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LovelyForever6990 June 27th

Heyyyy friendsss 😁😁 Feel free to leave a line on this thread introduce yourself and let us know who you are, or so tell us something you love about yourself. Get deep and share your dreams. There's so much to explore. Get comfortable and take a look around. We have many trained listeners here just like myself ready to help you feel heard. Help fight the stigma, help fight the feelings, help yourself smile.... help us help you! ❤️❤️

SingingWithDaisies August 1st

Hello, my name is Zuri. I am an artist. I mostly draw digital art. Lately, it has been psychedelic line art. I started this comment to keep myself distracted and it worked, for a bit. But it gave me something to keep coming back to. Thanks.

LovelyForever6990 OP August 4th

I'll have to look into psychedelic line art is this like patterns such as spirals and maze like designs? Art is so fun because there are so many different kinds of ways to express yourself. Some forms of art have no rules while others have to be geometric and calculated, precisely right and fit in certain parameters, while others are perfectly imperfect outside of the lines and diverse. It's possibilities are understanding endless

amouseinabasket August 2nd

Hey! I’m PikaPi (trying to figure out how to change my username). I’m a timid person. I also have a difficult time expressing my emotions face-to-face. I love to laugh and be silly. I bounce between hobbies but currently my favorite is chess. My goals in life are ultimately to help others and reach a place of content. I’m pursuing medicine. I love pikachu, opossums, pastel pink, candy, horror films, sleeping, and daydreaming. I guess what I like most about myself is my empathy and also being able to find humor anywhere.

LovelyForever6990 OP August 4th

I have similar qualities I like about myself I notate frequently. My empathy is a huge part of me and emotions tend to rule my life favorably most of the time vs logic. I try to make everything a joke for myself and others because laughter can be the best form of medicine. I really enjoy chess I haven't played in about 2 years except for on my phone, it's much nicer in real life but it's hard to either find the time or someone who knows how to play with you. Regardless it's a fun game almost lost in time in my opinion... generationally we are evolving better in some areas and worse in others... Bring chess back! 😂

MysticEcho August 2nd

im ayushi and ive a deep interest of reading every piece of literary fiction available on this planet . 

LovelyForever6990 OP August 4th

I managed 218 books in 18months while being on that same mission! Who are your favorite authors? I enjoy Ellen Hopkins and Tom Clancy, Sue Grafton, Gregory McDonald, of course Stephen King just to name a few

carefulWest6083 August 3rd

Hello I'm Homam and this is the first thing I do on this site.

I'm going through a tough time. The roughest. 

And I wish this can help.

LovelyForever6990 OP August 4th

Connect with a listener like myself we would be happy to try and help you through this rough time

LovelyForever6990 OP August 4th

I completely understand I used to take a plethora of medicines some did nothing, some had adverse effects, some helped? It's hard to say really but one thing I DEFINITELY believe is that what works for one may not work for another. We are all individuals with unique DNA and our bodies are just different. You are not wrong for your beliefs and at the end of the day you know what is best for you, this doesn't mean ignore medical advice completely but weigh both your body's intuition and doctors recommendations together when deciding for yourself. If you need someone to talk to or have any questions I'd love to share my knowledge and exchange with you

recoveryNpeace August 4th

@LovelyForever6990 hi, I am Koustubh, and I love how awesome I am 😎


LovelyForever6990 OP August 4th

I love how awesome you are too lol

RabidRaccoon August 4th

I'm a raccoon and I like to get into things and find hard to reach places 🦝 

LovelyForever6990 OP August 4th

You little bandit 😂

BiscuitLee2004 August 4th

Hey everyone! My name is Luca and I love animals. My dream is to one day open an animal sanctuary!

LovelyForever6990 OP August 4th

@BiscuitLee2004 awwsss that is awesome 

TJItalia August 4th


I love your energy and passion.

LovelyForever6990 OP August 4th

@TJItalia thankssss

jaywalkk August 5th

Hi! I'm Anna and this is my first day here. Just taking a look around. It's cool to find a platform dedicated to mental health as it's something I have struggled with for years. 

I am currently in my last year of undergrad studying the weather (meteorology). I love guitar, chess, any activity that gets me outside in nature, and my kitty Elaine. 

I want to try and get back into reading. Any recommendations and why would be appreciated :)

LovelyForever6990 OP August 6th

Oh yeah! Currently reading the book the body keeps the count by Dr Bessel van der kolk. It is amazing. It is definitely a good read if you are into self-help, while still having the story element of reading, is about PTSD patients from the 70's and up men from the war and women with assault backgrounds... It's just good..

