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Chat for annacat and raymond ☺️

User Profile: annacat7991
annacat7991 December 1st, 2024

Hey! How are you today?

User Profile: annacat7991
annacat7991 OP December 21st

You have to remember:you’re not dumb! You’ve learned valuable skills throughout your work history. You’re always trying to improve and learn. You bring needed skills to the company. Coworkers will be ***. They’ll be passive aggressive; they’ll be jealous; they’ll pick out what you did wrong instead of what you did right. Trainers will act like you’re asking too many questions or bothering them. BOTHER. THOSE. ***. You’re training to LEARN, the correct way, so you can expand your skill set. Don’t give a flying *** how that makes anybody feel. And if people aren’t willing to train you, do it yourself! Read the work instructions, take notes, watch the *** company information videos (sometimes they’re actually informative lol), ask for feedback, google ***, etc. You can always advance yourself. It just may take some creativity and dedication. But your improvement doesn’t have to rely on other’s jealousy.

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User Profile: raymond1203
raymond1203 December 21st

i’m gonna talk to my cool boss and tell her bc i feel like im so behind on things i should know, is there any kinda handbook or something i can dl to learn on my own. going at my own pace would be perfect for me. i think she’d support the idea i just don’t know if we have that kinda thing. we might we might not.

i need to learn to tune out my concers about people and how they MIGHT BE feeling. might be bc i think allllot of this is in my own head. i dont want to be inconsiderate…i very much want to be a nice dude…but i gotta stop thinking about that kinda stuff.

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User Profile: annacat7991
annacat7991 OP December 21st

Coworkers. Are. Not. Your. Friends. They’re your ⭐️work⭐️ friends. Unless you’re meeting those *** off the clock, spending time doing non-work activities together, telling each other secrets, making blood 🩸 pacts with the devil together, you don’t know these ***.

Sure you may like some coworkers better than others. You might relate to some better than others. You may spend time with some more than others. But these are your ⭐️work⭐️ friends. They don’t truly know you; they don’t deeply care (not to discourage you; some people genuinely do care about how you’re feeling that day, what's going on in your personal life, remember your favorite activities or food, such as myself). But most people are caring for those 8 hours, talking to you for those 8 hours, then dipping the *** out to live their lives.

Remember: they don’t owe you *** but workplace curiosity and respect; you DEFINITELY DON’T OWE THEM 💩 ***💩 but workplace curiosity and respect. Continue to work hard, be genuine to others, be true to yourself, but leave ALL those workplace feelings at work after your shift BEFORE you start living your life after work.

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User Profile: raymond1203
raymond1203 December 21st

heel ya!!! i fn love that. that’s the way i gotta think!! so well said 👏

i rly had my self convinced it was more than just work friends. i’ll see one buddy outside of work but that’s bc we used to be close and i give his kid a spidey toy on xmas. aside from that it’s nothing. so yeah unfortunately i gotta put that side of me away and focus on being more serious at work. i’ll still be friendly and funny but im def not looking at this the same. i’m not shidding on them they are good people. i was wrong. i was projecting stuff onto them. i need to be more realistic tho. time to finally ACTUALLY put me first.

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User Profile: annacat7991
annacat7991 OP December 21st

I’m glad you had a heart to heart with someone. Having open communication with your supervisors is important. You should be able to, respectfully, tell them what’s bothering you, how the job is affecting you, how your needs have changed etc. A superior that cares and VALUES you will listen, offer feedback and solutions, and, most importantly, won’t try to retaliate or be vindictive against you.

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User Profile: raymond1203
raymond1203 December 21st

yeah she’s actually all of that. she’s understanding of what i’m going threw. she thinks im a great leader i just need to kinda sack up a little and learn a few things. she didn’t exactly say that but she does talk raw like that and it def takes an edge off of the normal corporate speak. i’m not good at that. i could be tho if i can get my head straight. it’s not the type of person i wanna be (at allllll) but it’s my best option for success. i can’t stay in the same spot forever. and i think my cool boss is my key to all of it. she sees allllot of good in me and im comfortable learning with her. so if i don’t make a move now then what am i waiting for ya know.

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User Profile: annacat7991
annacat7991 OP December 21st

FINALLY, I hope you have a better day today. And an awesome start to your weekend. I unfortunately have to get ready for work so I’ll chat with you later ☺️.

