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Peer Appreciation Program

October 27th, 2021

We present to you Peer Appreciation Program where you can observe and appreciate good qualities in a 7cups peer. The peer could be any fellow cupser- a fellow member, a fellow listener, anyone on cups basically or yourself, yes, you can appreciate yourself as well. Read more about it Here (clickable). ❤

If you take time to observe and talk about a good quality in another, then that quality starts becoming a part of your personality.

Is that not amazing?!!

Use this form to Appreciate a fellow cupser or yourself:

Peer Appreciation Form (clickable)

The appreciation submitted through the above form will be posted in this thread!


Want to join our team? Click here to apply.

Need tips for writing an appreciation message? Check out this wonderful post by @Hope

Got questions about the program? Read the FAQ here.

Have feedback for us? Write to us in this thread. We are all ears.

Appreciated someone or yourself, And/ Or you're a smile spreader who posted an appreciation? Please share your experience by clicking here. We'd like to encourage you more.

(Sunisshiningandsoareyou last updated this thread with additional information on 03/28/2023)

theboymoana January 12th, 2023


thank you be so nice to me and say all this nicest things but make me feel better after having very worse day you are such good friend to me hope day is good and have so much happy things happen !! I’m happy get to share things happen to me with so all nice forum friends 😃😃💛

Sunisshiningandsoareyou January 12th, 2023

@theboymoana You deserve all the nicest things and all bad days turning better by the end. Happy to be your friend! 💛

LilacLeopard January 12th, 2023

Hello hello this appreciation note is dedicated to someone special who possesses the following sweet qualities:

💙Supportive 💛Respectful 💚Cheerful

@JodyThinksTooMuch You are that special somebody that @elwinthisside124 has sent in a note for. Elwin has really enjoyed seeing you around and thinks you are an absolute amazing person.

And if you ask me, I think you certainly are as well! Thank you to Jody for being the kind of person that is kind and helpful and stands out in the crowd. And big thank you (again) to Elwin for your frequent submissions of appreciation notes appreciating others. You are just soooo giving and sweet! 💚


LilacLeopard January 12th, 2023

I forgot to mention that this beautiful post was made by @CaringConfidant, they deserve all the credit just posting on their behalf due to technical issues! ❤️

YourCaringConfidant January 12th, 2023

@Aishaa97 I appreciate you for posting this on my behalf. Thank you. 😉 ♡ You have been sooo helpful!

elwinthisside124 January 12th, 2023

@Aishaa97: thank you so much for helping out disiree by posting this.

@Your caring confidant: thank you so much for this lovely post, it is simply beautiful :)

@jodythinkstoomuch: I hope this note finds you, have a great day!

JodyThinksTooMuch January 19th, 2023

@elwinthisside124 aweee elwin!! so sorry for the late response i never really do well with navigating the website but i snooped around and found this 🤍 thank you so so much you're so kind and i appreciate your presence around the gcs very much as well c:

YourCaringConfidant January 12th, 2023

Sometimes we come across people who we just know are our kind of people. That's how I feel about @Peppery94 when I came across them in the + corner the other night.

Who knew that 3 simple emojis could bring a group of people together.

Dinosaur 🦕 Skates 🛼 Potatoes 🥔

@Peppery94 I observed the following qualities to be true of you:

Kind, cheerful, and just full of life!

Thank you for being the kind of person that is a joy to be around. As I mentioned, I wanted to make you a special graphic as a gift from me to you.

Hope you love it! Have an amazing day!

Sunisshiningandsoareyou January 12th, 2023

Are you reading this currently? Then this is for *you*.💙

A gratitude note sent by @kindSoul314 for Everyone In 7 Cups, with a special shout out to mentors and listener coaches! 💙


Thankyou for this thoughtful and kind note, KindSoul, completley living upto your username hehe! Super happy to know you received great support in the community. Yay to keep doing your best and being *you*. You're so appreciated also, for being a lovely part of this beautiful community!💙


Sunisshiningandsoareyou January 12th, 2023

Hi hi @PeacefulLove7659, you're so generously been appreciated by @KK1213 for being super amazing, as reflected in their message for you. To youuu! 💗


I loved reading this, KK, glad you've found a safe space here. Thankyou for appreciating with all your heart! 💗

YourCaringConfidant January 12th, 2023

This simple but sweet appreciation post is dedicated to @godchild1010 for being special and one of a kind.

