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Course 3, Discussion 2: Accepting and Providing Feedback

FrenchToast December 5th, 2022

If you prefer a video/audio explanation, please watch this video.

Some reasons why accepting feedback is important:

  • It helps us improve our craft/skills/ourselves

  • We become aware of our own short comings.

  • We can learn how others may perceive us.

Reasons why it can be challenging to hear constructive feedback:

  • We might associate it with who we are as a whole.

  • We may think the person giving it has lost respect for us.

  • It can hurt our ego.

The choice is yours! Are you willing to deal with discomfort for your greater good? If so then constructive feedback is an essential tool you must utilize.

Now let's see how to give feedback!

If you prefer a video/audio explanation, please watch this video.

Steps to give useful feedback:

  • Sandwich it between genuine positive feedback.

  • Don’t do it too often. Remember a person can only accept so much constructive feedback before it drains them. Use it sparingly.

  • Ask yourself what you are communicating is beneficial to the person or your own personal preference. Only provide feedback if it will help the person.

Let's practice giving constructive feedback.

This is the situation.

Username: CoffeePerson198

Positive traits: is punctual, responds in under 24 hours, cares about people and is empathetic.

Areas of improvement: Is not completing assigned task for 3 weeks, not communicating with you (the leader) why the task is not being completed.

✒️ You are a leader of the team and have been tasked with giving constructive feedback. Please draft a message of no less than two sentences using the sandwich method (praise + constructive feedback + praise).

✒️ Please reply to at least 1 of your peers in this thread with encouraging or supportive words!

After fulfilling the requirements of this post, please check out the next post here!

🔉This post is brought to you by the Leadership Development Program, find information on it here

PetiteSouris March 14th

@FrenchToast @yourbuddy30

This is the situation:

Username: CoffeePerson198

Positive traits: is punctual, responds in under 24 hours, cares about people and is empathetic. 

Areas of improvement: Is not completing assigned task for 3 weeks, not communicating with you (the leader) why the task is not being completed. 

✒️ You are a leader of the team and have been tasked with giving constructive feedback. Please draft a message of no less than two sentences using the sandwich method (praise + constructive feedback + praise).  Hey there CoffeePerosn198! How are you doing today. I am, Souris, the team leader for XYZ. I want to commend you for being on time for all of your team meetings, and responding timely to all the notices regarding our meetings. I have noticed that the tasks assigned in the emails haven't been completed. CoffePerson198, though you are attending the meeting you have not been replying to me with regards the tasks in the meetings. These tasks are important to move on to the next step regarding project LMNOP. You are not communicating well with me, the team leader, in regards to why the tasks aren't complete. I feel as though you may need to work on your communication skills as well as your time management  skills. Lastly, I want to commend you on your kindness and  empathetic gestures toward our guest at the meeting. It conveys that you have really been working on the socio-emotional tasks assigned to our team. 

 ✒️ Please reply to at least 1 of your peers in this thread with encouraging or supportive words! Great use of the sandwich technique @theonlychresser


Onyx000 September 9th


good one!

daydreammemories March 18th


This is the situation.

Username: CoffeePerson198

Positive traits: is punctual, responds in under 24 hours, cares about people and is empathetic.

Areas of improvement: Is not completing assigned task for 3 weeks, not communicating with you (the leader) why the task is not being completed.

✒️ You are a leader of the team and have been tasked with giving constructive feedback. Please draft a message of no less than two sentences using the sandwich method (praise + constructive feedback + praise).

Hi coffee, hope you're doing okay. and i appreciate you getting involved in the program, as well as your sense of punctuality that's brightening our community. i wanted to discuss about the task you were assigned for, which hasnt been completed yet after three weeks. i wanted to see if there is a problem and whether i can help you out with it or not. i want you to know you can ask for guidance or hit me up anytime with questions. and im here for you : ) . im truly thankful for your presence, and helping people out. Feel free to say your opinions, and have a good day!

Renjik8013 April 13th


I love how you mentioned that they could reach out to you if they have questions! Well done!

daydreammemories April 13th



Renjik8013 April 13th

This is the situation.

