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Diary *Possible TW*

hillsideblues August 16th, 2020

I thought about starting a diary place to share and reflect on my feelings. I am trying to navigate through schizophrenia and ptsd and trying to not let it define me. I hope writing about it is productive for me. Any replies are welcome!!

hillsideblues OP December 5th, 2021

@mytwistedsoul a big and kind safe hug for you too if that is ok ❤️❤️❤️ Bless your heart

mytwistedsoul December 16th, 2021

@hillsideblues Hey you :) Just wanted to pop in and say hey. You've been in my thoughts and I hope things are going alittle better for you and you're settling in to this new place alittle better. I hope the people there are nicer

*leaving you a big hug* No pressure though ok? ❤️

hillsideblues OP December 17th, 2021

@mytwistedsoul very confused because of the voices. I didn't even do anything yesterday but it happened

mytwistedsoul December 17th, 2021

@hillsideblues Hey :) I'm sorry to hear you're confused ❤️ Is there anything that helps? Can you draw or color as a distraction? Or if you sing out loud - or hum - does it help silence them any? Or maybe doing a puzzle - something to help take your mind off them? Would they listen if you told them to go away until a certain time? Like being assertive with them? I'm sure it's easier said then done though

I'm sorry if I should be making these suggestions - I mean no harm ok?

hillsideblues OP December 19th, 2021

@mytwistedsoul I try it does not happen. They keep coming louder and louder everytime I say anything it happens. They say really bad things and I don't understand

mytwistedsoul December 20th, 2021

@hillsideblues I'm sorry - I'm sorry it doesn't work and that the voices say bad things. I wish there was something I could say or do to help you to stop them ❤️

hillsideblues OP December 20th, 2021

@mytwistedsoul ❤️❤️

mytwistedsoul December 20th, 2021

@hillsideblues ❤


mytwistedsoul December 21st, 2021

@mytwistedsoul I've been thinking - if you would rather I wouldn't post pictures like this - please just say ok? I won't be upset - I just sometimes don't think. I can just post them and tag you on my thread if it's better for you ok?

mytwistedsoul December 23rd, 2021

@hillsideblues I hope you don't mind. I wanted to drop off a little friend and wish you a Merry Christmas!


hillsideblues OP January 3rd, 2022

@mytwistedsoul I appreciate all your pictures. They are really cute. You are so thoughtful. You will always have a special place in my heart

hillsideblues OP January 3rd, 2022

@hillsideblues Not my heart if the worms get there first because of the signals

mytwistedsoul January 8th, 2022

@hillsideblues Hey you :) you have a special place in my heart too. You're a wonderful person Hill and I am so grateful I met you. I'm so sorry you're struggling with everything that you are right now and I hope that soon things get better ❤ sending peace and love to you - they kick worm butt every time

mytwistedsoul January 8th, 2022

@mytwistedsoul I hope that's ok to say 😬 I'm sorry if it wasn't

hillsideblues OP January 13th, 2022

@mytwistedsoul It is ok to say. You are honestly so kind. I wish and wish you get so much kindness from everywhere that you show to others. You are so kind

mytwistedsoul January 14th, 2022

@hillsideblues *sending you the biggest hug* 💙❤️

hillsideblues OP January 14th, 2022



hillsideblues OP January 14th, 2022

@mytwistedsoul I thought maybe you will like seeing this ❤️


hillsideblues OP January 14th, 2022

@hillsideblues the worms are gone for now so I was able to move but do not wake them up

mytwistedsoul January 15th, 2022

@hillsideblues Aww - this is so cute! I love it! Thank you! 💙

mytwistedsoul January 15th, 2022

@mytwistedsoul I hope you're ok and you heal quickly - please be careful 💙

hillsideblues OP January 16th, 2022

@mytwistedsoul It gets dark very quickly with the circles and I do nothing. Just waste time and time. Just like that all the days go. This is silly and such a small thing that my hands shake so much. It takes very long to do anything

mytwistedsoul January 17th, 2022

@hillsideblues Hey you :) I'm sorry your hands shake. Mine do too and you're right it takes a long time to do anything

Time passes in a blur doesn't it? How quickly the days go by and the hours

*leaving a hug for you* you're in my thoughts

hillsideblues OP January 3rd, 2022

Everything feels confusing all the time. I am not sure if things are actually this confusing it if it is just me. I always forget what I am doing or what I am going to do. I feel blank and then I cannot remember. I do not know how to fix this

I have been seeing things again. Not sure what to believe but I do not want to d*ie. The people I see (I think they are not real), they keep saying that and my heart beats so fast. They say that they will make it beat even faster until it stops. It makes me feel scared. I have this voice saying that they are they people who control the waves and signals. But this voice said before it was the shadow people and now these people. I do not understand but I do not want to d*ie