I have had the joy of being in the positivity corner with @godchild1010 to see first hand that everything @iampapaya says is true of you "in rooms".

@iampapaya thinks you possess the following qualities:

💜Supportive 💚Respectful 💛Empathetic 💙Cheerful 💚Emotionally Intelligent

Sending each of you both hugs if that's OK with you. Until the next chat, have a great one y'all!😉


GodChild1010 January 13th, 2023

How sweeeet !!!!! Thanks A lot Papaya I really appreciate it 😊❤you're the best....

VictoriaLove7 January 12th, 2023

Hey all! 😊

We have a wonderful appreciation today for @patienceimpatiens

From @recliningfate


These are the qualities that Fate finds in you:


And from me to you both:

@recliningfate you are a wonderful person. It's always a pleasure to see you here. In your calm way you have become a great support for us. I hope all the best for you.

@patienceimpatiens you always try to do the right thing. You set an example for us for taking the initiatives to keep things orderly.

PatienceImpatiens January 12th, 2023

@VictoriaLove7 @recliningfate Thank you sooo much to you two sweeties, to Vic🌈 for putting together this wonderful appreciation, and to Fate🌸 my plant friend for putting this beautiful appreciation together with all your kind words you have made this bleak winter day look so bright to me🌸🌈💕💮 Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!

VictoriaLove7 January 12th, 2023
Hey everyone! 😊

We have an amazing appreciation for

from an anonymous peer

They find these qualities in you Fate


My note for you, Fate:
Thank you for your presence. In your gentle way you have been a great support. It's always a pleasure to see you.

_1673547153.images (15) (1).jpeg
PatienceImpatiens January 12th, 2023

@VictoriaLove7 Whoever wrote this about Fate, they are 120 percent correct because Fate is a truly sweet and sensitive soul and I can always count on them to be a steady presence wherever they are 💕

YourCaringConfidant January 13th, 2023

This appreciation note was sent in by Anonymous dedicated to someone who possess the following qualities:



✈️Great Communicator

✈️Emotionally Intelligent

Sometimes we go through things and when we do seek support. That, in itself, is strength and this person is one of those people--

@communicativePlane9108 Anonymous thinks you are are a strong and beautiful person and so do I. Just by reading the note Anonymous sent for you, I am able to get an idea of the kind of person you are. With that said, you are worthy and so deserving all things great in life. I wish you happiness and healing. Keep your head up in the clouds and fly high!

You are important! Lots of love and *hugs* sent your way.

Click here to view image bigger.

VictoriaLove7 January 13th, 2023
Hey everyone! 😊
We have a wonderful appreciation for

from an anonymous peer

And these are the qualities they find in you cancun


And from me, @cancun, you're always supportive and respectful. It's always great to see you here!
Cancun January 13th, 2023


Thank you. To the person who sent this I can't tell you how much I appreciate this. Your a wonderful person too just from the kindness you've shown me. Hugest hugs ever 🤗❤🧡💛💚💙💜❤🧡💛💚💙💜❤🧡💛💚💙💜🤗

VictoriaLove7 January 13th, 2023
Hello everyone,
We have a wonderful appreciation 🎉 today sent by anonymous peer, for
@worry 🎊

Here's what they said:


Worry, they also find these qualities in you :)


From me, @worry, I've seen how you try to always be strong despite your struggles. You are supportive, respectful and you managed to not be provoked and that's what makes you strong.
Cancun January 13th, 2023


I completely agree about @worry.

worry January 18th, 2023

@Cancun <3

worry January 18th, 2023

@VictoriaLove7 Thank you so much for your wonderful post. <3

Sunisshiningandsoareyou January 13th, 2023

Hello hello @ChillinChimpanzee21, to begin with, what's with the cool username haha. I love it! ❤

I hope this post finds you chillin' because someone found you awesome enough to be recognized for being Coachable, Agile, Great communicator, Purposeful and Growth oriented. ❤


