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13) Reviewing and Promoting Current Articles

SoulfullyAButterfly February 26th, 2021

Through this activity, we will review current content and get to promote content too.


  1. Pick one Content Article from the Expert Section - It is recommended to pick one that matches your choice of a focus area/topic.

  2. Mention 3 top strengths of the article in terms of Best Practices.

  3. Review the Article for EAT (expertise, authority and trustworthiness) and list at least 2 comments for each of the three factors (can be things followed or tips to boost EAT).

  4. Create a graphic to promote your selected content - remember to consider our previously discussed tips as well as peer feedback. Consider using your pseudonym or username if comfortable on the graphic in case of allowing social media usage.

  5. Offer feedback to one student for their submissions to the above steps.

Please ensure that your submissions to each of the steps of this activity are all contained in one forum post/reply.


This post is brought to you by the Content Development and Marketing Program, find out more information about the program here

EmpathyShoulder1904 July 12th, 2022


1. CONTENT ARTICLE : Mixed Signals In A Relationship: Dealing With Uncertainty From Both Sides.


  • The article was helpful and informative.
  • It was well detailed with tips that would help the reader to understand it
  • It was properly structured which also contained a story to explain what the topic was really all about

3. E.A.T.

  • Expertise: Laurie Moore is a Graduate of psychology at San Francisco State University.
  • Authority: She is globally known for her work with individuals, couples and animals.
  • Trust: She is a renowned author who has published many books at Amazon. She has also appeared in numerous venue's like, FOX and so many others.

4. _1657628045.png_20220712_095817_0000.png

SirenOfSerenity July 12th, 2022

Not only did you properly address each part of the assignment, but your graphic design for this topic is the perfect illustration of the how the reader looking for help would be feeling 💙💙💙💙 Amazing job!

EmpathyShoulder1904 July 12th, 2022


Thank you ❤ 😊

SirenOfSerenity July 12th, 2022

The graphic design is also extremely pretty! 💙

YellowButton223 July 14th, 2022

I really like the graphic you’ve created, in particular how you’ve included your username/pseudonym. It is noticeable while still being subtle enough that it doesn’t take attention away from the focus of the graphic- brilliantly balanced!

YellowButton223 July 14th, 2022

Article selected: Hormonal Birth Control and Mental Health - The Facts You Need to Know

The first strength of the article is that it has an empathetic tone. Secondly, it is thorough, discussing multiple methods of hormonal birth control in detail. And the final strength I have identified in terms of best practices is that the article is easily shareable on social media platforms.

EXPERTISE: The biography at the end of the article reveals that the writer has been a 7 cups listener since 2021, showing expertise.

The biography also mentions that the writer is studying a degree. I think this could boost expertise, but it isn’t a degree related to the content of the article, whereas a degree related to hormonal birth control or mental health would further the expertise of the content even more.

AUTHORITY: The content shows authority through the many citations it includes, for example a hyperlink to research from The Guttmacher Institute.

The biography mentions that the writer has graduated from the CDM programme so that boosts the authority they have too.

TRUSTWORTHINESS: There is a high level of trust from this content as it is very thorough, including content on lots of forms of birth control.

The trustworthiness could be improved if the content on the birth control pill was edited slightly. There’s a lot of different pills available, but the article only discusses the combined hormonal pill in detail; it would be good to discuss pills containing only oestrogen in detail as well.

blissfulForest7074 July 25th, 2022


Your review and mention of the strengths of the article was done really well. I also like the tips that you have mentioned to improve the article's EAT score.

The graphic was simple and nice. I loved the elements that you used in it- connected to the main heading

blissfulForest7074 July 25th, 2022


The article I chose was Synesthesia Truth: Eating Words and Seeing Sounds

The strengths I found in the article : 1. Mention of saying that synesthesia is a psychological phenomenon instead of a disease or a disorder

2. Explained in simple terms

3. Well thorough

Review of the article :

Expertise- Need to mention any quote or citations about the recent research regarding synesthesia, the title could be more revised.

