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Course 3, Discussion 2: Accepting and Providing Feedback

FrenchToast December 5th, 2022

If you prefer a video/audio explanation, please watch this video.

Some reasons why accepting feedback is important:

  • It helps us improve our craft/skills/ourselves

  • We become aware of our own short comings.

  • We can learn how others may perceive us.

Reasons why it can be challenging to hear constructive feedback:

  • We might associate it with who we are as a whole.

  • We may think the person giving it has lost respect for us.

  • It can hurt our ego.

The choice is yours! Are you willing to deal with discomfort for your greater good? If so then constructive feedback is an essential tool you must utilize.

Now let's see how to give feedback!

If you prefer a video/audio explanation, please watch this video.

Steps to give useful feedback:

  • Sandwich it between genuine positive feedback.

  • Don’t do it too often. Remember a person can only accept so much constructive feedback before it drains them. Use it sparingly.

  • Ask yourself what you are communicating is beneficial to the person or your own personal preference. Only provide feedback if it will help the person.

Let's practice giving constructive feedback.

This is the situation.

Username: CoffeePerson198

Positive traits: is punctual, responds in under 24 hours, cares about people and is empathetic.

Areas of improvement: Is not completing assigned task for 3 weeks, not communicating with you (the leader) why the task is not being completed.

✒️ You are a leader of the team and have been tasked with giving constructive feedback. Please draft a message of no less than two sentences using the sandwich method (praise + constructive feedback + praise).

✒️ Please reply to at least 1 of your peers in this thread with encouraging or supportive words!

After fulfilling the requirements of this post, please check out the next post here!

🔉This post is brought to you by the Leadership Development Program, find information on it here

Mahad2804 July 12th, 2023

@Jenna that is such a thoughtful and well-put-together response. I am definitely gonna steal this when I get to lead a team!

Thanks so much for sharing this with us!

Mahad2804 July 12th, 2023

Hey CoffeePerson198!

Just dropping by to check in on you, and see how you're doing.

I also wanted to take a moment to tell you how much I appreciate your punctuality and the genuine care you show towards people on our team. It really makes a difference and creates a positive atmosphere.

While going through the monthly progress report though, I've noticed that the task you were assigned hasn't been completed and I haven't been able to understand why.

It would mean a lot to me if we could have a conversation about this so that I can better support you and help overcome any obstacles.

Your commitment to our team is truly valuable, and I believe together we can find a solution that benefits everyone.

Wishing you good health, good fortune, and a good day!

Rivelino3 July 15th, 2023

@Mahad2804 Clarity with kindness while communicating. Loved it 💛

RosaHere July 22nd, 2023

@Mahad2804 Hey Mahad, that's a good way to bring it up! <3

Rivelino3 July 15th, 2023

Hi coffee !💛

I wanted to message to discuss an issue that cropped up with assignments not being completed and deadlines not being met. I hope we could discuss more regarding this so that I can understand your side of things.

You are an essential member of our team and invaluable to so many aspects that bring success to our team, I hope we can work to strengthen it even more by discussing possibilities of options such as taking less work load, anything that helps us to help you.

Hope to hear from you soon with your thoughts on the matter 💛

Gilbird July 19th, 2023


This is very well-written and concise. I think your message may come across better if you specifically list what they're doing well, in addition to everything else. Overall, great job!

Gilbird July 19th, 2023


Steps to give useful feedback:

  • Sandwich it between genuine positive feedback.

  • Don’t do it too often. Remember a person can only accept so much constructive feedback before it drains them. Use it sparingly.

  • Ask yourself what you are communicating is beneficial to the person or your own personal preference. Only provide feedback if it will help the person.

Let's practice giving constructive feedback.

This is the situation.

Username: CoffeePerson198

Positive traits: is punctual, responds in under 24 hours, cares about people and is empathetic.

Areas of improvement: Is not completing assigned task for 3 weeks, not communicating with you (the leader) why the task is not being completed.