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User Profile: raymond1203
raymond1203 December 21st

i have caught myself thinking negatively a couple times but i snapped out of it. i’m like very insecure and feel hella dumb most of the time lol but over all i feel much much better

hope you have a great shift!

you are gonna fuggin dominate today 💪🙂

you absolutely got this!!

this is ur weekend!!!!

go get it!!


User Profile: raymond1203
raymond1203 December 21st

notifications stink lol i just saw the last one first. i’m gonna start reading and responding rn

btw this is one of my favorite parts of my day lol i love getting a bunch of messages from ya. more often than not they help me a lot

User Profile: raymond1203
raymond1203 December 21st

i am rly gonna have to find an outlet where i can be myself and feel accepted for it bc it if i wanna take this step at work im gonna be selling myself and pretending to be the kinda guy i hate. it’s gonna make me sick lol but this is adulting i guess

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User Profile: annacat7991
annacat7991 OP December 21st

Lol I love the positivity but it kinda reminds me of an aggressive sports coach 😂😂😂. But you have a good day too!

⭐️be the best you can be⭐️

⭐️give it your all⭐️

⭐️you got this bro⭐️


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User Profile: raymond1203
raymond1203 December 21st

sorry lol i’ll tone it down a bit haha my bad

you are gonna rock today. manifest the positivity you need.

we are gonna be better than ever and it feels like it’s taking forever but it’ll be here before we know it

im proud of us


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User Profile: raymond1203
raymond1203 December 21st

hope you’re having a nice day. you def deserve it. it’s super cold here (feels like 20 degrees) so i’m staying in the house all day lol

since i skipped a few meals again this week i just ordered a big meal lol i normally don’t order out that much bc it got so expensive and it seemed like my money was best spent elsewhere. it sucks to realize you’re spending hundreds a week on grubhub lol for a while my ex was using me for lunches and that rly addded up.

but i like to use it as a little reward for myself. and i rly needed it to eat.

i woke up feeling better but within the first hour i realized i went threw every emotion lol i was fine. then annoyed and angry bc i think of work stuff that makes me feel especially dumb. then sad and crying in the shower lol now im gonna eat a bunch and distract myself with games and cleaning. i think i might be legit manic. i got a diagnosis from a dr at a hospital like ten years ago. what i’ve been feeling isn’t as intense as it was then but it has me convinced this manic bipolar paranoia stuff is for life. maybe once i get settled in my new role at work, ill talk to my cool boss about using the insurance to find a therapist or something.

i dont rly ever vibe with therapists…i feel like im difficult and hard to understand and talk to…but it might benefit me to go and sit down with someone. i truly hate the idea of medication but i might need something. but i’ll fight that battle later lol gotta focus on what’s right in front of me rn.

how are you feeling today? hope work was painless.

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User Profile: annacat7991
annacat7991 OP December 22nd

Work was long. Another no lunch and no breaks day. I really gotta stop doing that.

My ex partner did get pizza and cheese sticks though, so that cheered me up a bit. We were gonna spend time together later in the evening.

But then he started freaking out that I was pulling away this week. Admittedly, I forgot the reasons why he always says “I love you” before someone leaves (it’s a childhood situation).

I really struggle at conveying my emotions and feelings. I’m working on it, but it takes me awhile to articulate what I’m trying to say. I’ve been working on saying what I mean.

But he took what I said and concluded that I was calling him a “distraction” from working on myself. That is NOT what I meant at all. But once his mind is made up, it’s made up.

Like me, he bottles up his feelings and doesn’t share them until they’ve spilled over. When I ask about his feelings, he’s not always fore coming (military things and all that). So I think he let his emotions build up from the week and couldn’t reasonably accept what I was trying to say.

Honestly, sometimes I feel like he doesn’t fully listen to me, which hurts. Don’t get me wrong, he’s caring and attentive. But when I finally get the courage to truly talk about things that have been bothering me/going on with me, sometimes he doesn’t fully understand or can accept what I’m saying. I think it’s mostly due to his military background (toughen up and go on, don’t talk about your feelings, etc.) but it still hurts.

Now with this event last night, I don’t know if I should talk about my feelings on it today or wait until a few days. I’ve been working on giving space and time between disagreements and discussing them. It’s actually something I’ve been talking about with my therapist.

