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2) Community Questions and Answers - The Basis of Mental Health Awareness and Support

SoulfullyAButterfly January 24th, 2021

As previously introduced, the Questions and Answers Pages at 7 Cups offer a wide range of quality based answers to common mental health questions

Questions and Answers are available for 38 main categories, ranging from General Mental Health, Disabilities, Managing Emotions, Loneliness, Grief, Recovery, Student Life, Work Stress, and many more!

Through this directory of available knowledge, awareness, and support, 7 Cups is equipped with answers to the common questions and concerns people have. Most of these Questions and Answers are featured in search engine results due to the value of the content they contain.

The main community Questions and Answers Page offers a recent questions section as well as a section containing the most answered questions.

All 7 Cups users are invited to search for or ask new questions through the main page. Community users can also participate in this area by submitting their answers, which are reviewed by a team for quality and other important requirements.

Through this discussion, we will discuss the basic requirements needed to research as well as write quality answers for the Question and Answer Pages. Additionally, we will optimize the drafted answers in light of certain guidelines.

(i) Basic Research and Writing Requirements: When writing answers to community questions, keep in mind these tips:

  • You need to write a minimum of 150 characters and 100 words.

  • If research is needed to guide your answer, consider only learning about the topic and avoid direct copy/pasting researched tips, advice, or information.

  • Consider verifying the information or facts through at least 2 reliable sources.

  • When researching possible answers or things the person can benefit from, consider their circumstances and if the tip is do-able and generally applicable.

  • Avoid plagiarism.

  • Use professional and appropriate language.

  • If comfortable, you can add a personal anecdote to help add meaning to your answer. However, avoid turning the answer to just your account or an entire focus on your experience.

  • Be empathetic, and consider using active listening skills to help not only answer their question but their feelings - this adds connection and meaning to your answer, as well as identifies understanding, which can lead to trust.

  • Answers should be related to the question and must contain tips or approaches to help deal with the question/situation instead of vague responses, even if positive.

  • 7 Cups is based on avoiding direct advice, this is because we do not know the complete scenario or situation a person may be facing. Keeping that in mind, avoid giving answers that provide one possible “solution” - a good tip is to consider encompassing all possible outcomes or more than one thing the person can try.

(ii) Ensuring Optimized Answers: Although the above requirements and tips help deliver a great answer, further optimization of drafted answers can help ensure their quality.

At 7 Cups, the Content Team uses researched and identified important keywords to guide their research and the writing process to result in optimized content as answers to community questions. In this regard, the basic tips/requirements involved are:

  • Ensure answers have at least 8 to 10 sentences.

  • Ensure the usage/incorporation of the maximum number or all of the provided keywords that can relate to the topic.

What are Keywords?

Generally, keywords can be thought of as terms or phrases that describe a piece of content. Related keywords are supporting keywords that can help further describe or expand on that initial content. For example, for the keyword “anxiety”, related keywords can be “anxiety symptoms” or “anxiety treatments”.

Keywords help with search engine marketing and hence are an important part of SEO strategies. A simple strategy to find keywords is to look for Google Related Searches. These related searches are searches that relate to your term. For instance, a Google Related Search for “anxiety symptoms” is “what is anxiety” - using this insight, you can consider including this phrase alongside a brief category of your content outline to help strengthen the optimization of your content.

For other free tools to help with keyword research, you can visit this external link.


Review this Sample Optimized Answer:

Question: How do paper bags help with panic attacks?

Provided Keywords: asthma attack, heart attacks, asthma, problems, brown paper bag, medical conditions, hyperventilation syndrome, mouth, respiratory alkalosis, common causes, chest pain, benefit, stress, medications

Approved, Optimized Answer:

While panic attacks might mimic the symptoms of heart attacks, they can be caused by several other problems and medical conditions. These include feeling stressed or facing medical conditions such as asthma attacks, hyperventilation syndrome, or even respiratory alkalosis. Although the common causes may differ, common symptoms include chest pain. Deep breathing through the mouth or by using a brown paper bag has its benefits, as it aids in the restoration of the loss of carbon dioxide in the blood during the panic attack.