Sometimes it's hard for us to see how much we are progressing, times like these it really helps to have someone remind us kindly! Sooo here's your reminder #2 You are doing better than you think you are. The little steps always count and you got this! ❤

Thankyou, Anonymous peer, for being so thoughtful and sweet. Sending love your wonderful self's way! ❤


chillinchimpanzee21 January 18th, 2023


Thank you whoever wrote this about me it means a lot🤍 I’m really glad I saw it I needed to hear this. It definitely has been hard to see progress being made some days but I know it’s slowly coming.

gentleemperor January 13th, 2023

☀️ @Fristo ☀️

~ You've been appreciated by a Secret PAT member ☁️


They left a little something for you 💌


I hope you can see what the message says, otherwise I can paste it here or...

You can view the graphic here in a little higher resolution.


The Secret PAT member wants you to know that you're

Great Communicator - They speak with everyone’s best interest in mind, are genuine, and are open to conversation ☀️

Optimistic - They focus on cultivating positivity, to bring out the best in everyone ☀️

Purposeful - They act with a purpose, a dream that the world can be a better place ☀️

Having Growth Mindset - Instead of being stuck with an existing set of skills, they believe growth is always possible ☀️

Emotionally Intelligent - They read emotional cues and respond appropriately ☀️


@Fristo - You're an awesome human being. You're caring, inviting and creative. You always light up the room you walk into and I'll always cherish the moments we've brainstormed together in pms. I'm glad that you brought me onto the PAT team, I've met some great people and I'm proud of the work we do. Be yourself 'cause you rock! 💛

Secret PAT Member - Thank you for the peer appreciation. I couldn't agree more with your message and I found it super unique and creative. Feels like an appreciation only you could do. Thanks for always being so supportive and kind. I don't want to give away too much, but you're also so very awesome and kind. 💛

Hope you've had a good start of the new year so far! Let's continue going strong on our smile spreader journey! 💛


VictoriaLove7 January 14th, 2023
Hey all! 😊 We got another wonderful appreciation today, for one of our listeners

This appreciation was sent by an anonymous peer.
And this is what they say:



From me @Angelofheaven20, I have never interacted with you, but I am sure that being a listener is not an easy task, not all can do it. But you and all great listeners here, chose to lend your ear to those who are struggling.
NanditaB January 14th, 2023

Hi @TehyaM2319, you have been appreciated by an Anonymous peer 😛

“Hello there, hope you're doing well. It's so lovely to know when someone is doing better, even if a little, it matters and what does help even more is to recognize that. I appreciate you for taking time to notice all the good things going for you and for trying your best with the ones not so great. Sending love and good wishes your way as you continue making your life exactly as you want it to be. Know that someone believes in you, and we can grow stronger if you join me in believing in yourself also! 💛”- Anonymous peer 😛

Peer's qualities:

Resilient - They bounce back when things fall apart,

Inquisitive - They look for and find new ways to improve and build a healthy future,

Determined - They steel their resolve and keep going forward even when they feel Discouraged,

Cheerful - They are fun to be around


Click here to view the above image in better resolution.

Wish you a good day @TehyaM2319 ! 👍❤️😊

NanditaB January 14th, 2023

Red ❤️

Hi @WalkDreamer, you have been appreciated by an Anonymous peer.

“ Thanks for listening everyday” - Anonymous peer

Peer's qualities:

Supportive - They are kind and helpful


Click here to view the above image in better resolution.

Wish you a good day @WalkDreamer ! 👍

CosmicMiracle January 14th, 2023

* calms self *

* shakes hands, shoulders, legs, and feet *

* jumps up and down while bending neck left and right *

* walks toward the centre of the stage *

* holds mic *

* i sing for you *


❤️💛🧡 ❤️💛🧡 ❤️💛🧡 ❤️💛🧡 ❤️💛🧡

❤️💛🧡 ❤️💛🧡 ❤️💛🧡 ❤️💛🧡 ❤️💛🧡 @SparkyGizmo ❤️💛🧡 ❤️💛🧡 ❤️💛🧡 ❤️💛🧡 ❤️💛🧡

❤️💛🧡 ❤️💛🧡 ❤️💛🧡 ❤️💛🧡 ❤️💛🧡


Supportive - They are kind and helpful
Respectful - They try to make sure everyone feels respected and understood
Great Communicator - They speak with everyone’s best interest in mind, are genuine, and are open to conversation
Optimistic - They focus on cultivating positivity, to bring out the best in everyone
Purposeful - They act with a purpose, a dream that the world can be a better place


