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Eva’s Crazy Mind

justmeeva January 21st

i’ve wanted to make a forum post like that for quite a while now, but never brought myself to actually make it. here i will write up all sorts of thoughts and vents, everything i need to get off my mind. it’s not gonna be positive or motivational, not even close. i personally don’t recommend reading it just because it doesn’t help lol. you’re welcome to read, replies are okay, just be aware that it’s gonna be a pretty dark place. i don’t usually ask for help despite telling everybody to. idk why. i’m not a very good example of what’s right to do. TW just in case, not planning to go that far but who knows. 

i’m making myself this space because sometimes you can feel lonely while being surrounded by a million people and that’s nobody’s fault.

best wishes to you. ❤️

justmeeva OP April 7th

trying not to overthink something rn. not very great in that lol. 

justmeeva OP April 7th


justmeeva OP April 7th

today’s one of those days where there’s no anger, i’m just.. broken.. and tired.. like.. get me out of here, please..

justmeeva OP April 7th

so much regret

justmeeva OP April 7th

and pain

justmeeva OP April 7th

and memories 

justmeeva OP April 7th

and realisation 

justmeeva OP April 7th

because you know how some days are just like- you wanna scream and throw *** around and everything 

justmeeva OP April 7th

but some days.. you just want to cry. to be held and comforted. to have someone telling you it’s okay. even if you both know it’s not. that kind of ***. 

justmeeva OP April 7th

and on those days, you realise how *** lonely you truly are. family doesn’t mean anything in those cases. friends.. are just not a part of your life anymore. you’re all alone..

justmeeva OP April 7th

even darkness leaves you alone for those times. 

justmeeva OP April 7th

and that, is a really lonely feeling. 

justmeeva OP April 7th

i think.. today might be the day my heart gave up too. 

justmeeva OP April 7th

i won’t seek love, or acceptance, or happiness anymore. i’ll just exist, until it’s time. 

justmeeva OP April 7th

my heart will be locked up completely, because something needs to keep it safe from this world.

justmeeva OP April 7th

but also.. i’m afraid i’m not able to love anymore. like.. at all. it’s almost like.. if you go, i won’t stop you. i want to, but i’m just too tired to. i’m sorry. 

justmeeva OP April 7th

i’m sorry i’m sorry i’m sorry. 

justmeeva OP April 7th

i’m ready.. i’m ready to go.. please..

justmeeva OP April 7th

the feeling of the heart sinking. 

justmeeva OP April 7th

i’m drowning. barely holding myself above the surface. 

justmeeva OP April 8th

being distracted is the closest thing to being okay i can do. 

justmeeva OP April 8th

“be in danger or be the danger.”

justmeeva OP April 8th

my mom almost heard something she wasn’t supposed to hear-

justmeeva OP April 8th

a song that started playing on my phone- but i turned it off within like 3 seconds so i don’t think she heard- 

justmeeva OP April 8th

justmeeva OP April 8th


am so. 


justmeeva OP April 8th

my sister saw something. 

justmeeva OP April 8th


justmeeva OP April 8th

a title of a song. which- …

justmeeva OP April 8th

the tab was open on my laptop so the name of the song was on top there. and she saw it. and she pointed it out. 

justmeeva OP April 8th

i covered it with my hands at first. then, i laughed it out. i pretended that she just saw a part of a sentence and that specific part sounded bad. i pretended to laugh about the face she made. the reaction she gave. i got away. i think. 

justmeeva OP April 8th

i’m so *** stupid i have to be more careful with *** like that

justmeeva OP April 8th

*** ***-

justmeeva OP April 8th

my brother saw it too. ..

justmeeva OP April 8th

and he said it out loud. 

justmeeva OP April 8th

thank *** god my mom didn’t come to see what he was talking about. 

justmeeva OP April 8th

that would’ve been the end of me. 

justmeeva OP April 8th

like- literally.

justmeeva OP April 8th

i think there’s only one thing in the world that like really, really triggers me. it’s nothing you see every day so it’s okay- but that.. is legit traumatic. funny thing is, it’s because of a music video. funny

justmeeva OP April 8th

literally who comes up with this ***.