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Peer Appreciation Program

October 27th, 2021

We present to you Peer Appreciation Program where you can observe and appreciate good qualities in a 7cups peer. The peer could be any fellow cupser- a fellow member, a fellow listener, anyone on cups basically or yourself, yes, you can appreciate yourself as well. Read more about it Here (clickable). ❤

If you take time to observe and talk about a good quality in another, then that quality starts becoming a part of your personality.

Is that not amazing?!!

Use this form to Appreciate a fellow cupser or yourself:

Peer Appreciation Form (clickable)

The appreciation submitted through the above form will be posted in this thread!


Want to join our team? Click here to apply.

Need tips for writing an appreciation message? Check out this wonderful post by @Hope

Got questions about the program? Read the FAQ here.

Have feedback for us? Write to us in this thread. We are all ears.

Appreciated someone or yourself, And/ Or you're a smile spreader who posted an appreciation? Please share your experience by clicking here. We'd like to encourage you more.

(Sunisshiningandsoareyou last updated this thread with additional information on 03/28/2023)

CalmRosebud September 19th, 2023

Bright, thank you for making this appreciation so beautiful! Love and Courage, Tas

Sunisshiningandsoareyou September 19th, 2023
Hey hey @HeatherMarie95, you have another sweet appreciation from @GoldenRuleJG, and I'm so immensely happy to see our smile spreaders spreading smiles amongst each other too hehe!💖

Also a high five to show the true spirit of teamwork!🙏

Thank you both for being such terrifically talented and thoughtfully creative people, we are so blessed to have your beautiful presence here. Keep up the amazing work, Heather and Goldennn!💖
GoldenRuleJG September 19th, 2023

Aww beautifully done sun - I love the animations 🩵☺️

heathermarie95 September 19th, 2023

Thank you Golden and Sun! 🌞 😀

GoldenRuleJG September 20th, 2023


heathermarie95 September 20th, 2023

Hello @amicableBanana3007

You have received an appreciation from a Secret Friend from the Sharing Circle!


They also sent you a warm hug!


To Banana -

Welcome to 7Cups!

To Secret Friend -

Thank you for sending

in an appreciation.

Keep being the kind

person that you are!

Sunisshiningandsoareyou September 20th, 2023

Hey hey @GoldenRuleJG, your consistently wonderful self at appreciating people and engaging in sweet interactions is appreciated for the same by @trueconfidant123 who also sent you some flowers!💚


Thank youu for being *you*, Golden, we love having your kind presence in the community! 💚

Same goes for you too, Confiee, you've got a great ability to connect with people and I'm so glad you're a part of cups also. Keep being awesome! 💚


trueconfidant123 September 20th, 2023


Sunny buddy, 🌞 thank you 🌷 for the flowery post! You rock. 🫂

Here's some sunflowers for you ~ 🌻🌻🌻


Sunisshiningandsoareyou September 20th, 2023

@trueconfidant123 Aww I love sunflowers, thank youu!🌻❤🌻

GoldenRuleJG September 20th, 2023

Awww so sweet - beautiful post and shies away from feedback 🙈❤️

trueconfidant123 September 20th, 2023



GoldenRuleJG September 20th, 2023


Sunisshiningandsoareyou September 20th, 2023

Hey there @Coke2210, you have a generous note of gratitude from @Orca03, for being an excellent listener and part of the support initiative 7 cups! 💙


Keep being amazing, you two, it's with kind souls as yourself that this place looks, feels and becomes so much better! 💙


VictoriaLove7 September 21st, 2023


It is pretty, Sunshine! 🌞❤ The flowery background for the graphic! The letter color is red, just like the font color in the graphic! The names are in blue, so the hearts are in blue! ©️ Sunshine's original style! 🤗❤

Sunisshiningandsoareyou September 20th, 2023

Loving all these floral posts, here's another lol!🥰

@Orca03 would like to appreciate @TheMagicMystery for being an exceptional listener and caring hooman! 💓


Thank you for the breeezy communications style, Mystery, you seem like a great person to talk to, I hope you recieve the kindness you give out 1000 times more! 💓


Big ups to Orca for being ever so appreciative and thoughtful towards their peers always! 💓

Sunisshiningandsoareyou September 20th, 2023

Hey hey hey everyone's favorite @Tinywhisper11, aka Lolaabeaaann (I love how everyone's started calling you that now lol), you have two super sweet appreciations from two super loving people! 🥰

First up from @VioletVeritas 🐰❤


Click here to see a beautiful gift from Tasss!