Authority - the author has mentioned their background in psychology, mentioning a few insights from other authoritative personality would be a good tip

Trust- The quality of the article is informative and trustworthy, although the author could've mentioned a few citations to builds its quality

The graphic that I created was :


Ninziesss August 29th, 2022


I love your graphic and you really descried the article and it's strengths clearly.

amybrit10 January 14th, 2023

@blissfulForest7074 Love everything! You clearly understand EAT and the graphic is so pretty.

CosmicMiracle August 21st, 2022
Article Selected: 

Strengths: informative, concise, shareable

EAT (Expertise, Authoritative, Trust)


The article is research-based; before coming up with the 10 titles, the author mentioned combing through quite a number of them.
It is comprehensive but is broken down into smaller bite-sized sentences/paragraphs so it's digestible.


There are several external backlinks for each item in the list.
I think the reviews mentioned on some of the titles further gave it weight as the ideal content for its topic.


The 7Cups website is backlinked which is great.
The author’s bio is at the bottom which adds trust to the readers.

Content Promotion:

Check out the newest article from one of our very own, Rachel Cherry White, only here at 7Cups, your source for self-help guides and anything about mental health :)

admirableRose261 August 22nd, 2022


I like the way you presented the material. Brief, straightforward, concise. The EAT analysis threw me. I learned from another site that EAT is Author, Author/ Content, Author/ Content. Here is a helpful article incase I am misquoting. Great job!

admirableRose261 August 22nd, 2022


I also like the graphic. The moving books are a nice touch. I think of Instagram when I'm posting, so I try to make something eye catching that will grab your attention to read more and look at the post longer that 3 seconds!

admirableRose261 August 22nd, 2022


Unit 13 Activity and Discussion

Title of Expert Article for discussion: 4 Kinds of Schizophrenia Delusions

Top 3 Strengths:

Well formatted: Easy to read and understand. Able to glance at article quickly to get to main points of the article.

Brief: This article contains a short summary of 4 main categories of Delusions found in Schizophrenics. Even as a concise treatment on difficult subject matter, there are many caveats of knowledge that could be used as a cohesive beginner guide of delusions. While there are considered to be 6 these are 4 interesting types to include.

Well Researched: There are useful backlinks to reputable sources of information.

EAT Analysis:

Expertise: The author has been a listener since 2017, is a psychology student, and a 7 Cups Academy Content and Marketing Mentor. The author is also a honors graduate of the Content Development and Marketing Program.

Authority: The author is a listener and psychology student. The back links and quotes include doctors, peer reviewed research, and 7 Cups programs.

Trust: The length of time the author has been a listener: 7 Year, providing support for hundreds of people. The subject matter is well researched and specific to one topic within schizophrenia: delusions.

Graphic for Promotion on 7 Cups:

CosmicMiracle September 1st, 2022


I keep following you :D thank you for your comments on my work <3

I like the flow of how you write things. It's smooth and digestible which is very important. As for the graphic, I love the simplicity and how clean and minimalist it looks. It doesn't take the attention away from the article itself. My only comment about it is the image used as it is something I cannot fully relate to schizophrenia and delusions. Maybe an image related to that would help readers connect your article to it? :)

gentleFox20 October 15th, 2022


Hi Rose,

Thank you for highlighting a really interesting article. I agree with your points and think that formatting is a huge part of the success of an article :)

Your graphic is very calming and I like how the image links to finding out information online. Calm font types and colours add a sense of peace and simplicity. Great job!

Ninziesss August 29th, 2022


1) Article -> Hormonal Birth Control and Mental Health – The Facts You Need to Know

2) 3 strengths-> Concise, informative , constructive

3) Expertise -> The facts are really well researched, referring to different US government sites. It was easy to read and to follow. This is a great article for both 7 Cups and on social media.