Hey Coffee, how have you been doing lately? I haven't heard from you in a while and I just want to check in to make sure that you're doing alright. You've been doing a great job on this team so far- you're punctual, empathetic, and respond in a timely manner. Could we schedule a time to chat about the task assigned to you? We had agreed on a deadline that was 3 weeks ago, and I would really appreciate a progress update. Please let me know if you'll need any help with it, if it should be assigned to someone else, or if there's something going on in your life that is keeping you from communicating. This project needs to move forward and with your help, we can make it happen!

Please let me know what time will work for you for a quick chat and keep up the good work!

Gilbird July 19th, 2023


Hey Coffee, how have you been doing lately? I haven't heard from you in a while and I just want to check in to make sure that you're doing alright. You've been doing a great job on this team so far- you're punctual, empathetic, and respond in a timely manner. Could we schedule a time to chat about the task assigned to you? We had agreed on a deadline that was 3 weeks ago, and I would really appreciate a progress update. Please let me know if you'll need any help with it, if it should be assigned to someone else, or if there's something going on in your life that is keeping you from communicating. This project needs to move forward and with your help, we can make it happen!

Please let me know what time will work for you for a quick chat and keep up the good work!

NewYorker11 January 9th


very nice wording and examples of sandwiching praise - constructive feedback - praise (well done!)

RosaHere July 22nd, 2023

Username: CoffeePerson198

Positive traits: is punctual, responds in under 24 hours, cares about people and is empathetic.

Areas of improvement: Is not completing assigned task for 3 weeks, not communicating with you (the leader) why the task is not being completed.

✒️ You are a leader of the team and have been tasked with giving constructive feedback. Please draft a message of no less than two sentences using the sandwich method (praise + constructive feedback + praise).

Hi Coffee, how are you doing? I really hope that you're well. I'm impressed by your punctuality and response time. 24 hours is great, so well done! Also, I noted that one of your tasks is pending and that you haven't been communicating for 3 weeks; please let me know if there is anything I can do to assist you. I'm here to help. Thank you for being empathic and caring towards everyone. I really appreciate it.

DisLifeNot August 3rd, 2023

@FrenchToastClub Thank you for your post!

Username: CoffeePerson198

Positive traits: is punctual, responds in under 24 hours, cares about people and is empathetic.

Areas of improvement: Is not completing assigned task for 3 weeks, not communicating with you (the leader) why the task is not being completed.

✒️ You are a leader of the team and have been tasked with giving constructive feedback. Please draft a message of no less than two sentences using the sandwich method (praise + constructive feedback + praise).

Hi CoffeePerson198, I wanted to tell you how wonderful you are as a listener! You're always on time, reply quickly and care about everyone's feelings. Your positivity makes our team better! I noticed that a task has been unfinished for three weeks, and we haven't talked much about why. It would be super helpful if we could talk more openly so we can work together to overcome any obstacles. I believe we can do great things as a team! Thanks for being such a valuable team member <3

Artalistens August 17th, 2023

This is the situation.

Username: CoffeePerson198

Positive traits: is punctual, responds in under 24 hours, cares about people and is empathetic.

Areas of improvement: Is not completing assigned task for 3 weeks, not communicating with you (the leader) why the task is not being completed.

✒️ You are a leader of the team and have been tasked with giving constructive feedback. Please draft a message of no less than two sentences using the sandwich method (praise + constructive feedback + praise).

hello coffee! I hope you’re having a great day. I first off work like to mention that I really appreciate you taking the time to listen to others and be authentic and kind. I think that listening ear and sportsmanship is really helpful to them. On another note, I would like to know if there’s any way I can support you because I noticed the task I gave you three weeks ago isn’t complete. I wanted to know if there was anyway that you could give me an update regarding what happened with the task, so we can avoid this from happening again. Some things I want you to keep in mind is how I can support you the next time, next time you need help with something please just ask we are here to support you. You are an amazing leader, you have shown so much growth and you are a pleasure to work with. Please reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns. Keep being the amazing person you are!

lovelyApple6441 August 17th, 2023


This is the situation.