"Gizmo you are just a wonderful person you know that? When you are in lsr you just light up the whole room with your beautiful presence. You are one of the kindest and most genuine listeners on here and 7 cups is very luck you are apart of the community. The other day I just saw you supportive and encouraging a listener in the chatroom and it warmed my heart to see such wonderful displays of support and kindness. From the day I first met you in the chatroom you stood out to me because you are just so kind and real and that is hard to come by. You are also able to see the positive in everyone and you always have something nice to say to everyone you meet. I am glad that you are a listener here on 7 cups, you have been very welcoming towards me and I appreciate you and I am sure you have positively impacted many other listeners on here. Not to much your members who are so privileged to have a listener such as yourself supporting them. Thank you for being apart of 7 cups, keep on shining!!"


They sent you a gift, too :)

Click here


Thank you, anonymous peer, for appreciating Sparky :) Gizmo isn't the only one that shines brightly in 7Cups, it's also you. Thank you for being an equally brilliant part of our community :)

And to Sparky! OMG, what can I say except apologies that it took some time before this was posted.

Thank you for being one of the most beautiful melodious songs that I ever come across in my life. Your amazing mind shines and your incredible heart sings; and the most beautiful part of you is the rare soul who never fails to choose to believe in the best and live the positive regardless of what life throws your way.

You are loved :)

For you both, I dedicate this song: Come to Your Senses by Alexandra Shipp and Vanessa Hudgens from Tick Tick Boom :) it's originally a love song, but when you listen to the lyrics, it talks about grounding one's self and bringing them back from bouts of anxiety and depression.

Thank you both for making a lot of people here come to their senses and become alive again <3


SparkyGizmo January 14th, 2023


Hi Cos! 😊❤️ I really cannot thank you enough for creating this beautiful post for me! ❤️ Gosh, talk about taking it alllllllllllll the way! I can see the time that you spent on this for me and how much you care about me as a human being and as your teammate!❤️ I am so very grateful for you!

This for me is a true work of art and I love the gifs, your beautiful words as well as the song. And you know, I love how you came back full circle with *sing* ❤️❤️❤️ I've been thinking about how to put that gift from you to me on my profile page, how to phrase it, what to say as I still think about that amazing gift! I think *sing* belongs there! You and I will know what it means and the song that you dedicated to me is a badge! ❤️ I'm sure you know what this would do to me. Yup, the tears are flowing and in the most amazing way thanks to you and this incredible person, whomever they may be, that chose to appreciate me today! 😊❤️

Cos, thank you again for being who you are, being such an amazing friend, teammate and all that you to for our community!

*high fives* 😊 and big *hugs* ❤️

Hi my wonderful Anonymous Appreciator! 😊❤️ Thank so very much my friend! Thank you for "seeing me", thank you for seeing the value in me, thank you for noticing my efforts as well as noticing that I am someone that tries to walk a path of authenticity. ❤️ Thank you for seeing the goodness in me and you being able to see that in me is truly a reflection of you! 😊 I know you have so much goodness in you, to even be able to see, even a bit of it in me! ❤️❤️❤️

Your words are truly beautiful and very impactful. I promise you, I shed quite a few tears here this morning reading this but the good kind of ones 😊 I know this took time and effort on your part! I am so grateful that you took your valuable time and chose to appreciate me! ❤️

I have what I call "gratitude moments" at the end of each day. My next promise to you, is that you will be counted in them today! You along with Cos! So incredibly grateful for you both! Thank you for helping to fill up my cup today! I will use it, in turn, to try and help to fill up the cup of others! 😊❤️

