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13) Reviewing and Promoting Current Articles

SoulfullyAButterfly February 26th, 2021

Through this activity, we will review current content and get to promote content too.


  1. Pick one Content Article from the Expert Section - It is recommended to pick one that matches your choice of a focus area/topic.

  2. Mention 3 top strengths of the article in terms of Best Practices.

  3. Review the Article for EAT (expertise, authority and trustworthiness) and list at least 2 comments for each of the three factors (can be things followed or tips to boost EAT).

  4. Create a graphic to promote your selected content - remember to consider our previously discussed tips as well as peer feedback. Consider using your pseudonym or username if comfortable on the graphic in case of allowing social media usage.

  5. Offer feedback to one student for their submissions to the above steps.

Please ensure that your submissions to each of the steps of this activity are all contained in one forum post/reply.


This post is brought to you by the Content Development and Marketing Program, find out more information about the program here

starsnnights July 7th, 2023


  1. Pick one Content Article from the Expert Section - It is recommended to pick one that matches your choice of a focus area/topic.

    Article title: Conquering Anxiety With a Resilient Mindset. This is the link of the article.

  1. Mention 3 top strengths of the article in terms of Best Practices.

    1.Empathetic Tone: The article maintains a kind and supportive tone, avoiding stigmatizing language and offering understanding to readers dealing with anxiety.

    2.Personal Experiences and Expert Insights: The article combines personal stories with expert opinions, providing a unique perspective and building credibility.

    3. Clear and Concise: The article presents information in a clear and accessible manner, ensuring readers can easily understand and relate to the content.

    In summary, the article excels in its empathetic tone, incorporation of personal experiences and expert insights, and clear and concise writing style, enhancing its impact on helping readers conquer anxiety with resilience.

  1. Review the Article for EAT (expertise, authority and trustworthiness) and list at least 2 comments for each of the three factors (can be things followed or tips to boost EAT).


    1.The author demonstrates a personal understanding of anxiety and resilience, drawing from their own experiences.
    2.They mention scholarly references such as Scott (2016) and McIntosh et al. (2017) to support their statements.


    1. The author's statements are largely based on personal experiences and reflections, without extensive external citations or authoritative sources.
    2.The article would benefit from additional citations or references to enhance the author's authority on the subject matter.


    1.The author's personal anecdotes and perspectives contribute to a sense of authenticity and relatability.
    2.While the article contains insights and personal reflections, more external evidence or research-backed information could enhance its trustworthiness.

  1. Create a graphic to promote your selected content - remember to consider our previously discussed tips as well as peer feedback. Consider using your pseudonym or username if comfortable on the graphic in case of allowing social media usage.

    Here is the link for the graphic image that I created :

walkalot July 9th, 2023


Very nice graphic. You're quite artistic

starsnnights July 9th, 2023

Thank you 😊

SilverSeastar August 10th, 2023
  1. Article: 20 Powerful Affirmations to Boost Self Esteem
  2. Three Strengths:
    • The article is concise yet thorough. It efficiently answers the main question while also supplementing the “why” it is important.
    • The article is uplifting; it gives the readers empathy and hope.
    • The article cites ten sources, and most of them are hyperlinked. The article also includes a lot of back-linking.
  3. EAT Review:
    • Expertise
      • The author is an experienced writer.
      • The biography can be expanded by adding the author’s credentials.
    • Authoritativeness
      • The author has published many articles on 7 Cups and external platforms.
      • The author’s books have positive reviews on Amazon.
    • Trustworthiness
      • The article uses many reputable sources.
      • The sources are listed in the article.
  4. Graphic:
SnowTabby August 12th, 2023


The strengths you listed are great but also thought inducing if you read them before glancing at the article. I feel it did a good job of highlighting bits but also serving as an influence to read it.
For the EAT review, you picked the article well. When I submitted, I blanked on being able to add suggestions for furthering their EAT areas but you went right in and found what was needed with expertise.
It looks like you did a bit more research than on 7Cups, and that is dedication right there. Looking at their amazon? It works well if you are truly trying to determine the accuracy and authoritativeness they have on this topic.