Authority-> The author has clearly done their research and it is a perfect article to be posted here on 7Cups.

Trustworthiness-> It's published on 7cups , a mental health platform and the author is a student studiying english literature and a good university. She is not a (mental) health student but her research shows that she is skilled in processing information.

justFarheen September 7th, 2022




  1. The tips are concise
  2. The tips are conversational and friendly
  3. The article has empathy and gives the reader hope.


E- The article is research-based and has healthy and effective tips for students. The author has said to have experienced mental health issues and a passion in helping other people who go through them as well.

A- The author is an editor of a leading regional publication in Michigan

T- The article is published on 7Cups which is reliable and trustworthy. The reference suggest that the information is from which is also a reliable site.

4. Graphic:

Ginevra962 September 15th, 2022


Very well written. Especially the EAT question! Well done!

Daf8 September 8th, 2022

❤️ Thank you for this activity! ❤️

❤️ I chose How to Let Go of the Need for Approval by Ilene S. Cohen. ❤️

❤️ Some of the strengths this article exhibits: ❤️

❤️ 1- It uses hyperlinks to guide the reader to several 7 Cups resources (which is really useful). ❤️

❤️ 2- It is concise and thorough, making it easy to read. ❤️

❤️ 3- It is very empathetic (it clearly knows what the reader needs and delivers that). ❤️

❤️ Overall, it is a really helpful article! Regarding the Expertise, it could include more research, but it uses 7 Cups services to supplement the content (which is comprehensive and digestive). Regarding the Authority, it is not a widely shared article (which is understandable), but it is relevant content written by an expert. Regarding the Trustworthiness, it could have cited authoritative sources, but the author's biography validates the content (I personally found this author trustworthy). ❤️

❤️ _1662678217.Article promoting graphic.png❤️

Ginevra962 September 15th, 2022


Pick one Content Article from the Expert Section - It is recommended to pick one that matches your choice of a focus area/topic.

Eating Disorders: How You Can Help by Kathy Wenzel. 22 February, 2019

Mention 3 top strengths of the article in terms of Best Practices.

It was concise.

Answered at all the why questions.

Definitely accessible to everyone.

Review the Article for EAT (expertise, authority and trustworthiness) and list at least 2 comments for each of three factors (can be things followed or tips to boost EAT)


She emphatised with the reader while at the same time giving useful tips.


It is clear that she knows what she is talking about and her bio says that she is a mental health publisher


She is a professional publisher and knows how to make you feel more comfortable with very few words.

‌Create a graphic to promote your selected content - remember to consider our previously discussed tips as well as peer feedback. Consider using your pseudonym or username if comfortable on the graphic in case of allowing social media usage.

Ayamii September 23rd, 2022


Article selected:

Strengths: empathetic tone to connect with readers, encouraging language to give readers hope, concise and gets straight to the point


  • - The author is a psychotherapist and professor

  • - The content is structured concisely and explains concepts in lay-person terms


  • - The author is a highly experienced author of self-help guides

  • - The author included a number of external back-linking e.g. to 7 Cup articles


  • Their books/works regularly appear in top psychology publications

  • The author also included their website for readers to read more about their biography and other works


loyalace9302 October 16th, 2022


To the point and structured strengths and E.A.T review. I love that the graphic is very informative too.

WhenTheTimeComes October 11th, 2022


1. Pick an expert advice.

I chose to give my feedback on the following article
"Synesthesia Truth: Eating Words and Seeing Sounds
Understanding the neuropsychological phenomenon" since Synesthesia is a characteristic of neurodivergence and I experience it myself.

2. Identify 3 strengths.

1) The article is concise, it's extremely direct to the point and the language is very accessible.
2) There are a few hyperlinks (video, another expert article (depression)) to enrich the article
3) The article connects to 7 cups resources (therapy, growth path, support chat).