Username: CoffeePerson198

Positive traits: is punctual, responds in under 24 hours, cares about people and is empathetic.

Areas of improvement: Is not completing assigned task for 3 weeks, not communicating with you (the leader) why the task is not being completed.

✒️ You are a leader of the team and have been tasked with giving constructive feedback. Please draft a message of no less than two sentences using the sandwich method (praise + constructive feedback + praise).

Hi CoffeePerson198! Hope you're doing well. Thank you so much for the work you've been doing here on 7 Cups. I can tell you really care about people and your empathetic approach really goes a long way. I noticed you haven't completed your assigned task in the past 3 weeks, and I was wondering if there was a reason why you haven't been able to do so. If you can DM me and give me an update, that would be great! I know you're a very punctual person and I appreciate that you're always so diligent in responding to messages under 24 hours. As always, it's great speaking with you.

LightsFromDark September 11th, 2023
@lovelyApple6441 Good answer
pandanfe August 30th, 2023


This is the situation.

Username: CoffeePerson198

Positive traits: is punctual, responds in under 24 hours, cares about people and is empathetic.

Areas of improvement: Is not completing assigned task for 3 weeks, not communicating with you (the leader) why the task is not being completed.

✒️ You are a leader of the team and have been tasked with giving constructive feedback. Please draft a message of no less than two sentences using the sandwich method (praise + constructive feedback + praise).

Hi there Cofeeperson198! I wanted to express my gratitude for your caring and empathetic nature towards everyone. I also wanted to check-in about a delay in completing assigned tasks over the past 3 weeks. along with a lack of communication regarding the reasons. Are there any challenges you're facing so that we can work together to fix it? I see that you're quick in responses as well, so i'm looking forward to hear from you!

LightsFromDark September 11th, 2023

Dear CoffeePerson198, I'm so glad you're with us on the team and you're doing a good job. It's fun to see how you invest in your work, are punctual and respond quickly. Note that three weeks ago you received a task and it still hasn't been completed. We as a team need to be in sync and keep up to date with what's going on with you. I'd love to hear why you didn't do the task, and is there anything I can do to make it easier for you? Keep up the great work, your care and empathy is well felt

warmheartedCamp3360 September 22nd, 2023


Friendly and on point! Nicely written light !!🕯️

warmheartedCamp3360 September 22nd, 2023


Hi CoffeePerson198,

I want to acknowledge your excellent punctuality and responsiveness, which are truly appreciated by the team. Your caring and empathetic approach has also made a positive impact.

However, I noticed a task assigned to you hasn't been completed for three weeks, and we haven't heard why. Let's chat about it so we can get things back on track because your input is highly valued by the team.

Cheers !!

LoveMyMoonflowers September 23rd, 2023


awesome pawesome response, mitty buddy! 🧁

LOOPHOLE October 6th, 2023


Very well written.. helped me a lot. 

LoveMyMoonflowers September 23rd, 2023

Username: CoffeePerson198

Positive traits: is punctual, responds in under 24 hours, cares about people and is empathetic.

Areas of improvement: Is not completing assigned task for 3 weeks, not communicating with you (the leader) why the task is not being completed.

My response:

Hello there @CoffeePerson198! I really hope you’re well 💛 I wanted to thank you for all you’ve done for this community. I am truly grateful for your caring and empathetic nature and I hope you know that! 💛

I’ve noticed, however, that a certain task you’ve been assigned hasn’t been completed yet. I was wondering if you need any help completing it 💛 Please do let me know if you’re having any difficulties with this task, or if there are any concerns you may have. I want you to know that I’m always here for you 💛 so if you need help, please feel free to reach out to me.

Again, thank you so much for being *you*! 💛 We are so happy to have your caring, empathetic self on this team. I am looking forward to hearing from you soonsies! :3


LOOPHOLE October 6th, 2023



My repsonse:-

Hey Coffee , I hope you're doing well.