Notes: The question was general, requiring general research-based knowledge on the process of using paper bags for panic attacks. As the keywords were essentially covered, note that this answer does not have 8-10 sentences, but further supporting information or even a personal anecdote can be added.

The following activity will help you put your attained knowledge to practice. Please write an optimized answer to the following community question, in light of the provided keywords. In addition, you are required to reply to at least one other student’s answer by identifying at least 3 strengths (things done correctly as per discussed guidelines) as well as at least 1 tip for improving the answer.

Note: You are welcome to click the question link and submit your written answer for community publication once done as this is an existing question!

Please do not forget to personally save your activity answers as well as your reply to another user’s answer (recommended on Google Doc or other means) as you will be asked to share this for your Weekly Progress Report.

Question: What to do when you feel you are not good enough for someone?

Provided Keywords: parents, partner, self-esteem, social media, self-worth, good news, best way, first step, human beings, children, therapy, self-love, family members, better person, good time, good luck, inner critic, self-doubt, negative self-talk, real reason, whole life, amazing person, self-confidence, voice, right thing, healthy relationship, great things, information, communication, end of the day

Bonus: Want to put your knowledge to test? Consider joining the Question and Answer (Q&A) Approval Team here and earn cheers for helping approve community answer submissions. You will be using the above knowledge as well as reminders on what makes a good answer. For more information, click here


This post is brought to you by the Content Development and Marketing Program, find out more information about the program here

walkalot April 17th, 2023


Hi VinylFly, lots of good information here. Good job. I think anyone reading it will be encouraged and motivated to try some good ideas. Keep up the good work.

VinylFly April 17th, 2023

@walkalot Thank you 😊

delightfulLynx2725 May 7th, 2023


Feeling like you are not good enough for someone is a true struggle. I think we need to remember that whether or not we are good enough for someone if they choose us, then they want us. Deserving something does not equate to getting it.

walkalot May 8th, 2023


Hi Lynx, this is a good start, but can you make it longer. Ideal answers are supposed to be 8 to 10 sentences. I'm sure you have more to say on this topic. Let it come out to encourage people. Please submit an updated answer that is longer.

JusticiaPrimalDorogo May 28th, 2023


What to Do When You Feel You Are Not Good Enough for Someone?

Feeling inadequate in a relationship is a common struggle, but there are steps you can take to address it. Firstly, remember that your self-worth isn't determined solely by others. Challenge negative self-talk and the inner critic by focusing on your strengths. Seek support from trusted friends, family members, or a therapist who can help you build self-confidence and self-love. Limit social media's influence and embrace real connections. Communicate openly with your partner, discussing your concerns and fears. Remember, the first step toward a healthy relationship is valuing yourself. Embrace personal growth, celebrate small victories, and remind yourself that you are an amazing person capable of great things. At the end of the day, prioritize your happiness and believe in the good things that lie ahead. Good luck on your journey!

Note - the idea is mine, Chat GPT made the text sound better

blueAngel00 June 1st, 2023


The three strengths I see are as follows:

1) You offer different easy-to-do and easy-to-implement ideas

2) Your ideas are mainly suggestions and they're varied

3) You're concise and to the point

Room for improvement:

I thought your answer lacked empathy a little, that maybe you weren't addressing feelings as much as they could have been.

starsnnights May 30th, 2023


Question: What to do when you feel you are not good enough for someone?

Provided Keywords: parents, partner, self-esteem, social media, self-worth, good news, best way, first step, human beings, children, therapy, self-love, family members, better person, good time, good luck, inner critic, self-doubt, negative self-talk, real reason, whole life, amazing person, self-confidence, voice, right thing, healthy relationship, great things, information, communication, end of the day

When feeling inadequate or not good enough for someone, remember that self-worth shouldn't rely on others. Focus on self-esteem and self-love, considering social media's distorted reality. As a first step, seeking therapy to address underlying issues and surrounding yourself with supportive loved ones could be helpful. Celebrate personal growth and challenge negative self-talk with positive affirmations. Communicate openly with partners, nurturing healthy relationships. Remember, your worth isn't defined by others. Embrace your uniqueness, invest in self-confidence, and believe in your abilities. You are capable of great things. Trust yourself, and may good luck accompany your journey toward self-acceptance.

