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3 390,886 M Meaningful Journey 13
I'm not a hero or a child, I'm just something in-between
PathStep 73 Compassion hearts20,518 Forum posts1,967 Forum upvotes2,294 Current upvotes2,294 Age GroupTeen Last activeJanuary, 2025 Member sinceJune 3, 2022


Call me Avy or Cooper

Jeffery Dahmer is my spirit animal

I am the confirmed king of yarn and cardboard 

Oh will I make them proud enough? 
Or am I even worth the love -livingston

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AvyIsKing profile picture
General Support / by AvyIsKing
Last post
January 31st
...See more I cant stay long.  i am in no way shape or form back.  i need to explain. i owe you all such an apology.  my mom went through my phone. found my messages with a guy friend. i got very grounded. then she found my messages on here with a friend and freaked out. im not allowed to be on here anymore, shes not here right now.  honestly. leaving cups was the best decision for me. i miss you all every day. there are moments where i just break dwon crying because *** yall you were my family.  so where have i been? lets see.  im 2 months sh free. im offically in a healthy weight. my drs are tryig to fix my foot, i got injections in the bottom of them, and that sucked. getting it again soon. im... a completely different person. im happy. im free. my therapist is amazing. also my hair is a natural color now.  i need to be honest about something. some of you knwo part of the story but none of you really know the full story. this is why leaving cups was a realy really choice for me.  when i was 14, and a newbie here, i was manipulated into being 'friends' with a member, he said he was 17 almost 18, im almost 100% certain he was older. he eventually got my offsite, he told me if i didnt give it to him, he would commit d!e against me. we were in a relationship for 8 months before i left him. he did unspeakable things to me, and well being in the place we met was like a constant trigger for me. im in a way better place now.  2 random updates: jeffy is still alive, hes well and cute af my lil man some of u know about? him and his gf broke up but we arent together yet. its complicated.  pls tag people if users change, i wont read replies, i probably wont be on for another like 6 or 7 months. i love yall so much it freaking hurts.  @sneakysnakeboi @darkerplaces @nomifordays @fluffysheep8 @tinywhisper11  uh can someone tag shoot forgot their new name, but adiren TvT please, and astra cause i hate spelling ur user astra u stinky sock 
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Religion & Spirituality / by AvyIsKing
Last post
July 8th, 2024
...See more Maybe this is the wrong section? Heck maybe im not even supposed to post this here on cups. if so remove it, im sorry. im actually really really unsure where to post this so like if its wrong i had a suspicion  anywayyyyyyyyy idk i was kinda looking for some support in the religious aspect of my life. My mom was a Jehovahs  (wow i spelt that bad) Witness when she was growing up, but she left or was kicked out or whatever the term was, idk all she does is tells them one single word and they never come to our door anymore. its like the no fly list. its kinda funny. i was raised in an agnostic household. one that believed in a higher power of sorts but not God persay. universal energy. i never understood why i didn't go to our towns church, why i was being excluded. If you know me, you know I've been through some stuff, seen some stuff. Anyway this lead me to be a like die hard atheist. Why would a God allow me to suffer this way? I dabbled in some other religions briefly, mainly Hellenism, that one brought my soul comfort. it was this way for a very very long time. I am a homeschooler in southern us, right in the bible belt. basically all my friends are really really religious. and here i am a girl-kissing-hair-dying-nose-peircing-gore-loving person who had only ever been in a church a few times. it created a divide between me and my friends. i mean like i know the earth is round and i know evolution is real, like there is literally proof, and that was a huge divide between me and the people i consider my friend. i started dating a guy, huge devoted Christian, right away i let him know like im an atheist like its just how i am, i explained why and he was all for it. he supported me and my life choices, as long as i supported his. which i did. i went to his church once, it was SO MUCH FUN!!! but eventually i invited him over to my house and a few days later i was getting