But I don’t think I followed through on that advice last night. We usually have “sleepovers” on Saturday and watch a movie. But we had the argument, didn’t watch anything, but still went to sleep in the same bed.

I honestly should've went to my room to cry and work through my thoughts and put physical distance between us. I’ve found that’s been really helping in keeping me calm and giving me perspective and insight after a disagreement.

Now it just feels like I have emotions I haven’t dealt with and are bottled up, which is something I did a lot in the past, and it’s one of the reasons I couldn’t communicate well.

I’m sorry for dropping this all on you. I just needed to write it down. But I really don’t know how to move forward from this: try to convert and change his view into what I really meant? or agree to disagree and carry on? But I feel that’s kinda pretending like last night’s conversation didn’t happen, and I can’t let go of it, at least not yet.

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User Profile: raymond1203
raymond1203 December 22nd

heyyy i’m getting ready for work. dreading it but this is a nice distraction for me lol

ok first off do not beat yourself up. what you’re feeling is normal and what uour beginning is extraordinary. most people don’t care enough to see another’s side they just want their side to be right. but that’s not you lil homie lol

alright im not gonna pry too much into your love life stuff esp bc these posts are kinda public lol but i hope you’re getting something outta this. bc it sounds like a perfect setup for a dude ya know lol if you like it and ur getting something out of it and its not fuggin up ur head/heart then def continue. get yours baby girl lolol haha but if this is you trying to please him then take time and think on that. you’re very smart and caring you will find the right answer.

ok my advice for rn…see how xmas plays out…ngl im curious to see how he plays it out lol

if you feel like you wanna directly talk about something heavy or dramatic, do your best to keep it light.

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User Profile: annacat7991
annacat7991 OP December 22nd

I’ll try responding to your previous messages today. I know you’ve been going through a lot and need the support. I honestly may not get around to it today though, since I’m dealing with a lot today.

But I do hope you have a fantastic, relaxing Sunday! I hope it’s a good day to end a *** week ☺️.

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User Profile: raymond1203
raymond1203 December 22nd

i’m def gonna be busy until about 10pm. i understand if ur busy. def respond whenever you can. i love ur messages they make my day 🙂

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User Profile: annacat7991
annacat7991 OP December 22nd

Thank you for the advice. I’ll try waiting until Christmas, but I honestly don’t know if I can go so long without talking about something serious.

I get what you’re trying to say, but he’s absolutely NOT like that at all. We’re not doing anything “intimate” at the moment if that makes sense. And we’re both not looking for anyone else. We’re separated and both trying to work on ourselves before maybe coming back together. Or maybe going our separate ways. Either way we’re both trying to move past our mistakes and embrace the future.

I know a lot of girls say “he’s not like other guys 🤣🙄🧐”. But he’s seriously not like other guys lol, at least not the ones I’ve been around. He’s caring and attentive. Most important he’s HONEST and listens (besides what I just vented about earlier lol). He truly cares for me and loves, unconditionally and without me having to give “anything” in return. Me being me is purely enough.

Thats something I’ve never experienced and, honestly, it’s scary and still taking time to get used. I’ve never felt “me” was enough. I’ve been giving something my whole life: to family, to friends, to strangers, with previous partners. I thought I NEEDED to cook, clean, bring gifts, not complain, etc. for people to like or appreciate me. But no one has ever truly loved me. They loved what I did for them, what I gave them, my docile-ness.

It’s different and new and nice and scary to see that you being is enough and worthy of life and loving. I know I can’t rely on someone to make me whole, I’m trying to work on loving myself in therapy. But I won’t lie, he does complete my life nicely.

Im sorry for defending him and kinda saying “you don’t know him like I do” 🤣🤨🧐🙄 lol. But I think it’s important to reiterate that he truly is a nice, good guy. Looking back, I was the problem most of the times. Sure, he definitely had his moments. But I caused a bunch of problems.

Now we’re both just living in our new reality and trying to move forward ☺️.

