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Happy Allentine's, 7 Cups Family!

Heather225 February 14th

Happy Valentine's Day—or as I like to call it, Allentine's Day or Palentine's Day—everyone! 

Today, let's remember that love comes in many forms, It's about the love we share with friends, family, pets, and (most importantly) ourselves.  For those who might be feeling down or lonely on this day, please know that you're not alone. Everything we do in this community has been built on the foundation of love. We help because we care. We listen out of compassion. We strive to understand because we want to be empathetic. Love translates into the actions we take every day across the platform.

In honor of the day, and Kindness Week overall, tell me:

💗In what ways do you like to show love in our community?

💗Practicing self-care: how do you show kindness to yourself, especially on the tougher days?

💗Bonus: Tag someone you feel needs to see this post and toss in a kind word about them!


easyPond35491000 March 11th


Jenna February 14th


💗In what ways do you like to show love in our community?
I like to lift others up and take time out to show them appreciation. I'm a big words of affirmation user.

💗Practicing self-care: how do you show kindness to yourself, especially on the tougher days?
Some days is hard to show kindness toward myself. On days when it is more achievable, I like to do things that remind me of my worth or do things that treat myself.

💗Bonus: Tag someone you feel needs to see this post and toss in a kind word about them!
@AnnaSilverberg - My twin brian! You are loved, capable, strong, and worthy. You inspire me every day.

@dreamIcicle8467 - On the hard days, I want you to remember all the good you do for others. You are a very selfless person.
@JustSophia - You are intelligent, wise, compassionate, and driven. You do good things and try your best to show the good in others.

AnnaSilverberg February 14th

I don't want to double comment because I'm melting,
no wait. My heart is melting 💓
Thank you from the bottom of my heart and with all my brian 🧠

💗In what ways do you like to show love in our community?

Those who know me already know that I'm very positive and I without a doubt 
use that to show my care for this amazing community! 
It's filled with so many amazing and wonderful people, it's hard not to feel the 
support here that we all show to one another. 

💗Practicing self-care: how do you show kindness to yourself, especially on the tougher days?

I like to make sure that I use self-care every day, it's the best way to make sure
that I feel balanced and it sure helps on the positive scale. 
On tougher days, I like to reach out to a wonderful friend, I like to listen to 
music that is uplifting or calming. 
Hobbies are also my favorite thing to do when times are rough, it helps a lot. 

💗Bonus: Tag someone you feel needs to see this post and toss in a kind word about them!

@Jenna: You're my wonderful Twin-Brian, you are so caring, amazing, smart and funny. 
You are a shining light in this world and you deserve all the best. 

You just got the Leadership Spotlight and there's a reason for that. 
Your kindness and care truly shines through and you have a heart of gold.

@dreamIcicle8467: Your uplifting spirit and your energy are truly magical! 
You are so supportive and the speed of your will to help is out of this world! 

Thank you all for being so amazingly wonderful! 

JustSophia February 15th


Thank you, Jenna!😊

amiableBunny4016 February 14th


 Happy Valentines Day! *sending all love and warmth* 💛

As Valentines Day comes, I would like to add a little something. I know the world has been a little more chaotic lately and events in the world can affect us all. I understand it can cause a bit of anxiety and stress 💛 You are not alone in this, please do reach out for support and keep being your loving, pure self! 

💗In what ways do you like to show love in our community?

I like to show kindness through The Kindness Crusadors Award by posting and delivering nominations, checking in with people I care about on 7cups, Just saying hi to someone in chatrooms (small things can make big differences), also just giving people virtual hugs and love hehe <3

💗Bonus: Tag someone you feel needs to see this post and toss in a kind word about them!

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou and  @mytwistedsoul - thank you both for shining light in my life! thank you for being caring and lovely when i was going through the hardest of times. You have both been there with me through the thick and the thin. You have celebrated joy with me. You both are wonderful examples of kindness and compassion in the community! I am sending lots of love and warmth to both of you this Valentines Day. Keep being your wonderful, amazing selves! *sends teddy bears and warm hugs* Be kind to yourselves💛 

I hope everyone on 7cups gets the love and attention they deserve this Valentines Day! Thank you for the wonderful post Heather! 💖

