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LovelyForever6990 June 27th

Heyyyy friendsss 😁😁 Feel free to leave a line on this thread introduce yourself and let us know who you are, or so tell us something you love about yourself. Get deep and share your dreams. There's so much to explore. Get comfortable and take a look around. We have many trained listeners here just like myself ready to help you feel heard. Help fight the stigma, help fight the feelings, help yourself smile.... help us help you! ❤️❤️

communicativePond1728 August 20th

@LovelyForever6990 I'm dealing with 30-40 sociopaths. 😞

LovelyForever6990 OP August 21st

@communicativePond1728 care to elaborate?

dudarp22 August 20th
@AdorávelParaSempre6990 Oii, Meu nome é Eduarda, tenho 22 anos e o que mais adoro em mim é a facilidade de aprender coisas novas ou criar ideias na minha cabeça, ou até mesmo perceber coisas que os outros não percebem rápido, apesar que as vezes eu sou bem lenta também kkkk Meu maiores sonhos são encontrar a paz, viver em um lugar bonito de frente para o mar e ter muitos filhos, meu maior sonho inclusive. Não quero fazer filhos por fazer, quero ser um exemplo para eles, quero ensinar eles a superar situações, serem unidos como irmãos e família e que sejam ótimas pessoas. Pessoas inteligentes, educadas e que não param por nada. Isso tem muito a ver comigo, mas sei que se eles já forem 1% melhores que eu e muito mais amados que eu fui, já fico orgulhosa e feliz
azure0809 August 21st


i'll let everyone know about my dream which i haven't shared with anyone yet.

i first wanna be a doctor and then i wanna learn violin and play in some orchestra (singapore symphony orchestra is my dream one) and then i wanna do my masters followed by super-specialization in neurosurgery and practice for the next to my life....

(my dream of becoming a violinist and a neurosurgeon is secret i've never told anyone)

LovelyForever6990 OP August 23rd

@azure0809 I played violin as a kid, it is a beautiful instrument. Thank you for sharing with us

azure0809 August 23rd

wow thats so cool!!

maybe you could give me some lessons😆

lightPlum640 August 23rd

My name is Jenn. I dream for a life without any bullies.

LovelyForever6990 OP August 23rd

@lightPlum640 amen 

Riverdalejoke August 23rd

@LovelyForever6990 hi . I love reading the threads and comments. But how do you post one?

LovelyForever6990 OP August 23rd

@Riverdalejoke honestly I'm not that best at instructions lol

hopefuloutlook August 23rd

@Riverdalejoke  Go to any community which you have joined and it will show the option of creating a thread. As simple as that. 😊

hopefuloutlook August 23rd

@LovelyForever6990 I am a very active listener here since 2017, back from a new account !after having deleted my previous one with the intention to never come back because of xyz reasons); back here with a new perspective and objective, with the desire to continue helping out how I can.

Being middle aged (in late 40s) gives me the advantage of life experience and a certain amount of wisdom to share when I listen, which aids in the listening experience. That's about it 😊

LovelyForever6990 OP August 23rd

@hopefuloutlook yeah I understand what you mean completely. Sometimes we need a break to soul search and it's ok, we can always pick back up with stuff and leave others in the past completely. Glad you came back. If you every want to talk message me

hopefuloutlook August 23rd

@LovelyForever6990 Thank you for your understanding and I offer the same to you. Feel free to message if you ever want to talk about anything. 

Azmthepig666 August 23rd

Hi I am Azm. I am over thinker and a wannabe nerd. Currently suffering from lust and sexual desires