*high fives* 😊 big *hugs* ❤️ And stay great my wonderful friend! 😊

Sunisshiningandsoareyou January 14th, 2023

Thankyou @HarmonyLearningHope for appreciating @Cancun, who truly is one of the most compassionate, endearing and supportive presence around!💛

A message for you, Can! Keep being wonderful always, your presence is greatly cherished by the community!💛


Always so appreciative and helpful. Keep being you too, Harmony, you're always a great encouragement to be around! Thank*you* for everything you do also!💛

Cancun January 14th, 2023


Thank you. I really needed this this morning more than you will ever know. I'm very grateful to you for supporting me when I host. It means alot to us hosts to have someone in our corner who sees and understands how hard hosting can be. Super huge gigantic hugs. Your my hero. Thank you


Sunisshiningandsoareyou January 14th, 2023

🌻 @1sunflower1 🌻

Summoning you for a lovely lovely note, by the amazing @Yourcaringconfidant. 🧡


You're indeed such a sunny, bright, positive and cheerful company, Flower. Love seeing you around also! 🧡

Desiree, whether that be using your words or graphics, you have the knack to *beautify* things, and make people feel so special. Thank*you* for being a gift to humankind! 🧡


1Sunflower1 January 14th, 2023


Thanks for making such a beautiful post.

And Desiree, you are the bestest and kindest. Thanks for appreciation.

Sunisshiningandsoareyou January 14th, 2023

Hiya @resourcefulLove1741, you're anonymously appreciated because someone thinks, that you are:

🧡Empathetic - They look to understand and share the feelings of another,

🧡Resilient - They bounce back when things fall apart,

🧡Patient - They take the time to calm down before they act,

🧡Determined - They steel their resolve and keep going forward even when they feel discouraged, and

🧡Cheerful - They are fun to be around


So many wonderful qualities to have. Guess we can just settle on the fact that you are amazing! 🧡

JasmineFlower222 January 14th, 2023

Wow @TabbyCat97 someone appreciated you for how amazing you truly are ❤️❤️❤️ 🐈

_1673713159.The peer is accountable because she was always there when I needed her most.png

YourCaringConfidant January 14th, 2023

This special appreciation note is from @godchild1010 and is dedicated to someone who frequently graces us with their presence in the positivity corner...


The other day @iampapaya sent an appreciation note for @godchild1010 and now they have reciprocated. Now how sweet is that to know that the person you appreciate appreciates you back? That is just sooo sweet.

@iampapaya it is said you possess the following qualities:

💚Supportive 💚Respectful 💚Empathetic 💚Cheerful 💚Optimistic

And just being the observer I am, I totally agree with that. Your presence in the positivity corner, or any room for that matter, is always a joy. Thank you for always being a friendly face and being there for. @godchild1010 the same is true for you. It is always a pleasure chatting with you in passing.

I wish you both a lovely day. Until next time... stay smiling, friends. 😁


gentleemperor January 14th, 2023

🦄 @fantasticRainbows7215 🦄

~ You've been appreciated by @tealChestnut6477 🌱


Chestnut left you a message 💌


You can view the graphic here in a higher resolution if you want.


Chestnut also wanted you to know that they think your are 🌱

Supportive - They are kind and helpful

Respectful - They try to make sure everyone feels respected and understood

Empathetic - They look to understand and share the feelings of another

Optimistic - They focus on cultivating positivity, to bring out the best in everyone

Purposeful - They act with a purpose, a dream that the world can be a better place


Rainbow ~ I'm glad to be sharing some appreciation your way. Thanks for being a listener in this community. You seem to be doing a wonderful job supporting your peers. Keep up the good work and I wish you all the best! 💚

Chestnut ~ Hey Chestnut, thank you for being here and for appreciating your peer. I'm glad that you felt supported and got listened to in a respectful way. It's not always easy to reach out and I hope many good things will come to you this year. 💚


VictoriaLove7 January 15th, 2023
Hey all! 😊
We have a wonderful appreciation today from @harmonyLearninghope for


And these are the qualities that Harmony finds in you


From me to both

@harmonyLearninghope You are a wonderful person for giving this appreciation. I hope to see you more in rooms.

@elle5319 You are appreciated for taking up responsibility and keep things orderly.