3. Give 2 comments for each EAT factor :

E - Amy is a CDM and GLDD graduate and listener at 7 cups.
E - Amy mentions having experience of working with people aspiring to improve their mental wellbeing. I feel like this could be improved in giving a better sense of what she has done/her impact. Like maybe "many individuals benefited from my support in improving their mental wellbeing when..."?

A - Amy has had a lot of involvement/training with 7cups (Graduated 2 programs, community leader and hosting group support discussions...)
A - Amy does not have any personal experience or professional experience to directly connect her with a subject, maybe she could have requested an expert quote or added a few links to evidence-based articles on the subject.

T - Amy is a prospective psychology student and mentions her desire to find new opportunities to learn and progress.
T - I feel it could be improved by citing sources.

4. Graphic


5. Feedback someone else's answer

Ayamii I really liked your work on this discussion, you have done every task in a very straightforward, exact and concise manner.

Your graphic is clear and simple while providing quality information.

yourbuddy30 December 11th, 2022

@WhenTheTimeComes You were on point with your post. You made sure you gave two comments to every EAT factor. Your graphic is awesome. I really liked it. You post has inspired me to be better at my work

InvaderStitch January 4th, 2023


The article you chose is really interesting and I really like the infographic you provided about it! The graphic is detailed and it looks like how a person with synesthesia may experience the world!

gentleFox20 October 15th, 2022


The article I chose to review was this one about ADHD myths as my article will focus on ADHD too.

Top 3 Strengths

1) This article would benefit a wide range of audiences including family members or friends of those with ADHD in addition to those working in education or care and people who have (or think they have) ADHD.

2) This article is very sharable on social media. Each point could be made into seperate posts or you could ask a question - 'what do you know about ADHD?' with links to the article.

3) It includes several expert quotes and insights and also is very thorough in each of it's points.

a) The content is well explained combining lots of detail with clearly defined sections allowing the reader to digest the information more easily.
b) There are lots of back links in this article however they are mainly linking to group support sections of the site rather than other articles. In this case it may be because there are no other articles on ADHD specifically.

a) There is a lack of citations in this article. There are lots of useful and clearly researched information however the lack of citations makes it hard to trust the voice here.
b) The brand of 7cups is clearly well mentioned and plenty of backlinks are provided to different ares of the site. 7 cups does have a wiki page too.

a)Author biography mentions experience with the topic and shows a commitment to mental health through trainings completed.
b) The use of links to an external website ADDitude builds trust as the site is cites it's sources and has extensive social media coverage.

This is my graphic for it!I know it's rather busy but that's half the point. It's reflective of an ADHD brain :) Oh and the underlined this is a link to the article.



NotFound20 October 21st, 2022


Very well explained and structured.

I really liked the graphic which helps to spread the awareness and prompts anyone to read the article in detail. Good Work !!!!!

loyalace9302 October 16th, 2022


1. Article: Conquering Anxiety With a Resilient Mindset

2. Strengths:

  • The article was well structured with basic information about anxiety and detailed coping techniques.

  • It had sources linked to expert articles on 7 cups.

  • It also had link to a mindfulness meditation, which was an interesting idea.

3. E.A.T. review:

  • Expertise: WhiteRoses25 is a CDM 7 cups academy graduate and has master’s in human services.

  • Authority: WhiteRoses25 is an active listener.

  • Trust: She has written the article with trustworthy content and sources. It would be better to see more of her articles linked with this one.

4. Graphic:

_1665920398.overcome anxiety.png

broadfemmelovelive January 16th, 2023


I really love this simple and forward graphic. It suits the article and draws attention. Way to go!

NotFound20 October 21st, 2022


Article : Post-traumatic Stress Disorder: The Different Types

Strengths :

1.) Very clearly explained in point-wise manner which is very easy to follow and easy to understand language.

2.) Article has empathic tone which is easy to relate.

