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Peer Appreciation Program

October 27th, 2021

We present to you Peer Appreciation Program where you can observe and appreciate good qualities in a 7cups peer. The peer could be any fellow cupser- a fellow member, a fellow listener, anyone on cups basically or yourself, yes, you can appreciate yourself as well. Read more about it Here (clickable). ❤

If you take time to observe and talk about a good quality in another, then that quality starts becoming a part of your personality.

Is that not amazing?!!

Use this form to Appreciate a fellow cupser or yourself:

Peer Appreciation Form (clickable)

The appreciation submitted through the above form will be posted in this thread!


Want to join our team? Click here to apply.

Need tips for writing an appreciation message? Check out this wonderful post by @Hope

Got questions about the program? Read the FAQ here.

Have feedback for us? Write to us in this thread. We are all ears.

Appreciated someone or yourself, And/ Or you're a smile spreader who posted an appreciation? Please share your experience by clicking here. We'd like to encourage you more.

(Sunisshiningandsoareyou last updated this thread with additional information on 03/28/2023)

Elle5319 January 20th, 2023


Sorry, I just saw this. Thank you so much!

YourCaringConfidant January 15th, 2023

This special appreciation is dedicated to someone I have had the privilege of chatting with a few times--

🍫 @justHurting02 🍫

This note and graphic was made specially for you. Thank you for reaching out to me when you needed someone to chat with with. Thank you for opening up and not only sharing your feelings... but your cats, your beautiful colorings, and your virtual chocolate!

It is such a joy chatting with you, and I know sometimes I have to go shortly but thank you for being understanding when I do. 😊

I just wanted to let you know that I appreciate you and I think you are something great, Brenda. I hope nothing but the best for you and I hope I'm able to make you smile. 😉

Have an amazing day. I am sending you big *HUGS* your way, buddy!


CATastrophizing January 15th, 2023


thank you so much I feel honored

YourCaringConfidant January 15th, 2023

This message is long overdue but with that said, I feel honored that I get to be the messenger for this sweet sweet appreciation note. ☺️

@dtanushree you have been appreciated by @BlueRivercares (or someone I like to call BRC) and that must mean you are very special!

BRC thinks you possess the following qualities:

🧸 Supportive 🧸 Empathetic 🧸 Humble 🧸 Patient 🧸 Cheerful

Whoa, what beautiful qualities. It is no wonderful why BRC thinks you are a wonderful person. I suppose you truly are the kind of person once you meet one time you leave such an impact!

Thank you @dtanushree for being such a cheerful and kind person to everyone you meet. & Thank you to BRC for, well, just being you. You know we all know how you are! 😉💙

Sending big *bear hugs* to you both.


BlueRivercares January 15th, 2023

@YourCaringConfidant omggg caring thank you so much for posting looks so pretty😍

dtanushree January 15th, 2023


Awww bluuuuu💕💕 thank you so much dear for this beautiful appreciation. 🥺🥺 Sending you beams of love 💕

I'm glad we met here on cups.. you're the calmest hooman I've met!! It's my pleasure to have a friend like you ☺️

BlueRivercares January 16th, 2023

@dtanushree❤️ ❤️❤️

Sunisshiningandsoareyou January 15th, 2023

Thankyouuu, @yourcaringconfidant, you saved me a Peer Appreciation Form submission today hehe. 💜

Right when I was about to fill a form, you had submitted one already, for the same awesome hooman and for the exact same things I wanted to! 💛

The "instructions" sent with love are duly noted (also with love) and again, I hope this one comes close to your expectations also!😛

So without further adieu, let's summon that awesome hooman here.

Hey hey @Aishaa97, you received a beautiful appreciation (quite literally), made with extra love by the most creatively-gifted Desiree herself. 💜



Bigger the better~ Ice cream😛

I love reading what you write and seeing what you create always, Desiree, you are just spectacularly talented and soo giving of your gratitude. It is always visible in your interactions, and is simply heart warming to witness/ experience!💛

And and that's not all, you're also appreciated by another peer, Aisha, who is wholeheartedly in agreement with Desiree, that you are oh so sweeet, sweeter than the sweetest candy even, Yes!💛

This one be me, your new friend haha! xD


Don't hurt your eyes too much, instead click here lol.