texts like "i want a girl as devoted to God as i am" and "as a Christian your house felt spiritually wrong" and "i need to find myself a good Christian wife" A wife???? we were 14 and 15 at the time like WHAT?!?!?!?! for better or for worse we broke up. my friend eventually invited me to her youth group. i caved and was like yk what imma see what all this 'jesus' is all cracked up to be, stick it to my ex. anyway one of the youth leaders died that day so like i obviously didn't go. i felt like it was a sign, a sign that maybe it just wasn't for me. well eventually i went. then i cried while i was there. it was AMAZING!!!!! life changing stuff. i felt like the pastor looked into my soul that day. ill never forget what he said, it changed my life. "God created YOU in his perfect image. But we cannot pretend to be righteous. As a human being, we are destined to make mistakes, we are destined to screw up. but here's the thing. God Forgives. He Loves you anyway." and he also said that there wasnt any specific way for a Christian to look. I have dyed hair and a nose ring and that is how absolutely amazing God chose to make me.  Since going to youth group I've really devoted myself to religion. I have a hard time with Forgiveness, since so much has happened to me. its really really hard for me to just forgive and let go. i pray for strength and things get a little easier. anyway id like to close on some closing thoughts that i need support for, not just a ramble xD my friend asked me what my favorite verse was and i told her. its Exodus 21: 23-25.  But if any harm follow, then thou shalt give life for life,  eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, burning for burning, wound for wound, stripe for stripe.   This passage has brought me great comfort. comfort in knowing that no dirty deed is gone unpunished. like if i forgive and let go, God doesn't forgive. I can forgive the man who did horrible nasty things to me, because God will punish him as He so sees fit. My friend had a different opinion. so am i taking this the wrong way??? am i just being weird?? My friends are very against body modifications to spite Gods image. My hair dye is a sense of self expression, same as my nose ring. I don't hate how God made me, i don't, sometimes i just want purple hair because its fun. So im having reconstructive surgeries to repair a part of me that i hate, that was made wrong. But if God made me in His perfect image, then why am i fixing it? is it a Sin to want to fix it?  Also like any words of le wisdom u have for a literal atheist who is coming into this new world, greatly appreciated <3 -Avy (he/him)
AvyIsKing profile picture
2 years on cups
General Support / by AvyIsKing
Last post
September 23rd, 2024
...See more wow just wow  today i have offically been here 2 years. 7cups and i have been through so much. death, and birth, breakups and get-togethers, pain and triumph, hopelessness and pride. it is honestly the reason i survived my 8 months of *** last year, and its the reason i get up every morning. it is people like the amazing people on here that keep me going. it has been such an amazing expeirice. and i know for a fact i wouldn't be alive without all of you  @iamspoons @princetomyanxiety @sneakysnakeboi @lovemymoonflowers @darkerplaces @poeticmoonlight13 (if that's wrong please correct) @amiablebunny4016 @tinywhisper11 @katedosc... yeah someone tag kate im rushing xD @fluffysheep8 @nomifordays @astraeuss (i have u for making me spell that) @birdking449 @echothedragon @nebulacreation @jesusredeemedme (there is a number here and i cant get it right so tag her pleaseeeee) i love you all so much. to say yall are life savers would be half of what i owe you. i love you guys. 
AvyIsKing profile picture
Not Allowed on Cups
General Support / by AvyIsKing
Last post
May 16th, 2024
...See more hey.  if this gets cut off its cause im rushing because if i get caught then my mom will literally murder me.  so i bet u are wondering where i am. or not. idk.  anyway lemme first off by saying i am so so so beyond sorry. let me explain. my mother went through my phone. she found cups, because i left my own chat with myself open, and she also found my secret *** in which i was doing some pretty adult stuff with a friend of mine. she also found out what happened between him and i at my jazz concert. i am in so much trouble, especially because he has a girlfriend. no one told me that what we were doing was actually illegal.  anyway, im not allowed on cups anymore. im not allowed on anything but like a select few apps, for the time being. i must be supervised at all times, when on a device. you are probably wondering how i am on now? im supposed to be taking a test and shes cutting the grass. i don't know when ill be allowed back. please share this with anyone you would think needs to see it.  sorry im rushing, god i need food im so dizzy xD tagging the few people i can tag quick @darkerplaces @lovemymoonflowers @amiablebunny4016 @fluffysheep8 @echothedragon someone please tag kate xD i cant remember how to spell i haven't slept in days 