Angelzz127 June 1st, 2023


the 3 strengths:

1) it's very well worded. simple and easy to read.

2) the way you described different ways to change the feeling of negative thinking.

3) one strong point is that you ended on a positive note.

1 tip: you could have explained a bit more about why it could be caused.

blindDaisy9121 June 20th, 2023


It is a very simple and straightforward answer. Also, very motivating and up to the point. However, it is equally necessary to empathize with the person's situation.

Angelzz127 June 1st, 2023


Question: What to do when you feel you are not good enough for someone?

There can be many reasons why you feel you are not good enough for someone you care about like your partner, parent, or child. Social media can influence your self-confidence and self-esteem negatively as it allows you to create an unfair and unhealthy comparison between you and others. As others only post their best self in the media showing that they have earned their achievements without any hardship. One of the main reasons why you don’t feel good enough for someone is one’s own self-doubt. The inner critic of yourself can be very dangerous when drenched in negative self-talk as it would affect your relationships. Ultimately, we are all human beings who want to be accepted by our loved ones. With proper communication and self-love, you would be able to form healthy relationships with your loved ones.

blueAngel00 June 1st, 2023


Provided Keywords: parents, partner, self-esteem, social media, self-worth, good news, best way, first step, human beings, children, therapy, self-love, better person, good time, good luck, inner critic, self-doubt, negative self-talk, real reason, whole life, amazing person, self-confidence, voice, right thing, healthy relationship, great things, information, communication, end of the day

Understanding why a person feels they aren't good enough is the first step towards removing self-doubt and increasing self-worth, self-esteem, and self-confidence. Because at the end of the day, all three are affected.

Oftentimes feelings of being undeserving, and low self-worth, are a result of constant negative communication given to individuals as children. These negative messages were normally instilled by authority figures, parents, or other family members, who'd tell the child that she's w0rthless, will never am0unt to anything, and/or things similar. Many times the child reacts to this kind of negative information by becoming overly critical of themselves, their inner critic usually being far worse than what's warranted. These people also usually end up reinforcing these messages through negative self-talk, which a person could very well keep doing his whole life.

However, childhood trauma is not the only factor that can result in developing low self-worth. Constant feelings of help lessness could bring on feelings of being unworthy. As could being in a toxic environment continually, such as a job where the boss consistently puts you and/or your work down, causing you to ultimately question yourself and your abilities. Additionally, the first stages of depression can lead to feelings of help lessness, then hope lessness, and ultimately worth lessness. Excessive social media use has now been identified as a factor in low self-worth, as well.

One result of constantly getting these negative messages is a person could end up having "Imposter Syndrome". This is when the person feels they're fooling other people who see them as a better person than they see themselves. They normally feel depressed and anxious due to the overwhelming fear that they'll be "found out".

To avoid this, they might start sabotaging their personal or professional relationships, pushing the other significant people away. Which ultimately validates their feelings of being unworthy. But when asked why they did those behaviors, they usually can't voice the real reason, because they, themselves, don't know, or understand, the nuances that promote those behaviors. And usually, their perceptions and fears have no basis in fact.

If Imposter Syndrome is present, the best way to address the issue and heal it is through therapy. Although having Imposter Syndrome isn't a requirement for therapy. But the first, best, and right thing to do is realize we're all human beings, and we all have flaws. And it's natural to feel unworthy in certain situations. It only becomes problematic when it's a chronic condition. And understandably, if it is a chronic condition, the weight of it is overwhelming. But rather than seek ways to "get good enough" I have some good news for you. I hope you'll give what I tell you a try, difficult though it may be.