Thankyouu for being such a warm, encouraging, helpful, kind, fun presence around. 💜

We are so grateful to know you and share the 7 cups space with you. You truly make it more meow-gical being *you*! 💛


YourCaringConfidant January 15th, 2023

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou OUTSTANDINGLY brilliant! Thank you so much for conveying how I feel about @Aishaa97 in the most beautiful way! I appreciate you for doing that for me. ♡ *hugs*

Sunisshiningandsoareyou January 15th, 2023

@YourCaringConfidant Sooo pleased to! ❤


LilacLeopard January 16th, 2023

First of all I am touched that 2 of the best 7 cups has to offer decided to appreciate me, this was completely unexpected and very much welcomed💛


Desireeeee!!!!😯Thank you so much for this!! It is an honour to be appreciated by you!! Seriously you are one of the most sweetest people I have met on here, you are just filled with so much kindness and I always see you in this thread appreciating people with some of the most amazing posts ever. Seriously I appreciate you very much, you have "filled my cup" so to say, and I am touched that you took some time out just to appreciate me, thank you for being you Desiree, hope to speak to you soon💚🌷


Forum Celebrity!!!!😉😛Omg okay I saw this yesterday morning however only had the chance to reply now, seriously this was the sweetest thing to wake up to. I absolutely love the beautiful graphics, very pleasing to look at, I love how creative you are and I deeply appreciate everything you said, seriously after reading this post I was in a very happy and cheerful mood majority of the day! Also it looks like our kindness battle is back on 😈 we will have to continue battling in our very messy but glittery/sparkly PMs😛 Hope to speak to you soon my new friend💜 🌸

Stay exactly the way you both are💖

YourCaringConfidant January 16th, 2023

This sweet appreciation note was submitted by @BlueRivercares for the very amazing @navyacai8433

@navyacai8433 You are a wonderful and strong person. You are so worthy of all the great things life has to offer. Never stop growing on the daily and continue to be the best version of yourself.

@BlueRivercares has informed me that you possess the following qualities:

💙Respectful 💚Empathetic ❤️Resilient 💛Inquisitive 💙Motivated

Wow! Look at you, you amazing person! With how you are able to possess so many qualities... it is no wonder you are such a beautiful, all around awesome person. Keep strong and keep your head held up! 💪😉

I also wanted to take the time to acknowledge BRC for taking the time to send in such sweet appreciation notes for others. BRC I hope you get back everything and more with the amount of love you are dishing out. *hugs*


BlueRivercares January 16th, 2023

@YourCaringConfidant thank you again caring :)

navyAcai8433 January 17th, 2023


This literally brought tears to my eyes. I did not expect this and it means so much to me 😭😭 thank you so so sooooo much BlueRiver! Let us continue to be a great and amazing listener and member bond.

(P.S I am just as lucky, if not more lucky to have you as my listener 🤗)

VictoriaLove7 January 16th, 2023
😊 We have an appreciation for one of our wonderful listeners:
This appreciation is submitted by @rationalVase7507


These are the qualities that @rationalVase7507 finds in you


And from me to both

@rationalVase7507 You're an amazing person for sending this appreciation. I hope you will stay kind to yourself because you matter and what you do matters.

@Dalt0kki thank you for being a wonderful listener. You are greatly appreciated.

YourCaringConfidant January 16th, 2023

You ever meet someone that's CONSTANTLY shining their rays of sunshine down on all they come across in life/the 7cups platform?

Well, that's @sunisshiningandsoareyou!

Sun is an amazing person who constantly spreads joy, encouragement, kindness, and just love in general.

With that said, this beautiful appreciation note was submitted by @sunisshiningandsoareyou for @JustMeUwU being an "amazing friend!"