Username: CoffeePerson198

Positive traits: is punctual, responds in under 24 hours, cares about people and is empathetic.

Areas of improvement: Is not completing assigned task for 3 weeks, not communicating with you (the leader) why the task is not being completed.

✒️ You are a leader of the team and have been tasked with giving constructive feedback. Please draft a message of no less than two sentences using the sandwich method (praise + constructive feedback + praise).

Hello Coffee, I hope you're doing well. I'm Renjik, the team leader for our project, and I wanted to check in with you. First of all, I want to thank you for your great work so far. You've been very punctual with all your tasks and meetings, and your dedication to helping people is truly admirable. However, I noticed that you haven't completed some of your recently assigned tasks, and I haven't heard from you in three weeks. I wanted to reach out and see if everything is okay, or if you're having trouble with something. If you need any guidance or help, please don't hesitate to ask me. I also want to remind you of the importance of communication. It's essential for any project and team to ensure smooth progress. I appreciate your kindness and commitment to the project, and I look forward to hearing back from you soon!

Ivy229 May 23rd


I liked your sample response and how warm and supportive it seemed; even while being constructive feedback 

Ivy229 May 23rd


Hi CoffeePerson198! I would like to commend you on always being punctual and responding in under 24 hours. However, I would like to point out some areas that you could improve on. You seem to be struggling to complete assigned tasks for 3 weeks, not communicating with myself as your leader, I would like to why the tasks are not being completed. Please let me know if there is a way, I can assist you. Additionally, I would like to appreciate how it is obvious you are very caring about people and exhibit signs of being empathetic. 

CaringCompanion22 August 17th

@Ivy229Hey, love the way you'd respond! 

whimsicalCloud4661 June 19th



Username: CoffeePerson198

Positive traits: is punctual, responds in under 24 hours, cares about people and is empathetic.

Areas of improvement: Is not completing assigned task for 3 weeks, not communicating with you (the leader) why the task is not being completed.

✒️ You are a leader of the team and have been tasked with giving constructive feedback. Please draft a message of no less than two sentences using the sandwich method (praise + constructive feedback + praise). 

Hi Coffee!! I hope your day is going well :) I wanted to let you know how much we appreciate your punctuality and dedication to 7Cups. I also just wanted to remind you that you have some missing assignments. It is important to communicate with me and other leaders if you have some issue regarding your tasks. We know you really care about people and want to give it your best here at 7 cups :) Thank you once again for all your work.

KristenHR June 19th


I love it.  Appreciate your write up and the use of just Coffee - I considered it but changed my mind in the end.  But it shows familiarity.

KristenHR June 19th


✒️ You are a leader of the team and have been tasked with giving constructive feedback. Please draft a message of no less than two sentences using the sandwich method (praise + constructive feedback + praise).

Hi CoffeePerson198.  I'm so glad you are part of our team.  You are so caring and punctual and it is great to see how you impact others with this.  I'd like to bring to your attention that one assignment has not yet been completed for 3 weeks and I'd like to chat about what is going on with this one assignment as it has gone on and it hasn't been an issue with any of the others.  Would you please share with me what has been happening with it?  It's an important part of our team's responsibilities.

Thank you for sharing that.  I appreciate your candor and look forward to seeing your missing assignment.  You are such a valued part of this team.  You are quick to respond in under 24 hours when we reach out to you, and you are so empathetic with members and team members you interact with.  Thank you for all that you do. I look forward to continuing to serve with you.

whattospeak July 7th


Your feedback is very well done. :)

alllrightyyyyyy July 1st


Hi CoffeePerson198,

Your prompt responses and dedication to the team are truly commendable, and your empathy towards others is always evident. However, it seems that some of your assigned tasks have been left unfinished for the past three weeks, and I haven't heard from you about the reasons why. I believe in your abilities and your commitment to the team, so I’m confident we can find a way to get back on track. Thank you for your continuous hard work and positive attitude!