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User Profile: raymond1203
raymond1203 December 23rd

heyyy. hope you’re feeling good. i’m walking home and it’s soooo cold lol ill respond when i get home in a couple minutes

User Profile: raymond1203
raymond1203 December 23rd

sorry bout that. i’m home now. it’s so fn cold outside tonight lol

he does sound like a really awesome guy. i hope it didn’t seem like i was implying anything. idk the situation and i wouldn’t jump to that kinda conclusion

if you can’t wait until xmas that’s fine. do what feels right. you seem to already have a good idea of what you want it just seems really hard to actually do

i def think that if yous are still kinda exclusive to each other, this break is a really good thing. it’ll def give you the time and space to figure it all out

why do you feel like most of the problems are you???

you seem so thoughtful and nice and sweet. and you always talk really well about others i wish you would include yourself in that. you’re just as good as everyone else. you’re just as good as your loved ones that you speak so highly of.

i rly like the way you talk about others. where i live everyone kinda trashes everyone behind their backs lol

i am the same exact way about never feeling like ME was enough. and having to cook or bring gifts is absolutelyyyy me. that’s something i just realized and im working on.

i come into work everyday with drinks for my friends. i need to chill on that now. had a slight issue at work tonight. coworker accused me of getting an attitude with her. i didn’t think i was but i do kinda give off that vibe alot lately. idk i feel like im completely failing at work. i’m kinda always wrong. doesn’t feel great.

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User Profile: annacat7991
annacat7991 OP December 22nd

I apologize if I shared anything too personal. But I don’t mind sharing with you ☺️. If you can handle hearing about Puffy’s final few weeks, you can handle this ☺️.

Also thanks for reminding me this a public forum. It truly feels like my own/our own personal dairy. ….a personal dairy that hundreds can read 😳😳😳.

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User Profile: raymond1203
raymond1203 December 23rd

hahaha omg no not at all. do not worry about over sharing with me haha i enjoy our talks a lot.

i know it totally feels like a personal little thing but yeah everyone is seeing this right now hahaha luckily we’re buried 7 pages deep hahaha

you do seem very cool so if you wanted to talk somewhere private i wouldn’t be against it

whatever you’re comfortable with


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User Profile: annacat7991
annacat7991 OP December 23rd

Thanks for the response and advice ☺️.

I had a *** day so unfortunately didn’t get around to replying to your other messages.

We had plans to work on the greenhouse today. Both of us woke up late but he’s been really wanting to do these projects so I was trying to be supportive. He was going to run to the store for supplies while I started seeds.

Well he didn’t say goodbye (he normally always does) and was kinda avoiding me. I just started working and didn’t read too much into it. I made sure to text him saying I loved him and be safe, trying to be nice. Well he texted saying not to worry about doing the projects today, it was too late. I went ahead and finished them.

The hardware store is 20 minutes away. This man was gone for 3 hours. I was trying to give him space, thinking maybe we could talk when he got back. I even text asking if he was okay. I really didn’t expect him to be gone so long. He finally came home and text me he had to “go find his center”. I asked if he wanted alone time. He didn’t say yes but said he wanted to keep things “light” and didn’t want to talk about anything serious. I gave him space, texting him goodnight.

Mind you, instead of coming into the house to say this to my face, he TEXT me all this, not wanting to be around me. We haven’t seen each other since this morning.

I am sooo hurt. I tried honestly expressing myself last night and he concluded what he wanted to, not hearing me the way I wanted. We said we were going to be honest. He said the break was to help me grow and learn what I needed. He said he had hope for us, but it was ultimately up to my actions and how I was getting better. I have been trying soo hard to grow. I haven’t been saying or asking things I’ve wanted because I didn't want to create any type of chaos.

To top it off, I asked him if we could talk about things tomorrow, giving him more time to cool off. He said “we’ll see how tomorrow goes 1st”. I really just want to know what I’ve done wrong. I’ve been replaying what I said over and over, trying to pinpoint where I *** up. I’m anxious and nervous and really hurt.

I just want answers. I just want to clear up any confusion. I just want to profusely apologize and admit whatever the *** it is I did wrong. And he’s not even giving me that. I’m just so hurt.

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User Profile: raymond1203
raymond1203 December 23rd

aw i’m rly sorry you’re feeling this way. i been there so i have an idea how deviating that can feel.

i wish i could get you to not think about it for a little bit. i def dont know everything but everything i hear you seem very caring and apathetic. i dont understand how you’ve done anything wrong. i’m not even trying to be a kissass lol you are always always thinking of the other side. that is not very common at all.

you are totally valid btw!!! a simple text could have cleared everything up. plz don’t beat yourself up over this. it rly doesn’t seem like it was ur fault.

im here for ya 🙂

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