Bunny :) 

mytwistedsoul February 14th

@amiableBunny4016 This is so sweet Bunny Thank you! 💙 I can't tell you how glad I am that I was given the opportunity to get to know you for the amazing person you are 💙 I'm grateful to have you as a friend . Thank you for being you! 

amiableBunny4016 February 14th



Sunisshiningandsoareyou February 16th


Aww sweetest Bunny with the sweetest words always, and making me chop more onions lol!😭 I love you lotsss, bestest Bunnybeannn, you're a ray of light in this world, and a true blessing for me personally. Happy Loveeee-day, everyday. *hugs hack tightttt* and keeping all the teddy bears happily hehe!🥰💖

amiableBunny4016 February 16th



Kristynsmama February 15th


💗In what ways do you like to show love in our community?  I like to show love and appreciation to my fellow listeners who selflessly dedicate hours of their time to support the members of 7 cups.  I do this by randomly checking in on  listeners in pm.

💗Practicing self-care: how do you show kindness to yourself, especially on the tougher days?

it is way harder to show kindness towards myself than it is to show kindness towards others.  My favorite thing to do is to soak in a bubble bath and listen to relaxing music.  I also love scented candles.  And my favorite hobby is grooming my horses.

💗Bonus: Tag someone you feel needs to see this post and toss in a kind word about them!

@Jenna you are bestest twin a listener could hope for!  You are always so kind and supportive and you don’t give yourself enough credit for all the love that you pour into this community.  I’m so glad you are in my online world!  And I’m so glad that we’ve remained friends for all these years!  I appreciate all you do to support me and to support 7 cups! 

@AnnaSilverberg I don’t know what to say except that I’m grateful to have you as a friend and mentor.  Your belief in me gets me through really tough days and reminds me that I Can do hard things!

@DanCat1128 You have come so far since you became a listener!  You are a great twin and friend and I’m very proud of the listener that you are becoming!

@averyjr23 I’m so glad you are my twin!  We really do have twin brains and think alike!  I’m so grateful you are my friend!  You are kind and compassionate and set a good example of what it means to be a listener.

@dreamIcicle8467 I truly feel lucky to have you as a twin!  Your energy in the chat rooms is infectious and you always bring a smile to my face!

@PositivePumpkin22 I have really enjoyed getting to know you through the LDP mentor team.  You have been a fantastic mentor and friend and I’m grateful to know you!  You are a fantastic teacher!

@OllieRNLl999 a friend like you doesn’t come along every day!  And not many people understand each other the way you and I understand what it’s like to be a part of “emergency services!”  You are truly one of the kindest most genuine people that I know!

@ASilentObserver you are another person that words just can not express my gratitude.  You are inspiring in every way and I am so grateful for your kindness and your support.

@Suryansh thank you for all that you do here on 7 cups.  You are so kind and always give fantastic feedback designed to make me grow as both a person and a listener!  I wouldn’t be where I’m at if it wasn’t for you!

@SerenePeace3726 meeting you and getting to know you has been a great pleasure!  You are a fantastic listener and are growing by leaps and bounds!  I love being a part of your listener journey!

there are too many people to tag.  These are just a few of my Palentines!

JustSophia February 15th

I show love to this community through honesty, trying to put forth "worthy" ideas, and by trying to always learn and grow.

I show kindness to myself by stepping away when I need to and focusing on other things I love in order to feed my spirit. 

@Jenna - thank you for being so supportive in your mentorship and for so often being there to offer help and answer any and every question anyone ever has!

@heartsandrosesandpaws - I know that sometimes things are not rosy for you, and I appreciate your ability to ask for support and your commitment to making sure you are caring for yourself and returning when you are ready.  I also appreciate how you are always keeping an eye out for the safety of this site.  You are very often a pair of eyes for Safety Patrol.

Fuechsin February 15th


In what ways do you like to show love in our community?

I like to hang out in the LSR and in PMs to help listeners whenever and however I can. Making others thrive in their role in helping others holds a special place in my heart.

Practicing self-care: how do you show kindness to yourself, especially on the tougher days?

Drinking tea, taking walks, listening and singing to music, spending time with my girlfriend, eating my favorite foods, taking a shower, playing relaxing video games, spending time with friends, eating my favorite dishes and snacks, and probably a lot more I can't think of now. There's a lot I can do to take care of myself.

Bonus: Tag someone you feel needs to see this post and toss in a kind word about them!