Just, it is said that you possess the following qualities:

🌼Supportive 🌺Respectful 🌼Cheerful 🌺Great Communicator 🌼Emotionally Intelligent

Whoa, I can see why Sun thinks you are so amazing. 👏 I wanted to send a big thank you to the both of you for always spreading kindness on the platform and impacting the lives of so many people-- even greater than you may fully know. Plenty of hugs for both of you!


Sunisshiningandsoareyou January 17th, 2023


Aww this is beautiful, thankyou for the kind words (as always), the pretty graphic (as always) and you being you (as always). Appreciate you too much!❤

@JustmeUwU, sending much love and good vibes your way!❤

JustMeUwU January 17th, 2023

Thank you so much @Sunisshiningandsoareyou! You just made my day happier :) <3 The things also apply to you, you know?

I’m very kind to myself and I’m a lot happier than I was a few months ago, also thanks to you :) I hope you’re also kind to yourself ;)
Lots of hugs if accepted:)
Sunisshiningandsoareyou January 17th, 2023

@JustMeUwU Yay! Super happy to hear that! *lots of hugs back* <3 hug-day.gif

SparklyFly January 16th, 2023

Congratulations to @ShahAli! You are appreciated by @JustMia2020!

Shacito is agile because he knows hot to change a conversation into something positive and cheer people up, including myself.

Problem-solver - They avoid using emotional reactions to guide their decisions and collaborate with others to problem-solve together.

Innovative - They are open to new ideas and discussions.

Motivated - They are internally motivated to achieve their goals.

Cheerful - They are fun to be around, Agile - They change course as needed

_1673894199.ShahAl appreciation image to post 1-16-23.jpg

VictoriaLove7 January 17th, 2023
Hello everyone! 😊
We have a wonderful appreciation today, for one of our teen listeners: @someonewhocares7777

This appreciation is from @loyalApricot1375



From me to both:

@loyalApricot1375 you're an amazing person for giving this appreciation. Be kind to yourself too.

@someonewhocares7777 thank you for lending your ear to those who are struggling. You're appreciated.

YourCaringConfidant January 17th, 2023

I have a special appreciation note for someone I had the joy of chatting with.

I reached out to @anjana1 in hopes I could be a listening ear but who knew that by doing so, that I would benefit from it too. I am proud to say that she gave me my first smile of the day. Thank you @anjana for being able to bring joy and smiles to me even at a time when you don't necessarily feel your best!

I want you to know that you are not alone. You are very important, you matter, you are worthy and deserving to be happy. May all your stressors melt away and hopefully you did something positive and just for you. 😉

Just from the short time chatting with you I think you are really quite nice. I know you claim that you are not sociable but I couldn't tell by the big smile you gave me this morning. Thank you so much.

Hoping your day went well and that you did something sweet for you. Also, hoping that by you receiving this appreciation note and lovely graphic that I was able to return that smile!

Sending big hugs your way if that's OK!

Please click here to view image bigger.

Anjana1 January 17th, 2023

@YourCaringConfidant 😊😊😊😊thank you so so much😊😊

SparklyFly January 17th, 2023

Congratulations to @DiligentDoggie! You have been appreciated by Anonymous and shared with us that "Game innovative way to learn."

You've been appreciated for:

👉 Supportive - They are kind and helpful!

👉 Respectful - They try to make sure everyone feels respected and understood!

👉 Problem-solver - They avoid using emotional reactions to guide their decisions and collaborate with others to problem-solve together!

👉 Innovative - They are open to new ideas and discussions!

👉 Purposeful - They act with a purpose, a dream that the world can be a better place.


Click here to view the above image bigger!