3.) Article writer has well researched and have required knowledge on the subject. It not only helps to understand the types of PTSD but also provided sufficient knowledge on how to deal with it.



  • Author has required knowledge on the topic and able to explain it very well.
  • Also, added the commonly used google terms which makes the article easy to search.


  • The well written content shows the expertise on the topic.


  • Author has empathic tone which helps to build the trust through the article.
  • Properly added the links to the sources and also subheadings linked to detailed information as well.

Image -


yourbuddy30 December 11th, 2022

@SoulfullyAButterfly I have picked out the topic of 5 ways you can support transgender people

3 strengths are -: It is concise. It is not overloaded with information.

It has resources for us to look into to learn more about it

The article made sure it is accessible to everyone who reads and it is understandable.

EAT factors -: It has linked us to which is a expertized website for us to access information from

Authoritative-: Linked 7 cups site which leads to LGBTQ relevant articles for us to read more about it

Trust-: 7 cups and is a trusted website by its users. The author themselves are a part of the community.

_1670772785.Support Trans.png

guidamaximo December 25th, 2022

@yourbuddy30 I think your analysis of the article is spot on. I really like your graphic but I think as a user might think it's about Ukraine. A change in colours and would be perfect!!

Good job!

guidamaximo December 25th, 2022



  1. Article chosen:

  2. 3 top strengths:

    • Highlighted parts make the article easy to skim over and help the user quickly understand if it will be of interest to them.
    • The language is approachable and engaging.
    • The statements are backed up with research and evidence.
  3. Review the Article for EAT

    • Experience: Could have had a bit more detail on experience outside of 7cups for e.g from their degree.
    • Trust: Degree in a related area

  4. Create a graphic to promote your selected content:

empatheticpie January 1st, 2023


I thought your graphic was great, and the insertion of the 7 Cups logo on the cover of the laptop was clever. Your graphic was very clean and had a soothing palette and design, making it easy to read. You forgot to go over the authority part of your chosen article’s expertise, authority and trust! Other than that I thought you made a lot of very good points.

empatheticpie January 1st, 2023


2. The article is concise and thorough, thus delivering all of the information the article’s readers require.

3. For expertise, the article was comprehensible and digestible, but the random full capitalization made flow difficult to maintain. There was not a whole lot of supplementary content, but since the end of the article goes into putting the positive coping skills into practice, a possible source of supplementary information would be how to put those skills into practice. For authority, there were no citations that could have helped support the article. However, 7 Cups does have brand authority which helps support the article. Trust was maintained through 7 Cups and a brief biography for the author of the article.

4. _1672595226.CopingSkills.png

InvaderStitch January 4th, 2023

Chosen Article:

3 Top Strengths of Article

  • Using the DSM 5 as a source provides a sense of trust with the authors content because the DSM 5 is the authority on how to diagnose mental health conditions.

  • The author was very thorough, yet concise in how she described the different types of PTSD and how they differ from one another

  • The author also provides the reader with empathy and hope by providing resources to help when someone is experiencing symptoms related to PTSD.

EAT from Article:

Expertise: author graduated from CDM Program, is a listener on 7cups, and has spent time learning about the topic.

Authoritativeness: has completed the CDM Program and had other articles published on 7cups

Trust: using reputable sources and providing accurate information about the topic.

_1672807837.PTSD infographic.jpg

Vivikun9 January 26th, 2023


I love the graphic! I also did not know about Uncomplicated PTSD. I like how you are able to capture the article and what it talks about in one graphic to get people curious about the article. i know it made me curious to read it now.

amybrit10 January 14th, 2023


The article I read was What are the 3 types of Insomnia?

The three strengths is the empathic tone, it is very informative and is conversational.

Expertise – it was very informative. Biography mentions the graduation from the Content Development and Marketing Program.

Authoritative – they are clearly well educated on the topic.

Trustworthiness – trust worthy as it is a member of 7Cups and provides studies to support their content.

_1673656801.insomnia .png