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Course 3, Discussion 2: Accepting and Providing Feedback

FrenchToast December 5th, 2022

If you prefer a video/audio explanation, please watch this video.

Some reasons why accepting feedback is important:

  • It helps us improve our craft/skills/ourselves

  • We become aware of our own short comings.

  • We can learn how others may perceive us.

Reasons why it can be challenging to hear constructive feedback:

  • We might associate it with who we are as a whole.

  • We may think the person giving it has lost respect for us.

  • It can hurt our ego.

The choice is yours! Are you willing to deal with discomfort for your greater good? If so then constructive feedback is an essential tool you must utilize.

Now let's see how to give feedback!

If you prefer a video/audio explanation, please watch this video.

Steps to give useful feedback:

  • Sandwich it between genuine positive feedback.

  • Don’t do it too often. Remember a person can only accept so much constructive feedback before it drains them. Use it sparingly.

  • Ask yourself what you are communicating is beneficial to the person or your own personal preference. Only provide feedback if it will help the person.

Let's practice giving constructive feedback.

This is the situation.

Username: CoffeePerson198

Positive traits: is punctual, responds in under 24 hours, cares about people and is empathetic.

Areas of improvement: Is not completing assigned task for 3 weeks, not communicating with you (the leader) why the task is not being completed.

✒️ You are a leader of the team and have been tasked with giving constructive feedback. Please draft a message of no less than two sentences using the sandwich method (praise + constructive feedback + praise).

✒️ Please reply to at least 1 of your peers in this thread with encouraging or supportive words!

After fulfilling the requirements of this post, please check out the next post here!

🔉This post is brought to you by the Leadership Development Program, find information on it here

iPHOENIX February 26th, 2023

@Mitanshi003 That's really nice way of giving complimenting and giving a constructive feedback 😊

Countrygirl095 February 20th

@Mitanshi003 this is a great response

iPHOENIX February 26th, 2023

This is the situation.

Username: CoffeePerson198

Positive traits: is punctual, responds in under 24 hours, cares about people, and is empathetic.

Areas of improvement: Is not completing assigned task for 3 weeks, not communicating with you (the leader) why the task is not being completed.

✒️ You are a leader of the team and have been tasked with giving constructive feedback. Please draft a message of no less than two sentences using the sandwich method (praise + constructive feedback + praise).

Hello CoffeePerson198,

I hope you are doing well, I am glad to see that you are helping people on the team and being empathetic, and I want to thank you for that. Having you on the team makes a huge difference.

And I'd like you to communicate often and let me know if you need any help, and we can work on the task you were given it also stopped me from moving on with that work. So I'd like you to work on it with me and we can figure out what is stopping you from completing it. What do you think?

EnigmaticCat24 March 1st, 2023


Awesome feedback !

EnigmaticCat24 March 1st, 2023

This is the situation.

Username: CoffeePerson198

Positive traits: is punctual, responds in under 24 hours, cares about people and is empathetic.

Areas of improvement: Is not completing assigned task for 3 weeks, not communicating with you (the leader) why the task is not being completed.

✒️ You are a leader of the team and have been tasked with giving constructive feedback. Please draft a message of no less than two sentences using the sandwich method (praise + constructive feedback + praise).

Hello coffeeperson198! I hope you are doing well. I take this as a chance to appreciate your effort to make better world by helping others. I really appreciate your punctuality and your quick responses. Those are really helpful.

However, i noticed that you have not completed the task assignend three weeks ago. I hope you will complete it soon. But if you have any difficulty regarding completing the task, feel free to share it with me. I am always here and happy to help you!

Last but not least i am proud to have you as a team member and really appreciate your care and empathy.

AvyIsKing March 7th, 2023


I know im replying to like all your posts but your answers are always so wise and well thought out <3

EnigmaticCat24 March 7th, 2023


Thank you❤. Yours are amazing toooo!

AvyIsKing March 7th, 2023

This is the situation.

Username: CoffeePerson198

Positive traits: is punctual, responds in under 24 hours, cares about people and is empathetic.

Areas of improvement: Is not completing assigned task for 3 weeks, not communicating with you (the leader) why the task is not being completed.

✒️ You are a leader of the team and have been tasked with giving constructive feedback. Please draft a message of no less than two sentences using the sandwich method (praise + constructive feedback + praise).

