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Weekly Prompt #13: Do you find it difficult to embrace your imperfections and acknowledge your strengths?

ASilentObserver August 6th, 2023

Hello everyone, I hope you are all being easy on yourself this week.

A couple of weeks ago we discussed: Do you feel pressure to constantly achieve and excel at work due to anxiety Thank you to all who participated and shared their thoughts for discussion. I enjoyed them. I hope you all did too. If you didn't share yours, please share them here and I look forward to reading and discussing them with you.

This week's prompt: Do you find it difficult to embrace your imperfections and acknowledge your strengths? What are your thoughts on self-acceptance and self-compassion?

This week I want us to reflect and explore this topic that can help foster a sense of self-worth and reduce the impact of negative self-judgment. Let's get started and all thoughts are welcomed!

Join us in the Anxiety Support Chat every Monday and Tuesday!


Bazzust0 August 6th, 2023


yes- idk why this came to mind but in year 6 we had to write a paragraph about us and i left that class with a blank paper. there some more stories similar to that but whats notibale i was happy at that time

ASilentObserver OP August 7th, 2023

@Bazzust0 It sounds like self acceptance and embracing imperfections can be challenging. Feeling unable to describe yourself in a short paragraph shows how hard this may be. What parts of yourself would you like to be able to accept more fully?

Bazzust0 August 8th, 2023

I dunno

WinterRose9 August 6th, 2023

Personally, after getting to where I am at now, I have a lot more self-appreciation for my imperfections. I no longer nag at myself for being flawed.

ASilentObserver OP August 7th, 2023

@PhoenixButterfly97 It sounds like you've gained valuable insight through self-reflection. Focusing on your strengths and learning to accept your imperfections takes courage and wisdom. What impact has this newfound self-acceptance had on your life so far?

akay06 August 6th, 2023

Yes, I find it difficult to embrace my imperfections, but I have no problem admitting them. Unfortunately, I am now my own worse critic. I don’t usually acknowledge my strengths because I feel they have lessened due to my anxiety.

I wish I could be better at self-acceptance and self-compassion. I think there extremely important to a healthy, balanced life.

ASilentObserver OP August 7th, 2023

@akay06 It can be difficult to practice self-acceptance and compassion. It must be tough dealing with anxiety that impacts your sense of self. Your awareness of both your strengths and areas for growth shows real insight. Feeling discouraged is understandable. You are not alone in wanting to build a healthier relationship with yourself.

What strategies have you found helpful in the past for building self-compassion?

JannmReiki1967 August 6th, 2023

I seem to dwell on my imperfections, and only acknowledge my strengths when they are brought to my attention.

ASilentObserver OP August 7th, 2023

@JannmReiki1967 I understand focusing on perceived imperfections can be difficult. You're not alone in facing these struggles. It must be hard to dwell on what you perceive as imperfections. Everyone has strengths that don't always come to mind so easily. What impact has focusing on your perceived imperfections had on your self confidence?

JannmReiki1967 August 7th, 2023

It's not good, especially when my fiancee brings up my imperfections more than my strengths

BottleRocket1114639 August 7th, 2023

This will most definitely help me each week!

ASilentObserver OP August 9th, 2023

@BottleRocket1114639 Embracing both your imperfections and strengths can be challenging at times. What thoughts or feelings arise for you as you reflect on this? Please know we are all here with you to listen to and support. you are not alone in this.

blissfulTouch29 August 10th, 2023

Do you find it difficult to embrace your imperfections and acknowledge your strengths? What are your thoughts on self-acceptance and self-compassion? Sometimes when I am struggling with anxiety and depression I have a hard time focusing on how far I have come and knowing my strengths. I think it is good to love yourself and treat yourself as a friend.

ASilentObserver OP August 11th, 2023

@blissfulTouch29 It sounds like focusing on your strengths and progress can be difficult when anxiety and depression are high.

blissfulTouch29 August 11th, 2023


It is

politePeach9642 August 11th, 2023


Self acceptance for me is accepting how God made me. It’s hard because where I live, others have a certain idea of how one should look. For example, I want to accept my hairy legs, but I feel pressured by society to shave them.

I saw someone who proudly showed off their hairy legs, and I admire that person.

ASilentObserver OP August 11th, 2023

@politePeach9642 It sounds like accepting yourself fully is important to you. Not feeling pressured by others' expectations and embracing how you were created must be challenging at times. You deserve to feel comfortable in your own skin.

serenePineapple7180 August 11th, 2023


Do you find it difficult to embrace your imperfections and acknowledge your strengths? What are your thoughts on self-acceptance and self-compassion?

Yes, I find it difficult to embrace my imperfections as well as my strengths. I am quite a perfectionist, and my inner critic considers pretty much nothing I do to be good enough. Even though I've been doing a lot of self-work for over a decade, I still struggle with this.

Regarding self-acceptance and self-compassion, I need to work on those as well. However, over the years I've become decent at accepting what I've done in the past and showing compassion as well. But in the moment and shorter term I find it much more difficult to embrace myself as I am.

ASilentObserver OP August 14th, 2023

@serenePineapple7180 It sounds like embracing imperfections and being compassionate with yourself in the moment are ongoing challenges. Your dedication to growth is admirable. You've clearly made progress with self-compassion over time.

sociableGrapes9795 August 12th, 2023

Yes, i have noticed that it is difficult for me to acknowledge my strengths and weaknesses, and i often dwell on my mistakes for a long time. I also am not sure why, but i take constructive criticism on a personal level, even though i remind myself that it is only to help me improve myself. I want to try and have more confidence in myself and my abilities but i am not sure how.

