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Bon voyage, feed! The feed is retiring today

Jill7Cups November 4th, 2019

A few months ago we announced we would no longer be spending time on the feed and the bugs associated. The day has come where we retire the feed for good and remove it from the platform. We know some love the feature and will be sad to see it go and we get that. Thank you for being understanding and realizing that sometimes we have to make tough decisions for the greater good of the site.

FuturesRise November 4th, 2019


Im glad its gone, the so called tags infiltrated my entire page. Not what it shoulda or coulda been. Oh well. Life love learn

jennysunrise8 November 4th, 2019


jill does this mean that the feed posts that i have shared and are on my feed ( under my profile and next to reviews ) are going to be deleted or are the things weve previously shared and are currently on our page going to remain there and just nothing new can be added because the feed is shutting down ?

Jill7Cups OP November 4th, 2019

@jennysunrise8 it will go away entirely, including old posts. Sorry for any inconvenience.

jennysunrise8 November 4th, 2019


😒 oh well i probabally will do what @RarelyCharlie suggested then and back everything up and just create a my diary space to put it i really love everything i shared on there and just link to the diary page on my profile where ill put the feed posts that i shared i didnt share a lot but what i did i really believed in and it means a lot so hopefully i can transfer all or most of that somewhere

Jill7Cups OP November 4th, 2019

@jennysunrise8 good idea!

sparklesinthewater November 4th, 2019


House cleaning...and it is not even spring...

Don't worry Jenny, I know about loss, I lost everything in life so I am used to things being taken away from me, it just makes me more colder inside...more indifferent...

"Que sera, sera..."

windingfeather2 November 4th, 2019


😞 sigh..

MieraCurie November 4th, 2019

Oh wow.. 😒

windingfeather2 November 4th, 2019


"bon voyage, feed" sounds so cruel.. the feed end makes me sad..

Jill7Cups OP November 4th, 2019

@LavenderHugs aww sorry if it sounded cruel, not my intention.

OrchidMelody November 5th, 2019

@Jill7Cups Thank you for the information. This is probably my first ever forum post, and I've been here for four years. I don't post in the forum because I'm too shy or overwhelmed. But I absolutely feel obligated to speak now. The existence of the feed has been one of the best, most genuine ways I have determined how to best connect with listeners. People across the planet could give me words of healing before we had ever spoken to each other. These words matter so deeply to me that they created the opportunity to begin such beautiful conversations with an enhanced sense of trust and understanding for each person's ways of kindness. I feel that removing this feature will mean that I am not able to share this unique kind of healing, to identify the people who understand my experiences. I respectfully implore you and beg that someone find a way for people to share these healing feelings at their own pace with the people who need to connect. The idea that it will be gone has brought me to tears.

MonBon November 5th, 2019


We are glad you enjoyed the feed! You are one of less than 2.5% of users that used the feed. As has been said before, we are removing it so we can focus on additional site improvements. I don't know of the details, but I know that they are working on a replacement, although it will probably come in a different format.

Dawn04 November 5th, 2019

@LavenderHugs I can't help but feel it was meant to be.

TortueDesBois November 5th, 2019

@Jill7Cups will you redesign our profile page? what will take all the center ? will our page take all the width or will it just be a column with an empty center?

aVoidthebrownies November 5th, 2019

This is a terrible decision. Id rather pay for service than loose an intregal part of this site.

Dawn04 November 5th, 2019

@aVoidthebrownies would be worth a small fee to not have changes that ruin the site.

mytwistedsoul November 5th, 2019

What about the people who are on a break or the people forced to take a break? They aren't going to have the chance to save anything. Seems to me like there could have been more notice.

sparklesinthewater November 5th, 2019


Apparently they "discussed" it in May...

jennysunrise8 November 5th, 2019


i agree there couldve been more notice more than just a few hours what about the people who went on self care break in may there was an announcement that there would be no more fixing the feed but nothing was said about doing away with the feed just no bug fixes on the feed unless i just misunderstood if so this is a surprise and when people come back from break there will probabally be some upset people to deal with it might be a good idea to save some pages of people who went on break if possible ...

mytwistedsoul November 5th, 2019

@jennysunrise8 I think they allready have some upset people on their hands. Unfortunately some of the people that go on official break as far as I know you can't access their feeds - so you couldn't save anything for them if you wanted to

Dawn04 November 5th, 2019

@mytwistedsoul There was never any discussion or vote or anything - just the powers-that-be claiming no one wants the feed any more despite multitudes of people who have asked for it to be left alone.