Hey Coffeeperson198! How are things going? I would just like to say how awesome it is that you respond as soon as you do. Punctuality is a great trait to have. I would just like to say, I noticed that you were assigned something about 3 weeks ago, and it has yet to be completed. If you have any questions, concerns, or issues, please feel free to message me! It is a pleasure working with someone as kind and empathetic as you <#

Side note: i hope i wasn't too rambly. this activity was actually very hard for me because im scared of confrontation lol

EnigmaticCat24 March 7th, 2023


Well done! Great answers❤

whimsicalCloud4661 June 19th

@AvyIsKing I like this compliment sandwich :)

Trintzu March 8th, 2023



Username: CoffeePerson198

Positive traits: is punctual, responds in under 24 hours, cares about people, and is empathetic.

Areas of improvement: Is not completing assigned task for 3 weeks, not communicating with you (the leader) why the task is not being completed.

✒️ You are a leader of the team and have been tasked with giving constructive feedback. Please draft a message of no less than two sentences using the sandwich method (praise + constructive feedback + praise).

Dear Coffee! I hope you are doing well! ❤️

I have noticed that your forum posts are very empathetic and kind, well done! We appreciate the work you do here at 7 Cups. But I have noticed that you have not completed your assigned task in over 3 weeks. Is there something happened?

If you are struggling with assigned tasks or need to take a self-care break, please inform me or another leader, so that we can make a plan to move forward.

With kind regards,


vivelespatates March 11th, 2023

@Trintzu I think its very well said! I love how you use an open question to encourage them to express themselves on it and not judge!

vivelespatates March 11th, 2023
Hi CoffeePerson! I hope you are well. Thank you a lot for all your wonderful work here on 7 Cups. I notice you are always in times for the meetings, is ponctual and keep a good response time which is very appreciated! Though I also noticed that you have not yet completing the tasks we assigned to you, for over 3 weeks, neither to communicate with me about why the task is not done. As your leader, its very important to me to know where you are in those and if you need any help or if something is bugging. Communication is important and I know we can work together! I know how you care about people and our community, and is very empathetic. Thank you so much for your dedication to our community, and I hope hear from you soon! You are important to me and the team!
FrenchMarbles March 15th, 2023

@vivelespatates good job answering the question with your words, and you did the task as well as you could. I hope you remember to reply to others. Otherwise, you won't pass the course even though it doesn't add anything to the experience other than filling words to an empty space.

vivelespatates March 24th, 2023

@FrenchMarbles I always replied to an other! ;)

FrenchMarbles March 24th, 2023

@vivelespatates Glad to hear it, haha! Look at me, I'm doing a reply back to you :o We're doing great!

vivelespatates March 24th, 2023

@FrenchMarbles we are the winners we will graduate with honors!

FrenchMarbles March 24th, 2023

@vivelespatates so exciting woo what will you do with those honors 😱

JoyHappyNess March 24th, 2023


I noticed that you highlighted the impact of non-communication on the team and that gave it an exemplary response. Good work Patates 👏👏👏

FrenchMarbles March 14th, 2023

Username: CoffeePerson198

Positive traits: is punctual, responds in under 24 hours, cares about people and is empathetic.

Areas of improvement: Is not completing assigned tasks for three weeks, not communicating with you (the leader) about why the job is not met.

✒️ You are a team leader and have been tasked with giving constructive feedback. Please draft a message of no less than two sentences using the sandwich method (praise + constructive feedback + praise).

Hi Coffee!

My name is FrenchMarbles, and I hope you're having a great day today! I thought to come here to chat over the past few weeks to make sure you're settling in okay in your role. You've attended every check-in we've had, and you've been super empathetic. However, one of the tasks we assigned you hadn't been completed for a while. Are you struggling with this? I understand that sometimes things can be overwhelming. If that is the case, we can explore how to adjust this to match our requirements. How does that sound? We appreciate you, and I hope we can move forward from this because we see so much potential with you, especially with the reviews members have left; you have a passion for listening to people.

FeureVox March 19th, 2023


Hello, it is nice to read a detailed and comprehensive answer. I hope that we all would learn from each other.

JoyHappyNess March 24th, 2023


I couldn't have phrased it better. It appreciated, showed concern, highlighted the strengths and an offer of help to improve the areas of weakness. Good job😀

April 28th, 2023


Hey French! You know I've said this in the past, but I'll say it again. You really have a way with words, and you never fail to impress me with how well you phrase stuff. Keep up the great work!! 😄


FeureVox March 16th, 2023


✒️ You are a leader of the team and have been tasked with giving constructive feedback. Please draft a message of no less than two sentences using the sandwich method (praise + constructive feedback + praise).

Hi CoffeePerson198, Thank you for being a great team player. Although your participation is well appreciated, at times, you are indulged in irrelevant discussions. It is really appreciated that you are still sparing your precious time for the community.

