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In the Corner

unassumingEyes January 18th

Sometimes, the thoughts in my head repeat over and over and over again until I need to tell them to someone, even if noone's listening. So, this is my little corner to do that. Thoughts and thoughts and thoughts. Trigger warnings, just incase. And, @LoveMyMoonflowers, @justmeeva @DarkerPlaces and @iloveyouxx are welcome to replies. Not really comfortable with anyone else. Sorry for tagging. Be safe everyone <3

unassumingEyes OP March 10th

My netsss awful :p

unassumingEyes OP March 10th

*exists* :p

iloveyouxx March 10th


*exists too* :P we existing together :D as potatobuddies :P🥔❤️

unassumingEyes OP March 11th


Quite a good way to exist if you ask me :p 🥔🥔🥔

unassumingEyes OP March 10th

So, yikes

unassumingEyes OP March 10th

I get ignored :/

iloveyouxx March 10th


onu D: by who ? D:</lh🤍

unassumingEyes OP March 11th


By lots of ppl :p ppl cut me off when im talking a lot =D or just ignore me :0

unassumingEyes OP March 11th

Ok ppls. I really really shld study. So if u see me on cups too much do not hesitate to bonk me with a couple of baguettes 🥖🥖 Till i study :p 

okay but srsly 26 march its like i cn do this but i cnt :000000

iloveyouxx March 11th



:'3 hehe just kidding- :P🩷 and sorry about everything- I agree :'3 society can be- cruel. :/🤍 but happy your dad didn’t turn out like that..💜 even if it took a while.🤍 I gotta get home :0 I’ll be back !

unassumingEyes OP March 11th

Tw (just nonsense, rlly long nonsense)

so like. 

I feel like dad was told or u know just learnt that like its perfectly normal and okay to hit kids a couple of times its no big deal its discipline etc.

and like he didnt do that, but like there were i remember threats of being hit or like locked outside for months and stuff

and i just remember like, not caring-

like. I lied to dad, knowing that he knows im lying, without being like “oh whatll he do im making him angrier” i literally knew he knew and just kept the act up and he gave up and left the room angrily. 

Nd like he was like if u dont finish ur water at school we wont let u in and then, like, id give sm frnds my water and that turned into this whole thing where i always take an extra water bottle to school and if anyone, whoever they maybe, forgets their water bottle i give them my extra and ppl just started knowing to come and ask me if i had water xD.

and once i was rlly mad and crying at like age8 i think and he held the hair brush and said he was gonna hit me a lot if i dont stop crying and i legit had to fight of laughter while sobbing because 8year old me just found it so weird that he was acting like threatening to hit me was gonna calm me down or smth. And my sis was looking at me with a whole “pls stop crying he’s so angry” look and i just remember looking at her and thinking “what are u so worried about? If he hits me im just gonna start crying louder so he fails anyways” and i was crying the whole time but i felt like bitterly amused too and its like

he could be scary. And id get nervous but i was never scared. 

I think he maybe picked up on that and just had a whole “what am i even doing trynna scare her” thing or else like, maybe when he pulled my arm years later he decided that no, thats not a good way to teach or what, but he just stopped like with the threats and stuff and now his threats are things like cancelling a trip or smth nd im just like

huh, you know. Huh.

i think the fact i wasnt scared also like helps me trust him now. Cuz like. 6,7,8 etc year old me’s knew not to flinch at this guy raising his hand. I dont think hes gonna hurt me xD

there was the arm incident yeah i dont like it when he gets too close while angry makes me kinda aware of it but like, i dont expect any intention to hurt. His whole threats and stuff was just scare into discipline- and when that didnt work and almost reached hurt into discipline he backed off so like.

idk lol. Just, we hv a messed up society, but he turned out pretty okay anyways, and my relationship with him is pretty okay anyways, so u know. :p

unassumingEyes OP March 11th

Um uncle’s not home nd aunt’s in a bad mood nd busy but mom went to pick up sis at around 12.30 and it usually takes one hour but its 2.15 and theyre not back nd im just sitting here wondering if i shld be doing smth about that :p

unassumingEyes OP March 12th

Feel like i messed up

unassumingEyes OP March 12th

Definitely not a safe mood rn

unassumingEyes OP March 12th

My first listener wasnt bad tbh i think i just cldnt handle hving someones full attention on me 

unassumingEyes OP March 12th

Tw when i mentioned the breathing that, what feels like years ago but wasnt really that long ago, that was kinda my all or nothing. Like, i really exoected to be alone by the end of that whole..convo. It was, is, was, idk, smth kinda like shameful. Embarrassing. The kinda thing a crazy person would do. Everyone would be disgusted or scared and leave when i mention it.

