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Women's Shelter for Emotional and Mental Abuse
Group Support / by blueAngel00
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May 31st, 2024
...See more Not sure this is the right spot for this, and if not, please direct me to the correct one, thanks. I just wanted to ask people's opinions on the following: I've lived with a covert narcissist for 11 years and I just can't take anymore. I know for my own mental health I need to leave this relationship, but there are so many obstacles. And no matter how mad, disgusted, hurt, or what-have-you I get, I still have massive and overwhelming feelings of guilt when I think about leaving him. I have a tremendous fear of abandonment, so how dare I even entertain the thought of abandoning someone? Because not only will I be abandoning him, I'll be leaving him stranded, also. I tried moving in with the only friend I have, but that was like jumping out of the frying pan into the fire. And besides, I had no choice but stay in contact with him (her "boyfriend" is my guy's best friend.) I know I have to cut him off entirely, or I'll end up going back to him like I've done time and time again. So anyway, I was thinking about going to a women's shelter for domestic abuse. There he'd never find me, and they'd probably have a way to help me plan how to move forward and resources to help me keep my resolve. And there But I'm scared! The fear of the unknown, change, losing someone I love (even though I don't know why), being alone at [almost] age 64, no friends, no insurance, no family, nowhere to go, no money to support myself (not that he helps). What's everybody's thoughts? Should I do the women's shelter thing and abandon and leave my guy stranded? Or try to learn how to live with the consequences of being with someone who totally messes with your head? Any suggestions, either way, or even something new I haven't considered? Thanks in advance! 🌹 🐻 What's
blueAngel00 profile picture
Love the 7 Cups platform, BUT...
Group Support / by blueAngel00
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June 10th, 2023
...See more I can never seem to find anything that will take me to where I want to go. Is there a site map that shows all groups, communities, sub-communities, different academy program threads and forums and anything and everything else available here? If not, is there a trick to navigating this site that I haven't caught on to? Cuz I'm usually REALLY good at figuring out technology and the like, but totally lost here.... Thanks in advance. 🌹 🐻
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Are There Any Theories?
Trauma Support / by blueAngel00
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June 12th, 2023
...See more I don't know if this qualifies, but I'll place it here anyway... *TW* Why do some of us have the inability to detach from toxic relationships? And even more specifically, from the toxic person that hurts us over and over again? Are we covert masochists? Are we validating an extremely low sense of self-worth? Is the toxic person a carbon copy of our mom/dad and we're trying to gain their approval through that carbon copy? Are they personal challenges to us, to where if they don't hurt us anymore, we win the challenge, so we have to keep giving it another shot because Lord knows we can't allow ourselves to fail? Are we trying to prove something? To the world? To the toxic person? To ourselves? I know for a fact people DO NOT stay in any kind of relationship unless they're getting SOMETHING out of it. So besides more pain, degradation, and humiliation, what is it we're getting out of these toxic relationships to prevent us from detaching from them? I'm pretty sure I know the reason I can't let go, but generally speaking, are there theories about this I just don't know about? Which actually could very likely be the case because I'm pretty darn new to this toxicity aspect of relationships...
blueAngel00 profile picture
EMDR Would Mean???
Trauma Support / by blueAngel00
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June 1st, 2023
...See more Although I'm gonna feel pretty dumb asking every time. I think after this I will jot them down until I can ask about five or more at a time. Yeh, that's the ticket! But until then...???
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All the Acronyms Have My Head Spinning
Trauma Support / by blueAngel00
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June 2nd, 2023
...See more There are so many acronyms and abbreviations here in 7 Cups. Is there somewhere that has a list of them all that I could reference? Trying to Google all of them is exhausting, and besides, by the time I get one or two done, I forget what the first one was that I looked up *yikes* BTW, this isn't an acronym, but what exactly qualifies as "complex trauma"? Thanks in advance to those of you kind enough to answer.
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Happened to Bump into This Community
Trauma Support / by blueAngel00
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June 1st, 2023
...See more I joined 7 Cups in November last year, but I never knew this community existed! I must be doing something wrong... AnywAY, I thought I'd introduce myself. I just ran across this community not 5 minutes ago, and I almost passed it by. I never really considered myself as traumatized (although plenty of others see it several times over.) But no one wants to be labeled as being traumatized, do they? In any case, I guess I've been in denial for that reason. My most recent traumatic experience has lasted 10 years, but I'm hoping I've finally learned. It's quite the story, maybe I'll tell it sometime. Or maybe just in bits and pieces because it's so humiliating and demeaning and embarrassing and it makes me think I deserved everything I got because I didn't put a stop to it when I saw what was going on and it was plain as day. So I'm not sure I could handle telling more than bits and pieces at a time. So anywhos...HI THERE EVERYONE! <3 So glad I found you!
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I Hope This Will Make All Who Read it Smile (at the very least)
Positivity & Gratitude / by blueAngel00
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January 9th, 2023
...See more I received this in an email for my birthday a couple days ago and just had to pass it on. If you're reading this, it was meant for you. ❤️ You're the kind of person, Who's hard to forget, A one-in-a-million To the people you've met. Your friends are as varied As the places you go, And they all want to tell you In case you don't know: That you make a big difference In the lives that you touch, By taking so little And giving so much! 🐻
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Question please
General Support / by blueAngel00
Last post
December 30th, 2022
...See more Does anyone ever get a response from anyone to their post in here?
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