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Eva’s Crazy Mind

justmeeva January 21st

i’ve wanted to make a forum post like that for quite a while now, but never brought myself to actually make it. here i will write up all sorts of thoughts and vents, everything i need to get off my mind. it’s not gonna be positive or motivational, not even close. i personally don’t recommend reading it just because it doesn’t help lol. you’re welcome to read, replies are okay, just be aware that it’s gonna be a pretty dark place. i don’t usually ask for help despite telling everybody to. idk why. i’m not a very good example of what’s right to do. TW just in case, not planning to go that far but who knows. 

i’m making myself this space because sometimes you can feel lonely while being surrounded by a million people and that’s nobody’s fault.

best wishes to you. ❤️

justmeeva OP March 27th

i wanna go but i can’t 

justmeeva OP March 27th

i’m stuck with this pain that i’ll never get rid of

justmeeva OP March 27th

and there’s no “good and bad”, there’s only *** bad, only *** pain

justmeeva OP March 27th

and that’ll never change will it

justmeeva OP March 27th

not for me

justmeeva OP March 27th

because pain is all i know 

justmeeva OP March 27th

and when i say that i’ll never be happy, it’s not me overreacting or just another part of *** depression or anything 

justmeeva OP March 27th

like i literally can not be happy

justmeeva OP March 27th

can’t even be okay

justmeeva OP March 27th

i know you don’t understand it

justmeeva OP March 27th

nobody does

justmeeva OP March 27th

and it’s nobody’s fault

justmeeva OP March 27th

but when nobody understands, nobody can help

justmeeva OP March 27th

so tell me, why the *** should i want this life?

justmeeva OP March 27th

like it?

justmeeva OP March 27th

accept it?

justmeeva OP March 27th

try to deal with it?

justmeeva OP March 27th


justmeeva OP March 27th

there’s no point. 

justmeeva OP March 27th

i tried

justmeeva OP March 27th

and see where it got me. 

justmeeva OP March 27th

i’m tired of trying

justmeeva OP March 27th

i really am

justmeeva OP March 27th

it feels like my days are counted

justmeeva OP March 27th

will i turn 15 this summer?

justmeeva OP March 27th

will i finish 9th grade?

justmeeva OP March 27th

next year

justmeeva OP March 27th

will i go on that trip me and a friend planned to go to?

justmeeva OP March 27th

will i see the winter again in a year?

justmeeva OP March 27th

will i turn 18?

justmeeva OP March 27th

as for now, i do not know. 

justmeeva OP March 27th

as for now, i honestly doubt it.

justmeeva OP March 27th

“we’ll see.”

justmeeva OP March 28th

kinda big tw.

a boy in my class broke his pen today, and then he took a sharp piece of it and started mocking the girl that cut herself in school. he didn’t do it strongly so he didn’t cut himself, it was just to make fun of the girl. it was painful to watch. then, he asked me if i cut myself. i said no. but it wasn’t an obvious kind of no. i obviously wasn’t gonna tell him, but i still hesitated. i was afraid he was gonna ask for “proof”, thank god he didn’t. but i don’t wanna be here anymore. 

LoveMyMoonflowers March 28th


he’s a bully. 😞 a big bully. people judge what they don’t understand. people hate. people hurt. that wasn’t right, what he said and did. i’m sorry such things happen in your classrooms, eva, that you witness such things and that you experience such things. it must have been scary and horrible ): 

i wish people in this world had more empathy or even tried to understand a little. i wish they would call what they don’t understand, what they haven’t experienced “crazy.” sh isn’t funny. 😞 

LoveMyMoonflowers March 28th

i wish they wouldn’t* call what they don’t understand crazy. i’m sorry. today’s typo day for me :') *smh*

justmeeva OP March 28th

today at school, this whole time i wanted to go to someone and say i need help. all those opportunities passed, and i did nothing. nobody noticed. nobody asked. i didn’t say anything but i wasn’t exactly my brightest self either. on purpose. but it doesn’t matter now. oh well. 

justmeeva OP March 28th

ohh and all the times i’ve thought about putting a note to my mom’s handbag saying “i want to talk to someone”.

justmeeva OP March 28th
a little context, my mom and i had a talk quite long ago now and she said that if i had to talk to someone (professional), she could make it happen if i wanted to. 
mytwistedsoul March 28th

@justmeeva  Hey :) I think it might be a good idea. I think it's great that she's open to the idea of you talking to someone professional. If it helps you - you know? It's worth a try - you're worth trying it. Sorry just had to add my opinion in here lol 😅