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Eva’s Crazy Mind

justmeeva January 21st

i’ve wanted to make a forum post like that for quite a while now, but never brought myself to actually make it. here i will write up all sorts of thoughts and vents, everything i need to get off my mind. it’s not gonna be positive or motivational, not even close. i personally don’t recommend reading it just because it doesn’t help lol. you’re welcome to read, replies are okay, just be aware that it’s gonna be a pretty dark place. i don’t usually ask for help despite telling everybody to. idk why. i’m not a very good example of what’s right to do. TW just in case, not planning to go that far but who knows. 

i’m making myself this space because sometimes you can feel lonely while being surrounded by a million people and that’s nobody’s fault.

best wishes to you. ❤️

justmeeva OP April 1st

they (classmates) commented on that one boy’s clothing again. again. there’s literally nothing wrong with him why do you- like what’s wrong with you? just let the poor boy exist 

justmeeva OP April 1st

i am so tired. 

justmeeva OP April 1st

mom’s in a mood again and she’s living it out on us (me) 😊

justmeeva OP April 1st

i don’t even wanna eat dinner anymore, don’t want to go back there. 

justmeeva OP April 1st

kinda wanna get away from everyone forever lol

justmeeva OP April 1st

the amount of times i’ve wished to disappear. 

justmeeva OP April 1st

be invisible. 

justmeeva OP April 1st

without all those glances from everyone. 

justmeeva OP April 1st

just like.. spectate the world sometimes lol. 

justmeeva OP April 1st

''where there once was a flame, only sparks have remained.'' 

justmeeva OP April 1st

i want to journal about my feelings and problems. i want to express myself with art. i want to write all those appreciation letters to my friends, to show them their values in my eyes. i want to have a hobby, a single one would be enough. i want to write a song about my struggles, something to completely relate to. i want to learn an instrument. i want to try to be a good student, for once. the one everyone thinks i am. i want to try to make a vent edit, to see if it works for me. i want to write stories. i want to make animations. i want to work on myself. i want to try different things. i want to find out things about me. i want to talk to someone. i want to get help. but i can't. i really just can't.

justmeeva OP April 1st

at this point, i'm just waiting for that certain day. that certain opportunity. waiting.

justmeeva OP April 1st

man i'm not in the mood for studying at all. i came across a kinda deep emotional video and i wanna keep that mood and just.. think. but as always, i don't have time.

justmeeva OP April 1st

my mom sent me this. i could only see one word there though. guess which. b8fc9317-ede0-4e24-8335-f67ae45be6b5_1712000701.jpeg

justmeeva OP April 1st

“oh but that’s so sweet, she’s not at all as horrible as you describe her!” huh? eh. you don’t understand. she’s just nice, right now. 

justmeeva OP April 1st


death seems to be the theme lately. hm.

justmeeva OP April 1st


those comments my mom makes. the comparisons. the words she uses. please no. 

justmeeva OP April 1st

literally what am i doing with my life. and why do i have it?

justmeeva OP April 1st

ok i have a break in a few weeks. i can make it to that. 

justmeeva OP April 2nd

''any questions?'' the teacher asked her students before handing out the papers. the boy labeled as 'the quiet kid' raised his hand. ''yes?'' the teacher said. ''how to get over depression?'' the boy asked. it's like every sound just disappeared from the world. the silence was loud. and long. everyone was quiet. even the teacher, who the kids thought knew everything, stayed silent. this was the boy's first attempt of asking for help, and might've just been the last.

justmeeva OP April 2nd

those ways of coping are ways of coping but they're not making anything better. but it's really okay tho, because i don't wanna be better. i can't, i won't, i tried, i failed, no more, enough. i don't have words to explain it but the ways of coping are keeping me in my *** up world and i have nothing against it.

justmeeva OP April 2nd

i've just accepted it. kind of. i stil get mad at life, i haven't made peace with it, but i accepted the fact that that's how it is. 

justmeeva OP April 2nd

it almost feels like my life is already over.

justmeeva OP April 2nd

i consider myself done.

justmeeva OP April 2nd

i'm just one big tw lol.

justmeeva OP April 2nd

feeling bad about smiling or laughing sometimes because 'if i'm generally doing *** i'm supposed to be doing *** all the time, otherwise i can't say i'm doing ***' :')

unassumingEyes April 3rd

@justmeeva yea, feels like that

justmeeva OP April 2nd

dude that the ***.

justmeeva OP April 2nd

also my mom didn't even give me my phone back that she wasn't even supposed to *** take in the first place.

justmeeva OP April 2nd

and also i..

justmeeva OP April 2nd


justmeeva OP April 2nd

the urge is just becoming stronger every day istg.

justmeeva OP April 2nd

tw don't even bother ruining your day/night reading those posts

i wanna ___ i wanna ___ i wanna___.

justmeeva OP April 2nd

wish i could just.

justmeeva OP April 2nd

literally *** everything.

justmeeva OP April 2nd

it's really not so hard you just- and that's it.

justmeeva OP April 2nd

idk what to say nothing matters anymore.

justmeeva OP April 2nd

''see you later''.

justmeeva OP April 3rd

crying in the restroom a little ❤️

justmeeva OP April 3rd

what a great start to this great day.