There are several things people with low self-worth can do to improve those feelings. Please note I did NOT say "to improve yourself". Because, hard as it may seem to believe, you ARE good enough. But to help you foster that belief, here are several ways to help increase your self-worth:

Finding a good partner and being in a healthy relationship can boost feelings of self-worth, confidence, and esteem. Practicing self-love through accepting yourself, not being overly critical of yourself, and acknowledging your strengths and abilities are other ways to improve self-worth. Learning to challenge negative self-talk, and replacing negative thoughts with positive ones is a huge step. Surrounding yourself with positive people would be a big help, and just going out and having a good time works wonders!

You're an amazing person, and unique. Once you see just how special you are, and the great things you're able to offer people just by being you, your self-worth will soar. And you'll understand that you're not only NOT "not good enough" for someone, but you're also good enough for anyone. I wish you exceptional good luck in your endeavor.

Note: the words that are split and the ones with zeros instead of o's were so I could post this, as I kept getting an error and the system wouldn't allow this to post.

walkalot June 13th, 2023


Hi Blue Angel, very nice post and very thorough answer. Thanks for your hard work. Sorry you didn't get feedback earlier.

heathermarie95 August 14th, 2023


3 Strengths:

1. Keywords

2. Easy to understand what is being said/discussed

3. Professionalism

Feedback: I think it could be a bit shorter but you overall did really well! great work!

heathermarie95 August 14th, 2023


Oops ill add a different strength since the strength "keywords" is part of the main post.

an additional one would be:

you went into a lot of different aspects of why a person may feel like they are not good enough.

CocoaCassie January 22nd


What a great reply. I loved the depth and suggestions that you put in, and the detail.

blindDaisy9121 June 20th, 2023


What to do when you feel you are not good enough for someone?

Answer: Its a quite normal to feel that you are not enough for your partner, parents or someone who is close to you. It may feel like you are not able to provide for the other person's needs. This can happen due to past experiences, social media influence or when we unknowingly hurt someone’s feelings. The best way to get rid of this feeling is to rejuvenate ourselves. Self-love is the key to healthy relationships. The best therapy can be spending time in nature. Always remember “What you seek is seeking you!”. So try to be the best possible version of yourself. Take advice from your family members as they are the only people who will stand with you in the worst times. At the end of the day, you need to communicate your problems to solve them.

walkalot July 5th, 2023


Very nicely done. Keep up the good work

Mari228 July 25th, 2023


3 strengths-

Empathy was implemented nicely in the first few sentences that help make the person who’s looking for the answer feel like they’re not alone in how their feeling and not something foreign to others.

Bringing tips and suggestions that may be feasible for the person such as ideas of going into nature and communicating with one’s feelings.

Making the required 8-10 sentences and minimum of 150 characters or 100 words with useful information.

1 thing to improve-

Taking into consideration that not everyone has a healthy relationship with their family and to be inclusive to anyone significant in their lives.

sellistens August 2nd, 2023


3 strengths: I liked how you empathized with the member. I also liked how you validated their feelings by saying its a normal thing. You also used key words which is very good.

1 tip: I think your answer might have needed to be a little longer, maybe a personal anecdote?

Good job!


Mari228 July 25th, 2023


Question: What to do when you feel you are not good enough for someone?

Provided Keywords: parents, partner, self-esteem, social media, self-worth, good news, best way, first step, human beings, children, therapy, self-love, family members, better person, good time, good luck, inner critic, self-doubt, negative self-talk, real reason, whole life, amazing person, self-confidence, voice, right thing, healthy relationship, great things, information, communication, end of the day

When people say they feel they are not good enough, this feeling is actually a thought. This thought we have usually sources from our inner critic which is cultivated as children by important figures, such as parents, other family members, and partners who voice out those thoughts. Social media also has an effect in that people have the tendency to post only their better versions of themselves, so this information tends to lead people to feel less self-love. This inner critic that human beings experience is actually what’s trying to protect oneself by motivating one to survive through that moment. At the same time, people may not reciprocate well with these thoughts and experience low self-esteem. The good news is that these thoughts are temporary and people can work through these thoughts by reminding themselves of their self-worth and maintain a healthy relationship with people around them. Great things come from challenges for as long as the person chooses the right thing to do for themselves. A good time to reach out for therapy is to not only identify past traumas that make it difficult to motivate oneself but also create effective communication skills within themselves and others. At the end of the day, each person will continue to experience these negative self-talks and self-doubt one’s own abilities. Nonetheless, human beings are capable of sitting through with these thoughts and create affirmations that help boost self-confidence and self-love. Goodluck!