Heartsandrosesandpaws March 20th, 2023

Welcome coffee how are you? I hope you are doing good. First of all I want tell you that you are doing really good being on time and getting back to me in less than 24 hours. I am impressed on how much you are empathetic and how much you care about others.

However I have noticed that you did not get any work done in 3 weeks and have not communicated what’s going on that would prevent you from getting your work done. Is there anything I should be aware that is keeping you from doing. The work and I would be nice for you to flow up with me. I just want you to know I am willing to help you though what’s going on and come up with a plan so this would not happen agagin. Thanks again for being an important part of the team. Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

JoyHappyNess March 24th, 2023


Well structured 😀

bhimanyshi April 20th, 2023

yes, someone may have a skeptical attitude to this

March 22nd, 2023

Username: CoffeePerson198

Positive traits: is punctual, responds in under 24 hours, cares about people and is empathetic.

Areas of improvement: Is not completing assigned task for 3 weeks, not communicating with you (the leader) why the task is not being completed.

✒️ You are a leader of the team and have been tasked with giving constructive feedback. Please draft a message of no less than two sentences using the sandwich method (praise + constructive feedback + praise).

Hey Coffee! I'm charmingFlower, a leader with the ABC program. I just wanted to check in with you to make sure you're adapting to the new program. I've noticed that you're very punctual and responds promptly- that's awesome! I've also noticed that your assigned task is pending for a while now (3 weeks). I wanted to make sure you're not facing any issue with the task. If you're having any problem, you're free to message either me, and we will try and adjust the requirements if needed. Thank you for caring about people and being part of the team!

JoyHappyNess March 24th, 2023


Wow... Impressive feedback 😀... It felt like it came out of a place of love and not critism

JoyHappyNess March 24th, 2023


Username: CoffeePerson198

Positive traits: is punctual, responds in under 24 hours, cares about people and is empathetic.

Areas of improvement: Is not completing assigned task for 3 weeks, not communicating with you (the leader) why the task is not being completed.

✒️ You are a leader of the team and have been tasked with giving constructive feedback. Please draft a message of no less than two sentences using the sandwich method (praise + constructive feedback + praise).

How are you CoffeePerson198? I have noted from your past interactions that you are ever punctual and are very responsive; that's why I'm concerned that you have not completed this task for the past 3 weeks and have not communicated the reasons why. Are you facing any difficulties? How can I assist you in completing this task? Looking forward to hearing from you. I know that you will get back because you've always been empathetic, caring and a fast responder.

KarmaTheRascal March 24th, 2023


Very good job :)

JoyHappyNess April 20th, 2023


Thank you Rascal

CurrySoup12 March 30th, 2023

@JoyHappyNess I love that you asked if they needed assistance :D

JoyHappyNess March 31st, 2023


Thank you Curry

Rubylistens22 April 20th, 2023


This is really awesome feedback! It's so well structured yet caring and encouraging(:

JoyHappyNess April 20th, 2023


Thank you for the feedback Ruby and those kind words.

KarmaTheRascal March 24th, 2023

This is the situation.

Username: CoffeePerson198

Positive traits: is punctual, responds in under 24 hours, cares about people and is empathetic.

Areas of improvement: Is not completing assigned task for 3 weeks, not communicating with you (the leader) why the task is not being completed.

✒️ You are a leader of the team and have been tasked with giving constructive feedback. Please draft a message of no less than two sentences using the sandwich method (praise + constructive feedback + praise).

Hey CoffeePerson198,

I hope you are doing okay and if you are not please feel free to tell me what's going on. I really appreciate your hard work and dedication on 7 Cups. You are doing a great job. I have also noticed that you have not done your assigned tasks for 3 weeks, if there is anything I can do to help you please let me know. If you are struggling with the tasks or need a self- care break please let me know. Thank you <3

Kindest regards,


JoyHappyNess March 26th, 2023


The fact that you included and need a self care... Shows a caring and professional leader... 👍

CurrySoup12 March 30th, 2023


Username: CoffeePerson198

Positive traits: is punctual, responds in under 24 hours, cares about people and is empathetic.

Areas of improvement: Is not completing assigned task for 3 weeks, not communicating with you (the leader) why the task is not being completed.

✒️ You are a leader of the team and have been tasked with giving constructive feedback. Please draft a message of no less than two sentences using the sandwich method (praise + constructive feedback + praise).

@CoffeePerson198 Your care and support of <members> is empathetic and highly valued. The communication you give to other members is unbridled, and I would love to receive this level of communication in all areas of your work - especially team assignments. Continue supporting others and pursuing a high level of communication.

beyoutofullkalon March 31st, 2023


I appreciate the note of hope at the end <3