It is like a circle again. In the center of my room. On the ceiling and all those people around it. I cannot look up because I see them. It feels like my heart keeps beating faster and faster and I am not sure if they are making it to do that. I think they are

I cannot even move from my bed because of the worms in the floor. The voice said they can get inside my skin if I step on them and they will also make my heart beat faster. I do not know why the signals are after me. I cannot take this anymore that I have to worry all the time

I do not know why the signal people are after me. But no one is safe because signals can go anywhere!! I tried telling this to the nurse that she has to hide before the signals get her too. But she does not listens and she does not believes me!! It will be all my fault if something happens to her because of the signals. I am trying to warn everyone I know at the group home because I do not want the signals to get to anyone

Because of the circle and the people around it they will do something

hillsideblues OP January 7th, 2022

My doctor is trying to isolate me from others in the group home. He is blaming me that I am creating panic in the group home. I am not and I do not want anyone to panic. I want to stop myself from panicking. I only have been trying to tell everyone I know or see in the group home about the people in the circle and the signals. Because I do not want to be the reason they get to anyone and hurt them to. I do not want to create panic. I am not sure where this is going. The nurse says that it cannot come here but how do I believe that when I keep hearing it and keep getting thoughts in my head. I feel alot of physical pain but it could be just in my head

I wish my dad could visit again. I miss seeing him

hillsideblues OP January 15th, 2022

Something broke yesterday. I fell and it broke. But it is healing. The voices are quite for now. Very quite. I feel scared that something will happen because why are they quite

There is a voice who calls herself emily. Emily has been speaking things go me for so long ever since I was still a teenager. I thought it was all in my head. Maybe it is all in my head. But it is everywhere. And she always says horrible things which I do not want to hear

The people never go away and now they are going to be closer to the circle light. I cannot seem to make it all go away. I do not know where to look. Everywhere something and my mind constantly fighting trying to understand what am I seeing. I just want peace. Not this constant delusional battle or fits

My body seems to have a mind of its own because it becomes too rigid suddenly. Why aren't my medications working to help me. What is even happening. What is my future. Am I going to spend the rest of my life in this group home. If I am than I do not want this kind of life

hillsideblues OP January 16th, 2022

They do not tell you how it will be. Just scream very loudly that my head hurts

hillsideblues OP January 16th, 2022

@hillsideblues so so and so so much time and time gone. Like days and days gone

hillsideblues OP January 23rd, 2022

Bad voices again. I keep hallucinating. I don't know what I am seeing. But I cannot do this anymore. It is not the way I want to live. He should have hurt me once and for all there and then when I was a child. Then I would not be even here. It is my fault they abused me. Stuck in my own head. I am exhausted mentally. The constant headaches and involuntarily movements. I cannot even control myself. Need a nurse every time to help me move myself when I become rigid and cannot move. My mom always hated me anyways. And her ex boyfriend. I cannot even talk about him. It is my fault. I just feel like a burden on the health care system group home and a burden on my dad's time

mytwistedsoul January 23rd, 2022

@hillsideblues Hey you :) I hope you don't mind a reply and you don't have to reply back of you don't want to ok? 💙 I wish with all my heart that things would get better for you. None of this is your fault - it's not your fault they abused you - you didn't ask for it and you didn't deserve it - not one bit

I was thinking but I might have been thinking wrong and well - I have a question but you don't have to answer it ok? When things started getting worse - they had changed your meds because something with them was wrong? I might have it wrong too and I'm sorry if I shouldn't be asking - but can't they put you back on them? Things seemed better for you before they did

And I'm really really sorry if asking that or bring it up upsets you or hurts you in anyway - that's the very last thing I want

* leaving a big hug - no pressure though ok?* You are NOT a burden - not to anyone or for anything - you didn't ask for any of this and you deserve the opportunity to get better

*peace and love to you Hill❤*

hillsideblues OP January 23rd, 2022

@mytwistedsoul Thank you. This honestly means so much ❤️

I try to tell myself that it wasn't my fault. I hope I can actually believe it some day

I had a bipolar diagnosis first when I first went to see a doctor. That quickly got changed to schizophrenia diagnosis. And when I got admitted to this group home facilities, it got changed to schizophrenia with catatonia. I have had catatonia symptoms before but I think I did not recognize them as something not normal before. And I know the catatonia has increased ever since I got here. I don't know if it's because of my meds or my overall mental health

I don't understand. Sometimes I get confused with big words. So I have been trusting my doctor with it and I try to be as honest and as explainatory possible in describing my symptoms and feelings. I take mood stabilizers, anti depressants, anti psychotics. They did switch up my meds when I first got admitted here and they still continue switching them up and increasing dose. Maybe I do need to go to my original dose. No combination seems to work and I am really tired. My doctor said I might be resistant to medication and if I don't respond to drug therapy well then ECT therapy will be the next step

