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My daily ramblings

Iamwhoiamwhoami December 1st, 2022

I am finally going to follow the lead and try and avoid posting in multiple different places. I am going to try and do most of my rambling in this thread.

My cognitive issues are making it harder and harder for me to focus on multiple things. That combined with my laundry list of other issues, makes functioning at all near impossible.

Having to go through medication experimentation again is going to make it even harder.

Whenever I have to refocus because I literally can’t remember blocks of time or where I am and why I’m here kinds of things , I’m usually able to come here and figure out through my posts and profile etc.

That has proven to not work very well at times. I wondered if I centralized my thoughts here that maybe that might work better.

That also keeps me from being a distraction from those who are more deserving than I.

Iamwhoiamwhoami OP December 26th, 2022

But I suppose the closest to that I will get is when my brain decides to fizzle out completely.

Iamwhoiamwhoami OP December 26th, 2022

Sometimes I think it would be nice to control these brain flickers, That seems to be the only way to get a break from the never ending onslaught of thoughts and visions. Even though I don’t know what happens or for how long they happen, a break is a break.

Iamwhoiamwhoami OP December 26th, 2022

I know I pushed people away and I haven’t changed what I think about all that. But if you’re going to support what I say or at least use that to show someone is reading what I write, feel free to write your comments or whatever, I apologize if I don’t respond, I am still really really stuck, struggling at the same level I was.

mytwistedsoul December 26th, 2022

@Iamwhoiamwhoami I'm still around. I just sometimes fall back to regroup. Plus with it being Christmas today many people spend it with their families.

No reply or response needed. I come here willingly with no expectations :) if the replies overwhelm you you can make a thread and put no replies in the title. People respect it and will just read.

Iamwhoiamwhoami OP December 26th, 2022


I don’t mind replies, I just feel guilty if I don’t respond.

mytwistedsoul December 26th, 2022

@Iamwhoiamwhoami Ok :) Most people don't mind if you don't reply. They understand that people need a place to vent or ramble.

Iamwhoiamwhoami OP December 26th, 2022

I don’t like who I am, I am wallowing in self hatred. I have pushed everyone away to try and keep them safe from my toxicity, my extreme negativity. Everyone here struggles with their own issues and they are all affected in different ways . I struggle with why I am still here posting my struggles so openly here for others to freely read when they need positivity surrounding them not what I have to offer.

When I have an episode and manage to find my way back here and reread some of these things, and things start to come into focus, I am ashamed of myself for sharing so much negativity and hopelessness with people who need support and love, not what I am sharing.

My struggles, maybe documenting them can do some good long term, but in the short term?

I am enveloped in the darkness. It surrounds me. Eating at my entire being. I wonder sometimes if I should just relax and let it enjoy its meal. Hoping that the toxicity raging through me will poison it and get it away from me and everyone else.

I have to stop for now

mytwistedsoul December 26th, 2022

@Iamwhoiamwhoami What if I told you I felt the same way? I don't like myself a whole lot either. There are many others who probably feel the same way.

What if I told you that writing here - that sharing here - even the negative things helps other people? That feelings like that are relatable for others and helps them feel less alone? I don't see the toxicity tbh. What I see is someone that's hurting and being completely up front and honest about it.

It's better to release things on these pages than to internalize them. That's just my opinion :)

Iamwhoiamwhoami OP December 26th, 2022


I would tell you you are probably right .

mytwistedsoul December 26th, 2022

@Iamwhoiamwhoami It's okay to be you. It's okay to be not okay. No one will think any less of you. We see how hard you try and I'm proud of you. The people you pushed away? They didn't go very far Iam. They're still there. And I'm often only a tag away. It's okay to need support and encouragement. It shows you are very much human :)

Iamwhoiamwhoami OP December 26th, 2022

Feels like the walls are moving. My rooms are getting smaller. I’m not liking this feeling, ok they stopped. Claustrophobic reaction in my own home? Why?

I had something else that I wanted to say but I forget what it was. That little episode took away my focus.

jennysunrise8 December 27th, 2022

@Iamwhoiamwhoami I dont know what is going on of course and i know doctors are concerned about something physical or at least doing tests and trying different things but also some of these visions and hallucinations could be caused by sensory deprivation and isolation i know you normally work and are not doing that now and its also been so cold out when you might normally go outside but even if they have nothing to do with your environment and its all physical it could just help you ruminate less

something on here or a few things could help

Iamwhoiamwhoami OP December 27th, 2022


Thank you for your kindness and support. Your ideas are appreciated

Iamwhoiamwhoami OP December 26th, 2022

How can I be in a fog when my thoughts are still racing.

Helgafy December 27th, 2022


Hi Iam.