The graphic you created fits perfectly. Gives me a sort of Mulan feel of her fighting to be herself.

heathermarie95 August 28th, 2023


great article choice (as i love affirmations)

EAT review:
i like how you noticed that you did research off 7cups and found that they have a book with positive views and that they have articles off the website too. That is a great way to see if they are authoritative and an expert. Also great job on the trust section, its always great to have an author that cites their research

Your graphic: i think its a very encouraging self-affirmation. great job

SnowTabby August 12th, 2023


How Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Can Help Overcome Anxiety Disorders
CBT Techniques and Strategies for Anxiety
Written by Ayesha Tariq Ali

The strengths in her article are the accessibility of the resources, how she does not gloss over the specifics but instead dedicated effort into describing the types of anxiety CBT can help with, and her writing is both approachable and empathetic especially in the conclusion - "Anxiety disorders can be debilitating, but they are treatable".

Expertise (credentials or experience of author):
She has a BS in Applied Psychology.
Passion for mental health issues.
Delivers CDMP and contributes to other programs on 7Cups.

Authoritativeness (number of citations):
One Published Article.
Head of Content at 7Cups.
Strong sense of leadership and passion for writing, research, and psychology.

Trust (quality of content):
Well established resource used to reference fasts on CBT.
Articles linked for added help within article. (Gives sense of comfort knowing selfless effort was put forward to promote other helpful articles)


CupcakeCaring February 26th


Informative and attractive content.

Mari228 August 14th, 2023


Article Title: When is it Time To Start Taking Anxiety Seriously?

3 Strengths:

-concise in providing the topic and spreading out the information by sub topics

-gives empathy and hope on the conclusion by saying to talk to someone when taking anxiety seriously

-combined personal and expert experiences regarding details of physical symptoms in anxiety

Expertise: the author is a freelance writer and passionate in mental health

Authoritarian: they gave statistics regarding percent of people with anxiety and who’s getting help

Trust: in articulation of anxiety and how it sounds relatable and providing resources such as cbt


sellistens August 24th, 2023


I like this post because it is informative. Perhaps add more visual content? There is a lot of text.

sellistens August 24th, 2023


I chose the “Mood Swings Counseling and Treatment” article. I believe that three strengths include being thorough, concise, and informative.

Expertise: I believe that this article is comprehensive yet digestible. It gives a lot of information but not too much to be overwhelming. However I think the use of backlinks would have been helpful. The writer could have supplemented the keywords: Bpd, bipolar and self care to direct members to articles that would broaden their understanding on those topics.

Authority: There was a lot of good information in this article. However, there were not many citations.

Trust: Since there were no citations, there were no external sources mentioned. Again, citations can help boost the trust in this article. There was also no biography of the writer.

It won't let me post the graphic. I'm going to try again as another reply. Sorry!

sellistens August 24th, 2023



enigmaticpanda4152 January 13th


First of all, I really liked the graphic you have created. It's really visualizing and creative.Â đŸ€©

Article topic is also really good. I feel we need more content to be written on mood swings as it's really common experience related to general emotions felt by many individuals.

Strength mentioned and EAT points are precise. I liked it.

It would be really great  if EAT points were in bullets, and

Title selected was hyperlinked. So that we can also read reviewed article.

heathermarie95 August 28th, 2023

Article Title: 3 Ways to Calm Anxiety and Worry Less

Author- Laura Berger, PCC, CEBC

3 Strengths:

  • Includes 12/13 resources within her article including studies

  • Easy to understand what is being discussed

  • She wants to get straight to the point of how to help an individual calm their anxiety


  • Cites her research throughout the article
  • She used reliable resources that are based on ways to calm one's anxiety and help them worry less.
  • She cites studies within her article