Also some pizzaa!🍕


Next is an early Christmas wish from @Capana4u 🎄🥰


Gift from Cappy! (Click click)

Also some warm hugs from her!🤗


Thank youu Tasss and Cappy for reminding our special Lola of her specialness and for sending such loving messages and gifts! ❤

We loveee youu, Lolaaabeannn, never stop being youu! *hugsss* 🤗❤

Tinywhisper11 September 20th, 2023

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou awww tas ❤❤❤ thankyou 😁 and gizmo gives you a happy cuddle, and a nice slobbery kiss from mayo ❤❤❤❤ I love you

capana you are the most adorable person evveerrr (don't tell sunshine I said that) 😁 I loves you sooooooo much ❤❤ thankyou sweetie ❤❤

thanks sunny ❤ you made this very special for me. You are the most adorable person(winks at capana) I love you sunny ❤

Sunisshiningandsoareyou September 20th, 2023

@Tinywhisper11 hahaha *youuuu* are da most adorable everrrr!❤❤ I love you moreee!🤗❤

CalmRosebud September 20th, 2023

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou Thanks for making this Appreciation Super Special for Super Special Lola! Y'all cuties! Love and Courage, Tas

LoveMyMoonflowers September 20th, 2023
Hihi @BastionKnight

You’ve received an appreciation from @innateJoy9602


Joy also wants to give you a *high five*


Bastion thank you for your thoughtful presence here at 7cups 💜 you are greatly appreciated. Thank you for being *you*

Joy thank you for sending in this appreciation. Your presence here is so appreciated as well 💜 thank you for being a great listener here and for writing so many lovely articles 💜 keep being *you*
innateJoy9602 September 20th, 2023


Awh! It looks wonderful! Thanks for taking the time to make this Moon <3💜

LoveMyMoonflowers September 21st, 2023


I am so glad you liked it! 💜

BastionKnight September 22nd, 2023


I am honoured beyond words. Thankyou for such kindness, it is truly appreciated and has brightened my day considerably.

LoveMyMoonflowers September 23rd, 2023


I think you deserve it! 💛

Sunisshiningandsoareyou September 20th, 2023

Hey hey @VerseArt, I'm always superrr happy to see your name pop up around, this time courtesy of the appreciative hooman @trueconfidant123 your name popped on the peer appreciation dash hehe and I'm immensely grateful to share this sweet gratitude note and the champion's trophy with your champ-self! 💛


You're amazing, Verseee, so dedicated, encouraging, creative and supportive always, you deserve all the trophies in the world for being the absolute *bestest*! 💛

VerseArt September 21st, 2023

Hello @Sunisshiningandsoareyou 💛

It's always a pleasure to read your name and your amazing posts. Thank you so much for making such an awesome post appreciating everyone. You should know that we all appreciate you a lot! You are a kind soul and an awesome person. Keep smiling and shining always!! 😊

Hello @trueconfidant123 💜

Thank you so much for your kind words. It's absolutely my pleasure to be your mentor. It's beautiful to see all your insightful ideas and creative posts. It is wonderful to have you in P&G. We are so happy to have you with us and creating such amazing content. You're awesome!! 😊

Sunisshiningandsoareyou September 21st, 2023

@VerseArt Aww always a pleasant faceee around hehe!🤗💛


trueconfidant123 September 21st, 2023


Thank you so much for your kind words! 🌷

Sunisshiningandsoareyou September 21st, 2023

Hey hey my wonderful @TabbyCat97 aka Tabbb Tabbb, we have a vvv wholesome message for you from one of the most wholesomesttt people ever, yusss it's our favorite buddy @LoveMyMoonflowers hehe! 🥰