EvelyneRose November 5th, 2019


It didn't say no one wants the feed- @Jill7cups's post says it was due to technical reasons, not because no one wants the feed. They said they will be replacing it with something better, so hopefully that will come out asap :)

RarelyCharlie November 5th, 2019

@EvelyneRose In May one of the four reasons given was that "Most people arent using it". @Dawn04 and I took part in that discussion and remember it. They have had at least five months to replace it, so I am less hopeful than you Winking


mytwistedsoul November 5th, 2019

@RarelyCharlie I remember seeing something about that too - that most people aren't using it

EvelyneRose November 5th, 2019


Perhaps, but these things do take time! Small IT team, huge site. I'm sure they'll figure a good replacement out as resources allow.

CaringBrit November 5th, 2019

@mytwistedsoul there was discussion of this back in May i had even taken part in that but i do get where your coming from as some breaks can be longer for many

indigoCup1959 November 6th, 2019


I was too late to save mine. I only just read this post. And I dont know that I ever saw the original because I was new to 7 cups and really only texting my therapist at that point.

xiomara00700 November 5th, 2019

??? Why?

CaringBrit November 5th, 2019

@RarelyCharlie great idea i just did that saved all those following me into a google sheet so if i shared some healing quote in a journal in trauma subcom i could tag them over there

BleuPhoenix November 5th, 2019

@Jill7Cups I understand. The feed was my home when I first joined the Around the World Community, a platform for which I could share the wonders of the globe with members and listeners on this site. It was glitchy, difficult to upload, and gave me such a hard time with hashtags, but I loved it. The experience from learning from the members/listeners for #AroundtheWorld project was wholesome, from designing pictures and fonts for quotes to watching it on the #countrycommunity feed. The response has been amazing and taught me so much about diversity and cultural understanding. I hope I was able to break barriers with the feed, and sad to see it go.

But hey, it's still a wonderful world. Bon voyage, feed. You will be greatly missed.heart

noName3125 November 5th, 2019

omg <\3

BlacKiwi November 5th, 2019


Feed is going?? God no why? This is so sad. Why?

AriannaPink November 5th, 2019


Aww that is so sad Ive just started getting accustomed to the feed/using my feed, and now this. Oh well I hope good things come from this new change...

FuturesRise November 5th, 2019



Im stuck on step 73 on my member account

I've not been able to take the next step on my grouth path in about a month. Ive played that sound video many times but it wont give acknowlegment for it. Do you remember the one called "Practice Your Mindfulness"

(Just sit in a comfortable position, close your eyes and listen) its says its 3 min+ but its 5 min+, and so i cannot get more than one day in a row. The last thing i want to do is listen to that again lol, im trying to move up the path, i heard the 5 minute thing completely dozens of times so i can move on. My goal path will not let me on from #73 to #74 because im not getting credit for that 5min relaxation thing ive heard way to many times. (5 minutes and 22 seconds) I want 7cups to fix it but have no clue how to report it. I think I'm going to research and find a better site!

AffyAvo November 5th, 2019

@FuturesRise It's difficult for glitches to be fixed if not reported.

FuturesRise November 5th, 2019


Thank you.


CaringBrit November 5th, 2019

@FuturesRise it gives you the oppurtunity to choose a different activity if that video isnt what you want to do maybe try that to see if it works upon completion

FuturesRise November 5th, 2019


Hi, yes, i knew that but I forgot to mention i see it for 2-3 seconds and click at it while i can see it but its not working, and then the option disapears. I should have included that in my message to

Im going to add this and send a new email to them. Thanks for reminding me 😊

CaringBrit November 5th, 2019

@FuturesRise your welcome

LexIris November 5th, 2019


Isn't it a bit too early for April Fools'...?