First of all i would like to thank you a lot for your work here on 7 cups , the energy you bring here is impeccable and precious. I'm here to know if you have any issues with the assignment that you were given and if there are any don't refrain from asking .. I would love to help you with that.. We are delighted to have you here. 

bestBraveheart57 October 11th, 2023


Hi, Loop. Good job, you are creative and direct on your words of choices.

bestBraveheart57 October 11th, 2023


Hello, Coffee. Can we discuss something for 5 minutes?

Coffee, I would be very grateful if you were timely, and could respond in less than 24 hours. However, in the last 3 weeks you have not completed the assigned tasks. You can communicate with me if you have difficulty with the task so that together we can solve it. Compliance with assignment deadlines is important because in team work, one task and another must be completed on time before the team can continue. You have quality that you care about others and are empathetic. I know you can improve on this. 

bestBraveheart57 October 11th, 2023



Hello, Coffee. Can we discuss something for 5 minutes?

Coffee, I am very proud on your job performance that you were punctual, and could respond in less than 24 hours. However, in the last 3 weeks you have not completed the assigned tasks. You can communicate with me if you have difficulty with the task so that together we can solve it. Compliance with assignment deadlines is important because in team work, one task and another must be completed on time before the team can continue. I know you can improve on this issue. I noticed you have qualities that you care about others and are empathetic and we need someone like you.

Grace3012 October 21st, 2023


Amazing!!! Keep going!!❤️

Grace3012 October 21st, 2023


This is the situation.

Username: CoffeePerson198

Positive traits: is punctual, responds in under 24 hours, cares about people and is empathetic. 

Areas of improvement: Is not completing assigned task for 3 weeks, not communicating with you (the leader) why the task is not being completed. 

✒️ You are a leader of the team and have been tasked with giving constructive feedback. Please draft a message of no less than two sentences using the sandwich method (praise + constructive feedback + praise). 

Heyy coffeeperson198 , i hope you are doing fine!! You have been an amazing addition to our community with the empathetic nature & your super amazing response time of less than 24 hrs. It has come under my notice that u haven't completed your task which has been assigned for 3 weeks. Is there any issues? Please feel free to communicate with me. Being open & communicative makes it easier for the community to work! Looking forward to a response from you!

ChillingRain November 10th, 2023

@Grace3012 That is a very kind way to give feedback. Well done! 

ChillingRain November 10th, 2023


Hey Coffee!... Punctuality is an important trait to have and I am glad to have witnessed your prompt responses: You possess this awesome trait. Your communication could use improvement. You have not completed task S for 3 weeks and are yet to communicate with me what challenge you are facing. It is important that we communicate our challenges with team leaders so that a solution can be found as soon as possible. You are quite the empathetic person. It warms my heart to see how much you care about others... 

8grim8 November 11th, 2023


Hello, CoffeePerson198, hope you are doing well! Your efforts on here are valuable, and I'm really happy that you have taken the time to make contributions around here. Recently I've taken notice that you are still working on your task, so if you'd like any help please message me so we can discuss further steps you can take to ensure completion. Thank you for your time on here and I'd be more than happy to lend a hand so that we can work through this together.

crypticwhisperss1 December 16th, 2023


This is an well-structed, empathetic constructive feedback! It is amazing that you can understand the person's circumstances and strive to encourage them despite their obstacles. Keep up the amazing work! 😁💪🏻

~ Xaverie

WeEarth November 17th, 2023


  • Hi CoffeePerson198, I want to acknowledge and appreciate your consistent punctuality and the quick responses. Your evident care and empathy are truly commendable. I've observed a challenge lately with tasks not being completed for three weeks, and there hasn't been communication about the reasons behind this. I understand that there might be obstacles, and I'm here to support. Let's discuss any concerns or adjustments needed to ensure we overcome this hurdle together. Your dedication to the team is valued, and I believe open communication will strengthen our collaborative efforts.
  • To my peers, your efforts are making a difference. Keep up the good work!

Shannon1996 November 19th, 2023


Username: CoffeePerson198

Positive traits: is punctual, responds in under 24 hours, cares about people and is empathetic.

Areas of improvement: Is not completing assigned task for 3 weeks, not communicating with you (the leader) why the task is not being completed.