Also an awesome self-care kit! 🥰


Nii buddy, you just have the sweetest way with words, thank youuu for always filling everyone's cup with so much kindness and love. You da best! 🤗💖

Everyone loves you and cherishes you for being you, Tabb Tabbb, it's soooo important for all of us that you take care of yourself too and are good to you too, I hope you continue to show the same kindness and love to yourself also. We wuvv youu, meowgical beannn! 🤗💖


LoveMyMoonflowers September 21st, 2023


aww sweet Sun buddy 💜 thank you so much for this beautiful post 🥺💕 it’s purrrrfect! ;3


Sunisshiningandsoareyou September 21st, 2023

@LoveMyMoonflowers awww yayy! *hugggles Nii buddy*🤗💖

TabbyCat97 September 24th, 2023


Awwwee Sunnn 🥺🫂🐾 *big big hugggss* I cannot thank you enough for all you do here and how much love and possitiiviteeaaa you spread to all :’) it makes my heart melt so souuuu muchhh! Thank you for the lovely graphic and the self care one too - very very sweet as always. I hope you have some amazing self caree and look after you tooo! We love our sun buddy and we care so so much about you :3


Ohhh miiii goosshh my sweet Niiii budddyy 😭🫂 you just deserve all the world of happiness and joy and love. I always see you being so sweet and kind and caring to everyone and I want you to know I’m so so so incredibly proud of you friend. You fight and you are so strong and you reach out for support which can be so very hard to do - and I want you to know how truly proud I am of you for doing that 🥺 here for you buddy! This made me smile so much, and I promise you I will do some self caresss :3 I’ve been shopping and having lots of fun with my cousins this weekend hehe - so that was just aammaayyzziinngg!

I hope my wonderful friend gets some self care too 💜 you deserve all the amazing things and I’m sending tons of kitty power beams and calming beams :)) lots of love and kitties 🐈‍⬛ (p.s. the cats will take over soon mwhahaha)

Sunisshiningandsoareyou September 24th, 2023

@TabbyCat97 🐾🤗💜


LoveMyMoonflowers September 27th, 2023

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou @tabbycat97

*hugs sweet sun buddy and tab tabs if okay* 🥺😭🤗💜

LoveMyMoonflowers September 27th, 2023


I’m not sure why I saw this post so late 🥺😭 it must have been that tag-poofing fairrryyyy :0

i agree wholeheartedly. sun buddy @sunisshiningandsoareyou is the bestest ever 🥺💛

aww (’: thank you so much caattt budddyyy 🥺💜 im so happy you’ve been doing some self careeeesss 💕 you deserve it 🥺💜 weeee :3 shopping sounds funnnsiees! :3

eeeeeeekkkk! yusss the cat revolutionnnn! 💜💃🐾 we will never give up. they will take over soonsieeesss! :D weeeee ;3

aww 🥺💜 sending lots of kitty power beams, love and kitties right back atchaaa 🥺💜 bestest tab tabs 💕

Sunisshiningandsoareyou September 27th, 2023

@LoveMyMoonflowers you bestesttttesttt🤗💗 *juggles Nii buddy tighttt* 🤗💗

TabbyCat97 September 27th, 2023


you're so so sweet 🫂🥺💜 massivvee hugggss

LoveMyMoonflowers September 27th, 2023


*massive hugggs bacckkkk* 🥺🤗💕

Optimisticempath September 22nd, 2023

Welcome back @grimsmark8 we missed you meow much 🥺

@AnnaSilverberg has a pawesome message for you ❤


Thank you Anna for the kindness filled messages 🥰

Charlie you are really an amazing person and always spread so much cheer around, we are grateful for you 🤗🤗

Anna sent some plushies for you ☺


GrimSox September 22nd, 2023

@Optimisticempath Thank you so much Anna @AnnaSilverberg😊 It's good to be back and be welcomed so warmly immediately omg. I'm doing well. Hope you guys are doing good :D Such a cutie post, I will squeeze all these toe-beans.