Maybe this is good for you to read, Isaiah 42.3:

A bruised reed shall he (God) not break, and the smoking flax shall he not quench:

Iamwhoiamwhoami OP December 27th, 2022


Thank you as always

Iamwhoiamwhoami OP December 27th, 2022

Slept but exhausted. Head pulsing, pain down left side of neck into shoulder. Thoughts/images screaming through but extremely hard to focus on any, Identity confusion. Panic/anxiety attack when woke up in the dark. I’m still breathing, why? Depression still extreme. I have to trust that the writings I read are mine and the plastic card with a picture of what kind of looks like me is actually me.

Iamwhoiamwhoami OP December 28th, 2022

I’m so sick of all this , I am not everyone else. I’m broken, stop piling this nonsense on me.

mytwistedsoul December 28th, 2022

@Iamwhoiamwhoami I might be wrong - I'm sorry if I am but that stuff doesn't work for me either

Iamwhoiamwhoami OP December 28th, 2022


I don’t understand? What doesn’t work for you?

mytwistedsoul December 28th, 2022

@Iamwhoiamwhoami Writing the positivity in journals. And I should apologize to you. I should have kept that thought to myself

Iamwhoiamwhoami OP December 28th, 2022


I am not bothered or offended by anything you say. I have written a lot of things here and anyone who may have read any of it, may stir up some thoughts, I am ok with those thoughts freely being expressed in response, to those writings

mytwistedsoul December 28th, 2022

@Iamwhoiamwhoami Thank you for being so gracious and understanding. I had just read a suggestion to you about writing gratitude and how it will start to show positivity. Perhaps that works for some people but it doesn't work for everyone

Helgafy December 28th, 2022


A message from me to you at page 11.

Helgafy December 28th, 2022



I just want to say hello to you since I see you here at "Iam's" site. You helped me to send his tree to Glen, our leader here. I have told "I'am" that I'm a woman (very old - ha.ha.) 70 years, living in Bergen Norway. We have snow here now just as there is snow at Iam's place in the USA. Yesterday I saw you in a little vision. (Or it was my mind making it). You were a beautiful, little blue bird, flying happy around. You also played with the water. If you want to you can tell your age, if you're a woman or a man and which country you live in. "I'am" is in his 50th.

mytwistedsoul December 29th, 2022

@Helgafy Hey :) I remember. It's a beautiful tree. I'm glad Glen got to see it

There's alot of symbolic meaning when it comes to bluebirds. I take it as a compliment :) Thank you

Wow Norway? That's so awesome! We don't have any snow here at the moment. We did but then had a warm up but it's early yet. I'm sure we'll get more than enough

I don't think 70 is old - just wiser :)

Well the I'm not close to either of your ages. I'm a male - 26 and I live in the Northeast US

It's nice to meet you!

Helgafy January 1st, 2023

@Iamwhoiamwhoami @mytwistedsoul

Good morning to you both at this 1. day of 2023.

From my place with snow i brought myself in my aeroplane (ha.ha) to "mytwist" were there is no snow. "Iam" also came (if he wants to) from his place where there is also snow. We all go to "mytwist"s kitchen. I brought omelette, coffee and brown bread for breakfast. I hope you like that, if not we'll find something else to eat/drink.

I see your animals around "mytwist". If you want to you can tell me what kind of animals it is.

From Helga.

mytwistedsoul January 2nd, 2023

@Helgafy Animals consist of a horse - a dog - a cat and 4 roosters and 13 hens :) so we have plenty of fresh eggs - plus there's plenty of wildlife

Are there animals where you are?

Helgafy December 29th, 2022


Wonderful young man, "only" 26, but a grown-up!

I was thinking of a song today as the "blue bird" is flying very fast through my rooms (ha.ha!). I thought it was named "Bluebird", but then I remember it is named "Blackbird" - Beatles - Remastered 2009 - it has some fine lyrics if you would like to listen. Well. well. Beatles was very "hot"! at my age. We loved them!

All the best from Helga.

Helgafy January 3rd, 2023



1. Thank you for writing. And - you're not obligated to write with me - you can stop any moment you like!

2. You grew up with your grandparents. That's sad you could not grow up with your parents, but I guess your grandparents took good care of you. And they are gone also and you're just 26. I had my father until I became 50 and my mother until I became 60+ so that is a big difference from your life. I once was a teatcher for young persons (13-15) up north in Norway. One of the children there grew up with his grandparents.

3. So many animals you have. You have a wonderful heart, never able to hurt a living thing. I saw a doc. about bulimia. They used a horse for treating the girls mind.

Guess what - the bluebird came back to my home today. It is a bit cold here now so he likes to come to my bed in the morning under the blanket. Only his small head is above it.

I hope you sell your eggs so you get income!

No, I live at the outside of a city and there are no animals here. Well, some deer come around and people have their dogs and cats just as you have.

4. You write "we" have many eggs to eat - if you want to you can tell who "we" are.

From Helga.

mytwistedsoul January 5th, 2023

@Helgafy 1.I offer the same to you. There's never any obligation to reply :)

2. I didn't start to live with them until age 15. I think I was pretty messed up by that time. I think they probably did the best they could but they were really nice. They taught me many things

Your parents were nice? A teacher?! That's pretty cool. In charge of shaping young minds :) Did you like being a teacher?