Thank you for your presence on 7 Cups!

cristlecares January 18th, 2023
Heylooo beautiful cupsers🌻🌼 Hope y'all are doing well😇🍪
Cris is here today with an appreciation post wohoooo🌻🌻

The Beautiful person who's being appreciated today isssssss
@ouiCherie yayyyyyy 🎉💃🥳

And they've been appreciated by the Amazinggg @jasmineishereforu 💚💙🤩

Jasmine says that Cherie is,

💙Supportive - They are kind and helpful...
💚Coachable - They have a desire to improve...
💙Problem-solver - They avoid using emotional reactions to guide their decisions and collaborate with others to problem-solve together...

Jasmine shared a sweet message and a sweet card with Cherie🌻💙💚


Note from Cris🌻 : Cherieeee You're amazingggggg! I'm sooo happy to post this appreciation for you as you really deserve all the appreciation in the world for everything you do on cups💙 You're one of the bestest mentor, who's always there to guide and help their mentees🌻 Also one of the kindest and most supportive hooman beans I've seen on cups😄 Thank you for all your understanding and encouragement towards me! Keep being the Amazing you✨✨ *hugs* 🫂 cookiess 🍪🍪🍪

Thank you so much Jas for taking some time to appreciate your 7 cups friend😄 Your words are not just appreciation but also words of motivation for the appreciated to work harder and be their best🌻 Thank you so much for all your kindness and support towards everyone around youuuu! You're alwayss appreciated, cared and values💙 Keep shining and keep encouraging others through appreciation✨✨ Cookiesss 🍪🍪🍪

Flowers for Cherie and Jas 💐💐

Have a great day/Eve 😇💙💚
ouiCherie January 18th, 2023

Thank you Cris @cristlecares for made time for this kind project and Jas, @jasmineishereforyou you made my day! You both are wonderful people, warm and kind 💕 I'm grateful for the friendship as well! 🤗

jasishereforallofu January 18th, 2023

@ouiCherie It is my pleasure dear Cherie, thank you for this amazing post and thank you again Cherie for being there for me 😊❤️

jasishereforallofu January 18th, 2023

@cristlecares Thank you so much Chris you are amazing💐❤️

cristlecares January 18th, 2023
Heylo beautiful cupsers🌻🌼 Hope y'all are doing well😇🍪
Cris is here today with another appreciation post wohoooo🌻🌻

Sooo today we have a special appreciation not just for one person but for a Team of Amazinggggg hoomans🤩🤩

The community moderators yayyyyy🎊💃🥳

And they're appreciated by the lovely @amiablebunny4016 💙🎊💃

Commods are described to be :

🌈Supportive - They are kind and helpful
🌈Respectful - They try to make sure everyone feels respected and understood...
🌈Inquisitive - They look for and find new ways to improve and build a healthy future...
🌈Patient - They take the time to calm down before they act...
🌈Motivated - They are internally motivated to achieve their goals..

Bunny has something sweet to y'all🌈💙

Note from Cris🌻 : Thank you so much for always looking after rooms safety dearies💙✨ You guys are all amazinggggg and it's sooo fun to visit rooms when you people are around🌻 Thank you for always making us all feel welcomed, safe and warm in the rooms💃 Always stay the beautiful and amazing 'you'✨ You rockkkk💪
*Bigggg Hugs* 🤗🤗 and Cookiesss 🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪

Bunnyyyyyyy, you're one of the sweetest in here💙🌻 Thank you so much for alwaysss trying to make someone's day special and brighter by your lovely appreciations😄 You're amazinggggg! Keep being the beautiful you and Keep supporting others around you💙 *special hugs* 🫂🫂 Anddd Cookiessss 🍪🍪

Flowers for commods and Bunny 💐💐

Tagging all the lovely commods 🪄✨:
@CommunityModAaron @CommunityModAlex
@CommunityModAnne @CommunityModCharlie @CommunityModEllie @CommunityModElliot
@CommunityModJennie @CommunitymodLou
@CommunityModLynn @CommunityModEver
@CommunitymodWillow @CommunityModMeir
@CommunityModKay @CommunityModEden
@CommunityModChristine @CommunityModLucy
@CommunityModFinn @CommunityModIris