ASilentObserver OP August 14th, 2023

@sociableGrapes9795 It sounds like acknowledging both your strengths and areas for growth can be challenging. Focusing so much on mistakes is understandable but must be draining.

NotAllHere713 August 13th, 2023

@ASilentObserver Is it difficult for me to embrace my imperfections? Some of my imperfections I have become resigned to- they are a part of me and nothing will ever change them. The majority of my imperfections I struggle with because I feel they make me less than the general population. Some are painful because they are brought up frequently. It is also difficult for me to accept compliments because I don't believe them. I am unable to perceive my strengths for the same reason.

blissfulTouch29 August 13th, 2023


you are amazing and i like reading your comment

ASilentObserver OP August 14th, 2023

@NotAllHere713 It can be difficult to embrace perceived imperfections and feel less than others. You mentioned some imperfections are brought up frequently - how does that impact your feelings?

0B August 14th, 2023

Sorta, not sure if it's gender dysphoria

ASilentObserver OP August 14th, 2023

@0B It sounds like embracing your imperfections and acknowledging your strengths can sometimes be difficult. Please share more on what's on your mind regarding gender dysphoria?

AutiBoy September 15th, 2023

I can say what I'm good at but every time I do I add something bad to it. Almost like I don't deserve a compliment. Components make me anxious and people in my real life no longer give them to me.

I found the kindness contract helpful for self-compassion and self-acceptance. A kindness contract is where I write what I want from myself in a non-judgmental no pressured way that makes failure a good thing as well.

ASilentObserver OP September 18th, 2023

@AutiBoy Thank you for sharing about using kindness contracts. It sounds like you're working on self-compassion, which can be challenging but important. You are dedicated to growth in a healthy way. Please continue being gentle and understanding with yourself. How does focusing on your strengths and achievements while also accepting any shortcomings make you feel?

AutiBoy September 26th, 2023

Short awncer

Stronger, confident, grounded, in the now, pride and focused

Long awncer

It's helpful it makes me feel stronger because I always find something to be proud of and it gives me so much confidence. It turns what used to be a spiral of self hate into a look I done this right/well and I'm going to work on this so it doesn't happen again. It helps me focus on what I can control/do to make it better rather then what's gone and done.

ASilentObserver OP September 27th, 2023

@AutiBoy Thank you for sharing about how focusing on your strengths and accomplishments helps you feel more confident and in control. It seems this approach is beneficial for your wellbeing. I'm glad you've found ways of coping that work for your situation.

Tinywhisper11 September 18th, 2023

@ASilentObserver yep embracing your imperfections is really hard. I mean like body image. It would be nice to look like a normal 22 year old girl. But my spine is broken and not completely fixable. They amputated my legs cause they become dead weights. My owners cut of half my fingers. And my body is covered in burns and whip marks and rude words cut in my body. My self image is pretty low

ASilentObserver OP September 18th, 2023

@Tinywhisper11 Thank you for sharing your story with us. Dealing with such difficult circumstances and injuries is immensely challenging. How have you worked to accept and care for yourself through this painful experience? You have shown tremendous strength and perseverance.

Tinywhisper11 September 19th, 2023

@ASilentObserver I'm very lucky I'm safe now and living in a care home. Where I get 24 hour care. Thanks to my carers and health workers, I'm slowly learning to not be so embarrased of the way I look ❤

ASilentObserver OP September 27th, 2023

@Tinywhisper11 I'm glad to hear you feel safe and cared for in your new living situation. It sounds like the support from your carers and health workers is helping you feel more comfortable with yourself. May your kindness and courage continue to grow each day.

spicyavocado3788 September 18th, 2023

This came at the perfect time!

I regularly have intrusive guilt and shame over the fact that I’m not perfect and I can’t please everyone around me. I just want to make people happy but I also rely way too heavily on external validation in order to feel accepting of myself.

That external validation is very fleeting. I wonder if building self-worth will bring longer lasting effects and help me forgive myself as easily as I forgive others. I’ll definitely be pondering this and maybe even write a bit more on it.

Thank you Obs ☺️🙌🏻💜⭐️💚🌹

ASilentObserver OP September 18th, 2023

@spicyavocado3788 It sounds like you're experiencing a lot of inner pressure to meet expectations. Building self-worth from within instead of relying on fleeting external validation could bring more lasting peace. Simply being present with how you feel in this moment may also provide comfort. What aspects of yourself would you like to appreciate more fully?

GoldenRuleJG September 18th, 2023

Yes because on one hand you can have your weakness used against you , it’s when you trust someone you are able to be vulnerable - from my own exp ❤️

ASilentObserver OP September 19th, 2023

@GoldenRuleJG It sounds like vulnerability and trust are deeply connected for you based on your own experiences. What were some of the important lessons you've learned about yourself through those experiences?

GoldenRuleJG September 19th, 2023

The things I’ve learnt are basically from childhood “Never give anyone the chance to complain about you”, “Good communication is about being good at judging the vibe of the person, having manners”. “People won’t always be honest - you cannot take peoples word for it “, “People prefer the short not the long story”. Trust is seen in similarity and how you see certain individuals interact with others; maybe a big indicator of how they may treat you ❤️

ASilentObserver OP September 27th, 2023

@GoldenRuleJG Thank you for sharing the valuable life lessons you've learned. It sounds like communication, trust, and judging situations carefully are important to you.