  • She received her Evidence Based Coaching graduate degree from Fielding Graduate University
  • She is a C-IQ (Conversational Intelligence) Enhanced Skills Practitioner, Emotional Intelligence- EQ-i 2.0 and EQ 360 B-Level Qualified Practitioner, Pearman Personality Integrator Qualified Practitioner, Professional Certified Coach and The Enneagram Spectrum of Personality Styles Practitioner.
  • She has a passion for the Psychology field (ex: anxiety)

  • She is a journalist for Psychology Today & Best Seller author for her book “Radical Sabbatical”


  • She has 2 other articles based on anxiety on 7Cups

  • She has worked with several companies such as Huffington Post, Psychology Today, and Forbes as a journalist

  • She has a professional profile on several different sites

  • She has an understanding of researching and creating articles

    Graphic: Anxiety Affirmation Graphic

MaggieListens00 August 28th, 2023

@heathermarie95 great use of the EAT outline! You did a great job of outlining multiple reasons

MaggieListens00 August 28th, 2023


2. This article is concise and allows a broad range of topics to be covered, it also has a very accessible tone that is easy to read, it has plenty of references

3. EAT- Writer is a psychotherapist, authority in tone and many qualifications, trust in working in healthcare and as a clinical communicator.


MaggieListens00 August 28th, 2023

Further EAT

E- Psychotherapist, multiple degrees

A- multiple references, use of DSM5

T- Good tone, citations given

kindheartedLily September 26th, 2023


1) Article: I’m so OCD"— Unless You Actually Are, Stop Saying It. Here’s Why.

2) Mention 3 top strengths of the article in terms of Best Practices.

The article is helpful and informative, and it uses destigmatizing language. It also combines personal experience, as well as two different sources to confirm the facts stated.

3) Review the article for EAT (expertise, authority, and trustworthiness) and list at least 2 comments for each of the three factors (can be things followed or tips to boost EAT).


The writer of the article is a Social Media Manager for the National Council for Behavioral Health.

She also previously managed group support and the teen community on 7 Cups.

She has experience working on crisis and suicide prevention hotlines and other mental health organizations.


The author has three other published articles on 7 Cups.

The article has two different links, one to an OCD path and the other to some information on mental health. The article would benefit from a link to a research article.


She has worked with national mental health nonprofit organizations.

The article could be improved with more sources. There is only a link to a growth path and a link to a 7-cup page unrelated to OCD. It needs to be linked to the topic at hand.

4) Create a graphic to promote your selected content - remember to consider our previously discussed tips as well as peer feedback. Consider using your pseudonym or username if comfortable on the graphic in case of allowing social media usage.

Clarezg October 1st, 2023

@kindheartedLily I love your response. You have a great breakdown of the EAT of your article!

kindheartedLily October 1st, 2023


Thank you😊

Clarezg October 1st, 2023

@SoulfullyAButterflyI picked the article Powerful Ways To Improve Your Body Image

Some things they did very well are making the writing very conversational. They ask lots of questions and the article is written in a very friendly way while still being very informative. Something else they also do well is providing empathy. They recognize common situations or thoughts that might occur and reassure the reader that these thoughts are not unreasonable. Lastly they made their article easily shareable. The writing is easy to remember and also very equally informative.

Expertise -> She mentions her English education degree which establishes that she knows what she's doing while making this article. She also talks about how she's learning copyright and content creation further enforcing her expertise in article creation.
Authority -> She shows her authority while she talks about her education. Her authority is also expressed when she talks about her extensive work as an editor.

Trustworthiness -> she talks about how she has graduated from the CDM program which helps the reader gain trust that she not only knows how to create articles but also articles to the 7cups standards. She also talks about her experience in the beginning which allows people to trust her professionalism.

BenittaJ October 12th, 2023

@Clarezg I like your post.

BenittaJ October 12th, 2023


How to Stop Negative Thinking (Part 2) 

The article I read was How to Stop Negative Thinking (Part-2). It was sympathetic, kind, brief, useful, and educational.

Expertise: It was educational.The author utilized simple language that was intelligible even to non-native English speakers. He also highlighted the reference links and keywords.

Authority: The author conducted extensive research on negative thinking to present us with parts 1 and 2.

