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*apologizes for existing* 

"Can't come to the phone right now. Why? Cause this person does not exist!"💀 

Be kind to everyone Or at least try💗

"Stop sulking! Get over it"

"Keep your guard up always, it's the only way to survive you know anyway"

Appreciate anyone in cups (you can appreciate yourself also) by Clicking on button below🔽

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Special people: 
(if you want to be added to this you can remind me 💕) 

💫mytwistedsoul (they are the light of my life, extremely sweet and loving and kind and always so caring *loves soul)

💫amiablebunny4016 (bunweee bestie is the bestest ever, always v sweet and thoughtful 💕)

💫theriverissinging (they a vv kind listener and do amazing in cups) 
💫nonethewiser (they maybe left cups 😔 but they vv kind and supportive and always had good things to say, i hope you're well Jess) 

 I'll mention more people when I get the chance to 😅 but please if you read this, you're special already and I hope you're doing ok💕

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Talky Space for two💕
Pen Pals / by Optimisticempath
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November 26th, 2024
...See more hi everyone coming across this...hope you okiee .. curiosity is cool but spare these pen pal threads please xD no one likes their privacy being invaded right?🥺 This space is only for Optimisticempath (meee) and @Sulsulsims .... everybody else please don't read anything further ... no lurking, and upvoting too please... we'd be grateful if you can be nice about this 💕💕💕💕 (there's other forums or chatrooms you can explore🤗🤗) 
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General Support / by Optimisticempath
Last post
November 16th, 2024
...See more can use hugs.. comfort..anything at this point really.... lowkey dragged under then rock bottom again ....  tonight and ugh idk .... it's been lonely, dark and gloomy here.....😭😭😭😭😭😭
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Why cheat?
Relationship Stress / by Optimisticempath
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November 25th, 2024
...See more hi everyone...  ive been thinking of this since long and i really wanted to know more thoughts on this...please don't take this the other way.. i don't mean to judge you and will not say anything bad to you... but i want to hear from those who have cheated in their relationships.... Why? ... what made you cheat?  im really trying to understand here ... why do people cheat... why does someone say they love you and then go behind your back? people can just come clean... leave the person and the relationship... then why cheat...and then leave the relationship??! Or worse...sometimes the partner doesn't even know they are being cheated on ...😔 cheating isn't just physical... it's also emotional.... one person cannot feel the same way for two people... the romantic inclination, the spiritual attraction, the commitment ... it cannot be replicated.. so many people can be good looking or attractive in different ways but i do not think it's possible to be attracted to multiple people in the same way ... in the way of wanting a future with them ... the way of sharing life with them... the way of being there with them and growing old with them.. my brain literally cannot comprehend someone finding another person even worthy of spoiling their committed relationship over... like idk man ... cheating should be illegal... unacceptable...people shouldn't even be thinking of it.... today's times are sad sad many terrible things are normalized so much... it hurts and it's scary to even let someone in without thinking they aren't gonna ruin my perspective on love and commitment and relationships even more... hearing stories as these and seeing so much of it around.... really scares me so much i cant even explain... flares up my fears and attachment issues to next level...😔 yeah so personally i think cheating shouldn't even be a concept... but it is... so im just trying to understand what goes in the mind of the person cheating....  if someone coming across this has cheated on someone in past... or currently.... ik it's even silly of me to ask lmao because who even dares to admit such things right.... but um if it's a past experience and you can talk about it'll really be helpful.... i don't mean to judge or shame you... but I'm honestly just trying to make more sense of this....from the other perspective...because usually ... mostly perspectives from only the other side.. the one who has been cheated on ... are shared  would like to know more on what leads to it? ... what could prevent it?.. how do you feel about it later? is this something you regret or are fine with.... your thoughts on it... anything ...
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Most Positive Cupser🧐
Positivity & Gratitude / by Optimisticempath
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September 16th, 2024
...See more hi everyone 💕 I was seeing the posts in this forum and felt really nice how we have so many positive people in cups 😍 these are people who have a positive mindset and an optimistic attitude towards life no matter how hard it gets for them  these are people who you can always find smiling or sharing a laugh around here  these are people who are always busy motivating others and sending encouragement  these are people whose positvity does not feel know like sometimes it can be very nauseating to witness over positivity? idk how to put this best ...just hope that you understand what i mean😅 ... like sometimes even when someone says something happy or positive it's not easily believable ... or just seems untrue 😅 so im only talking about people who have a genuine way of expressing and who are authentic in what they believe  i think these people... they make 7 cups a more positive and warm place to be some of them I always spot around the site comforting others, replying to long posts also...appreciating and supporting everyone.. and idk if it's just me but i feel both surprised how some people have that radiating joy like aura and also vv inspired by them because they just make me feel more hopeful when I'm feeling down...and often times unknowingly because im gosh im so awkward at times and don't wanna interrupt any conversations i just notice from a distance xD and absorb their warmth a lil bit 🙈 or try to 🥺  just wanted to shout out to them ... people who spread hope around and make us smile even when things are so difficult 💕💕 it means more than anything 🥺🥺 If you also know someone like this here and want to shout out to them also then please do tag or mention them 💕💕💕 even happy looking people can use some kindness and encouragement me thinks 😅🥰  
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Eggshell okay?🐣
General Support / by Optimisticempath
Last post
November 7th, 2024
...See more Is there a word for "I'm okay but it is a fragile kind of okay so be gentle with me or I'll collapse"?  Suggestion- "I'm eggshell okay". Currently whole but easily crushed again. ------------------------- Just saw this in some meme and I relate lmao so this cracked me up 🐣🤣 (💀💀) 😭 like not even whole-whole in the right sense or really ok 😭😔 but easily crushed and an incredibly fragile mood and emotional state 💀 so we agree a lil😅 ------------------------- mhmm any other things you say when you're not really okay but don't wanna/ can't be 100% honest about it?🤔 
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Spotted 😻😻
Positivity & Gratitude / by Optimisticempath
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February 3rd
...See more kitty alert 🥰 we are pawwwsitive that you are beautiful 💕💕💕💕 yes yes you you 🥰🥰 
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General Support / by Optimisticempath
Last post
June 2nd, 2024
...See more sooooooo 💀 does someone teach you to talk? about yourself? your feelings? WITH OTHER PEOPLE??? as in when people can hear you talk about how YOU feel??😮 🤯 [do people even wanna hear??.....] ...where are people learning that? about all this talking and expressing stuff? how do people know that?? how do some people make it look easy to talk and communicate and be mature about their feelings and expression?? do you not isolate yourself and shut down when you are bothered with something instead of talking about it with the botherer?????  is that not normal to do??  do you not cry alone about stuff like this?? HOW??? day idk what number of asking what life classes did I miss smh!!!!!!! 😔
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for you 💕
Positivity & Gratitude / by Optimisticempath
Last post
June 1st, 2024
...See more v proud of you everyday 💕 keep trying your best 💕💕
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