It was still nice of your mom to get you something. I understand money being tight. I got paid last week and barely have any money left. Honestly, I’m tired of working so hard and not being able to afford what I want, never mind what I need. It’s one of the main things I’ve been down about. Bills are left unpaid, appointments aren’t made, self care takes a back sit, all due to money troubles. I’m really scared to look at my credit score lol.
But I’ve been trying to push myself to do one thing I want to do daily. Journaling and watering plants are a big one. I’ve already conquered and prioritized one thing I “have” to do for the day (working), so I should prioritize a little bit of fun too.
The most important thing, for me, is trying to stay off my phone or not getting into bed too early. Those ARE NOT relaxing activities. Those are time fillers that stop you from enjoying the little free time you have. They stop you from enjoying life, instead of living it. Just my 2 cents though. I honestly still have a lot of trouble with those 2, but a little progress is better than no progress ☺️.
How’s your day so far?
heyyy thank you for all that it was super helpful. funny you mentioned chewing gum bc that’s def one of my crutches o use regularly. i’m walking into work now i will respond better when i have the time during my shift or def omw home tonight
Hope you’re having a good work day ☺️.
omg what a brutal shift. half of the crew called out so i was stuck doing almost everything alone tonight. it got me a little frazzled. i’m worried that no matter how hard i try im still gonna make some mistake that gets me fired. idk maybe im just stressed tonight but i def feel like something is gonna come back to bite me ya know.
Good evening! Did you have a good Fri-yay today?
heyyy. walking home from work and it is sooo cold lol work was stressful but fine. how was your day any plans for the weekend
i am having a bit of a problem at work. if you don’t mind me unloading a little bit lol i’ve been catching myself being a cranky pants at work. i been getting annoyed and agitated with people who aren’t doing anything to me, who are trying to help me…but i will see things in their personalities that erk me. i feel like a total hater. that’s not who i want to be. i want to be nice fun strong and caring. i need to find a way to let go of the hating so i can feel light again.
Good afternoon! Almost done with work, thank the heavens. I’ll respond to your messages a bit later.
heyyy hope ya had a good shift. i’m walking home now. another busy day but i can’t rly complain. how’s your weekend??
Good morning! I apologize for being MIA recently. I was mostly asleep for the weekend so wasn’t able to reply/do much.
How was your weekend? How’s your day going so far?
I hope you have an awesome Tuesday!
heyyy! nnfa oh that’s not a problem at all i was super busy this week with work. they offered me OT today and i def want that but my body is super tired. i’m gonna chill out till around 2pm then see how i feel. maybe i’ll go in maybe ill rest. the boss was real lax about the offer so it’s totally up to me anyways.
yea its been so crazy this week ive barely had time to pop on here lol ill like check before bed and thats kinda all the time i have rn. the holidays are nuts lol but i have a suuuuper light work week next week bc im using pto again + the holiday.
are you feeling ok? hope ur week is nice 😊
I definitely understand wanting OT, especially right now, but sometimes you gotta rest.
Are you doing anything special for Christmas? I’m unfortunately working all next week, so not happy about that. But I’m putting in for PTO the 1st week of January to finally get some time off. I really need it.
That’s how I’ve been lol. I work, come home and eat, get ready for bed, and fall asleep watching tv lol.
I’m okay so far this week. I’ve been happy most so that’s good. I’m trying not to be too happy or ecstatic because I don’t want this happy feeling to end, if that makes sense.
totally makes sense to me. sometimes i worry my extreme happy is just that side of being bipolar and the other side will show up soon.
my schedule has been almost exactly the same. wake up. walk to work. work. come home. do kitten chores. make dinner. scroll *** and answer messages then im asleep and back at it all again. but lately ive been very ok with that. we’ll see how long it lasts lol
are you working xmas day??? i have off xmas eve but i might offer it to a work friend so she can be with her fam. they just had a loss and i dont rly have anything planned. i dont have kids or anything. and if my sis and her crew do anything its literally right around the corner from my work ill just walk there after
Yes it almost feels like a manic high, that’s why I’m so worried. But I’ve been trying really hard to keep my spending in check. That’s one of my most noticeable “symptoms” of being manic. But hopefully you don’t have manic depression, it’s definitely not fun. Have you seen a doctor at all to discuss your symptoms?
Well at least you’re good with your routine. What do you do for fun during the weekdays after work? I’m definitely not okay with my routine. If I feel my days are too mundane, I start to get a bit restless and reckless.
I have Christmas Day off, but that’s it. I put in a request for PTO the 1st week of January, but my supervisor doesn’t want to give me Saturday off. So I don’t know.
Aww ☺️ it’s awesome you’re considering going in so your coworker can have time with family. I’m sure she’d appreciate that. I know it’s especially hard to lose someone around the holidays.
Are you not particularly into celebrating Christmas?
i always loved xmas. huge xmas nerd growing up lol even last year i went real hard bc we had such a ruff year i didn’t want xmas to suck ya know. but this year i am just not feeling it. i’m not exactly down about it. just kinda meh. i think it’s mostly bc i don’t have someone to celebrate it with.
ten years ago i spent xmas in the hospital and the drs said i was bipolar and all that jazz. i feel alllllllot better since then. not too much time alone does get me sad. like rn. it’s my day off and i gotta relax but im a bit restless and lonely. i miss having someone to fill those mundane moments.
theres rly nothing going on in my life at all lol ive dived fully into work bc i got nothing else rn.
boy time alone is rly not good for my mental health lol i’ve been trying to stay busy. cleaned played some games baked a cake lol but i feel a good cry creeping up on me. idky tho bc things are rly good. i may not have a person but i have great friends and a job i like. i just feel so alone it’s so lame lol
Good morning! I hope you have a better day today. I’ll respond to your messages a bit later.
Have an awesome hump day! ☺️
Good evening! Spilled blood on myself at work so didn’t have the greatest day 😓😓😓.
How was your day?
I’m sorry you’re feeling down. I understand it’s difficult not having a significant other to celebrate with. But I think it’s important to remember that you celebrate for YOU. If decorating makes you happy, then decorate, even if only you and kittens see it. If looking at Christmas light displays brings you joy, then visit them with a friend or family member. There are certainly a lot of activities geared towards couples this time of year and that can be saddening to see. But you’ll always have others to celebrate with. Make your living space cozy and snuggle up with your adorable kittens to a Christmas movie.
Or maybe have a day to cry and release your feelings. I know you probably want to bottle them up and try to go about life. But having a good cry session can unburden you of those negative or sad emotions. Then you’ll have room to bring in those positive emotions. Crying isn’t a sign of weakness; it’s a sign of strength. And you can’t be strong all the time ☺️.