I'm amazed and grateful to call you my twin. Your passion for sharing knowledge and advocating for important causes is extraordinary. Your incredible generosity toward others is truly appreciated. I hope you treat yourself with the same respect and kindness. 🐧🩷


Your selfless service for this community is astounding. You're somewhat like the pillar of this community in my book. I really hope that life is treating you well and that you're able to enjoy every bit of it as much as you deserve to! ♡


If it wasn't for the ray of sunshine that is you, LSR wouldn't be the same. Don't ever lose your quirkiness. You're such an awesome person overall. Thank you for everything you do! 🐋💙


It's such a bliss to see you around the community whenever I do! Please know that you're appreciated for everything you do around here. You're incredible! 🐩🧡


Your dedication towards becoming an even better listener and engaging into the roles on here is contagious! Thank you for being such a driven, yet super kind listener on here! 💟


I can't even begin to comprehend how you can handle your work days and helping out others on here. You're such a valuable part of the community and I wouldn't want to miss you! Please do take care of yourself as much as you can! 🚤💚


It's astounding how much love and effort you put into every aspect of this community! You're amazing for everything you do around here, and I appreciate you a lot for it! Please remember to also take care of yourself in between your listener activities and the upcoming exams! 🤍

AnnaSilverberg February 15th

Aww! Fína! 
You are so wonderfully wonderful! 
Thank you for your amazingly kind words,
they truly warm my heart! 

Antonio7Cups February 15th


Wonderful post. ♥️

CatHanderOutNoah February 16th

@iloveyouxx and @justmeeva - You guys are amazing! You are always trying to include everyone and make sure everyone isn’t being ignored. I get joy when I see anyone of you 2 in chat

iloveyouxx February 16th


aw noodle❤️ thank you friend :>❤️🍜 was having a hard day- this made me feel better🤍

I try :'3 thank you for appreciating that🤍

and I 100% agree @justmeeva really is amazing :0💜

justmeeva February 16th


awwe that’s so sweet :0 thank you for helping others too, it’s really really kind of you ❤️

and i 100% agree, @iloveyouxx really is amazing :p 🩷

iloveyouxx February 16th


xD copying me/lh

thank you friend🩷 you’re still more amazing tho :P🩷

justmeeva February 16th


yes i like to do little word games like that hehe

*gives you a hug if oke* 💕

iloveyouxx February 16th


its always oki💕


iloveyouxx February 16th

💗In what ways do you like to show love in our community?

I try to be there for the people I can be, I try to show I care and make others feel heard and understood, I give others company, a friend/things they need to hear :0 I do what I can and I think that shows it :P🤍

💗Practicing self-care: how do you show kindness to yourself, especially on the tougher days?

can I lie and say positive self talk xD/j  I’ve actually never thought of that before-

💗Bonus: Tag someone you feel needs to see this post and toss in a kind word about them! 


I love you so much mimi you’re the best friend anyone could have <33/p


ni buddy you’re just the sweetiest friendo I have on here🥺💜 you being here makes me feel better on low days :>🌈🩷


eva :0 you try to be there for everyone and I appreciate you so much friend💕 tryings the best thing you can do and it’s more than enough💕


you’re so caring hehe :'3🤍 and such a good poem writer :00 *claps*🎉


pixiee you’re so fun and silly xDD I love talking to you <3 it’s like everytime I say something you relate :0 my other me xD🤍 


mistypoo ⊂(・ω・*⊂)🩷🩷 I missed you so much you’re always trying to be there for others and you were there for me💕 thank you friend🤍 you’re amazing🤍


xD youre such a fun person to talk to but you know when you need to be serious- your personality is so unique to others that I know and I love it I love you 🤍🐛/p