*should probably warn that I can ask alot of questions sometimes too. But you never need to answer any of them*

3. I do better with animals tbh. People can make me nervous. I've heard of places that use horses for all kinds of therapy now. It's pretty cool. Horses can sense so much and they can help people gain confidence. They're peaceful animals

I'm glad your bluebird came back :) sounds like it's found a nice cozy spot to warm up :)

Most of the eggs are given away tbh. There's some neighbors that have fixed incomes and it helps them out

Deer are so graceful. Beautiful animals but they get into the garden and cause a lot of damage

4. Is complicated. We is complicated

Helgafy December 30th, 2022


Hi bluebird.

Maybe I can get to know you a little bit here at "Iam's" site. I have been living alone my whole life and have no children. What about you - is there a mrs. bluebird in your life who laid some eggs for you? The bird stays at my bon sai tree (half my hight) during the night. (I like very much to use my imagination). He puts his little head under his wing when he sleeps. I have put water and grain out for him to eat and drink.

mytwistedsoul December 30th, 2022

@Helgafy I'm alittle conflicted with bringing too much of myself in to Iam's space

But - no there's no Mrs Bluebird lol. Not even a Ms Bluebird. I don't go out much into the world tbh and spend most of my time with the animals. I used to live with my grandparents but they passed away a few years ago

A good imagination helps keep a young mind and spirit yes? :)


Iamwhoiamwhoami OP December 30th, 2022

@Helgafy @mytwistedsoul

Please do not be conflicted about my space . You are welcome to share whatever you want to in any of my threads.

No matter where my mind has ventured everyone not voicing hate is welcome here.

mytwistedsoul December 31st, 2022

@Iamwhoiamwhoami Thank you :) You'll get no hate from me that's for sure. Life's hard enough without having someone else make it harder

We seem to have the same bad luck this year. My latest is my truck lol and I laugh because the way this year has been *smh*

How are you Iam? No pressure to answer of course ok?

Helgafy January 5th, 2023


Good morning to you blubird. Thank you so much for visiting me here in Norway. But it seems like it was a little bit too dull for "you" here - ha.ha. Yesterday you flew west - over the Atlantic ocean back to your home. He likes to ride your horse, and I have no horses here!

My parents were very fine and wise and loving. I got everything I needed until I went away for studying when I was 18 years old.

How nice of you helping your neighbors with eggs!

You're right - the deer eat the flowers in the garden of the people.

Did I like being a teacher? I liked the most when the class were small, 13 persons in the class. That was up north in Norway at a small island called Andørja. But poor young persons. There was nothing to do for them in the free-time. I started a Christian group for the girls in my class. The question was - "why did Jesus die?" - and they all came.

My education is chemistry; I'm an engeneer so I have worked for many years with chemistry.

Maybe you have seen - I wrote that also to our friend @Iamwhoiamwhoami - that I have the sickness of ME/CFS (lack of energy). I was crying a bit today because of my physical weakness. I should wish that Jesus Christ would heal me. Well. well.

All for now. Your very old friend Helga from the wonderful country of Norway!

mytwistedsoul January 5th, 2023

@Helgafy I'm sorry you were crying. I wish you didn't have the weakness to make you upset. I hope today gets better for you
Chemistry! You must be very smart. It must have been nice to have the smaller class - more one on one with your students. It was really nice of you to start a christian group for the girls. I bet they appreciated it - to learn about Jesus and to have something worth while to fill their time

I'm glad you had such nice parents :)

I like being able to help people. I don't like to think there are people who could be hungry or cold. Or hurting

You live in a beautiful country. I looked it up online. :) I live in Pennsylvania up near New York but it's not nearly as beautiful as Norway looks. The mountains there look amazing

I enjoy listening to music alot and I did listen to the song Blackbird. I found this today and though maybe it would help brighten your day
Paul McCartney - Bluebird

Helgafy December 31st, 2022


Well. well. Thank you for writing.

The blue bird flew out of my window ha.ha. But I had great pleasure of him visiting me for a day and a night! Thank you.

mytwistedsoul January 1st, 2023

@Helgafy You're welcome :) Happy New Year from my little part of the world to yours

@Iamwhoiamwhoami I hope - this new year brings you some answers. Happy New Year Iam

Helgafy January 6th, 2023


Good morning to you young friend and thank you for writing.

You have such a tender and nice spirit/soul - like to help others - how wonderful is that. I hope you appreciate yourself for the beautiful person you are.

Thank you for the song - many birds with "The Beatles"! I had no idea that they wrote about a blue one as well as the black one.

Yes - thank you - I'm stronger today.

In the evening yesterday I became better, could make porridge from oats and apple. I also made omelette with cauliflower.

I see our friend @Iamwhoiamwhoami also wrote a line and that is good.

All for now - Helga.