FlameArrow24 August 6th

Hello! I go by Arrow. I've been beginning to love my patience and softer side more and letting it bloom. I feel more at peace with myself and my flaws than I have in a while. It's refreshing to have this new outlook and use it to support and listen others.

As for my dreams, some of them are a little far-fetched, such as becoming a singer, author, actor, or artist. In that regard, I suppose, I dream of self-expression and to be seen. : D

LovelyForever6990 OP August 6th

@blazingArrow24 I feel like ultimately everyone wants those things. To feel heard, to be seen, etc just varies is amounts, and by whom... I understand completely. One think I know is here on 7 cups you can be heard by a whole community of people that understand and wants to help

PurplePrincess13130 August 7th

@LovelyForever6990 hi my name is sarah I feel so sad right now my mom took my cellphone away she wont give it back to me please pray ✝️ for me



heyo , im a 3rd year sociology student from egypt ,a gym rat on pause, a big nerd espically for history and a weeb

LovelyForever6990 OP August 8th

What's a weeb?

Whelve1 August 8th

Hello! My name is Whelve and I love helping people out, having conversations at night about life and stuff. I love reading, and I want to read a lot of good books and I hope the world doesn’t run out of good books to read. I don’t like long introductions so I’m closing this off by saying I love life and want to meet people that make me want to live more.

LovelyForever6990 OP August 8th

@Whelve1 i also love to read. i mentioned before in my response to another person in previous comments that i am currently reading "the body keeps the score" by dr. Bessel van der kolk it is very very good. highly recommend 

PowerfulStar79 August 8th

Hey here’s my line :) I’m Scott, and I live in the UK I love helping others and nurturing, as a trained listener I have wonderful conversations with our members. Life’s full of ups and downs for all of us but we can all get through whatever bad times we’re having so have a little self love and stay in the moment, if you ever want a chat then drop me a message and we can tackle whatever it is you need together ❤️ much love x

greka7 August 8th


Hello, hello! I go by greka on 7 cups. Some things about me is that I love jamming to music and playing Minecraft. I got back into Minecraft a few days ago because it's supa relaxing, and I miss the nostalgia that came with playing it. Anyone with similar hobbies??

lightPlum640 August 8th

@LovelyForever6990 Hi My name is Light.  My dream is to obtain a fulfilling, successful career.

LovelyForever6990 OP August 9th

That is a wise dream indeed, me too,... Never give up 💕

chachigaviota August 9th

@LovelyForever6990 my name is Gabriella. 

LovelyForever6990 OP August 9th

That is a beautiful name, I used to want that to be my name when I was a kid. No lie lol

ConureConnor August 11th


Hi! My name's Connor, and I love birds. It's actually a long-term goal of mine to eventually see and document at least one bird of every species present in my home state's bird field guide. My favorite bird right now is the Black Vulture, admittedly due to it's presence in the themes of Twenty One Pilots' music/music videos/storytelling (They're actually my favorite band, they got me to absolutely fall in love with music, and I've been a huge fan of them for around 8 years now- I'm even going to my first ever concert to see them next month!)

My favorite bird right before this was actually the Northern Cardinal since there was one in The Owl House (one of my favorite shows of all time, and that bird actually ended up being connected to one of my favorite characters of all time!) Other species I love include the Scissor-tailed Flycatcher, the Purple Martin, the Blue Grosbeak, the Indigo Bunting, and the Painted Bunting. I don't really know why, but I just feel so strongly about sharing the beauty of birds with people- they're just so special to me, and birding/bird-watching just makes me so happy!

LovelyForever6990 OP August 20th

@ConureConnor some of them are so pretty but I am allergic 😭😭😭

Anycat August 13th


I'm Anycat... I love watching wrestling 🐾

LovelyForever6990 OP August 20th

@Anycat that's cool 😎 I used to watch it with my dad I even went to an event live one time

discreetChestnut1378 August 20th

@LovelyForever6990 can I talk to you my feelings. I am new here and don't know how it work clearly. Plsss reply me🙏

LovelyForever6990 OP August 20th

@discreetChestnut1378 yes you can message me from my profile

lakers95 August 20th

@LovelyForever6990 don't give up 

LovelyForever6990 OP August 20th

@lakers95 weird that I actually needed to hear this right now thank you ❤️