Trustworthiness: I would believe what this  author writes because he is a 7cups expert and he provided us with a second part.

My post:20231012-234507-0000_1697134774.png 

BenittaJ November 11th, 2023


stargirl123456 November 20th, 2023


I thought your work was a bit short, and you should have listed at least two comments for each of the three factors (which can be things to be followed or tips to boost EAT). I like your graphic design. Keep up the good work!

stargirl123456 November 20th, 2023

Article Title: Powerful Ways To Improve Your Body Image

Mention 3 top strengths of the article in terms of Best Practices:

- great article with inspirational phrases and empathy for the reader

- it includes a number of helpful hints

- sources are hyperlinked

Review the Article for EAT 

Expertise: - the author is an experienced editor and makes editorial decisions for a growing academic journal in social psychology

- she has an English Education degree, and she takes online courses to learn copywriting and content creation

Authority: - she has graduated from 7 Cups Academy’s Content Development and Marketing Program

- she copyedits academic articles

Trustworthiness: - the information was supported by sources

- the author has experience in writing articles

Create a graphic to promote your selected content


stargirl123456 November 20th, 2023


sorry, I post the link for the graphic:

babyangel November 20th, 2023


Could be a bit more detailed - but maybe that's me, I write LONG answers to everything lol.

I love your graphic as well, I think the only thing missing would be an action cue like 'more in bio' or 'read more on 7cups', other than that, great work <3!!

babyangel November 20th, 2023



Article: Powerful ways to improve your body image 

Graphic: :)

About the article:


  1. In-depth Information: The article provides comprehensive information on body image issues, addressing not only the surface-level concerns but also delving into the psychological and societal aspects. This depth enhances the value of the content, making it a valuable resource for readers seeking a holistic understanding of body image.

  2. Practical Tips: The article offers practical and actionable tips for improving body image. It doesn't just highlight the issues but provides solutions, making it a useful guide for individuals looking for tangible steps to enhance their body image.

  3. Research Integration: The inclusion of research findings, such as the study by Viren Swami on the positive effects of nature on body image, adds credibility to the article. Incorporating scientific evidence strengthens the reliability of the information presented.

EAT Review:

  1. Expertise:

    • Followed: The article showcases expertise by integrating research findings, especially the study by Viren Swami, adding a scientific dimension to the content.

    • Tip for Improvement: Consider mentioning the author's background or qualifications related to mental health, body image, or any relevant field to further establish expertise.

  2. Authority:

    • Followed: The inclusion of statistics from reputable sources, such as the Mental Health Foundation and the National Eating Disorders Collaboration, contributes to building authority.

    • Tip for Improvement: Incorporate more personal experiences or testimonials to strengthen the authority aspect and connect with the readers on a deeper level.

  3. Trustworthiness:

    • Followed: The article emphasizes self-awareness, providing introspective questions and encouraging readers to be kind to themselves, fostering a sense of trust.

    • Tip for Improvement: Include more personal anecdotes or stories of individuals overcoming body image issues to enhance the relatability and trustworthiness of the content.

In summary, the article demonstrates strengths in providing in-depth information, practical tips, and integrating research findings. To further boost EAT, consider highlighting the author's qualifications, incorporating more personal experiences, and including additional testimonials for a more impactful and trustworthy narrative.

HachiBee November 24th, 2023


Your description of the article is well-detailed in its analysis and offers insightful suggestions, effectively identifies the article's strengths and enhances the EAT factors. Great work! 😁💜

enigmaticpanda4152 January 13th


This is a great review covering all the points given in guideline. 

It is well formatted, uses bullets and most impressive is it has provided improvement point in each segment of EAT. It shows the effort and time taken for the selected article.


HachiBee November 24th, 2023


  1. Pick one Content Article from the Expert Section - It is recommended to pick one that matches your choice of a focus area/topic.

Mention 3 top strengths of the article in terms of Best Practices.

  • It offers a comprehensive explanation on how stress impacts the body and mind, and uses relatable examples.

