs. There used to be a small radio in the kitchen and she would listen to gospel music. She would sing along with the songs. It was always nice to hear her ❤️ thank you for helping me remember that today 😊

Helgafy May 19th, 2023



Your words: "It must have been frustrating to have to give things up with your illness."

"Give things up" - grieving.

Your words: "There's a saying - from your lips to God's ear - yeah?"
Isaiah 65:24 "Before they call I will answer; while they are still speaking I will hear."
mytwistedsoul May 19th, 2023

@Helgafy There is a lot of grieving for alot of things isn't there? In life. Good things are there too but there's a lot of grieving

*Sending strength to you* ❤️
Helgafy June 1st, 2023


Hi twist.
We talked a bit about grieving. Maybe there can be an acceptance after grieving. "The soul book" here at 7Cups also talks a bit about that.
Maybe you want to listen to "Hallelujah" by Leonard Cohen.

mytwistedsoul June 3rd, 2023

@Helgafy I've always liked that song but it makes me cry. I've actually read 7cups book. It was - eh lol

I hope there's healing after all the grieving. I'm afraid it's going to take time

I thought of you and @Iamwhoiamwhoami today. The blue birds are here and they've built nests in the bird boxes. The sparrow is still here - she sings in the mornings

I hope you're both doing ok ❤️

Helgafy June 4th, 2023


Hi friend twist.
Today I was listening to "Living life like a Lotus" at the intro of 7Cups. I was thinking of you then. Your childhood/youth can be like the mud, you will always carry that. But you yourself have become the beautiful Lotus.

mytwistedsoul June 6th, 2023

@Helgafy Thank you ❤️ That's a very sweet thing to say. Tbh I often feel more like the mud than anything a nice as a lotus flower

A picture of my friend Ms Sparrow


The bluebird is too busy to sit still so I can take her picture. She's been feeding her babies :)

mytwistedsoul May 27th, 2023

@Iamwhoiamwhoami @Helgafy Thinking of you both and sending good vibes ❤️

Helgafy May 28th, 2023


Loooooooooooong time since I wrote. Well - my energy is low. So I: Psalms 27:14 NIV. Wait for the LORD; be strong and take heart and wait for the LORD.
Till the Spirit is poured on us from on high,
and the desert becomes a fertile field,
and the fertile field seems like a forest.

(well - my "desert" - ha.ha. - should become a fertile field).

mytwistedsoul May 30th, 2023

@Helgafy I'm sorry your energy is so low right now. I hope you take care of yourself. ❤️ Sending you strength, energy and good vibes! ❤️

Helgafy June 13th, 2023



I heard a speech from Joyce Meyer yesterday. She was mention this Bibleverse that I like so much. Here it comes to you. I give you 2 versions because they are so fine. Why don't you memorize them?

Zephaniah 3:17.

New living trans:

For the LORD your God is living among you. He is a mighty savior. He will take delight in you with gladness. With his love, he will calm all your fears. He will rejoice over you with joyful songs.”

English Standard Version
The LORD your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save; he will rejoice over you with gladness; he will quiet you by his love; he will exult over you with loud singing.

Helgafy June 8th, 2023


Friend twist.
I have been eating you today ha.ha. I hope you don't mind. Do you remember I told of the twist-bag? Well - a friend gave me one and today I ate 4 pieces filled with caramel.
Thank you for the photo of the bird. 2 evenings I heard that bird singing very loudly.
You must be the most peaceful man on this earth, being friend with the animals. You remind me of Frans of Assisi. I have been outside Rome in Italy and visited the church in Assisi in the remembrance of him. You can of course google it.
I went to Bibleschool for 4 months when I was about 24 years old. There I held a lecture of Frans of Assisi.
I bless you and @Iamwhoiamwhoami in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

OnlyDarkness May 29th, 2023

@Iamwhoiamwhoami Hello, It’s like you wrote this for me. I have the same problems with my cognitive memory. I also have a long list of other issues. Reading your post was like reading something I had written myself. You’re welcome to chat me up if you’d like.🤨

DaninUK June 6th, 2023

I don't think it's a question of anyone being more deserving. Some people like to talk about life, some prefer to listen

Helgafy June 8th, 2023


Hi DaninUK.

