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Depression Community - How do you actually feel today?

Laura December 2nd, 2014

Let us know in 1-3 sentences. Post every day!

PoppedBubbles90 January 5th, 2017

I feel like I'm a good man,who has problems that aren't under control, but they are not my fault. I feel like life in general and me being happy are not a compatible match. But I'm very grateful for the things I do have,which isn't much but they are enough for me.

staywithyou January 8th, 2017

I feel greatful and happy looking at the snowing world! Everthing is so clean, white, and pure. :D

Shadeshack January 8th, 2017

Pretty bad today. I'm anxious and lonely and my family stresses me out.

Avaray January 8th, 2017

I don't really know, sort of odd..listened to the first ocd session, had tears rolling down my cheeks, I do those things alot with certain things... but to try prevent bad things from happening and feel it would be my fault if something bad happened if I didn't recheck things, it's happened before and bad things have happened, its hard not to do those things, it bothers me untill I do it, and sometimes I need to recheck because I don't trust myself that it was definitely switched off or definetly closed or noone behind the door. Dependant on whats happening in the area or with me whether I do it more often the other days.

I know it's irrational and makes me really crazy and exhausting but I cannot relax until I feel satisfied its ok....

Before I went onto meds to help me sleep I was against it because what if someone broke into the house and tried to rob/kill us or the house started to burn and I couldn't save my children, I eventually have been taking them it makes me sleep deeply for about 3/4 hours as I have got used to them.but that ocd speech on the 7 cups of tea just sort of hit a spot, actually tring not to cry now, but I sort of could relate but I just don't know how to stop, I suppose I will need to relisten again a few times... I feel so pathetic and weak and sort of abit weird.


jr50 January 8th, 2017

Depressed, have a migraine headache, all my joints hurt, I am trying to relax, not doing anything or going anywhere.

Dancersoul January 8th, 2017

I am ok but trying to ignore that I need to go to work tomorrow!

So I will fill my evening with pleasant thoughts and workout a little so I keeo my New years resolutions as well

I wish everyine a blessed evening!angel

Image result for peace of mind and body

ArcherLeaderoftheGorgonites January 8th, 2017

My head and body hurts. I feel unmotivated and lazy.

WMi January 9th, 2017

I feel awful. Things that I've tried to make me feel better (a.k.a. things that used to entertain me) didn't do their job :v

staywithyou January 12th, 2017

I feel great today. Things seen horrible at first, but turn out to be better than I thought! So don't frightened yourself. :D Keep the faith, and trust yourself.

pinkTea January 15th, 2017

cant enjoy days fully.

Purplewitch January 15th, 2017

Six over ten. I wanted to sleep all day but couldnt. My migraine was on its full power so i had a nap though. I didnt go out to see anyone. Tomorrow is monday, i'll see people. Huh. 🙄

generousTangerine205 January 17th, 2017

I was doing pretty good today until my roommate told me she would kill herself if she had depression like I do. It made me feel like she thinks my life is worthless because of it and I'm just taking up space.

patientJar5313 February 15th, 2017

@generousTangerine205 Don't listen to what her opinion is. How could she know what you really feel like? And if thats what she would do that just shows you are a much stronger person than her. That will only help you get further in life and get over the feelings you have right now.

persistentOrange1025 January 27th, 2017

I feel awful all the time and i feel like klling myself every hour. I think about suicide 24-7, i'm so young to be feeling like this. i want and need help

pinkTea February 4th, 2017


I suddenly holding myself back from needs for other people to be approached

I make time for myself and completely ignoring the cares from others

RayneIsHere February 6th, 2017

Things will get better! Sometimes life gets hard, but we have to fight to remember that there are things that make this world beautiful!

Bazin February 7th, 2017

I'm sad that my best friend hasn't wished me a happy birthday today.

I know it's not a purposeful thing, its just...a thing. But I get weird about certian days and this is one of them.

beautifulJet29 February 8th, 2017

@Bazin happy birthday to you anyways! I know this sounds embarrassing, but I used to be really bad with my friends' birthdays too (because my head can be chaotic and forgetful). Maybe send your friend a friendly reminder, so he won't feel guilty and you might feel a bit better?

Bazin February 8th, 2017

@beautifulJet29 I did end up sending them something and they said they didn't know and they were super stresssed with work and now I just feel like I'm a jerk for being upset about it and ugh.

happyPeace91 February 8th, 2017

awful, not so good day along with laziness that just doesnt wanna leave me and feeling lost than ever.

MsCalmerYou February 12th, 2017

@happyPeace91 I hope you feel better. Have some fresh air outside.

CautiousUniorn373 February 12th, 2017

I'm alright I guess. Lonely is more like it. This is my first time on 7 cups though, so I'm really appreciative of this place and such an accepting atmosphere.

thoughtfulCake6126 February 16th, 2017

Exhausted, struggled to get out of bed today but otherwise ok. Trying my best to keep distracted.

themainjane February 17th, 2017

I feel a bit lost. Definitely overwhelmed and down. Just seems to a be a lot of holding on for holding on's sake.

Dawn is coming soon and I wonder how will I make it through this day?

norahdavex September 12th, 2018

I feel a little down because some things are out of my control in my life and I can't accomplish things I want.

goodDay1019 July 14th, 2019

I feel terrible like I dug a hole and don't know if I can dig myself out of it. I've taken all the stuff I don't like about myself and taken it out on the ones who care about me and that I love

July 15th, 2019

I still feel the same, but I think I'm developing a habit of getting out of bed at a reasonable time and going out for walks. Appetite has also improved these past few days.

I've been really worried lately about how this will affect my work and career, and despite not having started yet, I've been pessimistic that therapy will ever "fix" me. I'm now starting to think that even if I don't get better, I can learn to live with it and function as I'd been doing before the depressive episode.

berlinmaus July 16th, 2019


berlinmaus July 16th, 2019


HatsEatYou July 16th, 2019

Angry, and bitter and sad.

JasperWolf1999 July 16th, 2019

I felt alright this morning but then I got worse as the day went on. Then I got angry at myself because I had forgotten to take a med at a certain time. Now I just feel hopeless.

acreasy1 July 16th, 2019

Without hope.

dancinggirl2 July 27th, 2019


Dkfmpark July 27th, 2019

Alone. Extremely sad. I feel worthless. I can't describe it anymore than I have.

dreubaud90 July 28th, 2019

@Dkfmpark I've been there. I sometimes think any friends I make only feel pity for me and or dont actually like me.

RavenIvy2079 August 10th, 2019

@Dkfmpark Been there, done that. Word of advice; There is always something that could happen tomorrow that will change your life and solve all your problems. You won't be able to meet this thing if you don't get out of the bed and out of your room.

dreubaud90 July 28th, 2019

Feeling okayish. Dealing with depression of not wanting do anything

RavenIvy2079 August 10th, 2019

Exhausted. So exhausted. Exhausted, and I hate myself for it.

bluehouse2020 July 8th, 2020

Me too

SadSoul07809 August 10th, 2019

I feel numb, so numb. I used to feel sadness, or anger or any emotion. But lately I can't feel anything. It's frustrating and makes me feel even worse. I also feel alone, even if I have friends they never answer when I call them, because they are "busy". I hate this feeling i really do but there is nothing I can do about it.