AvyIsKing profile picture
Happy mothers day to the unsung mothers ❤
General Support / by AvyIsKing
Last post
May 12th, 2024
...See more Hiiii!! Today is mothers day here in America and I just wanted to take a second to wish happy mothers day to everyone, but specifically the mother figures in our lives who don't get celebrated today. If you see this, we love you and appreciate you.  Happy mothers day to the siblings who give up their childhoods to care for their sibilings. The sisters who get up every morning and cook because their own mother can't. The sisters making sure homework is done. The sibilings who distract their sisters while their parents are fighting.  Happy mothers day to the teachers who care. The ones who bring food to class because their kids can't afford food. The ones who make sure kids have a happy and healthy life. The ones who teach life skills when parents fail to do so.  Happy mothers day to the grandmother's, aunts, and cousins, who take care of children when a parent can't Happy mothers day to the foster parents, for taking care of kids who don't have parents, or who's parents can't take care of them.  Happy mothers day to the babysitters, nannies, and neighbors who care for kids who's moms are too busy for them  All of you are so loved and appreciated.  And I just wanted to say thank you. I see you, I see what you did, what you are doing. It's amazing  Keep being awesome ❤❤
AvyIsKing profile picture
Good gay news
LGBTQ+ / MOGII Support / by AvyIsKing
Last post
April 29th, 2024
...See more Often times on this forum we don't see very much good gay news, or even in general, so I thought maybe I should spread some positivity. No one is required to post or reply, I just hope this can bring some joy into someone's life.  So I (16, trans ftm/genderfluid) and my sister (14 Cis fem) have grown up in an unsupportive house. I Have always encouraged my sister to love herself and be herself. I know what it's like to want to live your best gay life, and I came out as bi at 13 and I was grounded for 3 months. And I wasn't allowed to see my friend (f). Well she came out. And she is living her best gay life. She is so happy and supported and my mom accepts her, and I'm really just so proud of her. I wanted to share her success story. Her and her best friend both have massive crushes on each other and their relationship is so cute to me, and I'm just genuinely so happy and proud of her.  All I want is for her to feel loved and safe enough to say these things, and she does. She doesn't hate herself for her, she loves who she is.  So yeah thats it 😅😅
AvyIsKing profile picture
I am beyond done.
General Support / by AvyIsKing
Last post
March 21st, 2024
...See more Tw- im done. i feel like im at my breaking point. im in unbearable pain from the moment i wake up to the moment i fall asleep, if i do sleep. yesterday i tried to tell my mom i needed my pain meds and she told me to shush because apparently she was busy and i skipped lunch so my blood sugar was low and i had a headache because of it, so i completely forgot. the pain was so bad last night. like i think i ended up passing out. i have a lot of issues with my blood sugar and it likes to drop a lot but i have an eating disorder and cant bring myself to eat. i miss my boyfriend, god i know that is stupid. but i miss him. when my mom hit me, or stressed me out, he was there to remind me he loved me. when my blood sugar was low or i didn't want to eat, he was there to help me. but he got sick of me. just like everyone does. my friends couldn't give a crap and i don't give a crap either. im so beyond tired. i got lonely and started talking to my sexually abusive ex. id rather him abuse me and use me then let other people in and have them break my heart. he said things that make me uncomfortable. im not okay with it. but i know that's what i deserve. everytime i try to get support in the rooms people are there and talking and not available or the room is quiet. all i want is to see my sister dance again. that's it 
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