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Eva’s Crazy Mind

justmeeva January 21st

i’ve wanted to make a forum post like that for quite a while now, but never brought myself to actually make it. here i will write up all sorts of thoughts and vents, everything i need to get off my mind. it’s not gonna be positive or motivational, not even close. i personally don’t recommend reading it just because it doesn’t help lol. you’re welcome to read, replies are okay, just be aware that it’s gonna be a pretty dark place. i don’t usually ask for help despite telling everybody to. idk why. i’m not a very good example of what’s right to do. TW just in case, not planning to go that far but who knows. 

i’m making myself this space because sometimes you can feel lonely while being surrounded by a million people and that’s nobody’s fault.

best wishes to you. ❤️

mytwistedsoul May 8th

@justmeeva Exactly! The world is a lot different now. The pressures come from some many different directions now. Even if they say they'll listen they just tell you that you're too young to feel that way. And then tell you how wrong you are about everything else you think or feel ."What have you got to be depressed about?" Or that you don't have any idea about stress and then they berate you for a poor grade. None of this gives anybody the warm fuzzies at the thought of trying to talk with their parents 

justmeeva OP May 7th

“your kindness is a blessing!” 

yeah, to everyone else but me it is. 

justmeeva OP May 8th

3:13am. i- should probably go to sleep. goodnight 🩷💕

May 8th


good night eva friend 💗 i hope you'll sleep well <3

justmeeva OP May 8th


justmeeva OP May 8th


justmeeva OP May 8th

the urge to cut my own hair is becoming bigger and bigger day by day-

justmeeva OP May 8th

but there’s no way anything good would come out of it. so i really should not. 

justmeeva OP May 8th

but atp who knows

justmeeva OP May 8th

“no offence but *** you all”- 

(not about cups ppl and it’s pretty random.)

justmeeva OP May 8th

“the ways in which you talk to me

have me wishing i were gone.”

justmeeva OP May 8th

which reminds me.. of something i don’t wanna remember or think about rn so nvm (:

justmeeva OP May 8th

i’m okay rn btw (well, or at least not not okay), i’ll just throw some random thoughts here lol. 

justmeeva OP May 8th

absolute nonsense:

i feel weird. but like the emotion kind of feeling not the physical kind of feeling but it also kinda is a physical feeling but it’s like emotionally affecting the physical feeling you know? (don’t lie no you don’t lol /lh even i don’t)

justmeeva OP May 8th

like it’s not a physical feeling but i can feel it physically.

justmeeva OP May 8th

okay one really weird thing about me is that if i watch like a movie or a video or smt like that, i literally like adopt the mood and the personality and the way they talk. i- idk how to explain it but uh yeah that’s what we have going on right now 



we can be weird together. 💜 i've always had this exact same thing :P seriously, not kidding at all. 

justmeeva OP May 8th


i’m sorry i literally- have no words other than the different types of “*hugs*” and emojis (and they’re not even words-)- all vocabulary just flew out of the window



*big hugs* 

twinsies :p 💜

justmeeva OP May 8th


*hugsss* that i can do :p



ugh the heart limit is so annoying so… i’m just gonna… 


justmeeva OP May 8th


ikr like what are we supposed to do, write “*(username) upvoted your post*” under everything or?? smhh 



ikr 😭😭😭 


(i’m sorry if this made eva friend uncomfy or anything) 

justmeeva OP May 8th


no no the opposite actually don’t worry



mhm 💜 i’m sorry, i posted that right before i saw your reply lol 


nvm 😅🥺

unassumingEyes May 9th

@justmeeva i do that with books. Suddenly im speaking the same way as a character in the books! And my sis looks at me all weird xD 

justmeeva OP May 8th

when did communication in every way become so- impossible to do?

justmeeva OP May 9th

i hate this place so much. 

justmeeva OP May 9th

i think that if they come to me to ask why i’m not outside yet, i’ll have to hold back tears when i speak cause that’s the way i am.

justmeeva OP May 9th

i’m so cold. 

justmeeva OP May 9th

i hate everything about the situation i’m in right now. so many people around me (especially the type i need to avoid), a completely unfamiliar place - i was lost because i have no idea how to- go anywhere- around here- and idk what i’d do if my mom didn’t help me a bit, i hate this so much. 

justmeeva OP May 9th

and the teacher. if it were another teacher she would’ve made sure everyone got home and knew how to do that. but not that one. i’m just- doing something. going somewhere. waiting for a bus at the hopefully correct stop.

justmeeva OP May 9th

in the bus ok so

we were brought to some museum-ish but also not (how nice of a description) place where we roleplayed basically what it’s like to be a politician. i laughed. i felt good. i felt included most of the time there. seems nice right? no- i know it sounds selfish and weird and doesn’t make any sense and makes me sound ungrateful and ***, but you don’t understand. that’s literally one of the worst things life can do to me. i’m not even gonna explain it all rn. but uh *** you life. 

justmeeva OP May 9th

oh and i also got introduced to some disgusting traumatising things humans do that just prove how *** up this world is,.. hmm..

justmeeva OP May 9th

it’s not fair. it’s not *** fair. 

justmeeva OP May 9th

“oh but life isn’t fair” literally ***. 

justmeeva OP May 9th

breakfast time lmao. 

justmeeva OP May 9th


god she’s talking about my arms again. just- stop-