They have not started ECT therapy yet because of a complication with my heart. I have had couple of ECG and other tests here and it reads as abnormal. My other diagnosis is brugada syndrome. I do not have a family history of it that I know of so my doctor thinks that it is the abnormal chemicals in my brain causing my heart rate to be abnormal. Whatever mutations I have in my genes. So he took out some meds that have any risks on effecting my heart beat and replaced it with new meds. I have also gotten severely underweight

I have been getting palpitations and blackouts sometimes which are now monitored by a nurse in case I go into cardiac arrest. And I am supposed to report any dizziness immediately. But sometimes hard to make sense with the voices I hear and my tongue feels locked. I want to say something else but keep repeating. I don't understand

mytwistedsoul January 24th, 2022

@hillsideblues I think it helps sometimes to hear it from people outside of us - it's reassuring maybe - because it can be so easy to convince ourselves otherwise

Do they talk to your father about this stuff - to tell him what they're doing - things they're changing - he cares about you - so he could maybe help you understand better? Maybe there was something different you were taking when they thought it was bipolar - Idk - something that made the symptoms milder? I'm glad they're not taking any risks when it comes to your heart. Hopefully you don't lose too much weight - because that can mess things up too. Maybe you could ask your dad to bring you a treat when he visits? Something you really like? Would there be a word you could arrange with the nurses or maybe even a color you could show or point to when you feel dizzy and can't get the words out?

All this must be scary - you're so brave Hill! I hope you know that 💙

I keep you in my thoughts and I send you peace and love every day and hope that they find something that helps you feel better

*leaving you a safe gentle hug* no pressure though ok?

hillsideblues OP January 24th, 2022

@mytwistedsoul Thank you so much ❤️

I think they tell my dad. I never asked him about this. I was labelled "intellectually disabled" and " limited mental capacity" by a doctor when i first dtarted getting help. I am under a conservatorship that my dad got. Both my parents have the legal authority to make medical decisions about me. My dad is more involved. I don't think my mom really likes me because I can never be the person she wanted me to be. I was 13 when I first asked my mom if she can take me to a doctor because I was hearing and seeing things and felt scared. But my mom thought I was making up excuses to not do my school homework and never took me to any doctor then. I finally got enough courage to share it with my dad about the voices and he took me to a doctor. It was just very slow from there then because I think I wasn't completely honest because I felt so ashamed and how can I get help if I am not completely honest

I never thought of making a sign or a gesture for when I am feeling dizzy to tell the nurse. I think I will do that because it sounds easier

I do feel scared because of it all. I feel like I don't want to lose myself. It doesn't even feel like my thoughts and I get very caught up in my own head. I think. I am very afraid I will end up living my whole life stuck in my head. The heart issues scares me. Voices say that I deserve it because of my involvements in my own childhood abuse

I am sorry I began just unloading it all on here. Hugs for you too, if that's ok. I deeply wish for so many blessings for you ❤️

mytwistedsoul January 24th, 2022

@hillsideblues Please don't be sorry for talking here - this is your space and I care about you. You can talk as little or as much as you want ok? I worry that maybe I ask too many questions and I don't want to overstep or overwhelm you. I disagree with the doctor - I think you are smart. There's probably alot of things outside your control that mess with your focus - I know mine gets screwed up all the time

I'm glad you have your father in your corner and that he's involved in helping you make decisions. Maybe you could try to talk or even write to him - sometimes writing things is easier than talking - that way he knows what you're thinking too? As for your - other parent - she should enjoy you for who you are - not who she thinks you should be. Maybe if she would have done something for you sooner - and not ignored or made excuses for what you were telling her - maybe they could have done something to help sooner. It makes sense to me why you would have hesitated to tell the doctor the truth - because look what happened the first time you tried with her

I can understand that fear - tbh it's something I worry about too or something similar anyway. Your heart troubles would be really scary and I hope it gets better

Those voices are telling lies - that's not true at all. You don't deserve any of this - none of this is your fault - you were a kid and the adults in your life were supposed to take care of you and keep you safe. Its the adults that are to blame - not you

Thank you - I really needed that hug today 💙

hillsideblues OP January 27th, 2022

@mytwistedsoul Seeing shadow people again and circles so I cannot move anywhere there because it

mytwistedsoul January 28th, 2022

@hillsideblues I wish there was something we could do so that the shadow people and circles would leave you alone 💙 It's not fair that you have to deal with them

hillsideblues OP January 31st, 2022

@mytwistedsoul ❤️

mytwistedsoul January 31st, 2022

@hillsideblues Hey you :) ❤

hillsideblues OP January 31st, 2022

@mytwistedsoul I am counting all the circles on the floor. There are so many and its taking me so long but if I do this then it can be prevented

mytwistedsoul February 1st, 2022

@hillsideblues I'm sure you're doing a great job :) Is it ok to ask what it will prevent?