Welcome to 7Cups! I hope you'll have many fine moments here. All the best from Helga from Norway. Maybe you're from the UK.

mytwistedsoul June 13th, 2023

@Helgafy Hey :) Your friend brought you a nice treat! The little bird lives in a house at the porch. She sings all the time. Do you have a lot of birds visit near your house? There's so many different ones here so there's always something singing lol

You were in my thoughts last night as I looked at pictures of Lofoten Norway :)

Thank you for the verses - I'll have to try and memorize them ❤️

How are you? Is it warm there now?

@Iamwhoiamwhoami How are you?

Helgafy June 15th, 2023


Friend twist.

Thank you for writing. It is mostly sparrows that come to my garden and thrush also.

I like to be in your thoughts - thank you for that. Many paint pictures of Lofoten. I very much like the high mountains up North.

The bird mountain Runde is the biggest bird mountain south of the Polar Circle.

Yes - it is warm here on the West Coast now, about 24 degrees Celsius.
In the east part of Norway the farmers have trouble with too little rain.

I have often been thinking that it would be nice for you to be a member of a nearby f.b.-group for persons who are interested in farming and dogs. So you could write there and maybe also meet some day.

Do you eat well these days? Here is a verse for you: Consider the ravens: They do not sow or reap, they have no storeroom or barn; yet God feeds them. And how much more valuable you are than birds!

An so - Donald Trump is in the storm again.

Helgafy June 15th, 2023


I forgot to tell you that I thought of Frans from Assisi (whom I talked about earlier) when I think of you because he loved and talked to animals.
Today a sparrow flew through my open door to the livingroom. I went behind him so he flew out again.

mytwistedsoul June 16th, 2023

@Helgafy There's puffins on that island! It looks like a beautiful place. You're often in my thoughts. Iam is too ❤️

I'm glad it's warm there now. I enjoy warm weather more than the cold. It's been pretty dry here too. We finally did some rain this week but it's still dry. There's been a few red flag warnings because conditions are perfect for forest fires. I hope the farmers in Norway get some rain soon. Crops can't grow without water
The garden here is doing well. The cherry tree had a lot of fruit and I tried my hand at making some jam. And strawberries! I was able to make a strawberry pie and had enough left over to freeze. Sugar peas are doing great too. They're nice to snack on while you pick them. I planted some lima beans this year and peas. And a different kind of tomato for sauces. Before long the raspberries will be ready to pick too. I might try making some jam or jelly with those too lol
I do eat pretty well these days just out of the garden alone. Nature provides :)
Aww it's so cool that you had a little visitor. I've heard of St. Francis. He's a favorite here. As well as St. Jude
Sending you light and love ❤️
Helgafy June 18th, 2023


Friend. Thank you for writing. I'm glad your garden is doing well. You have cherries! When I was living in Oslo there were cherry trees where I was living. I had a party where I invited my cousins living in Oslo. My parents were also visiting. I made a pie with a lot of cherries. But I didn't remove the stone inside so everybody had to spit a lot and had a heap of cherrystones on their plate when they finished eating.

Nice you made some jam and a strawberry pie. And you have peas and beans. Earlier I made dinners from peas and beans. And you have different kinds of tomato for sauces. I made a sauce from cherry-tomatoes and ate it for dinner yesterday together with vegetables. I like raspberries. I often eat raspberry yoghurt.
I am very glad you do eat "pretty well these days" - remember you're worth it.
I did not know of St. Jude - well I don't belong to the Catholic church so I guess that's why. And I always think that through Jesus Christ we can go directly to God with our prayers and don't need saints to pray for us.

mytwistedsoul June 21st, 2023

@Helgafy Hey ❤️ I imagine that must have come as a surprise to everyone eating pie but it would still be delicious

The raspberries grow along the edge of a field. Although it's more of a clearing than a field. The deer started to bring their young there to play and show them off. They run and chase each other. It's sweet to see. Raspberry yogurt is good! Have you ever tried raspberry ice cream?
I'm not Catholic either lol. Lost causes are just relatable. My grandfather used to say that he didn't need to be in a building stuffed in a suit and tie to praise and worship God. That God would rather he take in the beauty of his creation simply and comfortably - as he argued his point to my grandmother why he wasn't going to church 😁
Helgafy June 23rd, 2023


Good morning to you wonderful young man.