Have a great day/eve😇
amiableBunny4016 January 18th, 2023


Cris 😭 Long time no see. Thank you so so so so so so much for the beautiful post friend! I love the post. Thank you for being amazing part of PAT Team. aaa.. *gives you hugs if okay*

*gives flowers to you back*



Sunisshiningandsoareyou January 19th, 2023
Hiya @CatEyeGlasses, happy to share an appreciation for you by @HarmonyLearningHope, who appreciates you for being Resilient, Determined, Motivated, being a Problem Solver and having Growth mindset. 💛


Super proud of you, Cat, hope you take a moment to reflect on your growth as well. 💛

Thankyou, Harmony, for recognizing the strengths of your peers and encouraging them to keep moving forward ~ *you* mean a lot to cups also. 💛
CatEyeGlasses February 8th, 2023


Thank you so much! I really needed this today!

VictoriaLove7 January 19th, 2023

Hey everyone! 😊
It's a delight for me to share this special appreciation for 🌞

You've been appreciated by


These are the qualities they find in you ❤

And Jasmine sent this picture for you 🌻

From me to both 😊

@jasmineishereforu thank you for sending this well-deserved appreciation. Thank you also for being a listener, for lending an ear for those who are struggling. 💖

@sunisshiningandsoareyou You are a beautiful soul. Even the sounds of your name lights up our hearts. Thank you for everything you have done, and all that you still do for us. But most of all, thank you for being *you*. ❤

Sunisshiningandsoareyou January 20th, 2023

Omigosh! 🤧❤

@VictoriaLove7 @jasmineishereforu



Y'all really made my entire week, big loveeee and lots of hugssss! 🤗❤


jasishereforallofu January 20th, 2023

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou Aw Sunny thank you to the moon and back, you are truly one of a kind and I'm so grateful I met you 💐💙hug-day.gif

VictoriaLove7 January 20th, 2023


Sunshineee 🌞 I am reading it fast 😁 (I'll be with you always, is that correct? 😋).

The sun and the owlies (two night owls) are super cutee. I love how they wear the 'smol' sunflowers on their ears 🌻❤ and the hearts on each of them (and their balloons). So creative and so sweet. *saving the picture* 🥰

Your saying that, means a lot to me (You made my week too! ❤). And *you* mean a lot to me, more than you know and I love you too!


Sunisshiningandsoareyou January 20th, 2023
Hello @JustHumanThatsNotPerfect, you've been anonymously appreciated by your peer. 💛

They shared such a lovely note for you, which reads:

Thankyou for filling the 7 cups community with the colours of kindness, Just, you're an incredible part of the community! 💛
Sunisshiningandsoareyou January 20th, 2023

Self appreciations are my favorite to post, because someone took time to self-reflect and be kind towards themself which is truly, an amazing thing to do. 💕


Great job, @HipsterChic, you do deserve all the kindness and love, specially your own. 💕


Sunisshiningandsoareyou January 20th, 2023

Hey @hardworkingbeechwood6063, we received a sweet message for you by @GoldenNest2727 🧡 who said: "Thank you for sharing the lovely music with us in the Positivity Corner

It was a great end to my day. Thanks for being supportive to us all."

And recognizes the following qualities in you:


I agree with Nest, you're an endearing presence around always, and it's nice to see you being interactive and supportive towards your peers, Beech. 🧡 I love instrumental music also, and I've definitely added your recommendation in my playlist! 🧡

Thankyou for recognizing the opportunity to appreciate a peer, Nest, I feel many wonder where to begin appreciating people, or what for, or even a "I should know someone more before appreciating them"~ but that's not it, we can appreciate people merely by observing them, paying attention to the little things people share about themself or in general, to an appreciative eye everything is appreciation-"worthy". Thankyou for having this "eye" for appreciation, you are inspirational! 🧡

hardworkingBeechwood6063 January 20th, 2023


aww thank you so much, you made my day <3 it feels so nice to be appreciated