I don’t think we’ve talked that much before- but I appreciate how you’re always so equally kind to everyone- you try to validate and support everyone the same way but just your personality in general is amazing🤍


youre so sweettt and funnyy our convos make me smile :>❤️


oakkk xD youre so goofy and funny xD(in a good way) you’re like that person that enters a room and brightens the mood🤍☀️I think I met you on one of your first days on 7 cups :0 you were always so good to talk to <3


you haven’t been online in a while- I really miss your kind personality :'3 you were always so different than the people I knew :0 you’re so sweet and special🩷

there are too many people I can think of :0 this list was gonna be longer, but I have to go for now- byebye lovely people !🌈🩷

justmeeva February 16th


awwee lots of hugs to you nadia frenn 🥺💕💕

iloveyouxx February 16th


*hugs eva frien tight*💕💕


LightOak222 February 16th

@iloveyouxx Omgggg I love you so muchhhhh!!! I may be koo koo for cocoa puffs but I am sane enough to see you are a real one bestie <3 

iloveyouxx February 16th


ahh I love you toooo <33

lmaoo xD *passes box w cocoa puffs* •-•

I know the same for you <3


Idk why I put that g.i.f xD it’s so cutee and silly tho hehe🤍

LightOak222 February 16th

@iloveyouxx *munches on cocoa puffs* As someone once weirdly said to me... Youre my bestie for the restie, this applies to me and you homie <3

iloveyouxx March 8th


idk how but I just found this forum again ;-; so I’m replying a tad bit late xD 

that someone sounds vv wise :0 I’m happy to have you as my friend oak C:💛 you’re still such a fun person to talk to hehe. xD if I was your irl friend I’d appreciate you more :P💜and treat you how you deserve to be treated :'3🤍 I gotta go-love you <33/p take care !🩷:>

LoveMyMoonflowers February 16th


awwe nadia thank you for the tag friend 💙 me smiled so much when me saw me is on the list 🥺💜 thank you for being such a lovely friend 💙 for always being so vvv sweet and genuine and caring (and funny :P) 💜 for being nadia. your so vv loved and appreciated here 💙 keep being you friend. sending lots of hugs if okie 💜 and lots of love to you 💙 

- ni friend (: 

iloveyouxx February 16th


aw ni smh of course you wouldn’t been on that list !🤧💜/lh you’re one of my friends💜 a vv special friend with a vv precious soul !🥺🩷

smh ni buddy you’re making my day too much today hehe🌈💕 I think my days already been made xD🩷

does being this amazing ever get tiring ?🤧🩷

ni friend always knows how to make me happy :>🌷💕

thank you friend💜*returns hugs and love but moree*💕



iloveyouxx February 16th


would be* of course you would be* on that list* T^T spelling lmao T^T

LoveMyMoonflowers February 16th


big squeezies back for nadia friend <3 

unassumingEyes February 16th

@iloveyouxx Love you nadia frnd <3 I’ve been missing you <3 and thanks for the complement hehe ❤️

unassumingEyes February 16th

@iloveyouxx Love you nadia frnd <3 I’ve been missing you <3 and thanks for the complement hehe ❤️

iloveyouxx March 8th


im back ;-; love you more.🩷 I’ve missed you too :'3🤍 hehe it’s true. <33 I woulda said more :0 eyesbuddy has so vv much positive things to be said about them.💜 but was rushing at the time. :P I hope you’re oki <33 I love you frend. <33/p❤️

AvyIsKing February 16th


awww this is seriously so sweet it made my day 🥺🥺

pixierobin February 16th

@iloveyouxx awwww Nadia this is so sweet 🥹 thank you for tagging me you are such a sweet amazing caring friend and I’m so lucky to be friends with you💗💗💗

iloveyouxx March 8th



that’s a lot frend.🥺💖 smhhhh :'3/lh  

hm lemme see- in that case you’re such a sweet caring amazing loving thoughtful strong worthy beautiful special unique lovely kind selfless considerate gentle loyal supportive reliable and empathetic friend :D💞💞 and I didn’t look any of those up hehe.💜 beat that.😛💙/lh

of course I woulda tagged you.💜 you’re my friend.💖 and the only person I know that also listens to skydxddy xD💙.

and I feel the same frend.💖 

steph8402 February 16th


awww nadia. i love you so much you are so fun to talk to and i love it. you’re amazing and funny and kind. i love talking to you always 💕

Lenapaige February 16th

@iloveyouxx Omg! Nadia, that made me so actually happy! I was having a hard day but that made me like just smile so big! You yourself are just such an amazing person! I hope you have a great wonderful weekend! Love you! 

iloveyouxx March 8th


I made you happy ? :0💞 well- now im so happy you’re happy haha :'3🤍 I genuinely would’ve went on but I stopped and kept it short on purpose cos I thought it’d be too extra. xD tysm lovely.🩷 o and I forgot if I already said but- happy late birthday🎉❤️! :D love you too heh.💖