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LovelyForever6990 June 27th

Heyyyy friendsss 😁😁 Feel free to leave a line on this thread introduce yourself and let us know who you are, or so tell us something you love about yourself. Get deep and share your dreams. There's so much to explore. Get comfortable and take a look around. We have many trained listeners here just like myself ready to help you feel heard. Help fight the stigma, help fight the feelings, help yourself smile.... help us help you! ❤️❤️

rachel0707 June 29th

hii i’m rachel and i love to read! what about you :)

LovelyForever6990 OP July 1st

I also LOVE to read, and write ✍️

Athena108 August 2nd


I ALSO love to read and writeee!

azure0809 August 21st

can i see your work whatever you've written??? i myself love writing paragraphs and stories!!!!

i'm now writing a novel all by myself:)


hii i'd like to keep anonymous but i'd love to go to Columbia University or NYU and live in New York. I also wanna travel the world and speak several languages. 

LovelyForever6990 OP July 1st

I've been trying to learn a second language! It's hard,

greka7 August 8th


I also would LOVE to travel the world! I've been to a few places in Europe, and let me tell you, it's so beautiful there.

Let's both work hard and travel lots in the future xx

SOFFY9 July 1st

Hi, I'm Soffy, and I love my calm personality. I used to hate it when I was a kid cos everyone was able to take me for granted and looked down on me. I wanted to be outspoken and bold like other kids. But growing up, I realized it has brought me peace. I'm not meddling in others business, no matter what bad things anyone say to me, I never fight back, I just stare like a *** lol. I don't argue nor explain, I'm mostly tired so I don't even have the energy. I enjoy watching others have the wrong picture of me in their head. 😃 I'm not up for proving myself or revealing my potentials, I'm too tired. I just wanna LIVE!

LovelyForever6990 OP July 1st

Sometimes other people act stupid! And you have to think FOR them so you got the right idea. Be your own peace 🕊️

slowdecline48 July 31st

@SOFFY9 From the text flow & word choice, you sound young. However you found a piece of wisdom that is normally common to us older folks. Congratulations for that. 👍🏼 Indeed, the best evidence shows we all have just one life....which means you have so much time & energy in total, & no more. There is no reason to waste it on unimportant people; most of those you'll meet are in that category. The only people whose thoughts you should care about are

  1. Your family, if they love you & treat you decently.
  2. Your close friends.
  3. Your boss, for obvious reasons.
  4. Your leasing staff or landlord if you rent your place; ditto.

Aside from the above, it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks of you.

SOFFY9 July 31st

Yeah... Thanks 🙏🏽

Hi, I'm Richard. I enjoy learning new perspectives about life, the human condition and how we relate to one another. I feel everyone is a microcosm of the High and Holy. Every unique thing from taste in food to how you are effected by a landscape is precious! I like to read, write and explore the world through poetry. I'm hear to have the vital element of human interaction and feedback as I take responsibility for my own inadequacies and learn better ways to operate in the world. Show me my blindspots! Thank you!  💙 

LovelyForever6990 OP July 1st

That is profound, very well said. Happy to have you here 😊

MikeListens92 July 6th

Hello I’m Mike, I play hockey, I also sing and play guitar🏒🎸🎤

LovelyForever6990 OP July 6th

Hey Mike! Thats awesome I can play the trumpet 🎺 but I'm terrible at singing 🤣I try tho!

MikeListens92 July 6th

Trumpet is cool though!