This feedback is great—it’s clear, supportive, and encourages improvement while acknowledging strengths. The balance of praise and constructive advice feels motivating and respectful. Well done!



Hey CoffeePerson198! I really appreciate your punctuality and how you always respond so quickly—it's clear that you care deeply about our team and the work we do together. Your empathy and genuine concern for others are such valuable qualities. I've noticed that some of your tasks haven't been completed over the past three weeks, and I haven't heard from you about what's going on. I'm sure there must be a good reason, and I'd love to understand how I can support you better. Your quick responses and caring nature make a big difference, and I'm confident that with a bit more communication, we can tackle any challenges and keep moving forward successfully.

whattospeak July 7th


Positive traits: is punctual, responds in under 24 hours, cares about people and is empathetic.

Areas of improvement: Is not completing assigned task for 3 weeks, not communicating with you (the leader) why the task is not being completed.

✒️ You are a leader of the team and have been tasked with giving constructive feedback. Please draft a message of no less than two sentences using the sandwich method (praise + constructive feedback + praise).

Hello CoffeePerson198, I hope you are doing well in your end. I have noticed that your responses give empathy and care for the people in 7 Cups. However, It appears that you have not completed your assigned for 3 weeks. Do let me or other mentors know if there is any struggle on your end. We do appreciate your support here in 7 Cups and I would like to hear from you when you're ready. :)

Cynthialy July 10th

@FrenchToast Hi CoffeePerson198,

I really appreciate your punctuality and the empathy you show toward others on our team; it's clear that you genuinely care about people. However, I've noticed that the assigned task has not been completed for the past three weeks, and there hasn't been any communication from you about the delays. If there´s a situation that is making it hard for you to manage these tasks, I´m here to support you. 

patientShell1003 July 13th

Hello Coffee, I Hope you are having a great day. First, I want to thank you for being punctual and respond to others fastly. I see that you did not have completed your assignments for three weeks. It is really important to complete them to stay on track. I am sure that you are able to do that. Have a great day.

Damonchandio July 17th


Hi CoffeePerson198,

You're always so punctual and empathetic, which is awesome. I noticed some tasks haven't been completed for a few weeks, can we talk about that? I know you can get back on track because you always show such dedication.


Ivebutterfly July 30th

@Damonchandio Such a precise welcoming message. Well done!

Ivebutterfly July 30th

@FrenchToast You are a leader of the team and have been tasked with giving constructive feedback. Please draft a message of no less than two sentences using the sandwich method (praise + constructive feedback + praise).

Hi CoffeePerson198! I'm just checking in to see how you are? Hope you are okay. I've heard great things about you from your chats and that you are very punctual and make the users feel welcome with a fast response time. Just wondering how you are getting on with your task as you haven't updated me on your progress for 3 weeks now. So feel free to pop me a message about that. I know you are very empathic and care about the members which is such a good thing to hear. You are doing great as a listener. Hope to hear from you soon!

Noor511 August 3rd

@Ivebutterfly that's a really amazing feedback 💕

Noor511 August 3rd

@FrenchToast heyy coffee! How are you doing? I wanted to check on you i haven't seen you as much active lately hope everything is alright .

I also noticed you still haven't admitted your last assignment it's been quite a while , i hope that you would let me know of you are facing any difficulties with it I'll be more than happy to help you through it .

Lastly thanks for all your hard work , care , and welcoming towards this community your presence here made a huge difference to the better .

CaringCompanion22 August 17th

@FrenchToastUsername: CoffeePerson198

Positive traits: is punctual, responds in under 24 hours, cares about people and is empathetic.

Areas of improvement: Is not completing assigned task for 3 weeks, not communicating with you (the leader) why the task is not being completed.

✒️ You are a leader of the team and have been tasked with giving constructive feedback. Please draft a message of no less than two sentences using the sandwich method (praise + constructive feedback + praise).

Hey, I think you did really well with managing your time and I can tell you really care about people. I have noticed you're behind with your assigned tasks by 3 weeks. If there's any issues witht them, please do let me know! Otherwise, just a gentle reminder to complete them as soon as you can. Apart from that you're doing amazing.

