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Eva’s Crazy Mind

justmeeva January 21st

i’ve wanted to make a forum post like that for quite a while now, but never brought myself to actually make it. here i will write up all sorts of thoughts and vents, everything i need to get off my mind. it’s not gonna be positive or motivational, not even close. i personally don’t recommend reading it just because it doesn’t help lol. you’re welcome to read, replies are okay, just be aware that it’s gonna be a pretty dark place. i don’t usually ask for help despite telling everybody to. idk why. i’m not a very good example of what’s right to do. TW just in case, not planning to go that far but who knows. 

i’m making myself this space because sometimes you can feel lonely while being surrounded by a million people and that’s nobody’s fault.

best wishes to you. ❤️

justmeeva OP June 17th

i’ve been gone for a long time now. 

justmeeva OP June 17th

“you beautiful person” -my little brother said.- 




justmeeva OP June 17th



justmeeva OP June 17th

so yeah she’s not all bad. that’s why i have mixed feelings about her. that’s why i sometimes feel guilty for saying bad things about her. 

LoveMyMoonflowers June 18th


don't mean to make this about me friend but i'm v sorry if it does sound like that. but i get what you mean :') it’s pretty much the same with my mom too. but friend… she may have her caring side and her caring moments and she might not be all bad, but what she’s done to you that’s bad… that still isn't justified. :') *sending hugs if okay* <3 

justmeeva OP June 18th


*hugs you* (and don’t worry, you didn’t do anything wrong <3)

justmeeva OP June 18th

i’m so dizzy. so weak. so tired. 

justmeeva OP June 18th

and all i did today was stay in bed. literally. the whole entire day. 

justmeeva OP June 18th

i think my little brother loves me. maybe even needs me. that’s gonna be a bit difficult..

justmeeva OP June 19th

i might’ve missed some tags or posts, everything’s so messy and all over the place. lmk if i did. <3

justmeeva OP June 19th

me and my sister turned my brother into shrek. we made him a foil hat with those shrek ears, colored it green and his face too. depression or no, i can still have fun and laugh my heart out sometimes.

justmeeva OP June 20th

“this is not goodbye, just a… long a** see ya later.”

justmeeva OP June 20th

“i’m… sorry.”

“for what?”

“for… for being such a bad brother.”

”you’re not a bad brother”

“but i am.”

”no you’re not.

you’re just sad”


i guess i am.”

“..but i’m not mad”

”but you should be.”

”but i’m not”

“..why aren’t you?”

“..because i’m sad too”

justmeeva OP June 20th

hurting again. 

justmeeva OP June 20th

i can’t allow myself to relapse.

justmeeva OP June 20th

gotta keep me as distracted as possible, otherwise i might. 

justmeeva OP June 20th

this is gonna be interesting. 

justmeeva OP June 20th

that.. did not help. at all. ***-..

justmeeva OP June 20th

shaking a little. that’s.. new. 

mytwistedsoul June 20th

@justmeeva *sits with you* is there anything I can do to help? 

justmeeva OP June 25th


hehe i didn’t see it :’) i didn’t come here at all before now. i didn’t do anything, i managed somehow. thank you for being kind <3

mytwistedsoul June 25th

@justmeeva That's ok! Hey that is awesome! Yay you! 😊 I'm glad you were able to not do anything 💙 I know it can be hard not to. I'm really proud of you! 

justmeeva OP June 25th


thank you soul ❤️

justmeeva OP June 25th


you know what’s real torture? when you’re starting to get tired, so tired in fact that it’s hard to keep your eyes open, but you can’t close them because the second you do, your brain shows you the most disgusting, traumatising, terrifying images or clips possibly imaginable. 

mytwistedsoul June 26th

@justmeeva I'm sorry you deal with this problem too. 😞 The sad thing is lack of sleep makes it worse. But it's hard to sleep or even want to because of having these images pop into your head. Have you ever tried visualization? I do one with balloons that has helped

justmeeva OP June 26th


no, i haven’t tried it, i usually just distract myself until i fall asleep without even noticing hehe- but i’ll check it out and maybe try it tonight if i have to. thank you <3

mytwistedsoul June 26th

@justmeeva I hope it helps 💙

justmeeva OP June 25th

like your own personal *** horror movie. but worse. 

justmeeva OP June 26th

*** 3:35am. 

justmeeva OP June 26th

“pay attention to what people say out of anger. they’ve been dying to tell you that.”

justmeeva OP June 26th


justmeeva OP June 26th
reminds me of my mom. 
justmeeva OP June 26th

*ahem* mom. 


justmeeva OP June 26th


justmeeva OP June 26th


justmeeva OP June 26th


justmeeva OP June 26th


justmeeva OP June 26th

when they’re supposedly your friends but when they share something between each other you suddenly become invisible. 

justmeeva OP June 26th
and believe me, i don’t give a *** about what they would be sharing, it’s just the fact that you can sit right next to them, and they don’t even bother to look at you. 
justmeeva OP June 26th

i just realised how pathetic i am. like- it’s almost funny-