walkalot July 26th, 2023

Well done, Mari. I like this idea. Keep it up

KristenHR July 28th, 2023


I thought it was great that you touched on two important things - self thought/negative thinking and the comparisons of social media.

With the suggestion that therapy could be helpful, I honestly didn't see where there was a recommendation at this point for something that could be better.

Great read. Thanks.

quietlistener2023 August 4th, 2023


The three strengths I would say are:

1). Clarity

2). You have provided good information beyond what was requested

3). Brought some of your own insights into the writing with some creativity

I guess the only improvement would probably be that some readers may look for something less deep and more condensed but I did not find much in need of improving. Keep up the good work

KristenHR July 28th, 2023


Question: What to do when you feel you are not good enough for someone?

Feelings of inadequacy can be difficult to deal with, especially when there are concerns that someone else is better than you and you aren’t good enough for them. This could be the expectations of your parents, your partner, or other family members. In fact, not feeling good enough can be related to how our self-esteem is or how much we love ourselves. If it seems like the struggle is self-esteem, self-love or even issues related to telling yourself negative things, it could be beneficial to find a mental health professional to speak to.

Social media can make comparisons to others easy, and yet only shows us what the other person wants us to see about them, not the real them. It can be discouraging when social media shows perfection, and we see our lives as we are – with flaws and challenges. What we miss with this comparison, is what an amazing person that we are, what great things we have to offer others, and the truth is, if someone else thinks we aren’t good enough for them, then they’ve missed an opportunity to meet someone who is unique and special with many talents, strengths and things to offer.

SnowTabby July 29th, 2023

I noticed you managed to incorporated many of the keywords into your response without making it sound like a choppy response. The way you approach social media shows an attempt to connect and understand what people are currently going through. It's a great approach with how you use your last sentence to compliment the reader and their worth. That alone seems like a positive step forward with how the read reacts to social media.
Your response is extremely concise about how environments can affect us but only briefly touches on the question, suggesting mental health professionals.

KristenHR July 29th, 2023


Thank you for the feedback. I appreciate the constructive feedback as I didn't even catch that!

walkalot July 31st, 2023


Great job, kristen. I think this is great.

Walkalot, CDM mentor

Feel free to reach out if you have questions about this program.

SnowTabby July 29th, 2023

What to do when you feel you are not enough for someone?
Who we are is built from the ground up our whole life. There are extremes within society that can affect how our inner critic expresses itself. The voices closest to us - family members, parents, partners, our children - have the biggest impact on our self-confidence. Our levels of self esteem, self worth, and self doubt can all be effected by the weight we give to those voices. It doesn't help that anytime we open social media, those voices can creep in from the outside word, too.
The first step is always recognizing the real reason this person does not make you feel like you are enough. Discovering that information can often need therapy to guide it to the surface. It is always okay to ask for help.
After you know what is causing your negative self-talk, the best way to approach change is through communicating that information. There will never be a "good time" to bring something up when you are not sure of the reaction. Just be open and accepting of however the conversation goes. Priority is you.
While you might feel like the right thing is to give them every chance available, at the end of the day you are both human beings who deserve self-love.
You are currently enough for the world, capable of so much progress and personal development that even attempting to communicate can push you towards being that better person.
Who knows, maybe even being able to come forward and ask for what you need can boost your confidence to feel like enough for someone.

walkalot July 31st, 2023


Great job, Tabby. I really like this one

Walkalot, CDM mentor

SilverSeastar August 3rd, 2023

Hello, Snow! Thank you for such a well-thought-out answer!