  • It emphasizes the importance of recognizing triggers and adopting healthy coping mechanisms.

  • It provides practical solutions on managing stress and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

  1. Review the Article for EAT (expertise, authority and trustworthiness) and list at least 2 comments for each of the three factors (can be things followed or tips to boost EAT).

  • Expertise:

  1. It offers scientific references with reputable sources to support claims about stress.

  2. It offers professional insights such as quotes from Dr. Erin Olivo, a clinical psychologist, lends professional credibility to the article.


  1. It cited studies from respected journals like Nature Molecular Psychiatry.

  2. Inclusion of Dr. Olivo's statements and professional advice increases the authority of the article.


  1. It acknowledges both the negative and potentially positive aspects of stress, backed up by cited reputable sources.

  2. Inclusion of study journals enhances the trustworthiness of the article.

Create a graphic to promote your selected content - remember to consider our previousdiscussed tips as well as peer feedback. Consider using your pseudonym or username if comfortable on the graphic in case of allowing social media usage.

HachiBee November 24th, 2023




enigmaticpanda4152 January 14th


1. Pick one Content Article from the Expert Section for review. 

Eating Disorders: How You Can Help

2. Mention 3 top strengths of the article

đŸ”č Article is empathetic and written from reader's perspective. 

đŸ”č Subheadline is catchy and generates curiosity.

đŸ”č Article uses simple words makes it understandable to wider audience.

3. Review the Article for EAT (expertise, authority and trustworthiness) and list at least 2 comments for each of the three factors (can be things followed or tips to boost EAT).

i.) Expertise:

đŸ”č Overall content structure is simple with facts and tips.

đŸ”č Good use of keywords. Increases search and clickability. 

ii.) Authority:

đŸ”č Author has published many articles on 7 cups in different topics.

đŸ”č Author works as editor in leading regional publication in Michigan.

iii.) Trustworthiness:

đŸ”č It is mentioned in biography that author have self experienced with mental health.

đŸ”č Trustworthy resources are mentioned as references.

4. Create a graphic to promote your selected content - remember to consider our previously discussed tips as well as peer feedback. Consider using your pseudonym or username if comfortable on the graphic in case of allowing social media usage.


WeEarth January 16th


Your review of the article is insightful and thorough. The feedback is clear, emphasizing the article's empathy, simplicity, and credibility. 💜

ThoughtLight January 26th

@enigmaticpanda4152 excellent review of the article. Your breakdown alone makes the article sound interesting. Great graphic choice for this topic. 

WeEarth January 16th


Article: Never Say "I'm Stressed" Again! | 7 Cups

Strengths of the Article:

  1. Challenges the common perception of stress as an emotion and encourages readers to delve deeper into their feelings.
  2. It empowers readers by providing a framework to identify the true emotions behind the generic statement "I'm stressed."
  3. The conversational tone maintains reader engagement, making the content accessible and enjoyable to a broad audience. The article skillfully combines insightful content with a light-hearted approach, creating a balance between depth and readability.

EAT Review and Comments:


  • Comment 1: The article references Karla McLaren's "Language of Emotions," showcasing a reliance on established psychological literature. Comment 2: Include a brief author bio or mention relevant credentials/experience to establish personal expertise in the subject matter, enhancing the overall credibility of the article.


  • Comment 1: The conversational tone used throughout the article strikes a balance between accessibility and depth.
  • Comment 2: The article encourages readers to actively engage with their emotions and take actionable steps, promoting a sense of empowerment.


  • Comment 1: The article's use of relatable anecdotes and the acknowledgment of the addictiveness of saying "I'm stressed" fosters a sense of honesty and authenticity. 
  • Comment 2: The relatable examples used in the article, such as the post-yoga cigarette and envy on social media, not only make the content engaging but also provide a bridge between personal experiences and broader psychological concepts.


walkalot January 16th


Good synopsis, WeEarth. I like your graphic too

WeEarth January 16th


Thank you 😊💖

enigmaticpanda4152 January 16th


Your graphic looks amazing Earth.. 

Very creative! 