The other night I dreamt of a bird, turquoise at its back and yellow on the chest.

These days I drink my morning coffee from a mug with a cat printed on in black and white. It has stripes on the body and tail, so it looks like it is in prison. lol.

Raspberries: Yes I sometimes eat vanilla ice cream covered with jello from raspberries and chocolate on the top.

Because Haugesund is a town by the sea, cruise ships come to visit. Some of the tourists wanted to see a Norwegian home. My parents opened theirs for tourists both from Germany and the USA. A small meal should be served. My mother made a cake; at the bottom mareng, then whipped cream and on the top fresh strawberries. They simply loved it.

Can I also tell - at our summer house outside Haugesund - by a fjord - we picked a lot of wild strawberries.

You're talking of the deer showing their young ones off. Your Father in heaven is proud of you too. You're good at communicating, to describe what you see.

Well - The Bible talks a bit like your grandfather; Romans 1.19-20: "what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made"

Helgafy June 26th, 2023



I want to tell you. At the post above I told of the bird I dreamt about. I went to watch TV, a show called "Love in Paradise" - the Caribbean. At the openingscene there was a bird; turquoise at the back and yellow at the front. Amazing.

mytwistedsoul June 26th, 2023

@Helgafy That must have been an amazing experience having tourists into your parents home. Maybe a little weird too since they were strangers? The summer house sounds like it was a nice place to visit especially with the fjords. You live in a very beautiful country

I like your coffee cup 😊 I use a simple plain white one
It's beautiful here too in its own way. To hear the peeper frogs at night and the wind through the pine trees. And of course all the animals 🙂
The bird in your dream and later on that show sounds really nice. I googled it *cause it's what I do lol* and it could be a couple different ones and all of them are wonderful
Tbh I wish God would make things a little more plain and dumb it down some because there are things I just can't seem to grasp and understand and I question everything
Helgafy June 26th, 2023



You wrote: Tbh I wish God would make things a little more plain and dumb it down some because there are things I just can't seem to grasp and understand and I question everything.

Are there things we can talk about?

Helgafy June 30th, 2023


So friend "soul" - can I boast a little bit today: Jens Stoltenberg, Norwegian, is the Secretary General of NATO since October 2014. Then he was for 2 periods which is unusual. Then - because of the war in Ukraine - he was asked to sit one more year. Now he's been asked to sit one more year because they can't find an appropriate person at this time.

He was the Prime Minister of Norway the 22. July 2011 when a terrorist attack killed 77 young persons at Utøya (Norway).
His father was working much for peace in Balkan.

WorkingitThrough2 June 15th, 2023


Hi, I hope you are doing well as you can. I know things are tuff. Just keep trying to hang in there❤️🙏🏽

Iamwhoiamwhoami OP June 17th, 2023


Thank you. I’m really struggling with getting thoughts to paper right now . So I will just leave it as a very appreciative thank you to all of you who care enough to think about me.

WorkingitThrough2 June 17th, 2023


We really care about you my friend. Always not to far away if you want or need to reach out for a listening ear or just to vent❤️

Iamwhoiamwhoami OP June 17th, 2023


I appreciate your kindness and I would reach out but I’m just too stubborn and won’t because I don’t want to add my negativity on to anyone else’s plate. That is something so deeply ingrained in me that it actually pains me to not be able to do so.

I know I shouldn’t be this way and people like you are genuine and true in your desire to listen. I have listened to thousands of people throughout my life tell me their stories of struggle and hardship. I never prodded or suggested that I wanted to hear them , I just happened to be at the right time and place for them. I have been in the public eye in customer service most of my life and this has helped shut down my openness and willingness to dump my problems on others who are dealing with their own issues and struggles.

Even though their opening up to me may have helped them, I felt like I was always getting everyone else’s burdens dumped onto me. The light slowly getting dimmer and dimmer until I was completely invisible in the darkness of my own misery.

I really do appreciate the kindness you show me, Thank you for being you.

WorkingitThrough2 June 17th, 2023


No words are necessary. Just drop me an emoji that lets me know you are ok😊

WorkingitThrough2 July 3rd, 2023


Hello, I hope you are doing ok 👍send me emoji

Iamwhoiamwhoami OP July 3rd, 2023


same old thing here, how about you?