🔹 Three strengths:

  1. concise and effective
  2. insightful tips
  3. good use of the keywords while maintaining a natural flow

🔹 One tip: utilising a spell-checker to minimise typos

enigmaticpanda4152 December 28th, 2023


Three things I liked:

1. Utilization of keywords.

2. Concise post.

3. Message is clear. 


Could use more paragraphs to define this good content.

sellistens August 2nd, 2023


Question: What to do when you feel you are not good enough for someone?

Whether it’s parents, a partner, family members, or friends, it is hard when anyone feels like they aren’t good enough for someone. I empathize with you on this. I like to do research on something called “Shadow Work” because it has helped me explain a lot about my behavior along with other people’s. One thing I learned from this is that when people react negatively towards someone else, it is usually a projection of themselves. A lot of times, people project their insecurities onto others and some people don’t realize that they are doing it.

You might be wondering what the possibilities are. I believe that something called radical acceptance is a good way to start. Radical acceptance is when something happened that was not in your control and you accept it anyway. There is not much you can change about their projection, it’s more of something they have to work on within themselves. It is also important to still be kind to that person if you would like a healthy relationship with them. I think that practicing self care and self love would also be beneficial since it is difficult to cope with not feeling good enough sometimes. I believe that this can potentially help with your self confidence and feelings of self worth as well.

At the end of the day, nobody’s opinion of you matters but your own, so just unapologetically be you and accept the situation as it is. I’m sure you're an amazing person the way you are now.

Good luck with everything,


kindheartedLily August 14th, 2023


I love how you mentioned radical acceptance and further explained the concept. Well done!

walkalot August 24th, 2023


Hi Lily, Really nice answer, and unique as well. I think you have some great insights to share. Keep it up

Walkalot, CDM mentor

SilverSeastar August 3rd, 2023

Question: What to do when you feel you are not good enough for someone?
Provided Keywords: parents, partner, self-esteem, social media, self-worth, good news, best way, first step, human beings, children, therapy, self-love, family members, better person, good time, good luck, inner critic, self-doubt, negative self-talk, real reason, whole life, amazing person, self-confidence, voice, right thing, healthy relationship, great things, information, communication, end of the day

Whether it is to our friends, partner, parents, children, or other family members, we sometimes may feel like we are not good enough. Many people can relate to this. The curated content in social media may also affect our self-esteem negatively. We are all human beings. Even the most amazing person can struggle with self-confidence and feeling inadequate if their inner voice says so.

The good news is our negative feelings do not always reflect reality. We may feel inadequate, but perhaps the real reason is the loud inner critic inside us, not because we are inadequate.

We do not have to feel this way our whole life. We can certainly work towards building a healthy relationship with ourselves so that we feel enough. The best way to do this is through cultivating self-love. Great things can happen when we love who we are. What matters the most is you love yourself and enjoy being who you are. Others' perceptions of us should not come before our love for ourselves.

The first step is to recognise that our self-worth is not tied to anything. We are enough just as we are. We are much more than our thoughts and feelings. We are much better than what our self-doubt and negative self-talk say, so we should be confident in our own skin. Self-confidence means "knowing who I am, liking who I am, and wanting to lift others with me."

It is helpful to remember there is no upper limit to being a good person; what matters is we keep striving to grow. Reflection is a tool to become a better and better version of ourselves. It is also important to remember that we want to be a better person for ourselves, first and foremost. We want to feel enough for ourselves, not to fulfil someone else’s expectations. If we want to be good enough for person A while person B wants something different, this can cause an identity crisis. If we have no stable sense of identity, will we be happy?

Moreover, maintaining healthy communication with ourselves is essential. We should be careful with how we talk to ourselves; we do not want to give more power to the cognitive distortions that say we are not good enough. This is why positive self-affirmations can be a powerful tool for healthy self-esteem.

Therapy is another option if we need professional help. Therapists can give us more useful information according to our specific situations. At the end of the day, though, therapy is not always available or accessible for everyone.