LovelyForever6990 OP July 9th

@MikeListens92 I think it's really cool because I was good at it but there's definitely cooler instruments like the drums or the guitar so I think you're cooler than Me bro

MikeListens92 July 16th

No one is cooler than you

catpersonatheart July 6th


hey, I'm lily (or kat) and I love drawing and writing poetry 

LovelyForever6990 OP July 6th

@catpersonatheart hi kat I love all those things too


^ here's the line

LovelyForever6990 OP July 7th

I like it thanks for your contributions ________ <here's mine

@plsdontaskmeformycreditcardinfo love that healthy boundary line 

wittyOcean9123 July 7th

Hi there, im new to this app. I’ve recently received some news which I need to talk to someone about. I feel scared for my future although I do overthink a lot. Any help would be appreciated

LovelyForever6990 OP July 7th

Feel free to message me friend

WellsFiction July 7th

@LovelyForever6990 Hey. I'm Mattie. I'm a bookworm who also enjoys creating stories. What I love about myself is that I'm kind and open minded. I love being non conformist. I'm eager to learn more because learning equals growth. I'm nonbinary. I prefer to be around females.  Women are amazing. I also love to laugh and smile. I'm all about being positive :)

LovelyForever6990 OP July 7th

I love this 😁 I'm a bookworm too! I love to learn new things.

greka7 August 8th


Love that you're positive. Laughter is the best medicine is what they say!

WellsFiction August 9th

@greka7 Thank you for the heartwarming comment friend. I agree!

@LovelyForever6990 HIII! im bubblegumparadise. I'm new here and im so glad to be a part of 7cups. I enjoy romcoms and neo soul music. 

LovelyForever6990 OP July 9th

Neosoul music?! I'm gonna have to look into this and see what it is about @bubblegumParadise153

SierrasBleus22 July 7th


Hi I am BlueAhava. I have been on this platform for about 5 years now, and I am back hopefully I will get treated a little better than I have been which I know will not happen due to genetics. To get to know me and my life it hasn't really been easy for me like many people assume it has for me. I am constantly going through a fight every day for my children who are autistic who keeps getting rejected left and right due to their condition, especially my son Amir. It seems to me they just don't care, they feel that he is no different than any other child, or they are pulling a discrimination card, or all of the above. I have obtained a huge amount of skills, that no one cares to hear about based on discrimination and what they believe I should be doing , therefore I am unemployed due to many not being able to see gifts I have to provide. I have completed 4 years of school in the Pre-Bachelor Counseling Program at Capella University I do plan to go back to a different faculty who treats me a little better. When is this country going to stop the discrimination of people who they believe don't deserve anything, who don't deserve respect, who don't deserve a fair chance, and who don't deserve to be seen or heard is what I want to know?

LovelyForever6990 OP July 9th

@SierrasBleus22 I wish I had the answers to those questions I was just on a rant earlier about being tired of similar things, you seem to be very dedicated to the things you care about, never stop caring and never give up fight the good fight and hopefully you can see the other side. You have plenty of support here on 7 cups

ravenw12 July 9th

@LovelyForever6990 Hello my name is Raven and I am currently in school to become a nurse. So wish me luck lol.

LovelyForever6990 OP July 9th

@ravenw12 I wish you more luck than you'll even know what to do with 😻 that should have been something that I looked into a long time ago but I think I missed my window

Phoenix22k July 9th

Hey! I'm Brian!

I enjoy exercising and challenging myself to Spartan Races, tough mudders ect. On the flip side I love less strenuous things like reading ( fantasy novels), building Legos ( adults can love them too) , and learning new things.

If I ever had enough $l I'd love to open up a cat cafe someday where people can come in, chat, play games, relax and ready and find community like they do here. Perhaps many years down the road after retirement 😅

LovelyForever6990 OP July 11th

@Phoenix22k that is awesome I have many kitties I'm sure they'd love to have a place like that 😄

Phoenix22k July 11th

I just have one but he's awesome. Maybe in the future if I own a house I'll consider more.

I know car cafes are a bigger thing in Japan, but there is actually one opening near me soon so I'm curious to see what it's about!


I'm Chris! I'm from NY. I'm disabled at 30 years old and finally taking a couple classes with my disability in mind. I would love to go back to school. I'm learning Spanish and I love Norse Mythology! ð©µ

LovelyForever6990 OP July 11th

@ChrispyTheViking656 I don't know the details to your circumstances but my heart is with you friend. School is never a bad choice, I love learning new things, growth never stops! Cultivating love and kindness your way ❤️