✒️ You are a leader of the team and have been tasked with giving constructive feedback. Please draft a message of no less than two sentences using the sandwich method (praise + constructive feedback + praise).

Hello CoffeePerson198! I just thought I'd check in on you and see if you are doing okay. I'd like you to know that I really love your dedication and commitment in caring and supporting others - listeners and members alike - on this platform. I've noticed that some of your assigned tasks haven't been completed in 3 weeks and I wanted you to know that if you're having difficulty with it or you need a self care break, please just let me know and it can be arranged. You are a valued listener, and we care about you. You often put everyone else first, so if you're needing to take a self-care break, please do. You're important too. I hope you know that you make a difference and we are really grateful to have you. Take care of yourself! 

Comfortablesmile December 10th, 2023

@Shannon1996 that was a good feedback 

Kristynsmama December 3rd, 2023



coffeeperson198:  thank you so much for always being on time and for your quick response time!  If I may give you a bit of feedback about completing your tasks on time though.  It’s okay if you can’t complete them, but if you wouldn’t mind, please just let me know when they will be late.  I also really admire and value your empathy and how much you care for people.  Thank you for everything you bring to 7 cups.

Comfortablesmile December 10th, 2023

You are a leader of the team and have been tasked with giving constructive feedback. Please draft a message of no less than two sentences using the sandwich method (praise + constructive feedback + praise).



I hope you're doing great. Your commitment and dedication to this forum are really impressive. Keep up the good work.

I just noticed that you are unable to complete the assigned task for 3 weeks. If you're having any issue in doing that, please can you report back to me immediately and i will not hesitate in helping you solve it. Thank you so much for your hard work and i will love to hear from you soon!

starryCandy6123 December 13th, 2023


Your feedback, is both constructive and to the point.  you praised him, but also told him what you, feel he has not been achieving

crypticwhisperss1 December 16th, 2023


Username: CoffeePerson198

Positive traits: is punctual, responds in under 24 hours, cares about people and is empathetic.

Areas of improvement: Is not completing assigned task for 3 weeks, not communicating with you (the leader) why the task is not being completed.

✒️ You are a leader of the team and have been tasked with giving constructive feedback. Please draft a message of no less than two sentences using the sandwich method (praise + constructive feedback + praise).

Hello! I wanted to check up on you because your well-being matters to me. I wanted to take a moment to let you know how much I appreciate your positive traits as part of the team. I find your punctuality, responsiveness within 24 hours, and genuine care for others truly impressive. Your empathy shines through in the way that you interact with everyone. I am here to provide you with some feedback! Lately, I have noticed that the assigned task hasn't been completed for the past three weeks, and there hasn't been much communication about the challenges you might be facing. I understand that you might be busy or feel overwhelmed due to any responsibilities, and I am here to offer support. I want us to have a conversation about what's going on so that we can find a way to address any issues together. I want to let you know that I am sending you this because I believe in your potential, not because I want to criticize you. Thank you for your dedication and the positive contributions that you bring to our team. Have a lovely day! ✨

✒️ Please reply to at least 1 of your peers in this thread with encouraging or supportive words!

Done! 🌸

~ Xaverie

Soul576 December 28th, 2023


I loved reading your message, it was so wonderfully balanced and thoughtful!

Rosey16 December 19th, 2023


Positive traits: is punctual, responds in under 24 hours, cares about people and is empathetic.

Areas of improvement: Is not completing assigned task for 3 weeks, not communicating with you (the leader) why the task is not being completed.

 rosey16 I hope you are having a wonderful day! First of all, I want to say thank you for caring about other people and truly being supportive of them. That goes a long way and I'm proud of you for that! The next thing I'd like to bring up is the task you were given roughly three weeks ago. I wanted to ask you if there's something I should be aware of regarding the task since you haven't replied to me. If you could follow up with me, that would be lovely! Speaking about your response rate, I'm happy it's under 24 hours! Thank you so much for your work at 7 Cups and I'd love to hear from you soon!