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Finding Happiness Through Well-Being: A Positive Psychology Path

The pursuit of happiness is a journey that everyone thinks about. While the positive emotional state might be fleeting, enhancing well-being and using personal resources may lead to flourishing, which can be a path to more frequent happy moments amongst other benefits.

This growth path uses reflections and activities inspired by positive psychology-based concepts including character strengths, purpose finding as well as the principles of motivation, gratitude and hope whilst exploring the ability to flourish with additional personal resources to enhance well-being during the path to more moments of happiness.

Ayesha Tariq Ali is a psychology graduate with a BS (Hons) in Applied Psychology. She has an interest in positive psychology and values interventions that are based on personal resources.

Fixed Steps

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step 18

step 19

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step 29

step 30

step 31

step 32

step 33

step 34

Tags: happiness, motivation, gratitude, hope, wellness, positive psychology, meaning, emotions, relationships, recovery, change, flourishing, compassion, courage, depression, anxiety
3 Comment(s)

I found this growth-path very useful and enlightening. Thanks for creating it!

Wonderful path Soulfully!

Created by @Clarisse29

such an awesome path!