KindleMissie August 21st


Such a good example!

KindleMissie August 21st


This is the situation.

Username: CoffeePerson198

Positive traits: is punctual, responds in under 24 hours, cares about people and is empathetic.

Areas of improvement: Is not completing assigned task for 3 weeks, not communicating with you (the leader) why the task is not being completed.

✒️ You are a leader of the team and have been tasked with giving constructive feedback. Please draft a message of no less than two sentences using the sandwich method (praise + constructive feedback + praise).

Hi CoffeePerson198,

Hope you're doing well! I wanted to express my admiration for your outstanding efforts in supporting others and spreading joy on 7 Cups. Your dedication is truly inspiring! I noticed a few tasks are pending from 3 weeks ago. Please don't hesitate to reach out if you need help or are facing challenges. I'm here to support you. Keep shining - your contributions are invaluable!

Have a wonderful day!😊

heathermarie95 August 22nd


You are a leader of the team and have been tasked with giving constructive feedback. Please draft a message of no less than two sentences using the sandwich method (praise + constructive feedback + praise).

Hello CoffeePerson198! I hope all is doing well with you. I just wanted to reach out to you and tell you that you are a job well done. You respond promptly, you are empathic, punctual and really care about others. I also wanted to mention that you are doing a good job but there a few things to work on. I have noticed you haven't been completing tasks in a timely manner. I also would like to start communication between you and I. If you feel you need an extension on a task, let me know. With that being said, keep up the great work. You are a great team member! 

hirai111 August 23rd


I love how you worded this!

hirai111 August 23rd


Hello Coffee, hope you are doing well! I truly appreciate how punctual you are in answering me in under 24 hours, but I wanted to talk to you about your tasks. I understand that you may be busy but you must communicate that with me as the leader, especially since you haven’t completed the assigned task for 3 weeks. I know you care a lot about people and are very empathetic, which are important traits that I value, and I am happy to have you on my team where we all can make a difference. I hope we can communicate about this issue further. Please respond to me as soon as you can!

Dorcas00 September 8th


I really appreciate your punctuality and how quickly you respond to communications. Your empathy and care for people are also very noticeable and valued by the team.However, I've noticed that the assigned task has not been completed since it has been pending for three weeks. It would be helpful to have more communication about any obstacles you're facing or reasons for the delay. This will enable us to offer support or adjust priorities as needed.I'm confident that with your strong work ethic and commitment, you can address this issue effectively. Let’s work together to find a solution and ensure the task is completed promptly. Please let me know how I can assist you in overcoming any challenges you're facing.

Alambo905 September 9th


That's a very well worded feedback :) 

Dorcas00 September 9th

@Alambo905 Thankyou for the feedback.

Alambo905 September 9th


Let's practice giving constructive feedback.

This is the situation.

Username: CoffeePerson198

Positive traits: is punctual, responds in under 24 hours, cares about people and is empathetic.

Areas of improvement: Is not completing assigned task for 3 weeks, not communicating with you (the leader) why the task is not being completed.

✒️ You are a leader of the team and have been tasked with giving constructive feedback. Please draft a message of no less than two sentences using the sandwich method (praise + constructive feedback + praise).

Hey there CoffeePerson198! Hope you are doing well! First of all, a big thank you to you for positively impacting our chat response time by responding to requests in under 24hrs with a warm and welcoming attitude! This truly means a lot. On that thread, I also want you to kindly update me on the task assigned that's past due 3 weeks as it's equally important to be completed. Please be assured that you can always reach out to me with whatever assistance required regarding the said. Once again thank you very much for being a highly valuable and contributing member at 7Cups. Your services are much appreciated. Have a great day ahead!

Onyx000 September 9th


You are a leader of the team and have been tasked with giving constructive feedback. Please draft a message of no less than two sentences using the sandwich method (praise + constructive feedback + praise).

 I think you’ve been doing really great at connecting with your peers. Make sure you’re introducing yourself every single time. Keep up the good work you’re making positive positive changes.