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Finding Motivation to Apply Your Character Strengths

Creator: @SoulfullyAButterfly


After acknowleding our character/signature strengths and affirming them, it is important that in order for them to help us enhance our well-being, we need to ensure we are employing them into our lives. Finding the motivation to use our strengths more often depends on 3 areas: importance, confidence, and readiness. Explore how motivated you currently are by answering the following questions:

  1. On a scale of 1-10, where 1 is low importance and 10 is high importance, how important is it to you that you continue to acknowledge and use your character strengths? Do you value this discovery?
  2. On a scale of 1-10, where 1 is low confidence and 10 is high confidence, how confident are you that you can increase your acknowledgement and usage of character strengths?
  3. Pick the statement/stage of readiness you are at by selecting the statement which best describes your current position in this strength-exploration journey:
  • Precontemplation: I won't/can't acknowledge/use my character strengths.
  • Contemplation: I may acknowledge/use my character strengths someday. 
  • Preparation: I will acknowledge/use my character strengths soon and am thinking on how.
  • Action: I am acknowledging/using my character strengths more often.
  • Maintenance: I have been acknowledging/using my character strengths more often consistently for 6 months or longer. 

After exploring the answers to the 3 questions above, reflect which area (importance, confidence, readiness) you can work on to enhance your character strength acknowledgement/usage to enhance well-being.