I hope this helps you figure out the next right thing to do to feel good enough. Good luck, and I hope you have a good time through the process of accepting and loving yourself, whoever you are.

walkalot August 24th, 2023


Hi Seastar. Nice answer. I think it's a bit long, but I think it will be perfect for someone who really wants to go deep. Keep it up. Some people are looking for your detailed answers.

quietlistener2023 August 4th, 2023

@SoulfullyAButterflyQuestion: What to do when you feel you are not good enough for someone?

Provided Keywords: parents, partner, self-esteem, social media, self-worth, good news, best way, first step, human beings, children, therapy, self-love, family members, better person, good time, good luck, inner critic, self-doubt, negative self-talk, real reason, whole life, amazing person, self-confidence, voice, right thing, healthy relationship, great things, information, communication, end of the day
When you feel that you are not good enough for someone, such as a partner, it may be a sign that your self esteem needs a boost. Negative relationships with parents when we were younger and false images put if social media of how people should be may lead us to negative self talk and make us worry if we are not good enough. The good news is that we can take a first step to change our whole life and become a better person and even an amazing person through our self love and developing our self confidence. Sometimes therapy is needed to deal with self doubts and answer our inner critic. However, once we have better information through reading and therapy we can gain a more positive voice and learn how best to do the right thing. Therapy can help us attain healthy relationships through better communication and is the best way to understand oneself. Human beings suffer setbacks and problems that can often go all the way back to childhood. Success and good relationship are not just good luck but the real reason some people achieve great things at the end of the day is more related to our self perception and how we can understand how to achieve things in life. If we find we are not having a good time in life in generally it might be an idea to reflect on ourselves and find out why that may be.

NaturalEmpath August 14th, 2023


Your response is well thought out and carefully worded. The only thing I noticed was a couple of small typos which I have highlighted in red. Keep up the great work!

Provided Keywords: parents, partner, self-esteem, social media, self-worth, good news, best way, first step, human beings, children, therapy, self-love, family members, better person, good time, good luck, inner critic, self-doubt, negative self-talk, real reason, whole life, amazing person, self-confidence, voice, right thing, healthy relationship, great things, information, communication, end of the day

When you feel that you are not good enough for someone, such as a partner, it may be a sign that your self esteem needs a boost. Negative relationships with parents when we were younger and false images put if social media of how people should be may lead us to negative self talk and make us worry if we are not good enough. The good news is that we can take a first step to change our whole life and become a better person and even an amazing person through our self love and developing our self confidence. Sometimes therapy is needed to deal with self doubts and answer our inner critic. However, once we have better information through reading and therapy we can gain a more positive voice and learn how best to do the right thing. Therapy can help us attain healthy relationships through better communication and is the best way to understand oneself. Human beings suffer setbacks and problems that can often go all the way back to childhood. Success and good relationship are not just good luck but the real reason some people achieve great things at the end of the day is more related to our self perception and how we can understand how to achieve things in life. If we find we are not having a good time in life in generally it might be an idea to reflect on ourselves and find out why that may be.

walkalot August 24th, 2023


Well done, Listener. Keep up the good work

NaturalEmpath August 14th, 2023


If you notice yourself feeling like you are not good enough for someone it could be due to many factors such as low self-esteem, being treated poorly in an abusive relationship, past trauma, anxiety or depression.

Children can be especially affected by childhood traumas and in some cases therapy may be helpful.

The good news is that human beings have the power to utilize information and communication to restructure these emotions weather it is done alone or with therapy.

The first step to improving self-confidence is to examine your inner critic (also known as the inner-voice) and identify any negative self-talk or self-doubt so that you can begin to replace negative thoughts with positive words by practicing self-love.

It is important not to compare ourselves to others since this can lead to feelings of low self-worth and insecurities.

Social media can intensify these feelings if we are not mindful with how and when we use it.

Examine relationships with parents, partner, and family members to ensure your boundaries are both clear and being met.

A healthy relationship will respect boundaries and empower you to be a better person.

At the end of the day, you are an amazing person capable of accomplishing great things with a whole life ahead, good luck.