only, the first time i ever mentioned it in my life, yall stayed. And when i referenced it again and again and again, yall stayed.

i still process that sometimes. I was prepared to be alone that day. To this day i am not alone. It is not smth easy to process xD

justmeeva March 12th


how could we not 🥺🩷

unassumingEyes OP March 13th

I feel like im pulling away. Talking to people who im close to suddenly isnt so natural anymore. It took me effort to message my best friend ramadan mubarak. I had what felt like an awkward convo with a cups friend on here recently too. The other day i snapped twice at my 7yr old cousin- first time she saw a hint of my anger. My friend has given me like a planner kinda thing for us to plan things together and i havent written a word in it. I push away any thoughts of it, making excuses that it doesnt matter rn, exams matter rn. Its not much but i feel like im fading back. Building all these walls around until im just a memory. But im not trynna do that u know? Its just happening and i dont rlly want it to i think 

I dont wanna come on here if it means i cnt feel like eyes anymore. I dont wanna try to help if its not me helping anymore and idk what that means but i also do and i dont like it, i dont like these walls

unassumingEyes OP March 13th

*yells into microphone* hey people!! You are loveeed!! *throws flowers 💐💐💐* 

unassumingEyes OP March 13th

Everyone in the fam that gets headaches has one today. We're all a mess of headaches trynna take care of each other and worrying bout 14yr old cousin not being able to go to smth imp if his headache doesnt go 

And 7yr old cousin chose today to get mad at 14yr old cousin and act alarmingly jealous of him



unassumingEyes OP March 13th

@unassumingEyes oop hes gonna get ready lets hope it goes well 🫨🫨 

*worries cuz its my jooob*

justmeeva March 13th


unassumingEyes OP March 14th

@unassumingEyes (it was ok. He’s tired and sleepy but okay)

unassumingEyes OP March 13th

*tw* just heard 14yr old cousin say an angry line his dad used to say

*shifts awkwardly*

Its probably just his headache making him angrier...

Parent ur kids right, parents. That line  should never have left my cousins mouth, let alone my uncle's. That line should not be common in our households. No angry words should

unassumingEyes OP March 14th



(How am i supposed to compare my achievements to my sister’s, without comparing how she can do what takes me tons of hours in a matter of minutes?)


(How am i supposed to be a leader when the world knows me as her sister and her sister only?)


(How am I supposed to feel proud of her achievements, which took some effort, when noone is proud of mine, which take so much effort, and time, and stress?)


(How can i keep the jealousy away, or under control, when all you do is compare me to her, her, her)


(How can I learn to love myself when you’re constantly trying to mold me into another her, when my teacher said im just like my sis but more shy, and said ‘shy” as though it was a defect, when my clothes are hers and my shoes are hers and my books are hers and you tried to give me her vests and i shoved em in the closet to never use and you tried to give me her school bag and i lost my temper and refused, how can I see myself as me when you see me as another her?)


(How can I stop feeling like this, and feel proud of her again, and proud of me again, and unaffected again? How can I undo all this hidden jealousy that isn’t her fault, but isn’t mine either? 

How can you yell at me that Im not allowed to compare myself to her, when that’s all you ever do?)

(She grinned at me, when i lost my temper bout the bag, and asked me if i had an “inferiority complex” teasingly. I snapped that it was about time the teachers in school learnt more about me than me being her sister. 

Despite everything, it feels like only two of my teachers ever saw me, and not another her.)

unassumingEyes OP March 14th

Tw death is the cowards way out death is the cowards way out death is the cowards way out-      

unassumingEyes OP March 14th

*dumbs, dumbly* 

unassumingEyes OP March 14th

Hm. ❤️ to eva buddy if oki

justmeeva March 14th


lots of ❤️ to eyes buddy

unassumingEyes OP March 14th

It should not be a tradition for me to be crying at 5am in bed a few days before exams but this is the 3rd time xD

unassumingEyes OP March 14th

Im tired

unassumingEyes OP March 14th

PEOPLE the lights gone and i hv the flashlight on and there is a BIG fly in the room it keeps coming infront of the flashlight i am ALONE with a BIG fly i cant SEE it it keeps attacking me-

unassumingEyes OP March 14th

My head hurts :’)

unassumingEyes OP March 14th

Life’s a game i dont know the rules of :’)

unassumingEyes OP March 14th


iloveyouxx March 14th


🩷hi lovely <3 how’re you ?🤍

unassumingEyes OP March 14th

@iloveyouxx bad day hehe :p wbu? 💕

iloveyouxx March 14th


aw I’m sorry friend :')🩷 same here hehe :P it’s okie.💜 

unassumingEyes OP March 14th

@iloveyouxx *hugs if oki*

iloveyouxx March 14th


its okie🩷 *squeezes tight*
